The Switch has become the best console for games

Are they right Yea Forums?

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Other urls found in this thread:

>no DMC5
>no KH3
>no P5R
>no MHW

>new game

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new indies? sure
new games? no

No way, fag.

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Square Enix already confirmed that FF7R is coming to the Switch

>Only big budget AAA shit for normies
Miss me with that bullshit user

>no MHW
It has better versions of both these games.


Yes, BOTW alone makes it superior to the PS4

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yeah the pocket edition

>The switch is the new PSVITA
no one saw it coming .....LMAO

BotW is a 9.5/10 until you get enough inventory slots and it becomes a 4/10.

> FF7 Remake runs on the Same engine as DQ11
> Dragon Quest 11 was recently ported to the Switch with the same visuals as the PS4 Version
> Wall Street Journal confirmed that we are getting two Switch revisions
> One of which is the same power as the PS4 & Xbox one
All of the games will get ported to the Switch once the revised version comes out

>last of us
>mario galaxy
These were all shit, probably galaxy 2 as well but I never played it because the first one was so shit.
And mass effect 2 is good but the first one was better

Seething Contrarian, go back to your literal who games that nobody will ever acknowledge as good

Last of us and skyrim are nearly universally accepted on Yea Forums as being bad games

>better for devs
no, no, no, NO
With the Switch you've got to buy expensive development hardware, support 3 different modes of play, support 3+ different controller layouts, and optimize for nintendo's slower hardware.
In comparison Xbox is get a $20 dev mode license, make your game for one mode, one controller and optionally give it an X patch.

I asked for a source on Square Enix saying it's getting a Switch version, not speculations and following """""rumors""""" for the nth time


What games?

Damn, I didn't know Switch could look this good.

And botw has a pretty even split of love and hate.
The only really contrarian thing there is galaxy.

You can still like a shit game.


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> Millions of people like it
> Minority of contrarians pretend to dislike it
Cope, seriously cope more

they are wrong cause anybody who owns a switch drinks onions

How the hell are any of those normie games? Normies play shit like Fortnite, Assassins Creed and FIFA.

Well why even have anything over PC+Switch
PS4 has maybe only God of war as good exclusive. While most of PS4 games also have PC and/or switch port while Switch has many good exclusives and PC has some exclusives and can emulate retro consoles

Skyrim is one of my favorite games, doesn't mean it isn't a steaming pile of garbage.

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>> One of which is the same power as the PS4 & Xbox one
There isn't a mobile chip on the market currently that has specs even near either of those systems, even in the $1k iphone X. Be realistic

Still Seething, even Yea Forums itself thinks BOTW is a masterpiece.

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This is just sad.

Only if new games means “games you haven’t played before” because with all those indies, there’s bound to be something new for you
Otherwise not much

didn't say shit about BOTW, compiling lists of review scores and poll numbers for free is autistic as fuck though

None of those games are worth playing.
In a way the Switch is a natural filter for bad games.


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> Advent Children & other Spin off content confirmed for the story since Kadaj was listed as a main character alongside Sephiroth, Cloud, Tifa & Aerith
Yep, it's going to be absolute shit

what games are worth playing to you?

again, didn't say anything bad about Japanese games

>I-I didn't even want videos games anyway

FF7 Remake is coming to the switch, everything else is on there is garbage

>FF7 Remake is coming to the switch

BotW was great on Wii U.

big fish

small pond

Saved you 5 min of reading

/threading myself

yeah the same with your toddler shit nincel

>Best console for games
>doesn't get jackshit but ports


The release library, as far as notable games go, is so heavily dominated by ports of old games that it's not even funny.

unless you're only paying attention to Nintendo's first party stuff, and even then you're getting bombarded with a lot of ports, then this thing is pretty much a port and indie game multiplat machine.

It's all stuff I've seen before, or can play better and cheaper on something else.

Buzzword, keep seething

It's not, he doesn't have one

Cope, Seething & Kill yourselves

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> According to Gematsu, the Japanese gaming giant said they saw the core architectures of PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and Switch as similar - meaning that if one game saw a release on one console, it's almost certain that it could come to the others
> Hajime Tabata, director of Final Fantasy 15, previously said that tests had been carried out to see how the Unreal Engine 4 performed on the Switch.
> This is the engine that powers the Final Fantasy 7 Remake, and he said Nintendo’s hybrid console handled it well.
> Square Enix added that they had high expectations for the Nintendo Switch, and would aggressively pursue development.

So nothing?

post link

Archit cture alone doesn't mean a game will work on drastically weaker hardware. There's a reason the AAA current gen ports switch h got run and look like blurry garbage.

How many of those are on Switch? Oh wait, lmao.

Go buy your PS2 ports, nincel.

You can make an extremely downgraded of anything run on pretty much anything you want, but it's not going to run well and it's not going to be an enjoyable experience. There's also be the issue of game storage, as that game is going to be way over the storage limit for one of those cards. none of what you posted is an actual statement saying the game is coming to switch, nor are you being realistic if you think that if it did it would look anything remotely similar to anything they've shown for it so far. It would have to be more like final fantasy 15 Pocket edition.

aren't you the same sperg who kept spamming copypastas about how persona 5 royal was "confirmed" to have a femc based on smash datamines, and this somehow also "confirmed" a switch port?

This shows just the worst understanding of how game development and hardware works.

don't forget the best buy leak


Fake and gay wheres Chrono trigger and OOT?

> The 21st century is the current century of the Anno Domini era or Common Era, in accordance with the Gregorian calendar. It began on January 1, 2001, and will end on December 31, 2100. It is the first century of the 3rd millennium

>all games are bad if they're popular
>unless they're on the switch, or filled with waifus, or japanese in origin, then they're based

This is getting sad senpai.

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>Hajime Tabata, director of Final Fantasy 15 fired from square months ago and wasn't involved in the ff7 remake anyway, so his opinion means jack shit.
the switch would melt trying to run the game square showed off today. quit port-begging and be realistic.

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>new games
>everything is a port
>ports of literal PS2 games
Of course not, the switch is a pitiful port machine.

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20 out of the 31 physical switch games that I own are ports.

I wish we got more actual new games.

This honestly sounds like Nintendo fans hate any game that isn't on the Switch. For example, all of them hated Cuphead and called people "cucks for Microsoft" or "x bots" if they liked it. The moment it comes to the Switch, now everyone loves it. Same with indie games like Hollow Knight. When it was first announced, people called it "pretentious SJW shit" but when the switch port was announced shortly after, suddenly it's "based and redpilled."

It feels like the fans are majorly biased. Despite claiming to be idorts, they prove false to the claim.

I really enjoyed all of the hate threads about how bad persona 5 was the day after it was announced that Royal was not coming to the switch.

I also noticed with hollow Knight all of these people who suddenly bought it cuz it was on a Nintendo system acting like they discovered this great thing that nobody had seen before. They live in a bubble.

I love Wii U ports and 5 year old PC indies

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They are a cult. They hate on every open world game but BoTW despite the latter being derivative as fuck.

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just look at the best selling switch games, nothing but bing bing rehashes and wii u ports as far as the eye can see.
and the funny thing is that they have the nerve to call other consoles "fifa machines." they beg for ports all day, and when they get them, they still don't buy them because they only like nintendo shit. they just want the bragging rights in console-war arguments.

not with that hardware

I don't mind them enjoying Mario games and ports, but I just can't tolerate them acting so high and mighty against other games, or employing double think. For example, calling Uncharted a bad game because game journalists loved it, while praising Breath of the Wild in the same breath.

You are just seething because Sony games aren't good enough to sell a console

What does this have to do with Sony games? My initial post brought up two games that were multiplats, one in particular whose only console release was on the Xbox.

>Being booty bothered because user's shit talk your favorite games
Like turn off your phone/pc nigga they can't hurt you, play some videogames

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>someone shit talks my favorite games
>"lol dude just relax it's words on a screen"

>I simply say I didn't like your favorite games

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I didn't know it was still 2017

There is no way they will release games that dont run on classic and lite switch. You're deluded

I impulse-bought this piece of shit yesterday because it was going cheap. Don't know what I was thinking. I'll take it back today and get a refund.

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Leave the games on the Switch. PS4 can have the movies.

This. Let The Ps4 have God of War and Xenoblade and Bayonetta. I'd rather have GAMES like Hollow knight and FTL.

It has no games, Sony has never had worthwile exclusives outside SoTC & Chrono Cross

More like no games

switch is good for indies, but terrible for the AAA.

Too bad everything has Indies

But not everything is portable.


21st century is truly for losers


>games are automatically bad if they're not portable

I guess I hate every game on the SNES, N64, and gamecube, at least the ones that haven't been ported over. Every single one is bad because they're not portable.

Chill out, bro.

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ports aren't new games lmfao

>AAA trash only worth playing on a high end pc

cringing at how emotional you get

>Rated M for Mature


>Things nobody said ever
Take your meds Eric.

>be indie dev
>develop for Switch
>make lods of emone because Switchfags lap up ports and indie titles, and practically foam at the mouth for physical releases, all at premium prices
>develop for PC
>make fuck all thanks to Steam's share and PC users not actually buying vidya except during Steam Sales
>also have to contend with oceans of shovelware and asset flips flooding the featured pages
>develop for PS4
>have to contend with a fuckton of AAA titles
>develop for XBone
>literally no one gives a fuck

Switch development is practically free money for indie developers, especially when Switch dev kits are supposedly user friendly as fuck.

Nah, its just that times have changed. The way people want to game is changed. The Switch's insane success is no fluke - its the result in a swing of public need for convenience. After owning a Switch I'll never go back to traditional consoles again.

>not halo 2

You mean indie games

I dunno but when I went to Pax East this year and looked around the booths, 70% of every game there was on Switch, or was being ported to Switch. And there was literally only ONE booth demoing an xbox one exclusive. The indie mega booths were like 90% switch and everything else was on PC only. No sony or xbox to be seen. That's pretty bad. I even overheard some devs at some booths saying "jesus christ nintendo is taking over" and it really felt that way too.

>the PC is bad because it's not portable

Yes, thank you for your input. I'm happy to know that all the fun I had on the PC was fake.

>Nah, its just that times have changed.
Spoken like a true casual.

So why is Majora's Mask on that list?

only if you like to play with really bad performance issues

Yawn, have fun festering in your bedroom I guess. Get mom to bring you more chocolate milk.

>personal attack

An argument made in bad faith. Tsk tsk.

>only if you like to play with really bad performance issues

You mean like RDR2 with its sub 24fps on PS4? Thank fuck I bought the xbox version.

99% of the games the switch doesn't get are cinematic third person adventure games or remakes. I have no interest in either, at all.

It just seems like Sony fans don't understand cinematic third person adventure games are a niche genre and most people don't care about those games. DMC+Kingdom hearts+RE2 remake all sold like shit for a reason.

You don't have any argument beyond "that doesn't appeal to me! RREEEEEEE!"

Nobody cares about you lol. You're irrelevant.

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What games do the Switch have?

It’s literally just an HD Gameboy
It was inevitable

>popularity is good
>popularity is bad

Make up your minds.

Anything else. It has sports games, platformers, jrpgs, anime titty games, card games, puzzle games, racing games, every indie game ever released, etc. The ONLY genre the switch is lacking in is third person action adventure games which is a niche genre that struggles to pass 3 million sales.

So why are games bad if they're not on the Switch? Why does a game HAVE to be portable to be good?

I never said that. All I said is that most gamers don't care about third person action adventure games which is why they sell around 2-3 million on install bases over 80 million.

>best place for new games
>most of it old games

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That's not what you said. Here

You explicitly say "if it's not portable and on the Switch, it's a bad game." I ask this even of platformers or puzzle games or strategy games. You called games like Supreme Commander and total Annihilation "pure shit" because they're not portable. I want to know why.

Switch exclusives:
>Mario Odyssey
>Smash Ultimate
>Splatoon 2
>Xenoblade Chronicles 2
>Xenoblade Chronicles 2: Torna the Golden Country
>Snipperclips Plus
>Fast RMX
>Mario+Rabbids Kingdom Battle
>Gal Metal
>Kirby Star Allies
>Mario Tennis Aces
>TWEWY ~Final Remix~
>Super Mario Party
>Pokémon Let's Go
>Travis Strikes Again: NMH
>Dragon: Marked For Death
>Yoshi's Crafted World
>Pokémon Sword & Shield
>Animal Crossing
>Fire Emblem Three Houses
>Luigi's Mansion 3
>Daemon X Machina
>Yokai Watch 4
>Marvel Ultimate Alliance 3
>Super Mario Maker 2
>The Legend of Zelda: Link’s Awakening
>Astral Chain
>Box Boy! + Boy Girl!
>Tetris 99
>Rune Factory 5
>Cadence of Hyrule
>Mario & Sonic at the 2020 Tokyo Olympic Games
>Bayonetta 3
>Metroid Prime 4
>Shin Megami Tensei V
>Gunvolt Chronicles: Luminous Avenger iX
>Steamworld Quest
>Blaster Master Zero 2

Nintendo exclusive multiplats/ports:
>The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild
>Mario Kart 8 Deluxe
>Pokken Tournament DX
>Fire Emblem Warriors
>Bayonetta 2
>Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze
>Hyrule Warriors: Definitive Edition
>Captain Toad: Treasure Tracker
>Code of Princess EX
>Monster Hunter Generations Ultimate
>New Super Mario Bros U Deluxe
>Rune Factory 4 Special

And more to be announced

What new games?
Outside the typical nintendo games there is nothing but ports of old shit everyone already played

>listing Metroid Prime 4, a game which we won't have until 2023 at the earliest

And ENTIRE LIST discarded. If there's one thing I can't tolerate, it's dishonesty.

That's not me genius

You're taking responsibility for his post even if it isn't. I've about had it with console fanboys who revel in shitposting, but don't want to own up to it when it comes back to bite them.

>most obvious is Bayo 3
>the rest look the same

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>cherrypicking so hard that you discard the entire list
What's wrong with listing unreleased games? They are still exclusive games and something to look forward to.

No I am not "taking responsibility" for someone else's post and you are mentally ill. I do think some games are better in handheld like card games, puzzle games and life SIM games (animal crossing, stardew valley), but not all games.

You forgot
>Splatoon 2: Octo Expansion
>Smash Ultimate Fighters Pass
>Mario + Rabbids Kingdom Battle: Donkey Kong Adventure
>both versions of Pokemon Let's Go
>Fire Emblem Three Houses Expansion Pass
>Breath of the Wild Expansion Pass
>Pokken Tournament DX Expansion Pass
>Fire Emblem Warriors Expansion Pass
>Captain Toad: Treasure Tracker Special Episode

I'm not going to add dlc

>what's wrong with listing unreleased games
Considering that you called people snoy niggers if they listed games like God of War before they came out, or Horizon before they came out, I'd say it was something that wasn't allowed until now. Going back on it this hard just makes you look like a hypocrite.

>No I am not "taking responsibility" for someone else's post and you are mentally ill.
So in other words, you're not interested in actual discussion, but instead want to stoke the flames of console warring shit, but don't want to accept responsibility. Just like how you say the Ps4 has no games and that every single thing on it is movieshit, and yet you cry and complain if someone doesn't think Kirby or Yoshi are good games. That's a double standard that you actively support.

>endorsed by my favorite reaction channel

Seek help Doug Harris.

>Considering that you called people snoy niggers if they listed games like God of War before they came out, or Horizon before they came out
Never did that, there is nothing wrong with listing unreleased games

It's not just DLC, they're worthy of being called full titles just like Torna.

>Never did that

Attached: 30a.jpg (475x356, 54K)

Torna is a standalone game and not dlc. Adding expansion passes to that list is retarded and makes the list look bad

What new games?

>DLC is good enough to be it's own game
>God of War and Uncharted are all movie shit, no matter how many people like them, or how many high scores they get

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uncharted is movie shit though.
god of war atleast has some gameplay.

The Swtich is dead until like July.
And until god knows when if you don't like FE shit.

God of War and Uncharted are made for the fifa audience. The kind of people who don't really enjoy games and prefer watching movies instead. Movies like the last of us and god of war are perfect for them

There is mario maker 2 in june

I thought being contrarian was bad though? These games are universally acclaimed by fans and critics alike. Doesn't that make them good? Just because they don't pander to you doesn't make them bad games.

>the current year
>trusting journalists
>appeal to ad populum
user, you sadden and sicken me.

C'mon, it's not even a real game.
Our best hope is Animal Crossing. And best hope it's not a boring mess and they bring something new to the game.

>Splatoon and Xenoblade are good because they're popular!
>but don't you dare appeal to ad populum

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How is mario maker 2 not a real game?

splatoon is genuinely fun.
xenoblade is meh-okay

>Not even a real game
>Posts Animal Crossing

Torna is DLC, it's part of the Xenoblade Chronicles 2 Expansion Pass. It just has enough content to be a full game, just like the rest of the DLC.

At least you don't have to create your own village from scratch in Animal Crossing.

>these games are fun because I said so
>only "I" am allowed to dictate whether a game is good

You can play torna without owning xenoblade 2 or the expansion pass and therefore it's not dlc

For me it's just a map editor.
I rather have a genuine 2D Mario game than Mario Maker 2.

splatoon is fun because it's a game.
uncharted and GoW are less fun because they're less of a game, and more a hybird movie game.

>game has cutscenes
>it's a hybrid movie game

You know what, I agree. This is why I hate cinematic movie shit like Xenoblade and Bayonetta. I don't care how many people praise the gameplay, the games are pure garbage because they have too many cutscenes. I think we can see common ground here.

That's called a "standalone expansion", it's DLC that can be played by itself. It's still DLC, but Nintendo DLC is big and expansive enough to be considered a full game.

There is a difference between xenoblade and bayonetta who do offer a lot of gameplay next to cutscenes and movie games like uncharted and last of us who offer a lot of cutscenes and zero gameplay

God of War offers like 60 hours of gameplay, but it's still a movie. Plus, it doesn't matter how much gameplay they offer. If there are too many cutscenes, it's a movie. Simple as that.

GoW is inbetween, but it still favors cut-scenes over gameplay.

I like The last of Us. I don't give a flying fuck about Skyrim, and I was having a good time with Breath of the Wild until I accidentally beat the game, and had zero reasons to return to it.

It's a great place for old games because of the portability but a shit place for new games because of the hardware.
I got Trials Rising on Switch and it has fog right up to an inch of your face and still runs at a cinematic 10 FPS.

>literally has over 6:1 ratio of gameplay to cutscenes
>"favors cutscenes"

Botw is bad and you should feel bad for liking it

it's not about quantity, it's about where you can tell the dev effort went.
And GoW's gameplay and mechanics are as barebones as you can get.


>It doesn't have THESE ports though! WHAT A SHIT SYSTEM AHAHAHAHA

Make up your minds.

God of War's combat system is more nuanced and deep than Bayonetta's though.

I think a lot of it comes down to difficulty, bayoneta has lots of cutscenes but nobody calls it a movie game because it is fucking brutal in infinite climax. Nugow is not a hard game but it does have hard optional bosses so it somewhat gets away with it.

How is it nuanced?
And bayo isn't really about nuance, it's about giving you plenty of flashy options in how you want to kill things.

I own a PS4 and Switch.

I play my Switch a lot more than I play my PS4. Deal with it.

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And I suppose you have crowned yourself as the supreme arbiter of where the dev effort went? And I should listen to you over the millions of people who bought GOW? Tell me why. Because right now all it sounds like is your extremely biased opinions.

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Listen man, all i know is I can return to bayo a few times a year. Whereas I have zero interest in ever replaying nuGoW again because the gameplay did not interest me.

Thats mainly because nintendo fans are starving for games and will eat anything.

>Can play Nintendo games
>Can play the biggest indies
>Can play some of the best third party games like Doom and Dark Spuls
>Microsoft bringing over exclusives like a friend bringing games to the sleepover
>Selling like hot cakes and Nintendo being super friendly with third party and western studios

Yeah honestly. Switch is probably my favorite console. I say probably but the moment Microsoft brings over rare replay and I can play Banjo on the toilet that’s it it will be the best console ever.

I personally hated both games because I will NEVER tolerate a quick time event in my vidya. even one single time is enough to make me discard the entire game, and I'm disgusted that both games have them. I also hated the disgusting sex fanservice in both games. Bayo appealed to the virgin weebs, and GOW appealed to the fujos who just want shirtless men. It disgusted me on every level.

How is it not nuanced compared to Bayonetta, parries, enemies attacking you off screen, more boss types, longer world, exploration elements, equipment and upgrades, the games has more options for combat and has better combat overall.

That's because Nintendo announces their games & then takes fucking forever to release them, leaving huge gaps without any information on them like Square Enix does. Only difference is that they are always a solid 8-9/10, and makes Yea Forums seethe every single time

What's with Snoys obsessing over the Switch?

Should I buy a 3DS and hack it or het a switch? Another thing to note is Switch games are overpriced in my country and there is no official nintendo precense in my country

>literally had to delay yoshi from 2018 just so that their first release in 2019 wasn't at the end of june
How can one company be so pathetic.

I own both too and they're both dusting up
wtf do I play

>the best place for new games
>for new games
>new games
What a joke.
All the Switch has is old ports of crappy hipster indie games, which don't even run well on the console.
Where is Shin Megami Tensei V you fucks?

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>How can one company be so pathetic

You will not be able to name a single developer who can compete with Nintendo's release schedule and quality of titles.

I know right now that if I was to randomly google any Best Games Ever list the Top 20 would be completely saturated with Nintendo games. I KNOW it. Its common knowledge, I don't even have to check.

I own a PS3 and Switch

I play my PS3 a lot more than I play my Switch. Deal with it

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user posts a picture of his consoles.

Salty baby posts a meme sonic pic.

They are all entry level.

Wrong, it's just a picture of somebody's consoles, there's no timestamp, so his pic has no value. I value my time a little more than just snapping picture everytime somebody shitposts.

>Nintendo's titles are the best
>how do I know? Look at all of the praise they get from around the world

>appealing to ad populum? user, you sicken me

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You aren't even fucking wrong, here's a top 20 for example

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user, i hope you realize more than 1 person can reply to conversations.

Historically all game companies released significantly more games, but for the first half of 2019 to be just Yoshi and Just Mario Maker, yeah, that's a pathetic from me, Capcom's first quarter had Resident Evil 2 and Devil May Cry 5. actual good games, and that was from one publisher, not a platform owner.
Nintendo are pathetic as a publisher, literally the only person who will support their platform and they are doing such a bad job that even theresa may would cringe at it.

Seething, Nintendo will always be regarded as the best gaming company no matter how much time passes.

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And in spite of this apparent size their consoles will still have droughts that last more than a year.

But you hold those exact same opinion. You think GOW is bad no matter how much praise and reviews it gets. However, you hold game journalists in high praise whenever it suits you.

Shitchlets BTFO

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When have i ever said i value """""""""""'journalists""""""""""" opinions.
I think fun things are fun based on my personal experience. Nintendo games favor gameplay, Sony games favor cut-scenes. That's it. It's more fun to play something than it is to watch. So games which focus on gameplay tend to be more fun than those that treat gameplay as an obligation.

>Wrong, it's just a picture of somebody's consoles, there's no timestamp, so his pic has no value. I value my time a little more than just snapping picture everytime somebody shitposts.

I have a dick for you to suck boi.

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> Crash

Sonyshits getting fucking REKT! Aahahahah! I love it.

>2 games vs 14 in the space of a year
How pathetic can on platform be.

Masterpieces take time, there's a reason why Nintendo has gotten 2 97's in every console gen. By the time BOTW & SMO's sequels come out next year they will have 4 97's

You can just port some mobile game to the system and it will work (to a point).
You don't really play Dark Souls in WC or on subway.

But what about games like GOW that have 60 hours of gameplay? Or Bloodborne that barely has not even 30 minutes of cutscenes? Why are both of these movies?

If the mere presence of a cutscene invalidates any gameplay whatsoever, then why can't that same logic be used against Xenoblade, Bayonetta, Breath of the Wild, Pokemon, Fire Emblem, or any Nintendo game with even a minor a focus on story? If it has cutscenes, the gameplay is pure shit.

Is SotC really that good? I found it pretty boring and empty.

Sounds like you're just making excuses, but then you can compare it to the next year, and then the next year and it's blatant how much of a joke the Switch is.
Just imagine if they extended the image, it would be a metric tonne of games on the PS4 side with just Smash on the Switch side.
Complete and utter fucking joke.


Tendies absolutely destroyed in one post.

Where did bloodborne come from?
All souls games focus on gameplay?
And you seem to not have grasped the point I was making.
Some games are led and built around the gamplay, like DmC, bayo, etc. Some games are built around a story and cut-scenes that just have "gameplay" there so they can call it a game, like your david cage "experience". NuGOW is an inbetween game, yes it has gameplay, yes thought was put into it. But at the same time, more thought and effort was put into the story, characters, and the cutscenes in the game. You're there for THOSE, not the gameplay.
That is my point.

Here's what the list will look like by 2020, realistically speaking
> 1. BOTW 2 (98) > 1. TLOU 2 (96)
> 2. BOTW (97) > 2. GoW4 (94)
> 3. Odyssey 2 (97) > 3. Persona 5 (93)
> 4. Odyssey (97) > 4. Uncharted 4 (93)
> 5. Okami 2 (94) > 5. Bloodborne (92)
FF7 Remake will 100 % not score anything higher than a 90, it will be terrible

FF7 Remake will be ported to all systems, it's not a exclusive. WSJ confirmed that Nintendo is getting a PS4 level console by the end of 2019, so all of those games will be ported since Pokemon will have added 10 Million sales to the Switch on it's own

>okami 2
Haha, holy shit. That list isn't anything like the one posted above, it doesn't compare scores, it compares games, more importantly games that people here are actually interested in playing, and the PS4 has had more of these in the first few months, than Nintendo will have for the rest of the year.

>Doesnt have enough games so he used the same two and a PS2 game
What fucktard

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>Where did bloodborne come from?
It came from earlier implications that the Ps4 and Xbox have ZERO games that are good, and are nothing but FIFA machines and movie games. Bloodborne was thrown under the bus with these statements, so I asked for clarification.

>All souls games focus on gameplay?
Actually, you said they were movieshit if they touched a sony console.

>Some games are led and built around the gamplay, like DmC, bayo, et
Sorry user, those are movie shit. Look at how much """"game journalists"""" love them. If they were good games, journos would despise them for being too videogamey.

And for my next trick; I predict that you're going to start white knighting game journalists, claiming that "a broken clock is right twice a day". Dance for me!

COPE, Okami 2 is being funded by Nintendo & will be a exclusive like Bayonetta 2

based. also the switch doesnt have bloodborne

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Ok faggots, here's my opinion. You wanna get the stakes even higher?

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What is 23rd?

NieR Automata, a JRPG released by Platinum games in 2017

Why would I buy indie games to play on my consoles when I can just play them on my PC instead?

Don't forget about cheaper games, Nintendo is actually winding up prices for Switch

>tf2 kiddie is also a gow shill

Even I thought like this user but emulating on PC is a different experience. Playing a handheld in a comfy position and a smaller screen is just better in my opinion

Wait, but cuphead wasn't even on the switch when it was a new game.

>THREE versions of Fifa
>FOUR versions of CoD
And they wonder why people say PS4 has no games.


Why don't you own current gen poor boy?

>default joycons
I think I've figured out the problem.

games? what games???


still waiting on these games

I dno Op how about you present some basis for an argument/discussion?

By best place I assume you mean its the best place for devs to put their six year old indie games at double the price to skim some profit of nintendo dogmatic retards who refuse to own any other platforms.

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I'm ps4 pc and I'm only missing out on like 2 or 3 games.

Reminder that consolewar fags are retarded and poverty stricken so they are unable process having more than one console.
They should be ridiculed at every opportunity and told to leave.

Switch is current gen console though? Also I'm mostly behind with consoles, playing retro stuff eats most of my free time, but lately decided to get my PS3 library a little more time. There's like 50 games that I want to finish before I'll move to next gen.


See >doesn't count!

KYS crybaby

HK is not a great game though. It blew the mind of normies who hadn't played a single metroidvania outside of SotN, but it's a terribly safe game.
>I don't usually like metroidvanias but Hollow knight is the best game of the genre!

>lists unreleased games
>lists remakes
>lists multiplats
It's like you want to be ridiculed

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wow! this console does have a reason to exist!

Most Switch owners have either a PC, PS4, or Xbox. If you are going to buy an Indie game, why would you buy it on anything other than the Switch?
Indie games don't usually have a high hardware demand so they run great on the Switch. Plus the Switch can swap to portable, so you can play that indie game anywhere you want.

You must wake up baffled every day - seething in confusion.

Attached: BTFO_Forever.png (1080x1456, 247K)

>people are buying it to their children so it must be good

Keep on coping on.

>Combat looks like a blend of Crisis Core and FFXV
>has Advent Children shit
It's like SE is trying to sabotage itself. The only ones who'll buy this are fujos and brainlets who like pretty graphics.


Why moving goalposts? I want exclusive Switch games listed, not some business information for shareholders, all of them can be easily countered anyway.
>best selling in 2018
because it was new, PS4 and Xbone are on the market from 2014 so people already have these consoles
>publishers sale
because the WiiU had a bad rep they weren't doing too much dosh earlier. Nice turning a failure into a success.
>6 of 20 games
So it's like 30%, other 30% can easily go to PS4 or Xbone. Wake me up ewhen numbers show more than 50%
>Expectation with shipping
Shipping doesn't mean it's sold. You can have 10 consoles on the shop and have no customers interested
>8.7 million sold through 1.5 year
Decent number for a new console, but look at point 1.
tl;dr business insider shills for Nintendo like it was written by basedboy.


I was hoping cupheads huge success in sales would mean more games with hand drawn animation, but have not heard anything since. Is anyone doing that?

To be fair I use both, but I use my Ps4 a lot more, just not for games. It's a Netflix machine for me.

Fucking based

Y-yeah, who cares about those games. We already have great shovelwares, kiddieshit, and waggleshit like 1-2-Switch, ARMS, Super Mario Tennis, Labo, Pokémon LGBT, Super Mario Party, TSA:NMH, and Yoshi Crafted World! And don't forget the $60 map editor! WAHOO!

Attached: 1556626202244.webm (640x360, 2.86M)

Serious question, why are Nintendo sõybõys excited for MM2 despite being priced at $60? World editors like WC3, Civ5, Oblivion / Skyrim, Fallout 3 / NV / 4, and Divinity OS 2 all are released for free.

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>new games

Most new games are irrelevant shovelware, so they're not wrong.

BAHAHAHAHAHAHA cope harder fag.

no one hated cuphead you retard. provide me one link to a seething nintendie saying that cuphead is bad.

its on pc, we already had it from the get-go

>>develop for Switch
>>make lods of emone because Switchfags lap up ports and indie titles, and practically foam at the mouth for physical releases, all at premium prices
pffffffff good luck competing with all the shovelware on the eshop