Popular games that seem pointless to you

Bloodborne: Why spend an extended amount of time dying and respawning, when you could actually progress in/be finished with a normal game? This is supposedly the best game on the PS4 according to Souls fans, but it literally seems like the worst. If it wasn't free on PsPlus, I would have aggressively seeked a refund.

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git gud faggot

Because it's a very good game. Also what the fuck does "normal game" even mean? If you don't like overcoming a challenge then watch a movie or whatever.

>why die and respawns over and over

Just don't die alot.

There's a difference between a challenge and just wasting time. A normal game would be a game that has some form of positive reinforcement to keep someone interested.

Dragon's Dogma may seem like a pointless game at times, due to poor/unfinished game design, but if you move past bugged areas or bizarre missions, you can actually find enjoyment in the game. I'm just not seeing it in Bloodborne.

why spend time dying? just don't do that, retard

the less you die, the more you progress
in other words, acquire proficiency

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>dying and respawning
i'm not one of the gitgud gatekeepers but you're a brainlet if you die in BB more than a souls game, letalone equally as much. It's the easiest one.

>Also what the fuck does "normal game" even mean?

Not him, but don't be fucking daft. Soulsborne games are literally designed to have the player waste more of their time on trial and error bullshit for bragging rights than actually being an enjoyable experience.


its a rehash of a rehash of a rehash with dumbed down and heavily casualized gameplay etc
only thing it has going for it are the aesthetics, which aren't all that good either

>Soulsborne games are literally designed to have the player waste more of their time on trial and error bullshit for bragging rights than actually being an enjoyable experience.
holy fucking shit, git gud. either post a source or fuck right off


Haha, have you ever played a game that is older than the Xbox 360? Souls games are not that hard.

The fact that Vials/Bullets don't refill the way Estus does completely ruined this game for me. That and the atrocious load times.

The bosses are challenging, but satisfying to beat. If you find them too hard, just summon help, tons of people are still playing.

IMO Bloodborne has the most interesting story and world in the whole Souls series. My only gripe with this game is the framerate going fucking bonkers at times.

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>trial and error
99% of fights in a souls game is a simple game of "don't get hit and hit it till it dies"
Very few enemies and bosses have any weird tricks that require trial and error in order to beat/understand

>git gud

I did. I still feel like I wasted too many hours of my life on something that ultimately didn't feel satisfying.

If anyone wants to play a challenging game, play Hollow Knight. Infinitely better combat and exploration, it doesn't punish you to the point of being outright unfun, and nothing in the main story feels like a massive timesink.

okay this is bait

its literally impossible to die in this game unless its full hp>dead, i have no idea how bad you people actually are at videogames but jesus christ.

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Mad cuz bad.

>Hollow Knight combat
What? It's bog standard action platformer combat. It's fun and satisfying but it's not really mechanically interesting. I don't see how it's an example of combat to be lauded as an example of good combat.

Bloodborne Should Have An Easy Mode
Some people just want to enjoy the story and don't have time to practice a video game!

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>the fact i have to manage my resources ruined the game for me

As long as you play smart this game is pretty smooth and not too hard. Whenever you have a bunch of echoes, use like half on levels and the other half on vials and bullets, this way you will rarely need to farm. Don't run face first into crowds like a retard, but play safe.

Also, you will probably have trouble with Rom, but just grin your teeth and bear it. IMO he's the only bullshit hard boss in the game. At least before the DLC.

I'm guessing you're still in the first zone? There's a pretty infamous learning curve with the six villagers around the bonfire. Try running past them if you dont want to tiptoe. Use the gun>Dash forward>Visceral Attack on big enemies.