Attached: she cute.jpg (1100x590, 99K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Legit me with DQ7 3ds

what an ugly girl

Attached: 1546842711606.png (285x268, 110K)

>gta san andreas

Attached: mcdonalds night.jpg (680x530, 94K)

but it's not really funny

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I have several games I never beat with over hundreds of hours of playtime because I restart every time I play it.

Divinity Original sin 2
>Get game
>Play with brother
>Get kinda far
>Play with brother #2, make new game
>Get kinda far
>Play with brother #1 and #3
>Make new game
>play with brother #1 #2 and #3
>play with friend
>make new game
>definitive edition comes out
>play with brother #1
>make new game


Attached: 1551236673176.jpg (1280x720, 74K)

Similar thing happened to me. Ended up beating it solo.

I don't understand why people do this, when I come back to a game I just start from where I left, otherwise you're just wasting time.

haha imagine if he kept schloping for the whole 10 hours and his tummy got really big from all the water haha he would be a balloon doggy haha

Holy shit man. Whoever drew those things needs to be taken out and shot. Touhou fags on suicide watch 24/7.

difference being you don't literally start to die if you stop playing vidya. It's entirely a mental compulsion versus a physical one like drugs.
You can be addicted but ultimately outside of being pissed off nothing happens if you stop playing them cold turkey.


It's time to go back...

Damn.... this really says a lot about our society

Too much soul for you?

It's not about playing vidya though

I havent beaten ss isshin because I dont want it to be over

I really need to, then again I don't regret any of it.
>Play spooky skeleton
>get early death fog barrel
>Arena fight to remove collar
>Drop death fog barrel next to brother
>"Really? You're really doing that right now?"

I've played halfway through Skyward Sword 5 times and have never beaten it...

Attached: chadus.png (1000x1413, 1.21M)

You call those abominations soul because you lack an actual soul yourself.

I do this with strategy games like Civilization because I forgot what I was doing, what plans I had, and what was happening.

got a laugh out of me
can i go now?

Attached: 1557328299609.jpg (3158x1291, 391K)

When is it going to make one where it kills itself?

I do this

Attached: 1513916217342.jpg (204x218, 14K)

Attached: 1534431037746.jpg (1024x542, 78K)

40% chance of this happening

Ha ha, oh man, us epic gamers, am I right?

>Young Nigga Donnie

haha i recognize those memes, that's a hearty kek from me my fellow memer

Attached: 1540945987748.jpg (513x635, 79K)

half way is nothing
i for some reason keep forgetting that i pretty much finish the ace attorney series and i keep coming back to finish it
the realization set in when i was in 4th case out of 5 and my brain went "hey wait a fucking minute, now i remember this"
is it possible to have alzheimer under 30?

Why do these niggers censor words that aren't swears?

Attached: carrion-bag-pun-comic-1.png (1500x500, 76K)

Why does he draw himself as a blue bear now?


Attached: 1553967576530.png (700x700, 432K)

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Attached: 1550447383545.webm (640x366, 1.7M)

God Damn it these comics are usually ass but this got me

Attached: 1549161646350.gif (600x540, 785K)

>Webcomic where the punchline is: "Lol isn't this joke bad?"
Yeah. It is. Hope you make a good one next time.



If you were as ugly inside and out as Dobson would you draw yourself as you truly were?

Unironically the only good punchline stonetoss has ever written.

Attached: 1548096837592.jpg (765x990, 182K)

holy fuck how are all these chinese accidents like looney tunes episodes

touhou characters are supposed to look like shit

Attached: d5f[1].jpg (800x649, 116K)

is this a fucking skit? how the fuck it hit the same man TWICE, holy fucking

Switch owners really are massive casuals.


Its like watching some dude play GTA.


Attached: 1533450825872.png (1400x1400, 689K)

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you forgot the sound


>one of the only webms to feature Chinese people actually helping someone in an accident
>slapstick comedy ensues

Goddamn China is a magical place

Attached: 1554006203760.jpg (406x1024, 81K)

>instead of one Lana you get TWO future Lanas
>Lana might get jelous and join in

Attached: Imagine.png (500x471, 145K)


Attached: 9f323abdfb32a6162ddce103d2ffbb2349f1461a545192caf984e9b5695c3a9a.jpg (1920x2640, 958K)

It's true though. I played through the first half of KOTOR like three times before I ever beat it.

Somebody send this to Zun.

Garou would like to know your location

Attached: Stupid Sexy Garou.jpg (1617x2253, 763K)

Attached: 1555041548735.png (1024x459, 716K)

He used to draw his character similar to how he looks except the character was slim and had a full head of hair. People kept calling him on it and he'd basically say "it's just a character, it's not supposed to be me!". Finally he got so butthurt he made his self insert a blue bear

This is me and strange journey.

This is weird, I am so used to the Dreamworks face being on the third panel.

>They all grow up to be like Lana’s mother
>Lana’s mother also joins

>chinks actually try helping each other for once
>this happens

Made me laff. Mostly cause I wasnt expecting fucking stonetoss to make a harmless joke

Oooof, that's some... Oooh baby, that adonis belt.

I started DK64 over about three times before I finally realized why I never finished it, then proceeded to 102% it.


if he drew himself people would probably confuse him with the shitty neckbeard sterotype he uses as his "bad guy" sterotype
he even draws them wearing fedoras, the fuck man you literally used to wear one to cons and shit do you not see the correlation

Attached: 23451905.jpg (639x502, 38K)

oh nvm im retarded, it's just different camera angle

that picture is like 10 years old, I'm sure he's seen it

Fuckin Pappy.

Attached: 1554003686787.png (600x292, 39K)

>Play large open game and do as much side content as possible before tackling story material, to the point where I'm at post-game levels of preparedness
>Hundreds of hours of playtime
>Stop playing for one reason or another before actually finishing the game
I want to go back and actually finish them but it's been years now and I'm afraid I'll be out of the loop, but I don't want to just throw away all that time I spent by starting a new file even if I don't erase the old one.

>tumblr style

Why is this so common?

Unironically the closest thing to a joke Stonetoss has ever done

>calling it mcdonalds night
god, what a fucking man-child

Attached: 1553710823532.jpg (850x693, 251K)

>Lewding Garou
Do not

Attached: 1[1].png (904x1300, 517K)

This artstyle makes me want to kill 50 people.

Holy fuck, please be real.

Attached: goldkek.jpg (250x217, 8K)

I hate hahaposters so much. Your fetishes are fucking weird and so are you

>Like a pokemon evo line you know what you're getting ahead of time
>All three stages are amazing

Attached: The smile.jpg (480x360, 21K)


He didn't write that one at all though, George Carlin did.

I don't get it. Is it a trap because Ancient Greece and pedaresty?

Attached: 1555300537672.jpg (1444x553, 364K)

This is why I've never beaten a Bethesda game.

Soullet cope


Everything on Yea Forums is just reposted from reddit

Is he as ugly and fat as Rich Evans though?

Attached: detroit_become_cyborg_by_emlan-dcemth6.png (664x2060, 746K)

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This isn't video games.

These guys don't even know who George Carlin is.

Uglier AND Fatter.



Attached: 1553959258507.jpg (927x430, 236K)

Attached: 1557274680899.jpg (900x1238, 272K)

Impossible. Is he a fatter Mike then?

Attached: 1554321391284.png (407x488, 181K)

Are the girls the campground toilets?
That’s hot

Attached: 1522465951828.jpg (900x582, 234K)

Taking webcomic girls lewd requests
Hit me up with something spicy

I always thought the statues were just flaccid.


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I don't get it.

Give me some preg content, but I want it to be non-lewd and wholesome.

>McDonald’s night
>it’s daytime

and yet you're here and not on reddit, faggot.

Attached: 1551304953103.jpg (750x296, 18K)

based ronnie

I think rich evans is kind of cute. He's the typical funny chubby bumbling sidekick type. Not attractive at all but not ugly.

Attached: 1527311707161.jpg (2408x3360, 2.27M)


been a while since i've seen a reference to that

Is that ZSS from the Wii U version? Because Nu Samus has no ass.

Attached: 1548097470589.jpg (1750x1250, 700K)


I never finished call of juarez because I left it for a while and when I came back I couldn't remember what button to press to make my horse go faster.

He is literally formless sack of fat, balding with a laugh that makes people violent. I do not get how you can call it "cute".

Attached: white girls fuck dogs.gif (354x360, 1.57M)

More of just depressing, this is why I re-learn the button map and finish the game. I’ll start over some other time.

Attached: 1543049219824.jpg (1200x1594, 456K)

Sounds like bullshit. Greeks were pedos, but that's not their entire motivation for finding small dicks more appealing.
Preference for a certain dick size is largely arbitrary since there's no actual biological benefit to bigger penises, if that were the case there wouldn't be so many Chinese.
Also women didn't have enough power to commission statues but they had enough to keep sexual slaves behind their husband's back? Lol.

fucking cringe

Attached: octo_riku_eggs_preview_by_sora_belly_d7skv46.png (923x455, 595K)



Attached: 1549064025194.jpg (992x2936, 1.32M)

Am I supposed to feel bad for them? Tumblr had a serious CP problem. Like, even Yea Forums manages to have a tight lockdown on that shit.

I wanted to mock this but then I realized how many times I have done this. Yakuza 0 her name.

just realize that after making this post, you're confirming the fact that you're insecure about the size of your penis.

>there's no actual biological benefit to bigger penises
come on dude, cope more why don't you.

Nigga it is ok. My dick is as small as yours.

I can actually relate with this one. It's the reason why I haven't bought any games in the last 6 months, gotta finish that fucking backlog.

Attached: 1529254195613.png (538x581, 520K)

Attached: 1536970032657.jpg (900x301, 114K)

That's an old one.

>IV breeding to get the maximum best traits.

If you can't laugh at this you are a good person and you won't go to hell.

Absolutely Based.

Attached: 1546102712639.jpg (1233x1258, 542K)


based donald

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Pure idiocy. The statues were not intended to be pornographic in nature. Sculpting them with raging 9 inch erections would've drawn undue attention to their genitalia. Such protrusions also would have been prone to being broken off.

>miiverse post


Attached: 1513885376988.jpg (1280x1440, 574K)

That mascara turns me on

imagine being at computers

Donald is a complete fucking asshole, I never did like that smug cunt even as a kid.

Your penis
is small

Attached: 217513495_94mSL-1050x10000.jpg (1050x526, 288K)

is there more?

really activates my almonds

>no caffeine narcs represented

Only one I had. I saved it cause I find it hilarious.

post more detroit comics

lol nopons are cute
Why is Tora so fucking huge?

Attached: Senpoku Rance.jpg (1024x1325, 317K)

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Attached: 1530158418429.jpg (298x610, 54K)

>because female artists were not the norm back then
Oh so that's why women didn't make masterpieces out of stone and marble? It just wasn't normal? So any potential drive to do something like this was snuffed out? Amazing.

Attached: 1378869326471.jpg (300x300, 67K)

This makes me feel ashamed of buying Metroid Prime Trilogy but never finishing Echoes, thus never played Corruption.

Isn't this Po-ju?


Attached: dolls.jpg (1400x880, 915K)

Attached: 1469050472170.png (566x855, 645K)

That's the truth, unless you think a few centimeters of advantage matter in the 3 day journey sperm undertake.

The Nopon in that pic (also named Tora, no relation to Xenoblade 2) is just a child. Nopon in X also get big, but not Bana big.

Attached: tumblr_o07eiacHnT1sbgdg5o1_1280[1].jpg (1280x720, 167K)

Go to sleep Jose! No Chavo posting here!

What's the context here

Fuck off Sybb.

Attached: 1540248431870.jpg (1080x1096, 166K)

dig that insecurity hole deeper dicklet

Nonsense. The sculptors were never part of the elite themselves. The real reason was that these huge statues were put in public, no one wants to see huge dongs on their eye level everywhere they turn their head. If the sexual organs has been emphasized, those statues would be pornographic. The female statues don't have huge DD titties either. No one wants to see porn in public.

Attached: 1505451822005.jpg (1420x2100, 1.26M)

But isn't Tora bigger than most nopons? Bana is a mutant.


Attached: 1540247791530.jpg (480x403, 32K)

I mean, technically you're right, because the most prolific man in the world was Genghis Khan, and Mongolians have small Asian penises as well.

Just make fun of women for their bra size if they call you a dicklet. It makes them seethe. "B-but, it's not as important to have big breasts! Who cares if I have a pancake ass and two deflated balloons as titties?"

Damn, they should hire you to write family guy episodes

Attached: 5a609890dacf03a6ccf71db6797fc0d3dfa48ba5.jpg (500x494, 211K)

I was expecting a Don Ramon pic but this is fine.

Attached: unlocking 1.jpg (665x1024, 198K)

Attached: 1552255767056.png (710x573, 56K)

Tora actually isn't that big. Probably about as big as Riki, relatively. Tatsu and Tora (X) are underage b&'d.

My wife Tio is so cute

Attached: tioiheartmonstermusume.jpg (1420x2100, 1.33M)

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Attached: unlocking 2.jpg (665x1024, 187K)

Garou's a slut

Attached: Untitled13.png (710x573, 66K)


Attached: unlocking 3.jpg (665x1024, 208K)

Funniest comic Stonetoss has ever done.

For all the Hollow Knight fans.....

Attached: Degenerate_fetishes_in_Hollow_Knight.png (673x457, 204K)

Attached: 1522180881258.png (600x1739, 505K)

Why are they always women or s_yboys?

Attached: 1543454803907.png (825x768, 754K)

Attached: unlocking 4.jpg (665x1024, 188K)

and it is not even his own joke!

If you take a fertility test with a doctor they are going to measure stuff like sperm count, not dick size.
Also I feel like returning petty sexual insults would make me look bad.

He's not gay, so he wouldn't fuck you, and you're definitely got going to overpower him.

Attached: DqhRq[1].png (638x682, 384K)

>no friendly vore giraffe for vore


Attached: unlocking 5.jpg (665x1024, 242K)

Attached: 1518605814463.jpg (325x999, 131K)

replace religion with republicans and you've got yourself an A grade family guy joke

>M Preg
Wait, that's not Captain Falcon.

Attached: 27_487_oni_imo26.png (604x840, 153K)

Attached: Metal Wolf Chaos.jpg (1829x3560, 844K)

>dad was being an asshole

All those dick veins.

Attached: Clarissa_ruins_Thanksgiving.gif (680x990, 113K)

Attached: 1547442776000.jpg (700x296, 18K)

god i wish that were me


Attached: 2b.jpg (850x960, 72K)

Attached: 1.jpg (768x1024, 610K)

I don't like it either.

Start with yourself

you guys are both stroking each other's little penises off in solidarity

stay insecure

Attached: 2.jpg (600x800, 176K)

Yeah, but the women are hotter.

Attached: a1[1].jpg (800x1138, 299K)

Attached: 333.jpg (750x721, 213K)

pick one

Tumblr also had a bunch of non-cp porn that is now a pain in the ass to find.

He stopped making this and moved on to General Black.

Attached: 3.jpg (600x800, 145K)

t. Chairwoman of the itty bitty titty committee.

All those years drawing Eyeshield 21 really taught Murata draw some tight bods.

Rowlet approves police confused cus all are underage

Attached: 4.jpg (600x800, 129K)

Attached: 1557324351545.jpg (600x655, 58K)

Not as good as the transgender military one.

You're telling me. Murata is easily in the top 10 of currently living artists on the planet. God bless. Dust Man best Mega Man 4 robot masters.

Attached: DqhYj[1].png (415x637, 458K)

Attached: 5.jpg (600x800, 151K)


Attached: img000022.png (855x1200, 487K)

>when your penis is so small that you have to insult women to feel better

Attached: 1537338229831.jpg (1249x1410, 140K)

Attached: 1540620405995.jpg (901x1024, 183K)

Attached: 6.jpg (600x800, 208K)

Fuck off. Tiny titties are cute.

Fubuki is literally peak womanhood. Physical female perfection in the drawn form.

Attached: Xkd4xyU[1].jpg (824x965, 57K)

oh my this is absurd!

I don't get it.

For me and my addictions it's
>I want to quit and I don't want to

Attached: 1557456243740.jpg (1156x909, 172K)

Attached: 7.jpg (600x800, 219K)

>In highscool i used to be really fat
>only 3 girls are nice to me
>Years later i get fit in college
>find one of the 3 girls
>start going out with her
>things go well until a girl that used to be mean to me gets jealous loses her shit and starts fucking everything up
>even worse i had to move for a year unable to fix shit
>get depressed and become a bit fat

I finally managed to get my shit back together and i'll get fit again, i do not hate women, i know there are good girls out there but now i have no point of reference to know what girls would be good to date, it's a gamble, now i really have to pay attention at what girls are legitimately nice and which ones are just pretending

Attached: sad.jpg (900x891, 211K)


Attached: 1549111227923.jpg (895x771, 152K)

Attached: 1468300687717.jpg (1280x720, 168K)

Cope. Have sex

>tiny titties
Oh wait, you can't

Attached: 8.jpg (600x800, 140K)

fucking pedophiles need to die

Attached: 1459114347172.jpg (750x2118, 638K)

Attached: 9.jpg (600x800, 157K)

Nigga I'm some different user and I fucking love tiny titties. Stfu you mad micropenis virgin.

>that tiny dicked incel itt trying to make fun of women in order to cope

Attached: 1541644503152.jpg (768x950, 180K)

Attached: 1452916807134.png (720x3300, 1.85M)

And you're fucking retarded too. Women can have small breasts. Stop looking at porn.

Man of culture.

>Big Tits Are Stupid

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Mushishi S2 - 05 [720p].mkv_snapshot_20.37_[2014.05.03_07.39.23].jpg (261x346, 22K)


Attached: 1521491659477.jpg (1086x735, 113K)

I miss these

That is the most white trash pic I've seen in awhile.

What's that?

Attached: dabbing on trannies.jpg (1280x720, 64K)

Good night anons

Attached: large (1).jpg (500x480, 30K)

Attached: 1404011853829.jpg (960x774, 86K)

Every time.

Attached: 1541205494954.jpg (900x965, 115K)

Attached: 69108310_p0.jpg (552x779, 343K)

Attached: 1556487304900.jpg (1080x1080, 273K)


Why are you like this?

Attached: 1405051007525.png (481x557, 75K)

>Small breasts
A woman with small breasts isn't a woman.

Attached: 1493197523743.png (812x727, 55K)

>Women can have small breasts.
and you're the living proof of that

>harmless joke
as opposed to?

I do this usually because I forget where I was in the story or I completely forget all the nuances and controls of the game.

Attached: 1557439776577.jpg (800x600, 24K)

Attached: 69108310_p1.png (436x615, 228K)

China is like a video game irl except you only get one life and most the machines are rigged like saw traps.

Attached: 1447522172816.png (573x1023, 74K)

Attached: 1550223931709.jpg (593x1091, 585K)


Attached: googlefag.png (1136x1600, 499K)

Brings me back...

I don't actually hate small breasts, I just want to trigger some femcels. I also create threads to trigger incels on /pol/, if it makes you feel any better

Also, Tatsumaki is best girl.

Attached: Tatsumaki IRL.webm (608x1080, 988K)

Can't dab. Too based.

>blue eyes


>Wanting bags of saggy fat.

post that OP pic

the end

Attached: 69108310_p2.png (425x600, 257K)

Yeah. They don't know about our based FIFA

Attached: 1471671473853.png (515x567, 66K)

>Ideal length and girth
>Literally a bad dragon dildo

Also, having that saved makes you seem like a seething chestlet.

Good post

So it's basically the same thing but with knock off batman?

Attached: 1551032499663.jpg (960x408, 40K)

Please tell me there is more

Oh no it is way better.


As a lover of flat chests I cannot let this unjustice go.

My girlfriend's mom looks like that. Well, with an ugly face. Meanwhile my girlfriend got 0 of the titty genes.


Based bois
European Sparrows are an invasive species.

stay mad dicklet

Attached: 1547521909449.jpg (500x750, 54K)

Source: Dude, trust me!

He makes a solid point

fuck niggers

Attached: ROCKTHROW MAN.png (898x842, 42K)

Is that a trap? Looks like a boy lmao. I've seen boys in the locker room with bigger titties.


imagine being Daniel McLean

1 am snd I'm laughing like a faggot on my bed thx

Attached: 1535314895023.jpg (1536x3422, 1.95M)

does that guy have a big dick

thank you rockthrow man

Oh no
It's me but I didn't post this

Attached: 1554166836711.png (538x442, 138K)

Attached: 1523435982886.jpg (750x709, 37K)


fuck pixiv account requirement

I have finished over 350 games.

The secret is to not play long games that devolve into repetition. My last 3 completions are God of War Ghost of Sparta (PSP), Enemy Zero (Saturn), and Silent Bomber (PSX).

Dont waste your time with games that waste your time.

Suddenly it become a jav

Sure is video games in here.

Attached: 1507418695466.jpg (2100x1052, 547K)

>Believing a jpg image is historically accurate.

Attached: 1457557777631.jpg (650x4798, 1.05M)

Attached: d54.gif (350x196, 1.74M)

Attached: _shadman.jpg (582x973, 117K)

Where's the duck bill?

He's right, you know. 13% do 50%.

>all these butthurt dicklet replies

Attached: 1549209241923.jpg (429x504, 58K)

StoneToss does it again

back to /r/antifastonetoss

now that actually looks like a woman

lel white humor

Attached: 1507418695488.jpg (2100x1052, 717K)

Her tits are fake
She married a fat
She has a kid

anti fast one toss?

Attached: 1436917530554.jpg (640x3904, 490K)

Imagine having this much asshurt.

Attached: 1532758233297.png (988x988, 251K)

true true
so true

Attached: straws.png (650x2047, 366K)

Attached: orphl3721.jpg (700x4583, 152K)

Too much hair and freckles. Then I’d be good

Complete false equivalence. Women don't like grotesque monster cocks

Attached: 1507418695472.jpg (750x1217, 177K)

Do you honestly believe that women prefer men with tiny penises over men with normal or large penises? Give me your honest answer.

It's a joke showing how terrible the comics are.

Attached: 1551033382230.png (1000x500, 245K)

Me in the bottom right

this dude still drawing comics? i wonder if he's doing all right
he had some good one back when i was reading them

I actually like the first one, even if they were probably trying to be insulting.
The second is peak "the left can't meme", though.

>This thread

Attached: t1[1].jpg (3009x4250, 2.26M)

Attached: 1507418695490.jpg (1948x1948, 1.59M)

GOD I remember these.

He is, started making a game too

yeah a guy having his 3 meters long dick visible is totally the same thing as a woman showing her normal sized cleavage

Attached: roland.jpg (1280x720, 155K)

Yes i do

What's confusing me about this isn't that I'm aroused.
What's confusing me is that I don't know if I'm aroused by the possum-thing, or by Eggman.

When I was 5 i came to uncle who had farm. And I seen there how chickens and pigs and cows are slaughtered for meat.

I watched how my grandma who worked as butcher in her young times portioned a dead pig into pieces people buy at shops.

I still love to eat meat.

Attached: t2[1].jpg (3009x4250, 2.81M)

Attached: fat activist.jpg (720x497, 37K)

Attached: 1.jpg (395x630, 74K)

seething tranny

>Women don't like grotesque monster cocks

Attached: DC Noire.jpg (640x360, 63K)

Attached: 1507418695489.jpg (2100x1052, 720K)

why is Yea Forums a nigger

What is the point of retarded RP posts? You're a tranny at best but more likely a baiter fuck off

yikes dicklet

god i wish that were me

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>lolicons coping this hard

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thank you rockthrowman


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who'd a thought at a time when trannies and liberals are flooding this board we'd get bitchy vegan posters?

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i thought it was cause smaller dicks were correlated to intelligence. less blood going to your gorilla dick.

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And then the chestlet murdered him because chestlets are more emotionally unstable the dicklet incels.

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absolutely virginal

Beaver teeth beaver teeth

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It's from a comic called Powers, I think.

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if she fucks the monster skip to that part

In my experience playing Degrees of Lewdity, women love dicklets.

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Why that ninja bitch has an aura?

You fucking idiots David was sculpted in the Rennaissance by Christians, obviously they aren't going to have huge, erotic penises
Many Greek sculptures did feature large genitalia, like those of Dionysus

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The progression and speech bubbles are all fucked up in this


penny arcade was never funny

they're "white"

She's trying to use her suicide bomb counter, but the dude keeps whiffing and not tripping it.


it's actually gay to get pussy

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>When libtards can't make own comic so must edit based ones into cringe.

>tfw 10 inch length but 6 inch girth
Shit am I too big?

weren't they always done in a mocking tone though? like as if the sculptor had a small penis himself and was making fun of big dicks in order to cope?

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How times change

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Go back to discord tranny, then help raise the 40% number

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>complaining about people editing images on the internet
Yea Forums was built on shoops you fucking newfag, jesus fucking christ, your 11249045th Wojak corruption isn't high art either.

to make the audience believe they are swears.

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Don't have a fucking aneurysm kid

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Yeah. I'm 9.5" with 6.1 inch girth and I literally ripped a woman clean in half and got a murder charge. I'm posting from a Norwegian prison since I just got done playing Smash Ultimate with Anders Breivik.

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I thought at that point Nintendo didn’t use live footage

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These are terrible why are you spamming them

Yeah pretty much.

>not porn
wait a waste of time, why post this gay shit?

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thank you rockthrow man


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I know. But at least make it better not worse.

imagine hating an artist this much

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Is he good? Who does he main?

more like big dicks were seen as a sign of barbarism, and were thus hilarious.

Hmm, I've never heard of that, I don't know. Dionysian statues were just symbols of sex, usually
It's the opposite reason that David has a small penis. The small penis symbolizes chastity and therefore purity, a Christian virtue

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Arent those satyrs? The creatures of party and sexual degeneracy? Feels fitting for them to be in fun looking poses.

And the sculptor was rarely doing for his own accord, they did it for others, get your shitposting straight.

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I’ll pick up your location m.

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>436 replies
>168 posters

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I fucking hate when this shit happens, and the worst part it might be for the same game again.

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Stonetoss's is based because he uses truth to make lefties mad

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no shit? I saw this and didn’t even notice that fuck made this


He's at 2.6 mil as his main, Bayonetta. Says he only ever practices against Toon/Young Link, Lucas, Ness, Ice Climbers, and Pichu. Recently he's been playing Joker against them, too, but he only ever uses his neutral B.

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>Hyper Scat

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Carrying almost sounds like carrion.

and having wild sex was also seen as barbaric. I get that people are trying to spin small dicks as "civilized", but really guys with big dicks who fuck sluts regularly are not concerned with that incel way of thinking.



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>unironically me in lower right panel

kek, fuck zoomers

i look and laugh like rich but with hair

Probably their best comic.

Your sacrifice shan't be forgotten.


What are you, chicken?

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no, bruh, I'm telling you historical perspective. there was a comedian back then whose whole shtick was that he had a huge cock.

Except all you did is remove the joke, for the explicit purpose of showing how butthurt you are about a web comic.
When Yea Forums makes edits, it's to improve the jokes, or make them even more politically incorrect.

what is the joke here

I miss him too, user.

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GG is cute!

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of course, but now a days, dicklets always try to use these historical facts in order to cope with their small penis insecurity

I miss Dan.

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Because estrogen seems to dictate their lives through emotions and not logic.

>age: 19

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Hedonistic roman detected

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she died from assisted suicide due to ovarian cancer asshole

Will you make me a sandwich?

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Who wouldn't want to use their dick as a weapon?

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me on the left

did Dan finally kill himself?

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Babby's first LOL thread

better a big dick barbaric hedon than a tiny dicked nerd

why no text?

step on a landmine and die

But the whole argument started from someone posting a historical statue and applying modern logic to it.

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Yea Forums has a 'tight lockdown' on that because it uses fbi approved algorithms that tag,flag, and ban images based on their id. These id's come from the fbi themselves as they officially categorize that kind of content. Every post you upload is scanned and if you post images that match the fbi's database, kablooie its gone. The process is entirely automated, but thats fine because users can only upload a picture at a time and it only ever was a real issue on certain boards. Basically moot sold us out a looong time ago. We aren't anonymous at all, and everything we post is scrubbed by a bot. Not every website is comfortable with that kind of arrangement, nor are they offered that same kind of deal. Yea Forums is almost entirely ran by government bots at this point, and its not a coincidence that after this deal was made Yea Forums 'culture' went from lusting after lolis and jail bait to NON-STOP tranny/fag/cuck porn.

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yawning irl

I haven't cried in a very long time. I needed this. Unironically thank you.

>sees a cow dying on video
just pathetic

Goonight, thread.

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It's remarkable that you've managed to seem pathetic while also clearly having a large dick. bravo

Bet you believed that when they told you so.

That made you cry? jesus there are woman on Yea Forums

you mean this? it's mocking modern dicklets for using these statues as an excuse for having a small penis

lefty memes in a nutshell

It’s a joke, my dude.

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Jesus christ, it's not the first time I see this, but it's just as sad as the first time

It's a pun on "carry-on," you fucking tard. Have you ever flown in your life?

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>crying at animes

did that reply really get to you tiny dicked nerd?
grow a pair

and trannies are the punchline

Nigger I'm 8" and have had relationships fall through because intimacy is painful. Any guy bigger than me is probably living in a hell of his cock's making

Emotionally stunted

i love how any time anyone right of center gets any kind of popularity what so ever, hoards of unwashed left wing faggots come out of the wood work and do their best to absolutely trash them.

>actually answering
Thanks for the help .

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Don't drink tap water, you need to lower your estrogen intake

literally no u