I'm in love.
I'm in love
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She truly is miracle of the universe
literally just a another waifu generic face, congratulations you dumb fuck
You won't be able to save her.
Can't wait to hear her gurgly death moans and see the look of fear on her face
it's only 100gil for a taste of her "flower" user
why does this sit like canon prostitutes so much, why do you deny her occupation when it was obvious from the start what it meant to be a "flower girl"
Based Shane poster
But She saved us.
Shes the best waifu to have. PURE BEAUTY! It will be even worse seeing her die in the remake....
she looks like plastic
But have they shown Tifa
For me, it's Jessie.
i'm a Tifafag, but damn.. what an angel.
Looking forward to seeing what they do with Biggs, Wedge, and Jessie. Seems like they're trying to make them characters now instead of just placeholders for Barret to get sad about.
My thoughts exactly. Hopefully they get more fleshed out as characters and maybe even playable for a bit.
>Implying plastic isn't superior
Realismfags out.
Wouldn't be surprised if they survive and become supporting cast, or only one or two survive and the other one or two are sacrificed under the big pizza slice.
Too flat
>my thoughts exactly
>y'all rally think you gon keep her safe?
>aye cloud lemme askusummin
>yagot what it takes to destroy that mako reactor?
>howya gon save the planet when you could'n even save zack?
She's dead, just like Aerith.
Friendly reminder to you all, Aerith is a literal prostitute
I think thematically at least one or two of them have to die, it adds a little weight to what just happened, it's not that only random mooks were slaughtered, people you ostensibly knew were killed as well. I do hope you get the option to save one though, it would add replayability as well since each character should have their own arc like all the others. I guess we'll have a good idea if we see them ever being playable in the bombing run.
seething roastie or tranny
best girl confirmed
Looks like Sephiroth cosplaying her.
jokes on you, im a necrophile
that's not canon, it's baseless
Sephiroth is attractive so that's fine
u wot
Tifa will have her famous tits nerfed yet again just like AC and every other appearance since the original game, so all we have left is Aeris
This, what a disappointment
They're really going in hard on Sephiroth enjoying trolling Cloud, the AC cancer has taken over.
her VA does not match at all
ENG dub confirmed shit
The duality of man
we already know Tifa is gonna be a massive disappointment so can we declare Aerith best girl already?
What does that even mean? "A goblin". Like that's a real thing people can compare things to.
We already did that like 20 years ago.
why does anyone willingly listen to an english dub? shouldn't people want to experience something as the artist intended?
no, never
She looks slightly middle-eastern or something.
The ideal would be a "only enough time to reach one" choice between saving Biggs&Wedge (since the two are always paired up) or saving Jessie.
Although given other parts of the FF7 Compilation, Biggs or Wedge surviving would contradict one of them having a sister who knows they died under the plate.
When has Tifa ever disappointed?
seek help tranny
boy I sure miss the blocky LEGO head from PS1, I mean they put a picture of a green person near the PS4 pic, that must mean it's bad.
KH Tifa was pretty disappointing. Most FF reps were though, so I guess it's just a bad series for them.
based square
This is pure waifu beauty
She looks worse than the PS1 version, somehow.
they made her look like shit in the ps4 remake
roughly every time she's shown up since FF7? they kept nerfing her tits more and more, and then they went full generic animu face with her
Explain in detail how they did. She looks like a HD version of Aeris.
Those cock sucking lips ughhhhhh
This is perfect girlfriend material
She's so pretty, I just want to take her into a dark alley so I can buy some of her "flowers".
So will they add more overt references to her occupation or keep it as subtle as the original?
I loved her when she looked like this.
She's fine in Dissidia. A healthy D cup is just fine, anything more than that and it's just sort of stupid.
I mean she's cute, but good luck to them pulling off the second-person shots of her that bookend the game. Can they nail that look of life-affirming cosmic optimism with this model?
Brehs hear me out.
What if we CAN save her? What if this remake fractures the timeline like Resident Evil 2 Remake did?
Can't wait for the SFMs.
She needs massive tits like the original, that's Tifa
japs have a weird obsession with making a girl have overly "perfect" expressions
It's going to be a ps5 release for sure.
You must fuck your Lego toys since you prefer sub 100 polygon count
She looks like Phoebe from Friends.
Bug eyes
Toucan beak nose
How can't you see that?
Probably not. She looks cute but slightly retarded in this still
user she dies
One thing I noticed is her eyes didn't move laterally like at all in the trailer, she was just single-mindedly fixated on Cloud. Was pretty creepy desu, you'd think a street girl in the slums would be checking her surroundings at least a little while talking, especially after a terrorist attack.
She smiles ‘til the end asCloud says
This is retarded. Aeris is supposed to be frumpy compared to Tifa.
Holy shit based get fucked cloudfags
Also seriously WHAT the fuck is up with that dress and jacket redesign? Even AC got the outfit on point
Fuck, I can't wait for the SFM
Consider the following
Tifa has huge breasts
That's for Tifa
>obviously the game is implying she’s a prostitute
>but my obviously sluttily dressed titty monster is pure
>save her
>she isn't in the Lifestream to save the planet from Meteor because Holy fucking sucks
They'd have to really change the plot.
First post is done by a tranny who doesn’t get attention, so clearly isn’t duality of man since woman and trannies don’t have no morality
"bug eyes"? You mean large anime eyes, like she's supposed to have?
Seethe harder Lego enthusiast
No she isn't. At all.
>you'd think a street girl in the slums would be checking her surroundings at least a little while talking, especially after a terrorist attack.
She already scoped the environment before talking to Cloud. In the moments before speaking, she was able to surmise how much gil Cloud had in his wallet, his penis size, if he still had all his wisdom teeth, and his social security number. Checkmate, atheists.
At least Aerith has the sense to get paid, Tifa just gives it away to anyone who asks
Maybe it's compensating for Tifa becoming more frumpy. Time to embrace the incoming disaster.
I wonder if they use face capture for this. Would kiss the model and think of this
Not in this game she won't.
As expected of the Cetra.
Can't wait to see Sephiroth killing her.
Modern men no longer desire large breasts
in FF7, they nerfed her for AC and again for the spinoffs
im quite sure that incel made this post.
>Tifa won't have breasts bigger than her head
What's the point?
>According to an official artwork, Tifa's bust-waist-hip measures are 92-60-88 cm (37-24-35 inches)
How does she do all those flips and shit without her tits careening into her face and knocking her the hell out?
But left ironically looks has a more realistic look thanks to the older anime aesthetic while right (ignoring the goblin images) is more "modern anime" yet looks hotter.
Tifa is a far left terrorist, of course she’s a degenerate slut
Tifa is a slut and a bitch. There can only be one best girl and it's still Aeris.
Tifa! Thank the gods for Tifa! And her tits!
I’m excuse me sir, but I want Hitomi Tanaka level boobs on every girl, women, and mother.
she fucked zack
When is the Big Bro reveal.
>westacuck hentai
cave paintings tier
>He can't get off to rough/trashy looking art
True pleb, come back when you've been addicted to porn for more than a few months, champ.
>no sweet Aerith gf
Tifa's not going to have the only feature anyone ever cared about on her, the giant cartoon boobs, so she's out of the running immediately.
You’re on the wrong side of history
Zack literally never scored, meanwhile Clouds to much of a emo faggot to fuck Tifa
Nomura is a talentless hack
FFXV was shit
KH3 was shit
This will be shit too
> gf
> not yf
It's Tifa who's the slut, idiot. Making up insults won't change that.
Cloud fucked Tifa beneath the Highwind near the end of the game, it's why she gets so embarrassed when she hear that everyone was on the ship and say them. Cloud escaped being permavirgin, even if he became a emo cunt shortly after.
This is coming out of left field, but here we go. I remember playing a Final Fantasy 7 custom map on Starcraft back in the day and I remember one of the players had to play Biggs, Wedge, and Jessie at the beginning and they were made of absolute paper and unless you hid that player in the back they'd get mauled right away. Biggs and Wedge were Firebats and Jessie was a Medic. It was a shit custom map.
And another with Aerith as prostitute theory.
You guys are stupid. There is no even hint in canon info that Aerith did anything else than selling flowers. More likely edgy theory is Aerith getting bonus money by beating random people with staff and then take money they had.
This entire shithole place has no flowers except in 2 small places only Aerith comes. Do you see any other flower selling girl in Midgar? Definitely not because Aerith has a goddamn monopol for selling flowers, she probably sells at least 20 of then per hour. If she works 8 hours per day that's 160 Gil per day, and if she works only 5 days per week, bam, 800 Gil per week, month is like 4 weeks so bam 3200 Gil per month. Normally if you want to live in Midgard you will pay 10 Gil for night in Inn at Midgar and 70 Gil for meal at midgar restaurant per day. THAT WILL BE 2400 Gil per month.
But because Aerith lives with her mother, she probably spends less than 2400 per month for living. So that means Aerith definitely can live by just selling flowers without selling pussy.
Tifa is not a slut she is dedicated to Cloud she even pushed him around in a wheelchair and cared for him like she was his mom when he had literal brain damage.
How do you making a living selling little tulips for 5 gil?
>holy autismo
It's a metaphor you fucking sperg.
Flower is a symbol for her vagina. She's selling her vagina.
Based & Robert pilled
Technically she's selling "dates", that's what's actually confirmed in-game. Buy a date with her by buying a flower. But she refuses to sell to certain folk.
Aeris actually has a great personality. Tifa is nothing more than a set of tits and ass.
Wow. You literally have option buy flower from Aerith in-game. And guess what, she doesn't give you pussy, she just sells you a flower.
You have autism with searching for hidden meaning literally everywhere. This is a literature teacher level of autism.
why is she asian now
where is the proof this is actually a metaphor for anything? They live in a shitty slum, a flower is actually a rare sight she could making a living selling, they'd be valued
Tifa has absolutely no ass. It's Aeris who has the booty.
That was only because the world was about to end in about a week. If not for that she would have dumped Cloud in an instant and gone slutting it up somewhere in Midgar.
It's our future hellworld where corporations just outright own cities and plant life in the city is largely all dead if you're a prole. You could probably get a pretty good amount of money selling flowers at a reasonable price.
The flowers are a dog whistle moron. She carries them around because certain guys know what they stand for. You think she just walks around on the streets asking if anyone wants to fuck her? Idiot.
And She didn't give up the pussy to Cloud b/c he was literally running away from para-military police after having just blown up a power plant.
>tifa is in the party in most shots but is never shown
How does Yea Forums feel about Kadaj being in the remake?
If the world was going to end in a week that would be the best time for her to go slut it up b/c there would be zero consequences.
>All those retards pretending Tifa will have tiny tits
>All those retards saying AC tifa has smaller tits than before
>Jessie has literal boobplate in the trailer
Yet still she is only famous for her death. Why would anyone be stupid enough to remake a game everyone's already played?
Will there be a way to save Aeris? That would be cool.
>This is what attracts straight people
I mean it's spelled out how it works by one of the guards by the brothel, he complains that he offered Aeris 50 gil to buy a flower but she turned it down and said she wouldn't give him a date with her for even 100 gil.
He won't but better him than Genesis I guess.
This place is literally a shithole where plants almost don't exist and everything is gray as fuck.
Imagine living there everyday. And suddenly cute girl in pink dress shows up and shows you a basket full of colorful plants.
>No one said tiny, just average/forgettable
>She does
>Jessie is very small in the trailer
Jesus christ, my hypothetical dick!
how about absolutely fucking not
>denying the downgrade
She used to have tits bigger than her head
If they're smart they'll just ignore AC like cashcom tries to ignore DMC2. That plot was so goddamn contrived and dumb.
Of course you dykes and hamplanets prefer Aeris to Tifa since you can't self-insert as a demure and polite girl who is that perfect, slim and busty.
>The flowers are a dog whistle moron. She carries them around because certain guys know what they stand for.
how do you know?
Remember when Jessie blew up the reactor and killed all those innocent people and then died in sin and regret on the tower and went to hell
Are you retarded?
It's not a metaphor when she litterally gives you a physical follow
> Since you're so retarded here's a picture of one
Aerith died from her own retardation and FF fanboys are just too stupid themselves to admit it.
>physical objects can't be symbols
No I'm not retarded but you might be
Flowers are a symbol of purity and nature, it's a basic thing, of course people buy them from her, it's a rare thing of beauty in their shitty city.
Flowers have been a symbol of vaginas for all of recorded history. You guys are fucking illiterate. Then again I'm on Yea Forums so no surprise there I guess.
There is a voice actor listed as voicing him
getting mixed signals here
She literally sells flowers. You can't deny that. It's very straightforward.
Only in certain contexts, generally speaking they're all about purity and nature, that's her character
Aeris is a good girl.
The best.
Everyone returns to the Lifestream in that world to be born again somewhere else. There is no hell in FF7.
It's never suggested in the game that she's anything but a simple flower girl. All this "whore" thing isn't suggested anywhere and wouldn't fit her character
it’s tifaggot propaganda
Literally why does it matter so much if she was a prostitute or not? It doesn't change anything about the story or characters.
It's just people who like to read way too far into things, like people who think The Shining is the deepest horror movie ever.
She wasn’t, tifafag. Cope.
except buying one is buying a date
Suddenly dates can't be completely innocuous?
She's fucking beautiful but I want them to keep her character intact and not make her a goddamn spiritual saint. Aeirth is a street smart girl that hustles the fuck out of people with her charm. I wanna see her be smug and snarky at other people while hustling, which is the reason I liked her so much back in the day. She becomes more of a saint later in the game the more she discovers about herself, but not during the whole Midgar section.
Since when is it canon? Fans thought Rinoa and Ultimecia were the same people too
Narcissus and Hyacinthus says "hi" you anti-intellectual goblino
I dunno if she was a hooker, but Aeries was a bit trashy & not a moe blob like a lot of people remember (or people who didn't play FF7 think, looking at you KH fans) she threatened to rip the don's dick off & was a bit of a cheeky smart ass, both things will probably be cut from the remake
>Screencap dis
>FFVIIR is a huge sucess (duh)
>Square goes back on its bandwagon and creates an advent children game or a crisis core budget remake
>Then it creates FF VII-2 that picks up after Dirge of Cerberus
I would be ok if square just goes back to making good classic JRPG like in the PS1 era because let's be honest good JRPG died at the 7th gen.
It can't be a metaphor when she's actually going around selling flowers from a basket, you know, as a flower girl should
*Good AAA Jrpgs died
I don't get why it matters either, it's at best, background info to the real story of the game and of her storyline too.
Goblins* are cute.
Wtf are you on about, I have nothing against big titted Tifa.
And you damn well know she's not going to be as busty because of the west.
Eww, she looks kinda uncanny. They really need to add a few imperfection to the face to make it look human like. RE2's Claire for example was great.
Everyone calling her ugly is a shitty Tifafag. They are mad and jealous because they know their shitty waifu is going to be a basic ugly bitch as usual, especially since they are 100% nerfing her tits.
They're going to give her a cardboard personality, aren't they? Girls aren't allowed to be anything but pure and boring in Japan anymore
No, fuck off, Neil
She was a disappointment from the beginning.
Nigga, play more jap games.
> pure and “boring”
> negative
What game is she from?
user, the Nadeshiko archetype is best girl in every game it features in.
Unironically this. It's canon that her Cetra powers allow her to "know" things about Cloud at least.
>she was just single-mindedly fixated on Cloud
So like the original game? Good.
We know this already. Except Tifa has no ass, that's all Aeris.
Best reveal so far. Someone sweat tears of blood to get the hope and serenity in that face just right.
>"you're a cuck if you like girls with personality"
this is why japan's birthrate is so low
fuck that and fuck you
I know what you mean, but it woulldn't work right in that shitty modded quake engine. They really just need to brand "Blender Porn" as some kind of new UI for braindead SFM animators to use.
This thing, this is the exact thing that is garbage for japanese autists. thanks for teaching me this word
I legit teared up when she showed up, so many memories, I want to go back to 1997.
You're aware that you can't fuck a prostitute right on the street, right?
Some kind of token or receipt that proves you have made a purchase that has plausible deniability is a very useful thing to have.
hence why it is done.
To be fair, if some schmuck is willing to buy a flower at prostitute prices and not redeem it, consider that a bonus. People save Dave and Busters tokens, after all.
I'm talking about
>girls aren't allowed to be anything but pure and boring in Japan anymore
Which is not true.
Realistically it shouldn't.
But it rustles the jimmies of people who only actually like her because muh purity and makes them insecure, which is funny as shit.
Fuck YOU!
Unless you can find some suggestion in the game that the flowers are anything other than just flowers, for beauty, this is all baseless speculation.
Probably because it isn't true at all.
I legitimately hope you are actually given the option to, but doing this fucks up the rest of the story even harder.
Jessy > shit >Aerith
And this is exactly why you use flowers as tokens.
>Girls aren't allowed to be anything but pure and boring in Japan anymore
Code Vein is coming out THIS year and it's full of edgelord girls
This. They buy a flower to buy a "date" with her later
Who still /Yuffie/ here?
Probably. It's possible it isn't true at any rate. I mean, there's a decent chance.
>Assmad Aerith fag
>Tifa chooses sluttiest dress possible at the wall market
>Aeris picks a frumpy dress
>Don still picks Aeris
Best girl always wins.
A conversation outside the brothel with guards spells out that buying a flower from her is buying a date with her that night. They're like tickets.
>Aeris picks a frumpy dress
No she doesn't faggot. She picks a red evening dress. Cloud is the one with the frumpy dress you degenerated cunt
Whatever your thoughts on Yuffie as a waifu yourself are, CloudxYuffie represents a Cloud who is truly over his dumb emo phase and is ready to move on with his life. A Cloud confident enough to not just be Not!Zack, and truly be his own man, and find a place in the world that he actually has to carve out himself, not just a vacancy to step into.
Barret would be a second-best choice, if you take that option as more than just a joke, but it's still steeped in Cloud's past too much to be considered truly independent of it.
They're just flowers. They're the only bit of nature in the slum.
No, MexYuffie
They wouldn't censor her midriff I hope, also hope for more doujins
Zero chance, it's bullshit
Doesn't fit her pure character
I wonder if exact of a remake it'll be.
Maybe they could change the game around so she dies at the end instead of the 1/3 point.
That theory would have actually made ff8 interesting.
I've seen it too, but the source of that image is 3 years old
That post actually isn't.
You use tokens with plausible deniability entirely because you need there to be people who doubt that they are used for that.
It's a step up from the Pachinko thing, where the "token" is obviously worthless, and only exists as a completely transparent legal loophole. Literally everyone knows what the pachinko balls are for.
If you actually want to keep something on the down low, you need a token that someone conceivably might actually want.
There's no reason to believe they're "tokens" when they can just be flowers.
So they haven't showed Tifa yet why? Are they not finished with her character model or are they doing this shit on purposes because they know she's the favorite.
Jesus bro I miss those days
Aeris is the favourite, tifag. Cope.
It totally does.
A pure girl doing whatever she can to help support her poor adoptive mother who has provided for her for her entire life sounds exactly like something she'd do.
It's established that Aerith has little problem with taking one for the team, even a big one.
Ya’ll niggas dont know Seph and she were siblings in an early concept for the game?
It’s probably why seph mistakenly calls himself an ancient at first.
Abd why their bangs are similar
I miss when this show was good. Fuck it's such garbage now
they needed to make a fake trailer quickly and only needed three character models
I might add, she is not "pure" at all, she's very trashy and spunky in the game
t. roasties
>Aeris is the favourite
Stay in denial faggot.
>They'd have to really change the plot
As if FF games aren't known for fucking over their core games story for fanservice sequels and DLC.
There is equal reason to believe they could simply be flowers when they could also be tokens.
I like how this theory finds a pattern where there isnt one but neglects the fact that Tifa dresses like a ho, works in a bar, and hangs around men all the time.
It’s so obvious which of the two is more sexual
Sure, that's why Tifa wins every poll
Hooker with a heart of gold, would you say?
We're talking about the original FF7
You dont know what words mean.
She’s not a wallflower but trashy is not accurate. She’s precocious since her dad was a super genius
Yeah, you should.
Yes. That archetype.
It's not even a theory it was the intended plot that was changed at the last moment because it was too dark for the simpleton plebians.
Unlike Tifa who is just a hooker
And because she’s an elf
Cant wait for her nerfed asian tits and the game to play up the romance between cloud and aeris more
Aeris is basically the heart of the story and motivation for our heroes to beat Seph but you guys are mad she conpetes with your spunk material
Neglect what? Nobody says Tifa doesn't have mad sex. Hell, she probably fucks Johnny (Was that his name? Costa Del Sol) DURING the game.
The only difference between Tifa and Aerith is that Tifa bangs dudes for self-esteem, Aeristh bangs dudes for rent.
That's the flip of the game. Aeris is the actual flirty spunky one who gets up in people's faces despite looking like a princess, and Tifa is the shy one despite looking like that.
> no u
Pathetic cope.
Not in Japan
No that's just your mom.
Or she could have gotten a respectable job and not been a slut. There is nothing honourable or empowering about sex workers no matter what feminists want to believe.
prove it
Hooker with a heart of iron.
Subtly different.
Fucking thot, pls.
>Nobody says Tifa doesn't have mad sex
Weird cope, but ok.
and how many of those posts were unique posters?
She’s pretty enough to be one unlike yours
the only hooker was cloud who crossdressed at every town after he got his dress and turned tricks
they are, this is shown in-game, you're buying more than a flower, that's why she's picky about who she sells to
>Pathetic cope
>All I can do is repeat myself
You lost faggot
Polls mean jack shit, fucking Lightning won those things before
The tifafags who think arris is a prostitute because of a just-so story with no evidence and contradicts the tone of the gam entirely always forget that Tifa had trashy outfits ready to go
Tifa is a terrorist and Aeris is a prostitute, they better not make them pure and gentle ladies respectable for japanese marriage consideration
You mean that's why Tifa's tits win every poll. She's nothing without them.
Truth does not fear repetition. Cope.
>Tifa is a terrorist
Factually unambiguously true
>Aeris is a prostitute
Baseless speculation
>Admits his mom is a whore
It makes sense why you like Aerith now
You dummies throw around terms like “whore with a heart of gold” without realizing that trope always makes the whore part explicit and not ambiguous.
Brainlets in denial, all for the love of some titcow
After that one really trippy part that was legit nightmare fuel I think Rinoa being Ultimecia is pretty tame.
She really is nothing without them. I like her in disc 2 but even then it was just relationship bait with Cloud.
Aeris is memorable for having a more vivacious personality rather than the fairly bland girl next door Tifa was
The devs were right to make Aeris the game’s heart
I like Aerith because she is pure and motherly like my mom
You like Tifa because she’s a shameless slut like yours
>ignoring the flowers she's literally carrying flowers
>ignoring the flowers she tends at the church
>ignoring the fact her house is completely surrounded by flowers
We all read that hentai doujin, anons. You're not clever.
tifa is part of the ecoterrorist group avalance responsible for the deaths of innocent people in sector 5 and 6, she is definitely a terrorist
aeris gives flowers to strange men that they can redeem for a date with her, she's definitely a prostitute
>Or she could have gotten a respectable job
Are you aware of what a slum actually means?
It means there IS no work you dingus.
it means there's a bunch of housing crammed together, with no significant influx of money. One guy pulls home a 300 dollar paycheck doing an odd out of town job, and that 300 dollars will circulate that slum for literally months. It buys a couple beers over a few weeks, that beer money gets used by the bar to fix that window, the window repair guy buys food at the corner store, the corner store is robbed by some thug, who uses it to buy crack, the dealer pays some of it back to the people who look the other way, buys himself some food, and maybe a "flower" as a treat.
Sex work is empowering as shit when it's the difference between your family starving to death or not, and when you're young, the payout looks much bigger than it is, and they don't appreciate or acknowledge the real cost of it.
>Truth does not fear repetition.
>I-I'm an unoriginal faggot that lost an argument
Als ignoring that FF7 is the kind of hokey game that wpuld have flowers be a hot commodity in Midgar
Aerith likes Cloud because he remind her of her last boyfriend and she gives "flowers" to men. Biggest slut of all time
>saying sex worker unironically
Okay you want aeris to be a prostitute as some kind of cope. Confirmed
I think you misunderstand the situation. I'm neither a Tifafag nor an Aerithfag. I'm just looking at what I see.
My logic is unassailable. Cope.
>date means sex
It’s like hostess clubs, didn’t you play Yakuza?
Aerith is almost as slutty as Rinoa
Why the scare quotes, they’re literally flowers
I like Tifa because a woman who can beat large animals to death with her bare hands does things to my dick.
Aeris says she likes Cloud more than him
Do tifafags even play the game or just read doujins? Holy shit
>My logic is unassailable
Says the guy who admitted he mom was a whore. Cope
So you are attracted by masculine qualities... hmmm
You are probably a homosexual
I'm saying it happens whether you like it or not.
It's only empowering insomuch as it makes you not die. Not dying is pretty fucking empowering compared to the alternative.
No, I didn’t. Cope.
>Aeris says she likes Cloud more than him
And she slutted all over him until that point because he looked/acted like Zack
>Aeris says she likes Cloud more than him
"Hey, I totally like you, guy who I'm current with, more than the guy who I will probably never see again!"
>Aeris was a prostitute because her flowers equal dates!
Cloud is the only person Aeris went on a date with because she actually liked him.
She sold her flowers to other people and adjusted the price depending on how much she liked them apparently or how nice they were.
It's clear many men tried to ask her out, but she never went with them.
Here it shows that one guy lamenting that he only got her name while another clearly tried to ask her for sex probably and she told him not even for a million gil.
So no, she is not a prostitute. It's just coping from Tifashitters because Aeris is so superior to their Titcow they can only make things up.
I think I prefer Aeris because I know Tifa is more of a lie if that makes sense.
Fit Girls like her look like Rhonda Roussey, not like Tifa. And have flat chests.
>Not wanting to have to babysit a weakling retard wife makes you a homo
Yeah, what kind of stupid asshole would do that?
You're right. Effeminate men have a much higher likelihood of being straight than masculine ones.
Tifafags are just forever butthurt and delusional because they had to deal with their garbage trashcan waifu being second fiddle to Aeris for years and for some reason they thought Nomura was going to pander to them when he's a certified Aerisfag.
*creates your waifu's*
Nothin personelle kid
No reason to think she is lying except wanting her to be (it’s a tender scene so again... your way contradicts the tone)
And Tifa did not give Cloud the time of day until Hojo made him buff
Liking tifamust lower IQ
The fact they went out of their way to not show Tife got me worried.
It's like they know they're gonna piss off a lot of people with her, by either having her tits be too small or too big
>This thread
>A single deranged Aerithfag getting turbo mad and responding to every fucking post like an autist.
>Wanting the most fit mate makes you gay
The most masculine of men have women that can defend themselves from other men on their own, thus freeing their man to score more on the side.
No, it's because she's a fucking side character and Aeris and Cloud are the real main characters.
Tifafags really out here thinking there is a special reason they aren't showing Tifa like anyone at Square gives a fuck about their waifu as much as they do. It's not that deep. Tifa just isn't as important to the story as everyone else.
Aeris is almost more important than cloud, probably is too. They must just read doujins and never played the game
So you’re effeminate too? Yikes!
They don't want to show everything all at once. She'll be at whatever they've got going on next month, guaranteed.
Blessed image
>She literally paid Johnny to take her "flower"
In the future, you may wish to make your choices more carefully.
By the way, that's twice Johnny cucked Cloud.
Was Johnny in Wutai at all?
You mad.
More than 1. Tifafags are shitting up threads because they know her tits will be nerfed and that’s all she has. Your cope changes nothing, your opinions are still supremely dumb
I though neanderthals went extinct because they were genocided by superior homosapiens?
>And Tifa did not give Cloud the time of day until Hojo made him buff
>Liking tifamust lower IQ
Liking Aerith must make faggots deranged
Aeris is the heart of the story, Cloud is just the POV character. They are both the main characters. Everyone else is secondary with Sepiroth being the primary antagonist.
Tifa is less of a character than Barret or Red XIII, she doens't even have her own arc like they do. Tifafags must have hardcore revisionism to not remember her only pupose in the story was being a shitty rebound for Cloud after Aeris dies. And even then, Aeris still steals the spotlight and saves the world.
Can't be worse than the Tifafag doing the same shit , waifucuks are insufferable
Aeris refused everyone who asked her out. She is the one who asks Cloud out because she actually liked him.
Stay mad Johnny fucked your ugly shitty titcow. Don't go confusing her with the superior Aeris.
Johnny is the go lucky guy who “makes it” after leaving the slums. So her doing this is just pating forward the good feelings the player is to have toward him
Come to think of it... he handles everyone in 7 dying really well...
But of course.
I'm so effeminate that I have a whole gaggle of galpals and basically no male friends. I assert my complete and utter heterosexuality by rejecting all masculinity from my surroundings and letting pure girlyness wash over me at all times.
Go back to tumblr you SJW cunt
Not him but are Tifafags seriously pretending they weren’t invested in this?
They were not friends as kids. If you played the game you’d know that always bothered Cloud
If he looks as good as this. Theres going to be a lot of new tranny posters on Yea Forums
Dude no...the fit mommy gf thing is a textbook beta male fantasy.
And also sexual dimorphism is why our species is successful so your evo psych thing makes no sense
This plank is the most popular FF girl in Japan? Why do they have such shit taste?
>I though neanderthals went extinct because they were genocided by superior homosapiens?
Actually, modern research suggests Neanderthals went extinct because they were so superior that they never bothered to learn how to throw sharp things then run away from direct confrontation.
Neanderthals died the most manly of deaths. They continued proudly advancing into melee combat, and the people who beat them have never stopped being insecure about how shitty that win looked.
Mad as fuck. I like Tifa a lot actually. I am saying YOU only like her for that because you clearly never played the game.
You don’t read so good I guess
>Sepiroth being the primary antagonist.
Oh god. You're one of those.
The fucking alien parasite controlling Sephiroth's actions that is trying to blow this slurpee stand and ramble on to the next one because Shinra accidentally turned its sip into electricity is the main antagonist you fucking retard.
It's all shit user but this Aerithfag is screeching like a tumblrcunt
You’re coping for extinct subhumans now?
I’m enjoying myself a lot actually. You’re the one rattled.
Yeah, Neanderthals were capable of taking tackles from animals and still fighting without much issues, leading them to basically hunt like you would in Monster Hunter, just crowding around some beast and beating it to death with clubs.
So when they came across homosaipens who learned how to throw spears from away because they can't really handle the same punishment, they got shit on hard.
>They were not friends as kids.
And that was Cloud's fault, not Tifa's. Tifa had no fucking idea he even wanted to be friends, she just kept seeing him getting into fights with the other boys in town.
Also, Cloud said he was leaving for SOLDER in the summer. Which meant they spent time together until he left.
They're not even entirely subhuman, good chunk of humans have some traces of neaderthals in em
I think it’s confirmed he was piloting jenova actually. His “will” or some shit
>durr how does storytelling work
And "Sephiroth" is the primary antagonist for 90% of the game. Go back to school.
>And also sexual dimorphism is why our species is successful
our sexual dimorphism is why our species is successful in the bad times when starvation is a real concern, because that metabolic difference is a fucking godsend given how much energy our brains need.
During the good times, it inverts, because the biggest threat to humans during the good times is ourselves, so a mate less susceptible to other humans is better.
>I’m enjoying myself a lot actually.
>Responds to literally every fucking post about Aerith
>Not turned based
I'm in hell.
even her voice actress was pure cuteness
Imagine if they had an option for real time or turn based
Don't worry, bad times are coming.
Tifa was oblivious to him until he said the magic words “SOLDIER”
And in the dating minigame Tifa, like aeris, liked it when Cloud was cool and confident. Which happens again at the very end in disc 3 when you’re parked in the crater (she responds best if you say “we’ll be alright” in a cool way).
Face it, she liked Cloud when he was a badass. Nothing wrong with that, just pointing it out because Aeris is not alone in that.
Not in the original story.
That has only ever been the case in the revisions made to the story after homoerotic gagktwank became Final Fantasy's modus oporandi.
looks amazing
Reminder that Aeris had a moment on the water tower with literally every fucking boy in town when they left, not just Cloud. Tifashitters acting like their moment was so special when Tifa was the town bicycle for watertower goodbyes canonically.
And no, her and Cloud were never friends and she never knew him which is why she was obsessed with a fantasy version for years.
Fair enough.
>Reminder that Aeris had a moment on the water tower with literally every fucking boy in town when they left, not just Cloud.
Why do people care this much about turn base, it's like missing Tank controls and fixed cameras
Sure you don’t want to call me a cunt to show how in charge you are? It’s a bold strategy.
I’ve responded to lots of posts because I’m way smarter than you and can multitask like that
Not turn based, no buy
Serious question: What the heck is wrong with you? Go to Yea Forums and troll there.
Aeris actually tells Zack she likes Cloud better because he is more awkward and she saw the real Cloud because of her Cetra abilities.
Tifa only cared about the "badass SOLDIER" who told her he would save her like she was a fairy princess. She never knew or loved the real him. Meanwhile Aeris liked him specifically because of his flaws and helped him.
She would even tease him because he tried to act cool all the time.
I think he was then too, explicitly. His real body was in the crater so the Seph you see is usually Jenova taking his form (hence why you fight Jenova usually)
I like him more anyway so idc if they changed it desu
>Why do people care this much about turn base, it's like missing Tank controls and fixed cameras
Oh you know LMFAO!
Too bad Aeris dies and Tifa wins by default.
Which is a good thing.
It's a game after all. (Game == not real).
dude she's so pure looking
It's in some of the canon extra material. Tifa mentions how every boy would call her out to the water tower and make similar promises as Cloud when they left town.
So their moment isn't special or unique at all and she only gave a single fuck about Cloud because she thought the would be some badass SOLDIER. She even scoured the newspapers to try and find info on badass Cloud. She's a shallow THOT.
No longer possible.
Human technology has progressed to the point that the "bad times" conditions humans originally optimized for are no longer realistic, unless 30% of the other animals on the planet simultaneously figure out guns, traps, and body armor too.
The only remaining circumstance where it matters is space travel, where the food requirements and weight issues are literally THE big problem. Added bonus, there's literally no reason to send men into space period even on a colony ship, since you can bank sperm, except as a moral booster to the rest of the crew.
You're just an artist who can't stand it when people talk shit about Aerith. It's that fucking simple.
Yea I’m not sure what he means either, and I’m the deranged aerisfag
I THINK he means TIFA had a “water tower moment” with the boys in town. She mentioned all the boys were leaving when talking to young Cloud
Jealous roastie detected.
Your words aren't prof. A every single guide talking about Cloud and Tifa said they were friends.
Honestly this.
Nostalgia aside, I don't trust Squeenix to not utterly shit the bed on a mechanics level anymore
I don't want to see pics of your mom user
Indeed, I’m very artistic thank you, and yet ya’ll got nothing left at this point. Earlier you were trying so hard to make your little points. But now you’re not.
And if what the other Aerisfag says about Tifa meeting all the boys is true it’s just over. With a whimper.
>Tifa only cared about the "badass SOLDIER" who told her he would save her like she was a fairy princess. She never knew or loved the real him.
Yeah. That's why when he completely broke in the game she abandoned him.
>Your words
They aren't my words, it is in canon material. And Cloud and Tifa were never friends, they didn't even talk to each other except the water tower moment which isn't even special. Man, I love blowing Tifafags the fuck out with canon material. Your basic bitch waifu is shit. SHIT!
Tifa canonically gets Cloud's dick while Aerith becomes fish food.
The tifafags are so not mad you can feel it. You know it’s coming.
Real talk, between all this whining over the girls Cloud can get sloppy seconds from, when are we going to meet Nanaki's waifu?
>I THINK he means TIFA had a “water tower moment” with the boys in town
All the guys said good bye to her but Cloud was the one who called her out to the tower. So that was unique to them
in about 10 irl years
and that's being optimistic
Obsession does not equal love. Keep coping. She even says all she cares about is Cloud in the game when he goes literal-retard. She is unhealthily fixated on him and the idea she has.
That's why when shit gets real in AC and she has to live with him on a daily basis she just yells and bitches at him and Aeris has to come and help him even from beyond the grave as usual. Even in the OG game, it's implied Aeris is looking after him. Not rebound Tifa.
Nigga, Tifa is called a childhood friend in like the manual as a short introduction to her relationship with Cloud hut when recovering his memories he reveals to ber they were never really friends.
This literally happens in the original game
I honestly want to see what that first date is like.
Red's an absolute dork if you pay attention to his lines, it would be absolutely golden.
This. She sounds like an insane tumblrcunt. I be she's an SJW too
Fuck off zoomer eat a pile oh shit and die NOW you know NOTHING about good games. I hope you get raped by a nigger on the way home faggot loser!
nice head canon bro
Which js why the tifa-cope is so weird. She’s the more popular character and she lives. You guys always have that.
>i-it was special because he fucked her in another location compared to the other dicks she took!
Tifafag COPE
This, Tifa straight up dresses like a goddamn whore.
>Obsession does not equal love.
>let me just redefine their feelings when it's convenient for me based on my limited understanding of a butchered localization of the game
Okay. You do you.
>Tifa staying with Cloud when he's broken
>unhelthy obsession
>Aerith keeps pestering Cloud because he looks like Zack
>True love
We were talking to people with their own partisan head-canons, so I think that’s good for the goose is good for the gander (however that expression goes)
Someone with photoshop could probably make him look normal easily by just removing the second mouth on his chin.
Why are there shipfags over a 20 year old game in every single FF7 thread on Yea Forums right now?
>Aeris fags still seething about aeris being a "flower girl".
>ever doubting based Godmura
hopefully you have learned your lesson, child.
>head canon
More like actual fact. Aeris alwasy shows Tifa up. ALWAYS.
OG game
>Aeris saves the world and plays guardian angel to Cloud even after he dies
>all Tifa does is wipe his ass and drool
>Tifa just farts around and bitches at Cloud because he's not her perfect ideal man she dreamed about and is instead an actual damaged person who won't fuck her after two years
>Aeris swoops in to cure him and literally everyone else as usual
>heals Cloud and frees him of his guilt
Aerithfags always twist the truth into lies
What tifa-cope? There is literally one autist saying Aerith is ugly. You're the ones coping massively implying Square will reduce Tifa's Tifas and acting as if her absence from the trailer means anything negative.
Because shipwars are forever apparently.
Worth noting I do not think tifa is loose. The designers clearly meant for her to be suprisingly demure and such for a reason, it’s just dumb to see people stretch to call aeris a whore when she’s not even the sex appeal character
>Headcanon shipping fag never even played the game
doesn't surprise me honestly
Because Aerithfags are still mad that Tifa won the Cloudbowl
I don't want to play the same game with a HD upgrade, it's also nice to see what Versus combat could've been as well
Tifa never knew Cloud to even fall in love with him for real and only ever treats him nicely when she thinks he's being a badass or dying
Meanwhile Aeris always knew the real Cloud because of her powers and is always the one to help him and cure him of physical and emotoinal/psychological ailments.
Tifa is just the rebound cocksleeve so Cloud won't kill himself and even with Tifa around he was willing to die just so he could be with Aeris. That was in a cut scene for AC.
It only took two kingdom hearts games a shitload of spinoffs to get her a decent VA.
Aerithfags are like Sakurafags. They're fucking mentally unstable
is aeris the patrician waifu?
>Meanwhile Aeris always knew the real Cloud because of her powers
was this in the game, or your head?
Jesus fuck, how did I never notice this?
Delusional Tifafag.
I'm starting to feel sorry for Tifakeks, this is just pathetic.
No I am not, at least not for the reasons you ascribe.
One, I am returning trash talk in kind.
For another I do think they will reduce her boob size based on simple pattern recognition
Not because I hate Tifa. Or hold something against her fans inherently.
What’s happening now is Tifafans are taking this personally I think. Not saying it’s not my fault, or my partner in crime’s, but neither of us sought this
>implying there wont be one winged angele motherfuckers shitting it up
You and I both know that the only think allowed in Cloud's bowl is Sephiroth's spoon.
There's a lot of angry coming from this angry ESLfag. Aeris liked Cloud because of his connection to Zack. Tifa actually got to know him better and knew him for longer. Aeris wasn't a magic mind reader who fell in love with his personality through psychic powers. Aeries gets to be with her husbando Zack in the afterlife, and Cloud is tittyfucking his loving girlfriend Tifa every night. You need to move on.
After Sephiroth dies Cloud wants to “meet Aeris” because he now thinks it is possible.
>Meanwhile Aeris always knew the real Cloud because of her powers
She literally only found the real Cloud in lifestream when TIFA put his memories back together. And then she got jealous that TIFA was the one he had feelings for.
How is she an elf?
>Aerithfags are the Sakurafags of FF
>their girl even ended up with the spiky blacked haired guy
That's actually really funny.
No incel
It's canon. CANON. That word you Tifashits hate so much, because you are the ones pushing your delusions.
>doesn't even have her own arc like literally every other character
>main purpose is a rebound for Cloud
>only liked Cloud because of "muh badass SOLDIER"
Yet for some reason you retards think she's really important and are surprised they showed Aerith, an actual main character who helps drives the overarching plot and saves the entire world, and not your ugly literal who Tifatit waifu who's main claim to fame is having big tits and wiping Cloud's ass.
Says the fag who writes paragraphs of headcanon
>Aeris always knew the real Cloud because of her powers
how about you prove it with screenshots instead of your head canon
Everything in your post is headcanon.
So good to see you retards getting shit on with the new trailer. They are showing Aeris and Cloud as usual, not your secondary cocksleeve uggo waifu because she's so fucking irrelevant. A hint of things to come.
No, Neanderthals were actually faster and better jumpers, too.
The better comparison is like watching Warhammer 40K Tau vs anyone. It doesn't look good, not a single person in the store is cheering for the Tau player, and nobody will insist that that is the way the game was meant to be played harder than the Tau player,, but at the end of the day, the Tau player wins. Again.
But the canon says Aerith only liked him because he was like Zack up until she died when she figured out what was wrong. That was carried over into every single spin off and novel. Even AC was Zack and Aerith together.
If you want her to be
It's in his head. Voice of the Lifestream novel proves him wrong
This thread is clear proof Tifashitters have not even played the game, they just masturbated to Tifa for years.
When the remake comes out, I'm going to post all of the Japanese lines here with actual translations, and anons head will explode.
>Tifa gets to bang Cloud
>Aeris doesn't
that's not head canon
Aeris is sleeping at the bottom of a pond.
You think we’re one person because your simple mind needs something to fixate on.
Tifa and Cloud were not childhood friends but I agree she cared about him. Just saying that “knowing him longer” is not as important as you think
Awris says in the gold saucer she likes Cloud more than Zack.
And obviously Aeris and Zack are together now that they’re both deas. She still preferred Cloud, and he still preferred Aeris. That’s why it’s bittersweet because everyone is “settling” and you think about what could have been.
Saying it again, if tifafags are going to take things so personally they should not start fights. It’s just the internet
Sitting in the corner spamming hadoukens>Str+Dex+Con
Tifa didn't win anything and never will. 2 years later in AC and Cloud still won't fuck her and would literally rather die in Aeris' Church and see her again instead of staying alive to get yelled at by Tifa on a daily basis.
I can't believe you've done this, Yea Forums
He can't. He's just interrupting all of Tifa's conversations negativity on purposes.
Real talk, Cloud doesn't give a shit about Aerith or Tifa. He just wants to fight Sephiroth.
Aerith shitters are just mad that she's filler for the real best girl Sephiroth.
>You think we’re one person because your simple mind needs something to fixate on.
we think you're one person because your writing style and the bizarre shit you say is consistently the same, weirdo. Plus there's only 110 unique posters in a 461 post thread.
I’m the other aerisfag... that’s the point dude... vecause people were doing that earlier with Aeris.
You guys just take it personally. You guys are reduced to whining about us running roughshod over your waifu now
Cetra are the precursor elf race in FF7
It's funny that Tifacucks always try and call Aerisfags tumblrshippers because that's exactly what they are. They are always posting their post-AC delusions and clearly never played the original game. They think Tifa is some important character, but she was secondary at best and only functioned as a rebound love interest for Cloud while Aeris and every other character actually had a story.
ITT: Boomer Reylo's.
>implying you're not an EOP.
>Ancient dying race that used to own everything
>Ties to nature deeper than humans can understand
>Attuned to magic
>Whimsical, "artsy", and sensitive personality
Seriously, the only things missing are the knife ears and her putting literal flowers and leaves and shit in her hair, and the smugness, though that's only put in stories when they aren't supposed to be purely good guys.
>You think we’re one person
Because of the reddit spacing and broken English that reads the same in every post. I really hope you understand how easy your posts are to spot to a native English speaker.
Aeris is the only person Cloud cared about for the entire first disc and can't forget her after two years. Stay mad, Tifacuck.
you should write fanfiction
How does she do it?
gotta have something to be mad about, user.
We have very different writing styles. The only similarity is we source our stuff from the game. But he knows a lot more about expanded works than I do.
I make more minor spelling errors, none worth fixing. He uses the term “tifashits” while I say “tifafag”
And more but I won’t waste my time on you further
>2 years later in AC and Cloud still won't fuck her
They fucked under the Highwind
>would literally rather die in Aeris' Church and see her again instead
You mean because he felt guilty and had a deadly disease
>get yelled at by Tifa on a daily basis.
Because he acted like an idiot and didn't communicate that he was fucking dying to people that care about him
you mean when cloud was emulating zacks personality, aeris' boyfriend?
or were you leaving that part out on purpose, headcanonfag.
I dont want her to die bros...
kill tifa pls
why are japs so good at designing attractive girls
Actually this is a pretty normal interpretation of the expanded material, not just something be made up. He’s just phrasing it in a more incendiary way.
This. Tifa is irrelevant and useless, there is no need for her to exist in the story.
I love how Tifashitters biggest argument is that Aeris dead yet Nomura himself confirms that Aeris actually lives inside Cloud still. Not just a memory, an actual consciousness.
The same Nomura that is directing Remake and only showed Aeris and Coud in the trailer and not irrelevant Tifa. They are in for another rude awakening when the game comes out.
>still think Cloud "let Red fuck Aeris" Strife cared about Aerith in disc one when he spent most of his time trying to find and kill Sephiroth
Every spin off, every cameo, every plot point, everything comes back to Cloud and Sephiroth. I'm sorry that Aerith is just filler for a gay fight.
post your proof then
t. headcanon cuck
Quick, fantasy race headcount.
Humans = Humans
Cetra = Elves
??? = Dwarves
Moombas/Whatever the fuck Red Xlll is = ???
??? = Orcs
Jenova = Demon? Dark Lord?
What am I missing, connections, people!
Whatever you say, bucko.
Have sex.
You mean the trailer that ended with Cloud finally running into Sephiroth again as the most important moment? Nice.
Nomura is fine so long as he isn't given total control, looks like for the Remake he's being reined in.
>no u
Good. I want it to stand out.
He was not emulating. He was pretending to be a badass like he though Zack was while Zack was actually pretty carefree
I can only tell you guys to play the games so many times...
This. Aerith only saw glimpses of the "real" Cloud and she even said she wanted to "meet" him one day. She never knew the real Cloud in life and only saw him in the lifestream after Tifa helped put his memories back together.
Wutai, besides being japanese, might be Orcs?
They used to be a military powerhouse worthy of going to war against, now they are just a bunch of bandits and thieves?
i just want to have a fun ff7 time and not cringe at modern squareenix storytelling. i'm asking for so little, please
Dwarves are the little inion guys from the MMo's right?
>muh gay bargaining phase
Cloud was so protective of Aeris in disc one even she got annoyed about it and he was more worried about her than Tifa and he even got called out on it by Aeris herself. Keep coping you cuck.
Oh come on, Tifa is not irrelevant. It's been fun telling them how the game’s story actually goes but we don’t need to go on.
There was nothing they could do against our combined autism! Just not bright enough
where in game does it state that a flower is a sex point card? if it doesnt say it then there is no basis for you to assume that's what it means.
>He was not emulating. He was pretending to be a badass like he though Zack was while Zack was actually pretty carefree
Wrong, he kept getting his memories mixed up with Zacks.
Except Cloud wanting to die so he could see Aeris again is actually a cut scene from the movie. Tifa calls him out on it. That's why she's so butthurt and jealous all movie, especially when she finds out Cloud has been hiding out in her church kek Tifa is the biggest cuck I've ever seen in video game history. For a female anyway.
Nowhere, it’s literally Tifacuck head canon.
>tifacucks are now in the gay bargaining phase
Cloud cared more about Aeris than even Zack, you cucks can't even cling to that.
Imagine getting so defensive and losing your shit over your spanking material. Fucking yikes!
Zack and Airif I like more than Cloud and Tifa but they have to die cause their death is too iconic and symbolic to cut, I still kinda want to see a scenario were they survive thou
>still trying to cope about Cloud fighting his memories of Zack and the mako programming Sephiroth was writing in his brain to get Black Materia
Not really a "race" but, Shinra might be dwarves?
They have more technology than anyone else, are so out of tune with magic that they are fucking the planet to death, are pretty greedy, and seem to have a hateboner for any and all elves they come across.
What he said was objectively wrong but you are correct that Tifa is not an irrelevant factor to Cloud. You’re the first tifafag to say somehing legitimate. You must be the first with a triple digit iq
>Cloud was so protective of Aeris in disc one
He repeatedly told Aerith to stop following him until he just gave up
>tifachads have canon
>aerisvirgins have headcanons
imagine being an aerisfag
>Tifa is not irrelevant.
Compared to everyone else? She certainly is. She's only there so Cloud won't kill himself from depression, which Aeris is the one to cure him of btw, so Tifa is irrelevant there too.
Aeris even sends Cloud kids so he can be a dad and have something to live for. He honestly probably cares more about his kids than he does Tifa, so she's even less relevant there too.
Yes he got his memories mixed upbut his affected personality was not an accurate representation of Zack’s. Maybe it was how he saw Zack but it was not Zack
Crisis Core Zack and disc 1 Cloud do not act the same way.
>entire thread is a massive Tifa vs Aerith shitfest
>we haven't even seen Tifa yet
E3 will be a bloodbath.
nice headcanon bro
>Tifafags haven't even played the game and have no knowledge of actual canon
>constantly spouting popular fandom made headcanons instead as "arguments"
Never gets old. Can't wait for them to get btfo when the actual game launches. If their buttblasted reaction to Aeris in the new trailer is any indication, it's going to be hilarious.
>he was zack but he wasn't zack
the absolute state of aerisfags
>Tifa calls him out on it. That's why she's so butthurt and jealous all movie
Yeah, Cloud wasn't just wanting to die because of guilt or anything. It's not like Tifa was mad because she cares about him and he had a life threatening disease that he kept to himself. Nope, it's because she's mad Cloud wanted to commit suicide to be with Aerith
>tifakeks are now resorting to being a broken record
Sad. Good thing for you this thread's over.
I’m gonna steal all your arguments for later but I think you draw extreme conclusions from them.
All the same it’s been fun. As you need not be reminded, they started it and cried for it to end when it stopped being fun to play this game. We did well.
you know whats canon
aeris dying, tifa and cloud banging
>Tifafag ignorant of canon material
>n-nice headcanon b-bro!
Just wait till they reveal Yuffie, Elena, and Marlene
aerisfags haven't posted a single screenshot of their "official canon"
>extreme conclusions
It's not hard because it's actually canon, that's why it pisses Tifashitters off so much.
I've literally reduced them to spamming "h-headcanon! b-but Tifa and Cloud banged Aeris is DEAD" because they can't even argue anymore. Always hilarious to btfo with actual facts and canon.
Are Memories and Personality synonymous? Is it implausible that Cloud would even know what Zack is really like when they know each other from work? I even told you how you can verify what I say. Tedious.
How about you prove it with screenshots instead of your headcanon.
Theyre willing to discredit an entire remake if Square is one polygon short on her tits which is most likely gonna happen, so they will drop off in numbers I guess. Not like they would discuss the game anyway
we have and when we havent we told you where it is though. Not doing all the work for you. There’s more of you guys too, so... yea
It's actually a canon point that Tifa is jealous of Aeris years later. They actually made it a specific plot point in the AC story for her that she isn't just mad that Cloud is dragging around the past, but that it's about Aeris specifically. This is canon and very explicitly spelled out in official material.
Reminder also that as much as Tifa's bitching didn't do JACK SHIT to help Cloud out, Aeris is the one who comes in and actually helps him because she's not yelling at him like a crazy bitch.
As if there's anything to discuss in KH tier action RPGs.
>She's only there so Cloud won't kill himself from depression, which Aeris is the one to cure him of btw,
Both of them are irrelevant. Sephiroth is the only thing keeping Cloud from killing himself, and only realizing that he can actually kill him helps him get over his depression.
Sephiroth is just a manifestation of Jenova, and Cloud has Jenova cells in him too. Ergo, Sephiroth and Cloud are both just puppets of Jenova. Jenova aquired the memories of everyone it ever consumed, including many cetra, and realized the way to kill the last cetra was to manipulate her emotions by taking advantage of a lot boyfriend, and her attunement to someone's spirit, in this case, the "real" cloud is a carrot on a stick behind Jenova's facade. In a gambit fitting The Thing, Jenova engineered a drama in which the Last Cetra missed a spot cleaning out The Parasite from the planet, and let it secure the last of its biomass is safe in a place literally nobody will prepare for until it's time to spring.
The Thing always wins.
>we have
>actually haven't
the delusional headcanons of the mentally ill
Tifa is going to remain more popular, which is fine with me since I do like her as well. But seeing the helplessness here was too fun.
I’m going now, it’s been a pleasure
Tifashitters are the worst and clearly aren't even real fans. Good fucking riddance. I hope she is flat as a board so they will leave forever.
No, it's canon that Cloud wanted to die so he could be with Aeris and also canon that Aeris is the one who frees him of his guilt and cures his space cancer. Keep up the gay bargaining though tumblrshipper, it's obvious and pathetically hilarious.
His memories were a mixture of his own, Zack's, Mako poisoning, and Mama's boy fucking with his head. Aerith however picked up on the Zack part of his psychopathy and kept hanging around him until she started seeing miner inconsistency's where Cloud would be himself. She 'did' tell Zack that she liked Cloud better then him in the lifestream, but that shit never made sense to me because she never knew the real him until Tifa helped him become whole again.
You seem to struggle with this or think you have an easy own. My boy has posted screenshots earlier. He stopped caring and certainly did not do it every post. It’s not like it was worth his time.
You’re a brainlet.
So aeris is still dead and tifa is alive.
Tifa was only popular because newfags liked Advent Children. Aeris was always more popular everywhere else because she has an actual personality and is iconic for more than just her tits. I fully expect Aeris to reclaim popularity in the West when the actual game comes out. Tifashitters are in for another rude awakening.
I can agree with that, but everyone else was making dumb points that I did not have to agree with.
Idk how it worked out for tifa and cloud, but I think he learned to get over aeris. And she’s finewith Zack. It’s bittersweet but touching.
>tifafags hate canon so much they just start disregarding it entirely because "it just doesn't make sense to me"
You underestimate how many people vote with their dick. I still expect Tifa to be at the top although it will be a welcome surprise if she isn't.
Nah I think she was before too. I’m not naive enough to say her tits were a null factor but she’s a fine girl.
Aeris is superior is all.
There is a tifa fan here making reasonable points I can agree with now. So I’m gonna stop the fighting.
Aerith had been telling Cloud for a whole year that her death wasn't his fault and that he wasn't being punished for it, yet he kept acting like a bitchbaby about it. Tifa yelling at him is what got him to stop being a depressed faggot and actually fight the thing that's killing him. He literally tells her that she was right, and that he was dragging that shit around with him right before everyone gave him a hand up.
Aeris rejected Zack in the lifestream, she got over him and the devs straight up said they don't know what happened between Tifa and Cloud and clearly don't give a fuck. Meanwhile they won't shut up about Aeris living on inside Cloud and putting her and them in all the marketing.
They can pretend Cloud is fucking Tifa eventually if it makes them feel better, but Aeris will always be his main squeeze even after death and they can't stand it.
advent children isn't cannon, humanity gets wiped out at the end of ff7
I just think that's hilarious, fucking Erisfags are gonna still play but be bummed out they can't save her meanwhile Tifafags already clamoring the game to be shit and a hard skip cause her tits are one inch shorter
I like Tifa but that's the most pettiest shit ever if they're even slightly serious
Tifa always had lots of porn, Aeris was still more popular and iconic.
Tifa only got popularity because of shippers and waifufags in AC got an inaccurate reading of the relationships in the story because it's set years after the actual story/main game.
That's why you get the retarded "Aeris was a mother to Cloud!" takes from Tifacucks when Aeris was practicaly slobbering over Cloud's dick in every scene while Tifa was the one who is canonically called a mother to Cloud and she sees him as a child.
I actually can't think of anything that would suggest Jenova COULDN'T have been pulling a massive falseflag operation with Cloud.
We know Jenova's influence was on his mind, we know more than once it asserted direct control, so we know at some point, it did have some say over Cloud's mind, Cloud was drawn to the Reunion, and Cloud was able to face "Sephiroth" in the sort of final battle, which could easily be seen as Jenova cleaning up a lose end.
Is there any reason I'm missing that could rule out Jenova actually just completely dominating cloud throughout the whole story, and just making him pretend to break free as part of a bigger plan?
I beat 7 twice recently, after it fades to black on Nanaki you hear human kids playing.
Now I’m worries. Glad as I am they like her I do not trust them with revisions
Except it's canonically Aeris who freed him of his guilt and cured his space cancer. Literally none of the bitching Tifa did for Cloud helped him at all. He literally moves into Aeris's fucking church rather than be around toxic Tifa. kek
Aeris being Cloud's main squeeze and the main heroine isn't a revision.
>"Aeris was a mother to Cloud!"
That was literally said by one of the directors in an Ultimania and Cloud calls her "mother" in AC.
It's really bizarre that Tifakeks want Tifa be Cloud's one and only love so much. She has no actual redeemable qualities and most of them just like her because they beat their meat to her. Why do they want to be cucks so badly?
>yfw aerith dlc to resurrect her
Except there's nothing likable about Sakura. Everything she does causes trouble for everyone, all for a guy who is really impossible to like. "Lol I wanna kill people for fun just so me and Naruto can have our le epic rivalry"
No, they said Aeris had a motherly presence which is why everyone calls her that, not just Cloud. Meanwhile Tifa actually has scenes where she thinks of Cloud as a kid and it's canonically stated he brings out "motherly feelings" from her.
Cloud never brings "motherly feelings" for Aeris because they want to fuck.
>tfw DLC planned and teased, then cancelled
It's literally just her tits. That's why her fans are so obnoxious and insufferable. They have no taste.
>That scene where Cloud's mom confirms he needs an older woman
>Aeris is older
>Tifa is younger
>Except it's canonically Aeris who freed him of his guilt and cured his space cancer
She only cured the cancer, Cloud got over his guilt after thinking about what Tifa said and saving Denzel. He even told her that he "was" dragging his guilt around and Tifa smiled when she heard that. If Aerith had done it then there would have been no reason for him to be guilt ridden about her death for a whole year.
Cloud's mom was truly best girl
Aeris is the one who tells him he is dragging his guilt around and the only one to actually get through to him. It's canon that Aeris frees him of his guilt, not Tifa. keep crying.
>That scene where Cloud's mom confirms he needs an older woman and he tells her "No"
>tfw you show your nephew FF7 and he is appalled that the bullets the shinra soldiers are shooting are literally just squares
>"that looks like shit"
>that was 8 years ago
>>That scene where Cloud's mom confirms he needs an older woman
Jenova is oldest woman
But Cloud said no to his mom
Seething Tifacucks are always amusing.
I love how Aerithfags forget about that
I can't imagine liking Tifa when she is literally inferior to Aeris in every possible way. It's like the devs make a point to take everything about Tifa and make Aeris better in specific ways. NO wonder Tifashitters are always so angry.
He rejected his mom's advice though.