This is the best castlevania
This is the best castlevania
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It's a cool game with neat ideas, but they're not implented very well. Hiding the DSS cards behind random drops was fucking awful to the point the only way to really get anything out of it was by abusing the menu glitch.
this is the worst castlevania fanbase
Game is okay, boss fights are kinda boring since your options are very limited. Random card drops are gay.
play as magician then.
carmilla has a really nice ass, and she was fighting literally naked.
Legends would have been fine if they ironed shit some more (Fuck the monster traps) magic was interesting change even if it was kinda too OP when compared to normal subweapons. And a better OST (The final final boss theme can stay)
Move OoE between DoS and CotM and this is gucci
Are we rating the Metroidvanias now? Sure. prepare for my shit-taste folks. I haven't played either Aria or Circle in forever, though, so maybe my opinion could change.
SOTN's too easy unless you purposefully limit yourself in some form, CoTM had some great ideas but the implementation was shit like the other user said. I think the DSS system could've been really fun if they trimmed the fat (IE the shitty cards/card combos) and gave out the cards through progression, with maybe two or three hidden somewhere rather than random drops. Dawn always felt really off for me. The Castle was shit, the story (even for CV standards of a fairly simple if not barebones story) was awful, and Aria just overall did it better. Equipment progression felt weird since most of it was tied to Yoko's soul thing, which was a nice idea though maybe not implemented in the best way. Fix the fucking stupid luck formula, add in some sort of Soul Steal move (Think what Drac does in OoE) for Soma with a high chance of getting a soul if it kills (maybe even higher damage based on the amount of souls you have?), and tweak gear progression a bit. Would be a good start.
Deleted and remade this post because evidently I did a fucking awful crop job on the image initially, oops.
>ruins your game
Pssss, nothin personnel... kid...
besides PoR being first, thats almost spot on.
the only reason this game is good is because you can cheat the magic system into giving you magic you don't have yet
yeah, not running by default was a bad choice.
Fortunately that's easily fixed with a cheat code
I agree
>that awake in smash
Don't even play smash but it's cool they chose that song for a go.
You have to unlock that by playing the game first so not helpful.
>not a belmont
>not supernatural
>not even wielding vampire killer
>just a dude with a rawhide whip and a pack of cards
>still whips Dracula into submission
Is Nathan the most chad vampire hunter?
wish all other games kept that stuff, it was amazing playing with altered stat curves.
Order really feels half-baked in every aspect. I know they all have a lot of linear horizontal hallways full of enemies, but I swear thats like 75-80% of Ecclesia and their idea of difficulty is to just spam enemies to the point where the game chugs. There's only like 4 templates of level design in the entire game and they're reused over and over.
Magnes gives you the impression that the Glyph system is gonna be some interesting new addition that gives you different movement options, but Magnes is the only real one you get for 95% of the game. Everything designed around Magnes is so basic that it might as well not even exist.
Everyone compares it to Simon's Quest but the 2 things I remember most from that game are its interconnected map and its secrets. The majority of Ecclesia is disconnected horizontal hallways with an occasional breakable wall. I just can't believe that this is the game they wanted to make.
The bosses are generally ok but a lot of the challenge boils down to not standing next to a casually swaying hit box that shows up in between the heavily choreographed moves. They all have so much health yet the margin for error is so low that a good chunk of them just end up feeling tedious. I have no idea how people can have the patience for those Level 1 hard mode runs.
I just beat this game for the first time this week to finally finish up all the Igavanias so sorry for the rant.
based thinking man castlevania
Make those aria of niggers seeth
I must be the only one who likes the dash boots.
the walk speed is perfect for most enemies and allows more precise dodging during boss battles, while the run speed is great for getting around the castle faster or passing by enemies you dont need to bother fighting
OP is wrong. Very, very wrong.
I can't beat the arena, so i'm stuck at 97%
I did use a hex cheat to permanently run back when I sat down determined to beat it and suddenly the game became fun, go figure.
There is absolutely no reason NOT to be running in this game. None, fucking zero. Add that to the fact that you get the stupid boots not 5 minutes after the damn start and it sincerely baffles me how this garbage made it past the design stage. I've never seen a single arguments that effectively justifies it as a mechanic. One would expect that if they made the conscious decision to implement two movement speeds, each would be useful under certain circumstances, but oh no not on this game.
It genuinely makes me upset how they shit the bed on something so basic as the movement in an action platformer. Yeah it was a launch title but that's really no excuse, common sense should've fixed this abomination of a mechanic to begin with.
I too watch pikasprey
also shit game shit castlevania
circle of the moon is shit
He's still wielding vampire killer, but that just makes him more Chad for not dying from using it.
there's no bad castlevania
the adventure sucks
He was pretty based. Belmonts are able to slay dracula because of their godtier genes, but Nathan is just a badass whose skills allowed him to wield the vampire killer whip without dying.
Best? No. Underrated? Yes. Bloodlines is also underrated. Super Castlevania IV is overrated. The 64 games are good, fuck you.
I was about to make fun of you, but I must admit the arena is really tough. It took me many, many tries to clear it.
>that feeling when you finally get out of the arena with 1hp, but still need to save, and any monster could kill you with a single hit.
Getting to the closest save room without gatting killed was more nerve wrecking that the entire arena
>Simon's Quest
>Haunted Castle
I didn't slouch, I even farmed for potions. Damage scales to level and it's painful. There was only 4 rooms I couldn't clear having to slide outside before potentially dying.
lmao it's actually fucking garbage
wait, is haunted castle considered bad?
not him, but arin isnt wrong about the subweapons being useless save for maybe the stopwatch, but cv4 is still a good game
nigga, i beat the arena as a Magician, there is no excuse to not beat it normally.
It’s fucking horrible. Imagine Castlevania 1 but harder and you only get one life.
>Haunted Castle
Who considers them bad in the first place? People decried Legends being non canon, and Haunted Castle was good for what it was.
>on a shooter run
>trying to get through those last few arena runs
send help
Nigga I bet you used the mana glitch with those MP pots you farmed didn't you?
Nah he's pretty much wrong. I've always found a use for the subweapons in IV.
SCIV is basically the SOTN of 2Dvanias. It has a ton of great mechanics, amazing graphics, and incredible music, but the team clearly spent 0 time balancing the game. They just threw in everything they wanted to and didn't care how it played out. SCIV looks incredible and feels amazing to play, but the reality is that you're an unstoppable monster that's going to stomp through the game.
I love both these games but the complete lack of difficulty in either game kills it for me. They would probably be perfect games if they were even remotely challenging.
Based and IVpled
no, its working as intended, the arena DRAINS your magic, it never block your magic inside it.
It blatantly says upon entering that you're not supposed to be using magic cards. I suppose it only drains your MP due to the way the game was coded not permitting a scenario where there would be a hard lock on card commands.
It's pretty bad. It looks awful, collision detection can be suspect, it's sluggish. It's tedious and somewhat unfair. It is not good.
Have you actually played Legends? It sucks. It's not much better than Adventure, which is unfortunate and disappointing given how good Belmont's Revenge is. Being noncanon has nothing to do with it; Castlevania has plenty of shitty stories anyway.
It's a bit harder than most other Castlevanias to do a no-death run in though. Even though this doesn't apply to most people, I think that says something about the balance. It's also got the best pacing of all the classic style Castlevanias.
Member the one with picard?
All the 3D games are meh.
They have forgotten the shittiest Castlevania of all
I'm going to have to give benefit of the doubt for never hearing about it. Is it an early mobile game?
Yes it was.
you can only choose one, Yea Forums
>new classicvania with Mechanics from 4 and based on the 1999 Castle Wars
>new metroidvania with the detailed pixel art from SoTN in a completely new setting
I'm going to pick the latter, save 1999 castle wars for a completely special and non traditional CV.
I only know about this game due to the ost from youtube, Konami really buried it.
One of the single most depressing things I ever learned was that someone who helped developed this game died, and when teh credits roll at the end, the game says it's in honor of their memory.
thats life for you.
First one. The "metroidvania" style began and ended with SOTN for me. It's the only one I ever liked. I'd rather have a 3D game with Alucard instead.
>double tap to dash
>mostly drab samey environments
>insultingly lazy obstacles (a million different versions of a room with a block in the way that all require different power-ups)
>tedious bosses
>bland story
>broken card system based on RNG drops
>but muh whip!
It's arguably better than Harmony of Dissonance (that game has some major "WHAT WERE THEY THINKING?" shit), but leagues below Aria of Sorrow.
Curse of Darkness.
I unironically play this song during full moons
I really don't care about 1999, and I've never got why so many peopld think it's so vital. We know what happens, and it was obviously just backstory to justify playing as a femme boy Dracula. I'm not opposed to a 1999 game, mind you, but I don't think the premise is particularly exciting,
That's relatively depressing in more ways than one.
SotN > AoS = PoR > DoS > CotM > HoD > OoE
>Samey environments despite the evident variation
>playing the game for story
>implying other castlevanias didn't encourage using powerups for exploration
come on now.
who was in the wrong here?
they both fought for their beliefs and came to an understanding that gave soma the strength to do what must be done
>kills your series
Compare it to other games in the series, it's majorly lacking. The standout is the clock tower that's obligatory in every Castlevania. Otherwise everything is grey or greyish blue.
If everything else was incredible and the story sucked it wouldn't matter, but it's still worth mentioning. AoS had a simple but effective story.
It's not about having power-ups. I love Metroidvanias. The way they're implemented in CotM is just really lazy for the most part. Otherwise empty rooms that have a single box in the middle that forces you to go find [power-up]. At least the colored doors in Metroid are just that, doors. Not creative but at least much more elegant/seamless.
it was honestly already dead before the game even released
I think it's the only game in the series where the enemies change and become more powerful upon returning to an area. Made backtracking fun since you would encounter unknown monsters this way.
I honestly don't recall that at all.
Lords of Shadow didn't kill anything so much as it was an attempt at avoiding death that happened to fail. LoS2 was shit, but even if LoS2 was a well-received hit I don't think anything would've changed.
False, but it's a very good one. Difficulty is all over the place and Dracula is borderline impossible without cheesing the card system.
That was just the hammer bashing in the stake the rest of the way.
??? Dracula is a joke, his attacks are super telegraphed.
It's there, the difference is you're hardly if ever outside the Castle walls. You go inside of it.
Idk m8 it's been several years since I played it, but I recall just getting rekt despite leveling enough and not having anywhere as much issue with other 2dvania final bosses. I ended up just spamming Thunderbird to win
You can just spam boomerang and whip his eye until he starts flashing. From there he tries to ram you thrice and his eyeball comes down surrounded by a swarm of bats. The key is knowing what you're doing.
It was usually in the central area and the Chapel area. Some enemies you could encounter this way were things like the Wind Demons and Plant Knights.
Not just that but most areas in general. If you went back to the caverns it would be infested with bears and Arachne. Defeating certain bosses would also place trick candles in boss rooms you would need to farm for DSS.
AoS = SotN Richter Mode > CotM = PoR = SotN = OoE's sheer style > DoS = OoE's actual gameplay > HoD
It's not the Vampire Killer though. It's never shown to have a chain form like the Vampire Killer often takes, it's always depicted as a leather whip called the Hunter's Whip. If anything, it's perhaps another Whip of Alchemy before it got upgraded.
its the unawakened Vampire killer, he fucking killed dracula without the whip on its powerful form.
The last actually castlevania and pretty underrated game too
I love SOTN but I hate the inverted castle
I thought it was a wii eshop exclusive?
>The last actually castlevania
Ah, I see you're retarded.
I liked the loot-aspect of DSS hunting
inverted castle really is the least of SOTN's problems
I think you're mixing up games user, Castlevania Rebirth was the Wii eshop one.
I never found this to be inconvenient desu I don’t see the problem
Good God, compared with the fact he can do item crashes with DSS he's easily the most powerful than any Belmont
As the other user said, I wonder if you can really consider ot a glitch. It sure is cheap though(I used it ngl)
Latter, I don't think a game could do 1999 justice.
same, only used it on Magician and Thief runs, because its basically impossible without it.
on normal is a good challenge and on fighter and shooter is a joke
And now you know why the was declared non Canon.
i still cant believe that dracula is Jean-Claude Van damme.
At first I thought you were lying, turns out you weren't. Holy shit