If they remade VIII, it would be the greatest FF ever created

If they remade VIII, it would be the greatest FF ever created.

>not limited by old technology, thus all cut content would return and fix all criticisms.
>fixed junction system

Attached: 220px-Final_Fantasy_8_ntsc-front.jpg (220x215, 19K)

And it still would be a shit game.

>ff8 with voice acting

Attached: whatever.jpg (1920x1080, 488K)

This is the best catchphrase by any FF hero ever.

But will they fix the garbage story? I mean, it is the worst story in the entire series, rivaled only by 13

Attached: uef1t6ysmryz.jpg (515x423, 61K)

8 was the worst PS1 mainline title.

>if they made the game good it wouldn't be bad
excellent insight worthy of a thread

Zoomers can't handle junction though, it will be dumbed down to boot

Are you trying to imply it has any complexity at all?

VIII has the best story.


Fixed junction system is a replaced system. It cant be balanced well enough

>fixed Junction system
Fix what? Clearly junctioning 99 haste to speed at level one is the way the game is meant to be played :^)

>all cut content would return

>time compression
>tv and radio everywhere despite no radio signal
>sorceress getting into position of power, despite being clearly evil
>everyone has amnesia
>entrusting political assassination to a rookie
>accidentally finding a fully operational warship in space
>everything Laguna related
>allowing bad guy to compress time
I know that you are baiting me, but I don't care. FF 8 hs the worst story with so many idiotic decisions, bad characters, stupid actions and plotholes. That it isn't even funny

Compression of Time is a great song though

Well, no matter how bad square games were, they always had great music. Up until ff 13

Pretty much
>FF games
>good story
Theyre entertaing but in no way are well written

>time compression
Nothing wrong with it. You're on the spot on why that plot was bad
>sorceress getting into position of power, despite being clearly evil
Which is what point 1 was about
>everyone has amnesia
explained and if you talk to NPCs in Balamb Garden it was completely foreshadowed
>accidentally finding a fully operational warship in space
Fair enough with the mcguffin
>everything Laguna related
>allowing bad guy to compress time
you didn't pay attention did you?
>entrusting political assassination to a rookie
Quistis was the leader of that assassination mission. And she wasn't a rookie.

>>good story
>Theyre entertaing but in no way are well written
I mean it was bad even next to the other FF's FF IX actually had a decent story, faggot

>8 with voice acting when Rinoa got cursed with hanakana
No thank you.

Hell no, I don't even remeber that lackluster as fuck game let alone the story

>good story

>tv and radio everywhere despite no radio signal
Way to shine a fucking spotlight on the fact that you literally didn't pay attention to the fucking plot.

>>everyone has amnesia
>explained and if you talk to NPCs in Balamb Garden it was completely foreshadowed
Just because it was, doesn't make it any less stupid
>>everything Laguna related
>>allowing bad guy to compress time
>you didn't pay attention did you?
I did, it still was retarded. The more practical solution was to just kill Elona and Riona, instead of banking on things working out AFTER you let the bad guy complete her ultimate plan
>>entrusting political assassination to a rookie
>Quistis was the leader of that assassination mission. And she wasn't a rookie.
The whole plan was banking on Irvin and it was his FIRST mission

>>tv and radio everywhere despite no radio signal
>Way to shine a fucking spotlight on the fact that you literally didn't pay attention to the fucking plot.
Okay, enlighten me. What was the reason for it?

There's nothing wrong with the game as it is. FF7 is overrated and the remake looks awful.

>world building in a fantasy setting is bad

The way Adel was contained caused fuckery that distorted radio waves.

>old technology

But how does it explaining Tv and radio still being around and turned on, decades later? Optimism?
World building isn't, retardation is and FF 8 is nothing but retardation

>not limited by old technology, thus all cut content would return
I hope you're underage OP, otherwise there is no excuse for this level of stupidity.

I'm a "Let's mosey" man myself.

>FF8 has a bad story
All FFs have terribad plots. For example here are FFIX and FFIV:

FFIX's plot in a nutshell:
>You fail to kidnap princess
>Walk home with her on foot through shit
>Learn about Queen's evil army
>Queen attacks furries with army and you show up but change nothing
>Princess loses magic powers to Queen who uses them to destroy the other city
>You go to a different land mass
>Fight a giant tree and break all airships
>Villain behind the villain betrayal and death
>Emo scene
>Unrelated fetch quest
>Learn about mastermind behind villain previously behind immediate villain
>There's a fourth real boss behind him
>Unrelated trip into magic land

As comparizon here is FFIV:
>We must protect the crystals!
>Whoops, we failed!
>WAIT! We forgot about the secret crystals underground!
>Oops, Golbez beat us at it again.
>Oh noes, he activated a tower which goes to.. the moon.
>Luckily for us we just wished for a whale which will fly us there!
>Go to moon just to meet some random geezer who tells you there now is some random robot at earth causing chaos!
>Go back to earth inside said robot to blow it up!
>The random guy from moon now tells Cecil that he is a space orphan and that Golbez is his brother!
>He also says that there is some other random guy at moon that no one has ever heard of that is also happens to be responsible for anything bad that has ever happened!
>Let's go to the moon again to kill him!
>Wait, there is the final boss. Who the fuck are you and WTF are you doing?
>No matter lets kill him!
>And everyone lived happily ever after. Except Golbez who went off with a moon people. The End.

Face it, the plots of FFs and JRPGs in general has always been written by monkeys but that has never kept me from enjoying them
Do people have reasons other than being part of the NPC brigade to point FF8 out of something all games in the genre are guilty of?

Attached: 1161407932480.jpg (216x232, 51K)

While I agree that all FF's require some degree of accepting the bullshit, you are being a cheeky cunt and specifically describe IX to be as nonsensical as it can. Ironically enough, it still makes more sense than Vlll. The problem with VIII us that it doesn't follow the rules it establishes, relies on deus-ex asspulls for major story elements to progress, makes no attempt to properly explain everything and makes all of the main characters retards, just so the story can progress

they would need to fine tune the levelscaling, make the AI in the card game not bullshit, and fix up the story (both main and romance).

As it stands right now, it's a mess of a game, with a story that goes to hell at disc 3, and a love story that is so bad it took until FFXV to dethrone VIII for "Worst love story in a FF game"

>Walk home with her on foot through shit
isn't one of the first things you do is hitch a ride on a big ass hot air balloon and start fighting a black mage? am I remembering wrong?

user is being hyperbolic on purpose.

Yeah FF plots have always been typival JRPG bullshit with poorly explained stuff that has its moments, I don't know why people try to play mines is less bullshit then yours argument
I rather Square just leave them be instead of doing shit like FF7 side games and XV with its millions of side shit trying to pad out and add ""depth"" to its joke of a story

the sad part, the XV "extra" stuff was to fill holes in the story.

Even the cancelled DLC stuff was to fill holes in the story.

I thought that was probably the case, but it's been awhile since I played through the game and wasn't sure if I was mixing up the timeline. iirc it's about when the party starts to split up and that makes it a bit harder to remember.

If you don't think slapping a T-rex in the face with a gunblade and pulling the trigger would be the tightest shit, you can get out of my face.

>But how does it explaining Tv and radio still being around and turned on, decades later? Optimism?
It's explained in Timber that over the air broadcasts don't happen anymore and they started using cable instead of radio for transmissions. But due to the rising amount of monsters the cable lines are often damaged. The reason they needed the communication tower in Dollet was to boost the signal to overcome the interference so their transmission could reach areas not connected by cable. This is one of the main plot points in the first part of the game so you must be retarded if you fucking missed it.