GOOD MOOOOOOOORNING Yea Forums! Just wanted to remind you that we’re another day closer to Steve (yes...

GOOD MOOOOOOOORNING Yea Forums! Just wanted to remind you that we’re another day closer to Steve (yes, THE Steve from Minecraft) getting confirmed in Smash Ultimate! Make sure to save your tears for the upcoming Fighter Pass when Steve walks into the spotlight!

>b-but Banjo has a good history with Nintendo! He’s gotta be in!

Sorry Banjo fags, but the Microsoft rep is taken by yours truly! Why would Nintendo choose a dead character over the marketing potential of the highest grossing game of the 21st century? Sakurai went way out of his way to talk up Persona 5 before Joker's reveal, guess what other game he's talked up? That's right, it's Minecraft! The DLC characters have also been confirmed to be “surprising” according to the developers, so I’m afraid your years of crying for Banjo are going to be subverted once again with the reveal of our favorite underdog! But feel free to continue your denial. Your tears of disappointment will be all the more sweeter!

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Other urls found in this thread:

discord's opsie[/spoiler

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Wow it really is some sorta cult

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i dont like you and you existing, please fucking stop with these threads, no one likes them except dipshit newfags

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Imagine taking shitposting THIS seriously

>literally only 1300 votes

LoL in your dreams squarefuck.

Who normal wants fighting stage with this.

When you can have fighting stage with this

Also Rash can have epic and original moveset from his source material.

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Steve above sword boi and fucking xenoblade in Japan? This is a fake fucking list.

1300 is plenty for a representative sample

Just show the name of the discord, pussy.

Joke’s on you.
You can’t remind me if I didn’t know in the first place.

for fucks sake when does it end

smash has been out for a long time now

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Stop bumping threads you don't like back to page 1 for christ sake, this is why all these low effort shit bait threads always reach around 300 replies, and they're mostly only archived because they go on to fucking 4 AM

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Thanks Stevie, your existence doesn't matter to me much either.

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feels good to not be an enemy of the stevechads

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Face it, they’re in

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was zum fick ist das

I don't know why but this makes me think of the Australian parliament

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This is embarrassing to look at.

link to server coward

Why does my character pick have to be associated with these dipshits

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I need to start making fake discord screencaps, the boards with heavy reddit infestations fall for them hook, line and sinker because they think discord is a top secret platform used by whoever their enemy of the week is

>shit like this exist
I wish it was satire but holy fuck alot of game communities in here are on a other level of autism

FuturisticHub is a sociopath.

Your pathetic cult has been exposed. Keep this up, and I'll Go-Go-Gadget get the gun and blow your brains out,

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Like literally what can you do with a minecraft rep
that shit has less fucking animations to work with than fucking mrgame&watch

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>Big O

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Now the real question. Whats the age limit to join this club ?

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A thread died for this

have .... gex?

>hating steveposting

Mmmmm imagine the smell.

>Banjo discordtrannies acting smug because they found our OLD discord server
keep seething it will make it all the more glorious when you see the threads we have planned these next few days. We are still the winners here.

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you're pathetic
stop posting any time
t. buttmad spring man fag

>Discord Tranny
Why do you obnoxious fucks always have to misuse insults to the point they mean literally nothing? Stop setting bad examples

yikes and cringe

lol nope, we'll just find your cringefest again

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>Big O enters the battle at a rate no faster than the next fighter!