Ok how many CPU threads can the Witcher 3 grab...

Ok how many CPU threads can the Witcher 3 grab? I need to know so I can buy one with twice the threads so that I can run it and secondlife at the same time currently I have 8 and it seems to want all of them

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>Second Life
Why would you do that to yourself?

My addictions are my problem not yours I only come seeking answers

Good luck getting any serious replies with that attitude.

I'm telling you not to worry about it

Just get a second PC, retard.

>Get a second PC
>To fix a problem solved by swaping one or two parts

I'm interested OP. What is your main time sink in Secondlife? What are you doing for a majority of your time in the game?

I only touched SL back in the early 2000s as part of the SA crew. We would fuck with the Goreans and other mentally fucked up groups. I can't believe these people still exist on SL, it just cant be. Surely they would have died out by now?

Gorean RP including the fighting


And how are goreans mentally fucked up?

im pretty sure if you get more than 8 threads it will use all of them


You are clearly too stupid to be swapping any parts if you are asking for advice on Yea Forums. Buy a second PC, retard.

Wait for Zen 2 Threadripper and dab on every game for years

I built my PC a CPU swap is easy
Ya I don't take it all that seriously it's just fun stories you want nutters taking a writer too seriously look at GOT fanatics

Should I start the game over from the beginning? I dropped it a bit after where you bury the red baron's baby

Yes you dropped it right as it got really good

you dropped it like 5% into the game

Well, "mentally fucked up" isn't the right term for Goreans. There are mentally fucked up people in SL for sure but Goreans are their own niche. Goreans follow this Sci-Fi world called "Tales of Gor" or "World of Gor" I forget the exact name. Honestly, on Yea Forums we'd probably laugh and say "based and redpilled" when you hear the conduct of the Goreans. But back in the early 2000s we were still "normal" and hadn't been subjected to a half a decade of clown world. Anyway... Goreans have bizarre society structure, women are slaves and subject to the whims of the men. The men are expected to be almost Conan level brutal and domineering. Women are expected to call the men "master" and shit. It fills a bizarre niche of BDSM and rape fetish mixed up with the women actually DESIRING to be subject to rape and slavery by men. In one of the books there is a quote something along the lines of "Only in a collar can a woman be truly free."

Like I said, Yea Forums would find these antics hilarious and approve of roasties being subject to slavery but in the early 2000s this kind of nihilism didn't exist on SA. It was more fun trolling the Goreans.

maybe because I was playing it on hard, I'll try on normal next time. Thanks anons

Learn about signs oils and other alchemy and hard is a lot more fun

You ever consider the people playing it don't actually live it out in RL? It's just an RP to them? Most of the stuff they do in the books will land you in jail in this day and age and not all women are slaves infact only 30 percent of the population was slaves and there where many male slaves as well

play on death march

You getting so defensive tells me you take this shit very seriously

Don't play on Normal. The game is a joke even on DM and you will get bored too fast

No I'm just letting you know what you are saying is not True infact 4 Chan should love goreans cause we don't tolerate furry fags and ban them on sight

Bullshit if he's autistic enough to quit the game after the bloody baron quest he probably needs to lower the difficulty

Or just go buy that i9 right now
It's worth it
You're worth it
For sure