Stage Builder thread. Post stages you made or stages you like

Stage Builder thread. Post stages you made or stages you like.
Bonus points for posting stages that are built for functionality and fun over just being meme/porn stages

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any arenas? in the mood for some lewd stages desu

Hey user if you're here, i saw the Convicts stage, looking good so far! thanks for the update.

I think Crocodile Cacaphony would work better than Lockdown if you can change it.

Holy shit, a new thread

Finally, a thread, it feels like it has been days.

What's the status on DankSouls? i'm not in the discord.

I can start one

I'm sad these threads are dying, it seems that people have got bored of them as everything has pretty much been done. Maybe for the next pack there will be a update that gives even more stage builder content to boost the threads back into life

How else am I gonna have fun Stage Builder arenas?

Honestly, I imagine the public arenas wouldn't be anywhere near as comfy or tolerate lewd stages

It's only been about 20 hours. But I don't think it's necessary to even make a new one if there's no new influx of good Yea Forums content. Should just hold out until weekends.

They keep getting made past midnight. Maybe save them for weekends or at least more reasonable hours.

But since we're here! Tell me your favourite stages that have come out of Yea Forums. We need a new compilation of all the good stuff.

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DankSouls gets unbanned on friday so maybe keep a thread going to see if he makes a lewd dump

ID is C5642N6H

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>it seems that people have got bored of them as everything has pretty much been done
no, the issue is you guys post the same shit over and over
these threads are reaching /vg/ levels of shit thanks to attention whores and stagnation

>image already deleted
What was it.

the "we do klonoa threads a little differently around here buddy" stick figure dude as a stage

Who's attention whoring besides that one namefag? I don't even see that cradle guy posting much here, and I hear he's a real fag over on /vg/.

I'm not familliar with this meme.

The attention span is sorta going away after seeing a ton of them, I remember there was a ton of compliments given to a Banjo Kazooie stage posted around the 2nd day of Stage Builders release, along with people complimenting the fucking Climax stage, it was all real new so it doesn't really catch our eyes anymore since its been out for a while now and we've seen all the creativity by now. I think gimmicky stages could really keep interest though, and I recommend to keep posting detailed stages

thats unfortunate for you then

Can a stage be both fun and functional whilst also being porn and/or meme?

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The ice climbers stage proves it's possible

Yes but the former should take priority over the latter
I don't mind anime tiddies as decoration in the background but having the shape of Seymour Skinner's head as the playing field isn't really fun
I wanna see stages that make creative usage out of the obstacles and functions they let us play with, too

That stage is too big to be functional

I don't remember who made these, but the Moai DooWop and the Haunted House stages are still my favorites.

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Porn stages are so strange in concept
I get that the initial screen of a anime girl can be hot, but what’s the appeal of having your characters battle on them?
>that xenoblade 2 girl tiddies
I genuinely do not understand

Pretty sure most in here are burgers so these hours just don't work as well. Problem I see is that we only have a few actual stage makers while everyone else is just waiting for dumps which adds to the regurgitated posts.
Anyways I'm working on this right now, spider guardian's boss room. Kinda looks shitty so I might just repurpose it.

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>I remember there was a ton of compliments given to a Banjo Kazooie stage posted around the 2nd day of Stage Builders release
ayy I think that was my spiral mountain stage, surprised that it got such a positive response but I guess at the time the other banjo stages were absolutely terrible and I've noticed a few spiral mountain stages that cropped up afterwards that are conspicuously similar. I'd shill my stages again but I think I've shilled them enough in previous threads, anyone that'd care would have them by now.

RIP in pepperoni.

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I don’t think I’ll be uploading anytime soon until someone figures out what happens when someone violates ninty ToS after their first 14 day ban. Also I miss playing with anons here so I’ll be hopping on arenas here and there. Still not unbanned yet tho

It's shitty when you can't have fun with other anons inside arenas because you're banned, so I'll understand if you won't upload more lewd stages.
Once you're unbanned let's do a lewd-stage-only Arena, so we can play on them without fear of being banned.