Are you happy with the changes?
Are you happy with the changes?
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Not enough to say yet. The 2nd image from the top left is kino though.
I'm never happy.
is that a big daddy on the middle left?
>tfw just noticed all the parts with Tifa's name but her model not being on screen
How did they skillfully do this?
I don't know enough about the new combat and I'm nervous about it being in three parts
Damn, same. Tifa reveal is definitely happening at E3 then.
The combat gameplay is a fucking joke. Why would they revert to XV shitfest faggotry?
XV's battle system was great.
They know Tifa is the one who's gonna bring in the sales so they're holding back for the reveal.
fuck off back to the cold war, gramps
I'm a little sad that the remake looks so good since it seems like a lot of wasted effort; I didn't like FFVII very much.
>THIS level of cope from Tifafags
It's ok, FF7 never had a good combat system.
The out of battle customization was great but once a battle actually starts its entry level easy as shit.
>XV's battle system was great.
ok user it’s time for you to stop posting now
holding circle to win isn’t good gameplay
Not a huge fan of the Sweeper getting buzzsaw hands instead of guns, but it does seem like the same vein of silliness that the original game had.
I'm hoping a gun version shows up. Maybe as Custom Sweeper or Death Machine (palette swaps in the original)
Why do you think she hasn't been shown for a single frame, brainlet? Your waifu is a prostitute.
I think the saws were due tot he battle system change. more melee enemies tees. this is made an alt sweeper added to the sector 1 reacor in the remake.
No one gives a shit about your garbage opinion you retarded zoomer trash.
>No picture of Jessie
AHHHHHHH! She looks so good. Why does she have to be a d-tier side character.
I won't lie, I'm always, always going to prefer the original game if not just for nostalgia and probably won't be too into the remake, but I can't deny that visually it looks pretty nice. I'll at least give it a shot and see how it is; I want to check out the new localization anyway.
i actually think those look good
>they only have like 1.5% of the game finished
>Tits will make or break this game
It's a bionicle
it's more KH than XV desu. Tetsuya Nomura is directing.
But mashing the X button is? Lmao
>yfw tifa's censored to fit in with new snoy policies
flat chestu
>Genesis will now be in the reactor scene
>they're shoehorning all the stupid spinoff shit
>sephiroth showing up during the bombing mission
Wrong Sweeper, OP
Don't know how they could fuck up this bad desu
>Why do you think she hasn't been shown for a single frame, brainlet?
probably because the only thing she would be saying is "Cloud" over an over again because she's a thirsty fucking thot.
fuck off Bazz
>Wrong Sweeper, OP
it's a..REMAKE, user.
Sephiroth is also taunting Cloud when he didn't even know his name in the original, i wonder if Nomura even played FF7
I really hope they add some hitstun. It feels like a mixture of Crises Core, 15 and some KH.
He mentioned Cloud's name in the game. Off the top of my head, he does it when impersonating Tifa at the crater, telling whoever is holding onto the Black Materia that Cloud's in trouble.
I don't like what they showed of the scene where Cloud meets Aeris in the trailer. Aeris sticking here face out like that and then Cloud reacting to the flower by staring at it and saying "A flower?" was a little too cute on her part and awkward on his. They should have played it a little cooler. It's not some fated meeting, just a minor chance encounter.
go into console, type some nerd shit like
>draw_tifa 0
The remake is soulless. The original had soul.
Fuck off Zoomer. I'm fucking your mother right now.
Your days are over, old man. Battle Royale games are the mark of a true gamer now.
FF7 was anmie as hell, and they replaced that with drab realism. Architecture and style of Midgar was very art deco and Blade-Runner style. City is now just bland.
They're remaking it but they literally don't know what made the original so charming.
Literally soul vs no soul.
i'd say it was more industrial than art deco but yeah
It has the guns too look at the arms closely.
>Spikey-haired twink and nigger with a gun for an arm fighting giant robots
I understand your concern about the style, but so far it still seems pretty anime to me. Though I'm sure a lot of the little things like the signboard enemy, possibly the Hellhouse, and other goofy shit will probably be gone.
Joke's on you faggot Zoomer. There is no future without the boomer.
>soul/soulless autism
Not a fan of the silly saws.
The fact that they keep showing Midgar and nothing else means it's gonna be split into different episodes, and that's what's bothering me.
FF VII was a massive game in scope. I don't know how will they pull off all that content (locations, cinematics, enemy variety, sidequests and NPC's) in just one game, or even three.
I guess the world map and free roaming will be pretty much gone.
>but so far it still seems pretty anime to me.
They're aiming for realism, and realistic proportions. Look at the original: giant eyes, anime proportions. Are you saying simply because of the spikey hair and gun arm it's "anime"? That's the vague almost meaningless buzz-word meaning, like how people say Devil May Cry is "anime".
I'm specifically referring to the art style, and the influence. The humor and setting are taken from anime. FF7 is kind of like 80's and early 90's anime put into a blender. FF7 is for some reason, the only FF that really, really, really copied anime. It's the only one with massive eyes for exaple.
One of the bigger issues is that you take this very stylized cartoony world, and you suddenly make it hyper-realistic and detailed looking and it just looks goofy and absurd. Cloud's Dragon Slayer style sword can work in a stylized environment, but the more real you make the world the sillier it is. This is why Advent Children style realism is super lame.
THANK GOD they at least haven't fallen for "realism means scanned faces of ugly people, and total desautration of colors" like Capcom is thinking. At least we have color.
>THANK GOD they at least haven't fallen for "realism means scanned faces of ugly people, and total desautration of colors" like Capcom is thinking. At least we have color.
Capcom still has a massive hard-on for the west despite Inafune being long gone so they want ugly western realism looking... everything basically to pander pander pander and still try to reach for them cawadoody/gtabux that they will never attain. S-E is making a still fairly Japanese game for Japanese people so western influence is minimal.
I thought you were talking about the overall feel of the game, not the artstyle. Kinda like how Metal Gear Rising is anime as fucking hell, but Raiden doesn't have giant eyes. No arguments regarding the artstyle.
Its look good. Don't know it will capture the VII feel but I've never played it and I may play the new one
This. The original worked out well because the scale they had to work with was smaller and used pre-rendered backgrounds, hence, it was easier to put so much shit in just 3CD's. FFVII done today will be a straight corridor filled with enemies and ocassional shopping areas.
>FFVII done today will be a straight corridor filled with enemies and ocassional shopping areas.
Just like FFXV minus the long ass driving sections
Not sure. I haven’t played it yet.
they are going to get rid of a lot of the weird enemies and consumable items aren't they?
They gonna rewrite it, Kadaj is already in. Really makes you think.
Pleasebgood pleasebegood pleasebegood
i'm pretty sure you fight a house enemy because the squaresoft team finally got their hands on a 3d engine and one of them said, "look, I made a cute little house"
so they gave it a suicide move and put it next to the trainyard
I need to play it first. Even if I wasn't, the original still exists.
This is SE's last chance.
wouldn't he be able to know due to the Jenova hivemind shit?
They already revealed Tifa, she looks exactly the same except they added a undershirt & made her skirt Longer. Mods on the PC version can easily fix this, so it doesn't even matter
Visually it's fine, my concern is the structure and content. Are they still going for the episodic bullshit? I really hope they aren't. Will they carry over all the materia or are they gonna streamline it? What about the optional content? How will the world map work? Will the entire party travel together now or does the game still have PHS? Are summons still cutscene attacks? Are they keeping all the silly mini-games? etc etc
Soulless / Soul
where is this yoda-lady from?
use reverse image search user
If they still only show the first area of the game at E3 again, that will mean the game is in deep trouble.
>Are they still going for the episodic bullshit?
Yep. Ep1 is midgar.
That looks good. It might actually live up to the hype like RE2 remake.
He means the arms are saws and not guns
I'm kind of curious as to what even drove this decision. Actually since they're adding Kadaj I know what drove the decision.
I just hope the gameplay is actually good. Or that they maybe learn how to make an action rpg that anybody gives a fuck about
Visual style is worse. Still looks good, but I'd rather play the original first.
>Actually since they're adding Kadaj
Where is the proof of this? Several people have been saying this but I saw nothing in the trailer that showed Kadaj or anything Compilation related.