Thank U, Games

Thank U, Games

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tumblr, tattoos, dyke, looks like she fucks dogs

Chick on the left end has two sets of breast.

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I think this is an objective ranking. Anyone saying otherwise is sexually deranged.

i dont really like the haircut of 3, on my list, 3 and 4 are switched, just because 4 looks like a normal female, and not a cancerous one.

all white.

are you sure?
left one looks kinda mexican.

It's funny they show no games at all in the video, only themself. For who was this video made? For girls or for games?

we will never know since the fat has distorted any discernable facial feature

I'll take the far left, please!

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prove that even women can do cringy shit. also, i'd find it less cringe if it was cute/hot girls doing it. they should've just cloned the bitch at the beginning and had her do the entire video with her clones.

>Ate, yo

She sure did

thank u, GAYmes

Other three keep the hambeast around to make themselves look more attractive by comparison

I only see one girl that is definitely white. Top right looks mestizo, next looks asian/hapa, next is white, fatty is definitely mestizo.

>0 gameplay

>lyrics are a bunch of new titles like dota, LoL, fortnite and apex
>girls are pretending to play n64

This is probably true

>fat girl's body literally jostles as she moves around
>stomach spilling out of the bottom of her top
fucking kek

>both holding n64 controller wrong
everytime man.

>streaming/twitch "culture"
>all the games they namedrop are multiplayer casual trash heaps
These thots don't represent me and I want them to fuck off.

Everyone of them thinks they only keep the other three around to seem more attractive

I'm actually wondering, aren't all these grrrrl gamers really embarrassing for all the girls actually enjoying vidya ?

let the normalfags do whatever
Just retreat to back water communities and flourish among like minded people

Who the fuck are they trying to fool with that fat disgusting shit? No matter, NO. MATTER. How hard you try to push fats as appealing, it will never ever happen.

They're appealing to the unironic fatfags

The fat ones almost so big that she almost can't open her eyes, I say we just consider her an honorary asian for this one.

Yes, incredibly. I keep my powerlevel concealed IRL because I'm a normal woman with a job in science and the last thing I would want would be for my coworkers to think I'm some "empowered" League-playing Twitch thot.

>Open link
>Comments NOT disabled
Okay, I'm Impressed.


Oh it's not just girls that should be embarrassed from that video...


>hey here's 3 hot white girls and 1 tub of lard
>aren't we so body positive~


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me on the left

Uh, based?

The one on the right is the only fuckable one.
1 is a fat feral fucking bush pig
2 is 6 months away from the wall where it will become 1
3 looks like a walking bag of diseases but would probably be a good root

>better than 2
lel what

At least Team Siren and Bully Hunters both had some hilarious backfire.

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Thank you, Sports

>Chris 1 day ago (edited)

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>channel with fewer than 1k subs

guys don't troll them, this is an attempt to cry sexism and other shit. Just ignore it. Please. Don't do this you guys.

Is this propaganda?


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wow, a lot of people worked on that video.

The only women in gaming worth a damn are Hafu and Sheever. Prove me wrong.

Buy pack of hoodies for 50 cents and put your shitty black square logo on the front

ItS fOr gMmMrrs that'll be 200 bucks please.

Buy white tank tops for even less.

ItS fOr gRrRl gMRrRs YaAass quEen 50 bucks please.

Please don't tell me people are falling for this schtick literally nothing about their product is designed for playing games and paying esports people to shill your Shit doesn't change that

Damn, I thought this fire was a new Patrice Wilson hit but then I realized all of these women are adults so that clearly can't be right.

>Hafu and Sheever

I would unironically throatfuck number 3 from the left until she passes out

>yes i believe gamergirls should go home how could you tell?

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they look like they fuck black men

As a black man, I pass hard on all these females.

>Chick on the left end has two sets of breast.

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Reverse that list and I agree.


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why every woman singer sounds the same?

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I have no problems with women in gaming, but I'll fight to the death to stop fucking RnB ruining gaming.

>Celebrating all the women that make the gaming & esports community so incredible, Ateyo has launched their debut womenswear collection.
So they're basically celebrating twitch thots by shilling overpriced clothing to retards? Wow, such an honor.

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why do girls make cringe stuff for attention?

4 is a jew so she's same league as the whale

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>shit casters and players

shit video desu atleast get twitch thots

but that whale tits


keto diet for the win, big boi looks like he can clean and jerk 500 lbs

hm, why did they create this? what was their intent?

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Holy shit lol, I know the fat asian on the far left. Her name is Mei and she dated my friend for a while. She's one of those insane chicks who, if not given her way, will beat the shit out if herself and call the cops on you, literally telling you she will do it as she is doing it. Also she blew her entire high school football team just because she could lol Her sisters are actually normal sized and way, way hotter lol

Furries are everywhere these days!

I am an unironic fatfag and she looks awful. She looks like she'd appeal more to slob fetishists.

sorry sweatie, i think you got the wrong girl. fat people all look the same, so maybe that's where the confusion comes from

Hahaha hi Mei it's Bon

Seriously, no fucking joke or anything, what makes people think shit like this is a good idea? What outcome are they honestly fucking expecting?

i fucking hate twitch and twitch culture so much, man

>Less than 1k subs
Nah. Fuck off and take your attempt at manufactured controversy somewhere else you colossal faggot.

Why are normies being so invasive on video games more than ever
What do people even do when they see their hobby being fucked like this
It's like people who are into d&d and then critical role happened

Money and attention
ain't nothing new my friend and once the locust eat everything in this regard it's on to the next thing

just another excuse to act like obnoxious whores which is what all women want to do always

How desperate or blind must your friend be to date that absolute unit

most other hobbyists are happy when more people take an interest in their hobby. videogamers are antisocial weirdos though

Depends on how the people change the hobby and a lot of times it leads to pic related
Not exactly but in a similar fashion

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post knuckles

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Why can't women just shut up about their vaginas once in while?

there is always a woman

let's remove them

nice video my guy

a battlefield team speak group i used to be in.
every guy was putting out, a girl gamer who was actually good at flying jet always be our guardian angel in the sky and she doesn't talk much.

then a 18 years old college freshman chick joined and it lead to in fighting between male group members and got me suspended for posting NSFW shit while the girl is around.

hell, everyone on the group changed player tag to "piggybunny NO.XXX" because that was the chick's idea

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Some people have zero self-awareness, holy shit. Don't wear tight fitting clothes if you look like that. Wtf girl.

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you know the rules, tits or gtfo

So this is the power of women in gayming.

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3 if trap > 4 > 2 > 3 if not trap > 1

I wish videogames would have stayed a loser's hobby.


that damn big and still has the fucking nerve to drink coke, fucking amazing

>Wh*te "women"

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Hey, she's walking the calories off, okay?

>Back water community
Fuck u mean by that?
I dont think ppl inawoods want gamers and anime watches living amongst them

ironically, its these people that make me feel like a loser for playing games more than anyone else ever could

Right --> Left

the absolute state of roasties

That really shows the truth of the matter, this whole thing is about getting men who play games to pay attention to women.

>dowdy glasses
>tranny makeup
>manly frame
>not properly covered

Any one else love to fap to fat women, like the one in the picture? I'm honestly at the point where that's all I fap to nowadays. Wouldn't even mind
having fat gamr girlfriend.


I donno why but this picture put a smile on my face.

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It's a new clothing company that does clothes for gamers. THE "SITTERS" THE FIRST TECHNICALLY DESIGNED PANTS MADE TO SIT IN.

This is just press for them no matter is it good or bad. All their old videos have very low views aswell.

Something similar to the whole bullhunters shitshow and their headsets? Either way, it's an incredibly shallow attempt at manufacturing backlash for attention. People can be fuckin pathetic.

I am so confused.

Is that Sheever's pre-cancer picture being signed by someone who clearly is not her at 00:24? Anyway, I really don't understand how they keep making this shit expecting good things after Sirens and bully hunters.

I smeel cheese

if 1 has great tits and a nice belly


3 has a great everything except for her fucking hair.
Therefore, 4 is the correct choice.

I'd fuck the one on the right.


>all white
I was just about to sperg out about how someone posting this shit during euro hours could be so fucking stupid, but then I see this post is over 7 horus old.

Americans are next level when it comes to retardation

are you retarded?
here let me give you a hint, the one on the far left and the middle right are asian, the other 2 are white

>look up what ateyo is
>e-sports fashion

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I look like the right middle.

>wish I can say thank you to twitch chat
>cause they are my angels

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>Thank U Gaems

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Her fucking stomach bounces when she attempts to do the sexy walk..i almost threw up

They name-drop several

>3 normal looking twitch thots
>one ham beast
Gee, I wonder which one gets more subs :^)

I like how the flatness of their stomach directly correlates with how happy they are.

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wtf is SquadW

Can't make this shit up

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I like how they left the fat chick on the left out of the dance scenes.


I want the third one to be my gf

holy fuck you're right, it is
jesus christ

Why are all women so terrible

eh I'm more of a 3>2>4 kind of guy

This user knows what's good

It gets worse the more you look at it

If people can buy a brick with the word Supreme on it for 30 bux people can buy GMR clothes for 50. People are retarded who knew?

Imagine the same shit but for something like chess.

Oh wait, that doesn't happen. I really wish videogames would go back to being unpopular.

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Objectivication much

>3 girls, 1 BRRAP

>that doesn't happen
You should change your name to Synonymous because of your redundancies.

So how long before Kotaku or Polygon post an article complaining about all the dislikes being from sexist incels or some other bullshit.

Gee, I wonder who posted this.

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You got me.

Cant wait for World War III so we can put all the whores in line

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Because they already have Woman Grandmaster, and in the top 500 chess players currently active only 7 are women. But never talk about it ever

social media as a whole has taken a turn for the worst. Thanks to instagram it's almost impossible to find a woman with an ego that isn't the size of greenland

at least she is in a kitchen

is this her belly?

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I understand cuz I have friends like that too

Me second to the left

>video about videogames
>they dont play any game
Just like v

Yep, commonly referred to as a "gunt"

At least we not play games that aren't complete shot

2/10 6/10 9/10 7/10

>bro I'm totally a gamer!!!!1!1!!1!1
>holds the controller like that
>only mentions ASSFAGGOTS, Overshit, and Gaypex

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i wonder if you can ever see things like this in other country

Yes, but not African countries.

Is Ariana Grande asian now?

...but where were the video games?

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WWIII will last about 2 hours and everyone will die.
Anyone who thinks a WWIII would be a conventional war is delusional.

tranny detected

fuck my life, I don't want to be a girl who plays Vidya anymore

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>WWIII will last about 2 hours and everyone will die
Sounds good to me

Even her shirt cries out in pain.

Girl on the right could theoretically be playing Pokemon Puzzle League which is one of the only games played with you holding the D-pad. Girl on the left has autism.

And now I know the origin of the arm with cheese in that shopped pic of Kevin smith

>female into vidya
>only plays shit multiplayer streamer shit or Zelda

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I had to close it out in the first several seconds of that video. Hard fucking cringe.

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>hears twitch chat line
>remembers that twitch exists
>is reminded that there are people that donate money to these guys just to play video games
I've made a terrible mistake.

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but it's not what he likes

Swap 4 and 3 and this is correct

Gday to my fellow ausfag.

> The struggle is real

What, getting up off the couch to walk to the fridge?

better question:why are they completely outclassed by little boys?

This. 3 needs a better hairstyle, and it will help close the gap with 4 a bit more.

>geo tag

>her gut is in the bottom of her pants

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It’s called front-butt.