Should I get a gaming laptop, Yea Forums? If so which brand should I get?
Gaming Laptop
If you want mobile get a switch.
The only people that get gaming laptops are kids in boarding school.
Are you in boarding school?
What possible benefit would you have for overpaying for mobility? Are you seriously going to play overwatch at your boyfriends house? Just get a normal low-end laptop for work/school etc (productivity applications are not very intensive), and spend the rest of the money on a desktop.
The amount of passive aggressive comments from someone asking a harmless question lol they are probably just jealous that OP even has the money to even consider buying a gaming laptop
Only if you prioritize mobility. If you do a lot of creative work on the go like video editing then you can't go wrong with the razer blade 15 in the 4k model which is good for gaming and professional work. If you mainly stay at home though then I would just stick to buying a desktop since it's better value for money
Well if you want a mobility and don't mind spending some extra $ for that mobility then go for it. Nowadays we have a good gaming laptop hardware unlike back in the day when you would see some shitty combos like i3 + top tier mobile GPU.
I've got one recently because I'm moving from place to place these days and I don't really want to carry a desktop with me ot spend a shitload of money on some Micro-ATX build.
Acer Nitro 5 with i5-8300H + 1050 on board and it's a really good gaming laptop.
Sure but only if you can actually spend top dollar.
Don't be fooled by nice GPU names, the mobile RTX 2080 is pretty much just a desktop 2060, so you really don't want anything less than that.
Same goes for CPUs and more importantly than all of that, make sure to find one with good thermals. Don't get a laptop with bad thermals.
I got an Azer Nitro 5 and it plays anything I want with no issues, even games others really struggle to get 60fps on.
Eh I'd say no as someone who's owned one for nearly 7 years, I mean it's kind of neat being able to use it anywhere but at the same time it's a bit frustrating not being able to upgrade anything and not play most anything made past 2012.
Still though I imagine the tech in them now is much better than when I got mine so if you get a high end one it might be worth your time, definitely get a fan to place it on though.
>Acer Nitro 5 with i5-8300H + 1050 on board and it's a really good gaming laptop.
do you use a cooling pad when using the laptop?
these threads are always the same, everyone says now.
OP will decide to go with the laptop anyway.
rinse, repeat.
Not him but I don't use it personally, the fan can get pretty loud but if you have headphones in you will barely ever notice it, maybe once per hour.
Passsive aggressiveness? What the fuck are you on about? The think you’re confusing compassion with aggrasssion...
This a is a gaming forum... we’re here because we’re compassionate about gaming.
I’m just giving my life knowledge to a random question I feel compassionate about.
I used to use a cooling pad on my laptop and it barely did anything at all.
The best way to fix laptop thermals is disabling Intel Turbo Boost and undervolting the CPU, easily cuts off 10-15 degrees celsius under load at very little to no performance loss.
Feels like years since I've seen this image
I'm bringing it back, it's a good reaction image.
You're practically guaranteed to get better bang for your buck if you buy a desktop PC, because with a laptop, you're paying for that portability. So I can't really answer your first question if I don't know how much you care about portability. If you're just going to use that laptop on your couch, you might as well get a desktop PC and a comfy chair instead. If you travel a lot and want to play PC games on the train like a weirdo, then I guess a laptop is for you. And maybe a laptop is worth the extra money if you're going to a lot of LAN parties or something. Do they have LAN parties anymore? I'm sure they don't actually use LAN but you know what I mean. If you're going to be bringing this computer to places for gaming, and you don't want to lug that case around, then get a laptop. But this assumes you have friends who will play video games with you, which is unlikely because we're on Yea Forums.
I don't know what brand you should get, because I'm not familiar with brands of pre-built computers.
I am only using laptops anymore. Carrying a tower around with me everywhere is not acceptable.
I am using a lenovo idea pad and a hp something, pavillion or something like that. The lenovo is running for many many years now without problems (swapped harddrive 2 times and the power adaptor cable thing 2 times). Very happy with them. Of course I can't play the newest AAA games, but I couldn't care less about that crap.
Runs WitcherIII and DeadSpace from Gog at around 20-24 frames. And indie games are no problem at all except for the obvious problem children.
Yes, get a Y520 with a 1060.
You still get value for your money and an in-built UPS that lasts 2 hours.
>gaming laptop
no, if you want a laptop for gaming, then get one AFTER having build your desktop PC, which is going to be your main machine for gaming.
>ou're practically guaranteed to get better bang for your buck if you buy a desktop PC, because with a laptop, you're paying for that portability
everyone knows that you fucking dumb shit. That is not the question here. There are people who prefer a useful mobile system, not a fucking shit mobile console with tons of limitations. People who want to take their system with them when they go somewhere for weeks. And still play their games with nude mods. Fuck console retards and fuck 60fps idiots. You guys are so stupid assholes
Why would you pay double? Just buy a more powerful laptop.
>35 minutes battery life
lol no
Yes, most grampas here don't realise the tech has improved a lot since their era. Get the best specs without paying for brand - avoid Razer, go for Clevo rebrands or Asus ROG shit. Avoid thin and light memes if you can.
Previous gen shit is cheap and good too if you're on a budget.
I swear we have this thread every night and OP is always the same. Anyways for anyone actually looking to buy a laptop of any sort, just make you're ready to deal with the literal monkeys that is customer service if anything goes wrong.
Yeah it's a really damn fine laptop for its price. No regrets whatsoever.
Original poster here. I'm not using cooling pads and shit.
As one of anons said turn off Turboboost and undervolt CPU just a little (I'm usually setting it to -0.130) and you'll be good to go. No performance loss and it runs way cooler.
But I'd suggest you sticking more RAM in it. Mine had 6GB DDR4 2400Mhz of RAM.
Unless you REALLY need a portable gaming system, get a desktop PC.
They're cheaper, stronger, easy to upgrade and customize.
>turn off turbo
~2Ghz stock speeds are not really enough any more.
The difference between Turbo and normal performance is honestly not noticeable, Turbo won't enable you to run stuff that your laptop otherwise is too weak for, but it will save you from constantly being in thermal throttling mode and decreasing your component lifespans.
Just get a better laptop if you need more Ghz.
>getting this mad
Calm down sweetie.
i5 8300H is 2.3 GHz on stock setting and 4 GHz on Turboboost.
And oddly enough 2.3 is more than enough for me when I'm playing vidya on it.
As someone who owns a gaming laptop, I can honestly say, do not get a gaming laptop.
Really, how often are you gonna take that thing out of the house? Just get a real fucking computer, user.
Also, this IS a joke thread right?
>Also, this IS a joke thread right?
no this is serious
laptops have more expensive parts and once a part of it gets fucked, the whole thing is fucked, with a desktop you can replace just the part that got fucked.
no, I didn’t fell for le cooling pad meme, I use mine in my cold garage
Are you in a situation where you travel between multiple places regularly(for conferences, or live on work sites, etc.)?
Then get a big ole desktop replacement.
Otherwise, you are wasting your money gaming on a laptop. Get a gaming rig and then use the money you saved to get a decent mid range laptop.
Gaming on a laptop is not a great experience.
Don't get the razer one. It makes you look like a manchild.
MSI makes a white or grey 'creator' version of their laptops but it still doesn't look professional.
If you have money to burn the best option is a Surface Book 2.
The real deal is getting an ultrabook an hooking up an eGPU.
I have a gaming laptop, and out of the box, I had a pretty good reminder of one of their flaws.
Mine came with a stuck pixel (haven't managed to unstick it) right in the middle of the screen.
It's a lot harder to repair and replace faulty parts on a laptop- a desktop I could easily just buy a new monitor for.
Helios 300, by the way. It works fine for gaming and besides the pixel, it's good.
Do thinkpads no longer have a lid latch or the thinklight on top?
>GAYMING laptops
kill yourself immediately for being such a fucking retarded nigger
they haven't for years.
Honest answer: I used to be a laptop-only guy and a student so being mobile was important. You can get good laptops that are at least portable enough to take somewhere for a LAN party.
That said, this time I got a pre-built desktop since I'm no longer a student and it had strictly better specs for the same price.
Beyond that, my old laptop had overheating issues and it wasn't the kind you could easily open so long term maintainence in terms of dust and stuff was a factor.
It really comes down to how much you care about the portability, and it may be a worthwhile thing if you go to LAN parties or like to game in different rooms n stuff.
Gaming laptops aren't bad anymore.
There's laptops with
- 144Hz 1ms 1080p
- Actually decent CPUs and GPUs
- Decent build quality, slim not fat
- Copper heatsinks and decent fans/exhaust
You just have to spend over $1000
Unironically look at Razer.
Depends on the CPU, but when the turbo boosts from, say, 2.5Ghz to 3.5Ghz, the performance gain is noticeable.
yes msi
the virgin personal computer vs the chad gaming laptop
someone please do this
instead turning turbo boost off just lower turbo boost power max. i lowered mine to 30 from 45 watt. temps dropped 10 degrees while turbo boost still kicks in during gaming.
Parents bought me a surface book 2 for uni and I‘m super happy, just wish it had thunderbolt 3
Tbh its not worth it if I had paid for it myself, even if you need the touchscreen and pencil just get a surface pro 6 and spend the left over money on a mid tier gaymin PC
you can use external gpu since you have thunderbolt 3.
I have to travel alot and be in places where i cant get my setup, so i got Acer Nitro 5. It works great, i have no problems with it and i can be neet at my free time, so yea.
If you have to travel or just dont have place to stay all the time, laptop is nice to have. But get a fucking mouse with it, i hate this touchpad or whatever its called, unusable after proper mouse.
SB doesn't have a thunderbolt port, only normal USB-C
Find a company where you can specify your specs. Don't just buy a prebuilt Razer/Alienware shitter.
I got a laptop 2 years ago when the CRYPTO AIDS MEME made graphics cards sky high prices
First time EVER buying a pre built was cheaper than building your own
How do I do that?
My CPU was hitting 90°+ when gaming and I blasted out the fans and got the dust out and now it's only 70° under stress. Pretty good.
I can't see myself justifying to pay for a gaming laptop when I know I could make a SFF gaming PC with half the cost and better. I see shit like the new Lenovo Legion and think they look amazing, but man, are they fucking expensive unless I'm willing to get fucked.
For a limited time they have one as gay as you are OP
Don't miss out.
Im a part time programmer/engineering student.
I havent powered on my desktop in years.
I have an alienware, it runs dmc5 on ultra at acceptable fps.
I carry an xbone controller for some games.
I bought a switch but dont even know where i left it.
if you have the money then go for it. here's just one advice dont just look at the brand, also look at the specs and if money is not important to you just get the current laptop with the best processor + graphic card combo