"I love [series name]! I'm a big fan!"

>"I love [series name]! I'm a big fan!"
>has played one game out of 10 entries
Name some series that are susceptible to this

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Kingdom Hearts. Final Fantasy. Monster Hunter. DMC. Pretty much any Japanese game.

Dragon Quest
Final Fantasy

Anything that has been gone for a while and recently had a big revival that outsold the other series titles.

I'll admit I started with yakuza 0 but I have played everything up till kiwami 2 and I bought a PS3 just to play the rest of the series. 0 is so good that it basically forces you to play the rest

Fire Emblem

Fire Emblem

Fuck off secondary




These and Zelda. It often feels like the Zelda fanbase is made up of fans of individual games rather than the series as a whole.

people don't even play a persona game and call themselves persona fans nowadays. You can thank smashfags

I hate Fate, fucking turbo-weeb autism chuuni garbage, but my FGO account is better than yours and I've never played FSN or any of the VNs for that matter.

Nier, but most of the games suck so it's kinda understandable

Aren't there only 3 NieR games anway.

he's right though you fuckin sperg.

>FF7 trailer reaction
>doesn't even know Jessie

What made Yakuza 0 so popular with the casuals and brainlets? They didn't even gave a fuck about 6 and Kiwami and both came out after 0.

Going from 0 to 6...

Makes sense

They didn't give a fuck about kiwami. They just played 0 and called it a day.


Pretty sure 0 had some e-celebs shilling it, for whatever reason. Maybe Sega paid them.

>Persona 5? I LOVE THAT GAME! I never played it myself though but I watched Zero's stream on Twitch and and I main Joker in Smash! Switch port when?

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Normies don't know what Kiwami is. They see 0, hear it's a prequel and play it. After that it's a PS2 game next.

Genwunners don't really call themselves fans of the series in general

I dont see the argument here. A lot of the people the like the series played the English dub on the PS2.

You fucks just want salt for some reason.


2 or 5, depends who you ask. The original NieR just released with 2 different versions with minor differences like the Pokemon games, so in terms of games with the title Nier, there's only 2. But since NieR is also a sequel to the Drakengard that bumps that up to 5

I didn't even know there was more than one Drakengard game, but that's what I was referring to when I said 3. (I haven't played any but you won't see me calling myself a fan.)

Huge Persona fan here, only ever played 5 the rest suck lol they're so old and ugly

I know it's cringe, but gatekeeping is worse.

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Pure cringe

>translation: I don't own a vita or ps3

>playing a single game in the series
Times have changed, user. Now the biggest fans are the ones who watched their favorite streamer play a single game in the series and then read the wiki for an hour.

>gatekeeping is worse
Have you considered that it's not gatekeeping but that other fans can see through the fact that you didn't actually enjoy the game as much as you say you did? After all, if you love a series and there's a ton more games to play, shouldn't you want to play them? Why is it illegitimate to get irritated by someone feigning interest in something you like to seem more interesting?

>calling out hypocrites and poser is bad

>walking around in the streets in you bedtime blouse
>not wearing a bra

aeris confirmed slut

For a good while, Kingdom Hearts.

thesw1tcher's lp of it, same reason why every basedboy loves metal wolf chaos now and why it's getting remasted.

>Normies don't know what kiwamai is, After that it's a PS2 game next.
I fucking wish, casuals see kiwami as replacements to the originals, several nufag reviewers on youtube is proof of that..