I'm going to take a shit, Yea Forums. When I get back I'll buy the first game you recommend me

I'm going to take a shit, Yea Forums. When I get back I'll buy the first game you recommend me.

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Black Ops 4

yoshi island

LISA: The Painful

Pirate Sekiro


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Not OP but I played this two months ago and it's fucking dead

Angels With Scaly Wings

Not even Zombies is entertaining anymore.

Came to say this

own it
own it
I'll look into it
I'm too much of a shitter for Sekiro
Never heard of it but I'll look it up

Also own this already.

recommend me a game to play its late at night and im bored. dont want anything intense but also need stimulation

trust me, Sekiro is the perfect game for you, you'll love it.

>I'll look into it
That wasn't the fucking deal, you said you'd buy the first game we recommended you faggot.

This fuck you OP

I can't find it on Steam. Only LISA the Joyful. That being said I've heard good things about LISA and its been on my radar for awhile now.

Also I'm drunk off my ass so this thread may have been ill-concieved. I probably will buy LISA though.

Please guys come thru for me

buy Planetarian


No faggot, you will buy it or don't ever fucking show your face around here again.

Better stay in the toilet if he's forced to buy shit

>Born in Eastern Europe
>Move to US
>Go to first date with highschool gf at parent's house
>have to use the bathroom
>Ate a lot of bread the other day, so my shit is huge
>no way this is gonna flush properly
>Open the door slightly and ask their parents where they keep the poop knife
>"user, the WHAT?"
>They must call it something else
>Maybe the shit slicer
>"You know, the thing for when I you can't flush it completely."
>see the looks on their faces slowly turn to disgust
>start to realize that only my family is the weird one and nobody else has poop knives
>"heh heh, i'm just kidding."
>Close the door
>Grip that shit with my bare hands and rip it in half
>mfw just remembering this
I told her what truly happened that night 2 years later. We're getting married 2 months from now, and she still brings that up with a smile on her face

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Mount and Blade Warband

>poop knife

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I own that and I've played the shit out of it.

Fine I'll buy LISA on the next Steam sale. because I'm preoccupied with Mordhau.

>2hu pic
phony and homoerotic