WoW Classic thread

WoW Classic thread

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Orclock, cowdruid or dorfpriest. Which do I roll, bros?

they killed tipsout today. screenshot this.

hey what's up guys it's tips

Are we still pretending like this hasn't been canceled?

Do you want to be a healer or a DPS in PVE content? Because if you pick a Priest or Druid that is most definitely what you'll be doing. I figure Orc Locks have a unique advantage considering their PVP trinket does not break stuns so when and if that stun resistance kicks in it's nice. I'll be playing a Tauren Shaman myself.

Meant to include healing.

soulless vs soul

>and that says a lot since Alex is an absolute dipshit
Dude's seriously mentally ill, I 100% guarantee it. And I agree. Tips is just so fucking disgusting. There's nothing strictly wrong about him, he's just a massive, taco-fueled ball of every normal cancerous trait turned up to 11 in vaguely human form. What I mean is, everything is wrong with him, there's just no wrongs that on their own would not be normal.
While Alex could probably be summed up in some four-letter abbreviation, Tips has reached a level of asshattery that is in a way almost divine. There is nothing inhuman about him. There is nothing unerring or unfamiliar about him. There is no disconnect from reality, like you can clearly see in Alex's schizophrenic rants. Any aspect of his personality would, in isolation, just be another man's flaw. Any flaw a normal man might have, Tips personifies.

There is truly nothing special about him. Or even remarkable, in the neutral sense. There is no one thing you can point to, to make one understand. You can't describe him by comparing him to man. He is man. No matter how hard you look, every part of him is so mundane and commonplace as to be an unmentionably pointless remark. He just is. He's perfectly human. As stupid as it sounds, the only unique thing about him is how there is none. No trait, no talent, no thought, no vestige of a personality you wouldn't find in just about anyone else.
You can't describe him without describing mankind. There is no fault or flaw, no vice or weakness known to man you will not find reflected in him. He is complete. Never before have I seen a person so wholly encompass all of mankind. And not just physically either. He is the perfect human being, in all its abhorrent glory. His pitifulness is godlike. There is not one blemish on the tumor that is Tips. The man is a walking platonic ideal. He is, completely, perfectly repulsive. Please don't ever mention him here again. Now, if you'll excuse me, I need to vomit.


I'm going both.

Just a reminder that by the time anyones handing you spellpower gear on a ret pally shamans will be zapping you in two shots. And that's about the only way to make ret pallys work in PVP. Their DPS is just atrocious. People would rather have you just sit in holy spec for PVP and PVE.

>mfw fun servers are filled with spellpower rogues and paladins living out some fantasy that they'll be shitting out 600 damage procs on shadow oil AND dragonbreath chilli

Gotta love the nogs that run with shit like lupos. Private server zoomers have no idea.

I got a guild ready, getting my hands on sulfuras early.

Will still only be raiding as holy, but the pvp-lifewill be sweet.

>*Dabs on your corpse*

Nothing personnel horde-nigger.

the only people shamans will be 2-shotting are undergeared hunters and themselves.

Uh oh. You do realise that sitting down to proc crits off of mobs thing isn't actually blizzlike, right?
Good luck 'reck bombing' me. Meanwhile I'll be be shitting on you with lightning.

You realise how low the drop chance on the eye is, right? Are you sure 39 other people all think it's fair that a healer gets first dibs on something like that?

The whole 'but you won't have 600 spellpower' thing goes out the window when you realise that people have significantly lower HP too.

39 other people get a say on item drops?
Did you raid in vanilla?

They might not get a say but they won't stay for very long if that sort of shit is happening. I don't get handed Neltharion's Tear as a Shaman. So I'm somewhat confused what sort of guild is going to hand something like Sulfuras over to a ret pally.

There's much greater competition for an item like Neltharion's Tear.

I'll be raiding as holy, it'll be the guild me and my friends started, and people are fine with whatever as long as it's a steady raiding guild.

Did the same thing in vanilla and then again in wotlk, only I wasn't the paladin then.

>Comparing bis pve trinket to 2 hander

Mmh, it's just ret pallys don't really take advantage of the proc chance as much as Warriors do. It wouldn't be very good on a Shaman either.
Yeah. Only Sulfuras is BIS 2 hander. So good luck.

Who would you be competing against? Only warriors could use it, and they're in line for thunderfury/have other options.
Doesn't matter anyways, because they won't have a say.

DKP/Guild council decides.

I dont know when 1hs become better then sulfuras for warriors but its early enough it wont be given for pve

Warriors go for ashkandi, bre or dual wield.

As far as the weaker PvE specs go:

>Balance: mana issues but damage is fine
>Feral: bad itemization (half how the system works, half the gear that's available to you)
>BM: pet doesn't scale with AP, low damage
>Survival: ???
>Arcane: Utility spec, no arcane spells to spam
>Prot Pally: Everything (still gr8 in 5 mans)
>Shadow: Mana issues
>Subtlety: Damage is just low, like BM hunters
>Assassination: ???
>Enhance: Can't use stormstrike in raids, low dps cause its all dependent on windfury RNG
>Ele: serious mana issues
>Affliction: cant use debuff slots, DoTs dont scale with SP
>Demonology: mega poop damage
>Arms: ???

What's wrong with Arms, Assassination, and Survival?

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Enhance has the worst itemization. At least ret pallies can wear warr gear

arms is okay
i think youre just gonna end up competing with other dps and since people need tanks and they rather get a prot warrior on their group

>don't use "home" in the OP
>shillbots can't find and bump the thread
>only 30 replies in 90 minutes

really jogs my noggin

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>classic thread
>picture of Netherstorm

the picture gamma is too bright, don't know what the fuck it is til you click

Did someone say home?
Let me tell you about druids.

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Ahahaha, I feel bad for anyone that wants to raid with Paladin and doesn't know the gay shit that awaits them.

who /explorer/ here?

I think the best part about classic is everyone isn't going to be running around in christmas tree lights strapped to their oversized shoulders with larp swords.

fuck off finalcuck

>tfw finally settled on troll priest

Now I just need a fucking release date so I can schedule time off.

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Just wait till TBC and Wotlk rolls around


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nice trips, surely all of those free hk's will last until tbc

based and tipspilled

Not a WoW thread without SwoleBenji

Anyone know his secret grinding area for 32-35? He refuses to stream it.

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Imagine playing the most boring class in the world. Just autoattacking your way to 60. And then you finally get to raid and the bulk of your gameplay is literally just spamming down ranked Flash of Light. At least Shamans have totem twisting to keep them awake.

desolace. why not just make a character and /who

good choice my man

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Here's a fun one when you get to 40% HP. Pop berserking and spam mana burn with improved mana burn. You actually annihilate other caster's mana pools.

This is why we have SwoleBenji. A based and redpilled alpha male who's been a 4Channer for over 13 years.

Assassination comes online with BWL gear, you need healthy crit for Seal Fate.

you've been banned from these threads how many times now? just give up man

Yeah but what part?

Why does this cuck keep posting about himself? So autistic.

I'm not him. His stream said he was going afk for two days to be out IRL with his gf.

He realised 98% of the thread has him filtered so he has to larp and pretend anyones interested in him but himself.

i was just guessing desolace. grinding there is retarded, you go to desolace to quest so you can leave. anyone is desolace isn't anywhere for very long, you just run around like an asshole until the quests are dead

lmao you just can't help but beat your own chest anytime you make reference to yourself. it's kinda comical.

interesting. i actually dont know shit about rogues in PvE. I just see most people go combat but i dont know whether swords or daggers are better, or how good sub/assasin is

Not giving this quintuple-samefagging nigger any (you)s, he's sad and lonely and has to beg people to hang out with him. youtube videos with 35 views and shit, truly pathetic

Pretty sure Assassination is up there competing with the Combat rogues and fury warriors in BWL gear. Arms warrior can do decent damage, but compared to Fury's damage output they're just not worth taking. No idea about survival.

You realize plenty of people here watch the streams right? Look at his viewcount, sub count, VS thread unique IP count. He only shills here and his view count matches the thread count usually.

Combat is the better spec until AQ40/Naxx. Then it's assassination.

What was the troll priest racial spell? Dwarfs had the immune to fear, UD had devouring plague, nelves had starfall starlight (?) or something Elune related, shit did damage. Humans... same as troll, can't remember.

daggers assassination?

you just skinned the hide with finkles
2 non-skinners are trying to need.
what's your move, pansy ass? clock is ticking

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>America sleeps
>Europe just getting up and going to work

They're pretty entertaining when he fucks off to gank allies but lately no one's been in the chat so he just grinds / quests away.


Trolls had the baby 20% MS hex and humans had desperate prayer

wasn't there this awesome forum post about Paladins needing minutes for each mob, so the player could fap to hardcore lesbian porn and stuff?

when eu sleeps, the druid tranny gang is noticeably gone.

I like how you fags think WoW was some old weird shit. Yet it was the most mainstream normalfag tier garbage ever conceived

>some old weird shit.
yipes you're a faggot though and i like the game because it was fun

Shadow-Lightning Shield and Hex of Weakness (-20 damage and -20% healing received). I feel like they're really fucking good considering neither one has a cooldown.

At least there are some cool options on retail

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It only became true mainstream in Wrath when it was branded safe and normies flooded in. Fortnite also had a period when it was niche.

Aight. Never were a lot of troll priests, least what I remember. Mostly UD chicks. And Desperate Prayer were an instant heal for loads of mana? Or am I confusing it for Lay on Hands that ate all the mana for a full heal, no matter what. I know LoH were/is a pala spell though.

I'll admit he plays better than 99% of the jewtubers with 50k subs and better than most 4channers I've ran with.

I think the shadow orbs could proc blackout stuns too, it was really good but everyone went UD for devouring plague hijinks

Who here, /Dwarf Hunter/? Gonna have comfy times as my pet mauls some faggots.

orc hunter though, we can be friends

Hex of Weakness is fucking amazing in Arathi Basin in particular because of how you're broken up into groups to cover flags. It's not like Fury Warriors don't exist in premades either.

>Settled on Nelf Druid months ago
>Been endlessly flipflopping on what gender to make them ever since
Think I might just roll two at this point.

why not both. make a male with female name. 2019 friend

Devouring Plague isn't even that good. It's a disease so you can just cleanse that shit. Sure I guess it gives some trouble to a lone mage.

looks vs canon, the eternal struggle


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Arms only sucks because you have to remove Mortal Strikes from your rotation and you can't spec into deep wounds.

Tauren Shaman here. Dwarfs are alright. Night Elfs are getting the rope though.

Try not being a tranny.

>facebook memes
I tell you to fuck off back the way you came.

Okay ManletTears. No one cares.

>cool options
>"lightforged" draenei in full shitty blues and greens but transmogged to look good even tho its a shitter player

I'm rolling gnome warrior and nobody can stop me. Also I will never let hunters join my group. Hunters are loot snitchers and I want my fucking herod's shoulders when I get to farm SM 24/7 eventually.

same brother. no ones gonna stop me from obtaining my thunderfury

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Alright, I can agree to that. We can go hunting together. Don't Cheney me though.

In the early days there will be so many people that as a tank you will be able to deny ALL Warriors, Rogues, and Hunters and keep all the tank and DPS gear for yourself.

A hunter stole my flask recipe even though I was the only alchemist in the group. He said 'Well, I NEED the gold ;)' and everyone just let it slide. I will be creating my own guild to raid with and ZERO hunters are coming.

eat shit and die homecucks

You already ate shit and died, nuwow.

Rolling traps/fruitcakes unironically solves a lot of the problems I have with finding adequate style in games with character creators without the actual faggotry that is having your primary avatar in a game with multiple people being a different gender, but blood elves are next expansion and everyone is musclegorillas.
Playing a male character would put the existence of my specific fetishes and tastes up to the whims of the universe and only extant within my screenshot folder instead of having a cute night elf girl free to be my GF every time I log in.

>Farming SM
Have fun with that. Unless you have a premade group of friends or someone willing to boost you, you'll be spending half of your days finding a group willing to make the journey, and then a third corpse running once you pass Lordareon ruins/zep tower, and the rest convincing the group it's worth it.

take your meds ffs

>Yeah. Only Sulfuras is BIS 2 hander. So good luck.
Maybe for pvp up to AQ40. Any Arms warrior that is in a raiding guild is going to stick with swords since that's the only viable arms dps spec in PVE. Sulfuras is BiS on a paladin forever due to the weapon proc scaling with SP.

sm is always worth it. worst case, you just respawn and sprint to the doors

Speaking of Desolace. There's two factions you have to choose between. Whats the pros and cons between the two?

That faggot is the incarnation of everything that will be wrong with wow classic.

This brings me joy. Fuck hunters.

You realize MrBTFO is extremely funny, right?

R8 my PvE tier list

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I'm playing a Shaman and I'll be rolling with a Warrior bro. Huntards can suck a great big meaty cock.

im going to play hunter and not be a faggot

Why would Swole be on meds? He's literally ripped / super fit IRL and is a total natty Chad. He'd never take any meds.

Also he lives in a van you think he has access to medicine? Top kek.

SM is too good to pass up. Fuck gnomer. I never had trouble finding groups for SM back in the days and I don't think it will be a problem this time. I might get a friend to play warlock so it will be good.

Okay ManletTears. No one cares.

dal rends is hunter bis. felstriker would be great for hunter to spam with wing clip. imagine two of them on a hunter? bis af, definitely gonna need here

So you don't plan on progressing past Magmadar?

Reminder to unironically enjoy the journey, as the pserver/retail meta will undoubtably morph endgame into something that bears little resemblance to what vanilla actually was like.
also reminder to not enjoy the journey so much that you spend more than about 2 months to 60, or otherwise play on a pve server unless getting camped is your idea of fun

he's gonna invite one per week, then gkick after mag

congrats you figured out what transmog is?

I like the image for retARDS

You may need in another group but not in my group.


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oh jesus so druids are cancer to fight in literally every single iteration of the game

This desu. Imagine your dog shit class literally only getting brought for tranquilizing shot. what a fucking clown class lmao

thank you very much

where do i find that list?

>Trying to shill Reddit for a free game.
>Thinks he's mental.

Man's a genius!

this is kinda sad

i've gone mage main several times. actually going hunter for classic to shit on cloth. just let me get that bow and i'll go back to av bro

only thing actually accurate is the top 2

wtf no he is a fucking cockhead

The thread I found this on was literally him bumping it 4 times because not a single person responded

>implying the ever unscaling hunters are ever 'needed'
lmao enjoy dragging down your raid by including hunters in it past bwl

Arms has an advantage early game since you will have select choice on good 2hs early on. You will also be able to get to hit cap much easier than the fury and combat rogues (only 6 hit if you are human, 8 otherwise). You even will be able to ignore some high demand +hit gear like Band of Accuria if you are geared correctly.

The main issue is that you will be out-scaled towards AQ40 when the other melee classes get much more +hit. You might also have issues with debuff cap depending on your guild's composition. You are also stuck going with swords since sword spec is the best PVE talent for damage and rage generation. Lastly, arms can be pretty demanding compared to some other specs. You need to know how to stance dance to maximize overpowers, watch your auto swings to weave in slams, and to know when you can dump excess rage with heroic strikes and not steal aggro from tank.

Still, you can probably cement your place in a raid since GMs are going to want to utilize as much gear from raids to push for progression. Having a melee who isn't going to have to fight the 8+ other melee on most gear is going to help out the guild a lot more than people realize.

Why is Northdale such a terrible place

cause it has a private server community. northdale is only there to practice leveling through the early game so you can be as fast/efficient as possible come release

He does this shit on these threads too.
Just look at some of this shit.

It's all him.

Is their any point to going Male Human Priest? I kind of feel you nobody would take you seriously

Because it's full of third worlders. The same reason Nostalrius had such a shit community. Soulless Russian gypsies and chinks are not welcome in classic WoW. Gonna have to cough up this week's wages to play Anton.

legit nobody cares. go whatever race you want for whatever class

>MS is high prio
get the fuck out my raid, bitch

who cares, just don't be bad at the game and you will do fine. most dwarve priests are toxic. dwarf hunters and paladins are bros

Go shadow and dab on horde in pvp.

hes been banned like 5 different times but keeps hopping onto different vpns just to try to shill his garbage content

>the minmaxing shitter manlet priest is toxic
who would've guessed

you could rp as a stereotypically enthusiastic black preacher

bonus points for doing it anywhere but an rp realm

actually no one cares about race. even the tryhard guilds for the wont care very much as long as they can cover the needed race spots (dwarf priest fear ward).

Nuh uh huntard. Six feet unders the only place you're going.

If you watched his streams he lives in a van and just drives to different locations since he's too poor to VPN.

Why do you hate Swole? He is based.

>World of Warcraft
No thanks

There's literally no reason to be Arms when you can just run 2H Fury, MS can't really be used in raids.

It's funny for all the shilling he's done and his twitter only has 5 followers. And I bet he's made them too.

What about Human Warriors/Rogues and Orc Warriors/Rogues for PVE DPS minmaxing reasons

Holy shit you know absolutely fucking nothing that list would almost make more sense backwards

You misspelled "oom".

ok make your own. lets see your vast knowledge.

Do druids really get 1% spell crit for every 29.5 int? says so. Seems pretty nuts, that's like 5% crit on a mage/lock(both 59.5) in some crappy blues. Thought the talents were too shoddy to make it worth in pvp, but that makes up for not having a crit talent. It puts shamans at 1% per 39.5, too. Anyone know if it's legit?

Did you just imply the Emperor of Mankind is without soul? That Warhammer 40k is without soul?

That's not okay, user.

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He's banned / locked out on twitter cause his last tweet got girl gamer mass reported and he doesn't have a phone to unlock it LUL.

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Never mind i thought it said PVP

again, no one will care. pick whatever race you want. your preparation and dedication matter 10x more than which race you pick
I can feel it

no one cares benji

>tfw go to practise shaman as a tauren on a private server
>99% of the shamans are playing orc

found the water cooler

its extremely important and not let homeposters tell you otherwise, at best you will have scuffed loot prio if you play a non-optimal melee dps race
the only exception is probably horde rogue where it doesnt matter too much but you would still rather be orc or troll

benji is literally manlytears. don't pay him attention.

LUL that girl reported him for killing her in a video game. The absolute state of girl gamer streamers.

i think there's news tomorrow. our bro and leader tips said that there's some shit happening on sunday, maybe that's the beta announcement. god save tips, and again, click the like button and stay tuned for more content. god bless and tipsout.

The 'multiple brackets' for weapon skill calculation is 100% not Blizzlike and isn't supported by anything other than "Uhh I guess that's how this private server works, is that how it worked in retail?".

Is there any chance to level a destro warlock without getting completely ignored by my guild in Classic?

That twitter is hella based. I'd follow it for sure but twitter will redflag my anime account as alt-right if I did.

that would be absolutely insane if so

>Ele shaman's face when I CS his chain lightning, and rank 1 frost bolt his grounding and other totems

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Everyone hates you because you’re a duplicitous and autistic fuck who’s too retarded to get a job and instead sockpuppets/begs on the internet to try and get people to watch him play videogames. The world has enough entitled, worthless parasites. Either re-evaluate your life and try to actually be a useful human being or get around to what you’ve been promising on Reddit and just end yourself

Who /warlock/ here?

what do you mean? Destro warlocks do the most damage by just shadowbolting forever

One is a white Euro and the other is a black Canadian you can't be more wrong.

desu, there's a charm to playing class/race combinations that aren't as common and if alongside that you're friendly and put in the preparation and dedication, people like that as opposed to seeing undead mage #7398 who doesn't really give a shit and just wants his gear. you gotta remember that this game isn't played in a vacuum. it's a social experience and the impression you make on people will matter a lot more than you getting that minuscule increase to your dps or hps. people make a bigger deal out of class/race combinations now than people ever did when they actually played vanilla. the only exception is needing dwarf priests for fear wards.

rocket helms you, you iceblock, he earthshocks you for 1.2 and heals to full off a frag.
it was rigged from the start kid

He said on reddit he's got 8 years left.

gonna play a druid and get full T2 in under a month for just existing when BWL is out. then i'm probably going to quit raiding and grind pvp like any other sensible druid or shaman because that shit lasts you the entirety of classic.

>mfw people are going to have trouble scrounging 40 people because the druids/shaman's/pally's fuck off for pvp once they are BiS geared for minimal effort
this shit happens so much on private servers already, enjoy getting cucked warrniggers

I think the 12 year olds hate him but I'm boomer and I think he's great.

Hell, you can hear how much fun he has shitposting:

Attached: GifPepeWarlock.gif (250x251, 1.09M)

It's not working too well for him.

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this is not even close to the truth. in original vanilla, and in the most tryhard of guilds that are currently on private servers, there are tons of sub-optimal class/race combinations and people rarely give a fuck. Not once have I seen someone deny somebody of loot or of group entry based on a class/race combination. That is about as far fucking down on the priority list as it possibly could be when it comes to qualifications for receiving loot, getting into a guild, or getting into a raid group.

I'm going to wait for a couple of weeks after launch to see if anyone gets banned for something they could not have reasonably foreseen or avoided.
This is Activision-Blizzard, same guys that have Overwatch, so I'm expecting some bullshit bans for people that weren't even breaking any rules.
I can't be sure about that though so I'm waiting to see if it actually happens. It might not happen and if it goes for a few weeks without any obvious abuse of power or bias in rules enforcement then I'm going in.

honestly, just stop giving him (you)s. he's never going to leave so you just have to filter his dumbass

Just pick your targets and it's better than another SW:P and a renew. It's a fantastic ability. Do you consider polymorph useless too, because it doesn't work on druids?

ppl believe those myths that have been circulating about vanilla wow for over a decade now.

There are some fights where having MS can be used to mitigate healing on bosses, but theres certainly not many. I never got to do the numbers, but idk how well 2h fury compares to arms. Trading out some good passives for flurry, imp slam, and deathwish. Might make for better burst, but you would be at the mercy of your crits to keep flurry up (and in extension, your rage). I regret not giving 2h flurry a try when I still had a chance to.

>That feel when no gf calling you a faggot.

Male nelves legit look awful, their animations are trash. They're only good for shoulderpad memes, and you're a fucking druid. You'll have a little twig sprouting there, who gives a shit.

Not even going to open your voocaroo fag. Imagine being so pathetic of a shill that anyone can tell how much of a samefag you are

>Implying I'm not going to rocket helm him right back, evocate and poly/bandaid reset if he stoops so low to use meme items
luv tidal charm
luv grenades
luv furlbrog pouch
ate' rocket helm
ate' goblin sapper charge
ate' FAPs n' LAPs
simple as

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>original vanilla
>tryhard pserver guilds
lol no, and thats even with northdale having fucked up weapon skill math that reduces its benifit
+5 weapon skill is 6% increased dps straight up, which is not some trivial benefit particularly when the vanilla rotatio s are so braindead easy and theres limited ways to distinguish yourself. if you play something like dwarf rogue your cucking into playing daggers in any guild that will make it past sekram

I sincerely hope you kill yourself. Or get your GED and sort your life out. Whatever it takes for you to leave.

The reason theres so many orcs is because of stun resistance but I honestly don't know how busted it is on private servers. People seem to make a bigger deal about it nowadays than they used to. I mean, you can fucking resist nades on pservers as an orc.

Good thing I raided as a non-human and stuck with 8%. 8% isn't too hard to get.

this is private server meta circlejerkery, i doubt many guildmasters are going to turn down a committed player because they dont have natural +5 to swords in molten fucking core

if you're maining moonkin or something sure, all bets are off, but if you have a fucking clue it really wont matter that you're a night elf unless youre trying to set a world record parse or some bullshit like that

>tfw mage who's not going to invite warlocks, priests, paladins or other mages
Hands off my loot, fags

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>cries about meme items
>luv tidal charm...
>luv furbolg pouch
Yikes. Enjoy the rep grind I guess.

He said he'd leave if someone bought him Mordehau. Seems like a simple solution. I doubt anyone here is richfag enough to fucking do it though.

Sorry bro need that for balance spec, 'bout to hit level 40 and get that dank moonkin form haha

We know it's you, faggot.

>*Kites your deadzone*
>*Cone of colds you to death*
Nothing personnel, kid

its completely busted
theres a reason it got nerfed in tbc while WotF was untouched, 25% extra stun resistance is absurd

There is literally nothing binding him to his word.

>mage thinks he has any power in the group

you're going to be the most played class sweetie. just a drop in the bucket. healers/tank are the only ones who have the power to do what you think you have

>rolling on spirit gear

I hope you die

a bunch of guild masters would insist that you go daggers and lootban you from swords tho

Well WotF was also nerfed several times during vanilla. So it was already fine when tbc came around.

>DPS having any clout
Uhmmm, no sweaty.

He's boomer aged and a bro lifter. It'd hurt his bro-cred if he scammed. He even admitted in a previous thread that he can afford the game he just wants someone to play with. There was an autist in a Mordehau general that was gonna do it and he stopped him at the last second.

>What are fake casts
>What are shocks
>What is smart totem usage (i.e not proactively placing your grounding down 10 feet away from the mage like a retard)
Literally your best hope of beating a Shaman is popping polymorph, ToEP and slamming two pyroblasts down his throat in the 4s improved counter spell window and finishing him off with whatever other shit you got. And honestly if they have anything like Tidal Charm to stop you during that improved CS window he's just going to drop a NS HW on himself and get like 3K health back, thus mitigating your meme combo.

Am I wrong for wanting transmog in Classic?

Yeah bro I'm a boomer too, just post your address, name, face, and girlfriend's nudes that I can rate from -10 to 0 and I'll give you your cuckbucks.

only encountered them during america hours

>disc priest excellent
No. You go 21/30. You only go more into disc if you want to meme with PI.
>frost excellent
Should be in the same tier with warlock since their damage is about the same.
>holy priest, resto shaman
Both should be in excellent
Categorizing warlock specs is pretty difficult. SM/Ruin can be called aff because it's 30/21 after all, but DS/ruin is 7/21/21+2. I always thought it more as a demo build. Regardless, destro is pointless.
>sub rogue
lmao. And no, hemo is shit.
>content dependent
Frost technically lands here as well. Arcane should be in the same tier as frost if you want to call the arcane builds where you spam frostbolt as arcane. Ele and ass don't belong here. I forgot the agi requirement for surv, but I don't think it ever catches up to mm.

You've just been added to the list, druidfag.

I know it's 'busted' in the sense of op but I'm curious is the chance on private servers inaccurate. I mean people with 0 fire resist and nature resist are resisting things like grenades and tidal charms on private servers. So...

I'm not him but he lives in a van.

I'm thinking he has legitimate, diagnosable autism if he's this fucking unaware and genuinely thinks he's fooling anyone

For me, its gbid runs, the best way to make gold

His girlfriend probably has to whore herself out to subsist as he spends every cent on steam trash and fast food. Imagine "grocery" bills entirely based off junk food.

As a rogue is it going to be a pain in the ass to constantly stay stocked on poison and powders and shit, stabby man could be cool but idk about the maintenance

>Do you consider polymorph useless too, because it doesn't work on druids?
I don't think that's a fair comparison considering that applies to one class. Not multiple.

This autism must be why he can’t hold a job

He admits he only eats beans, rice, beef, and chicken with the occasional tomato and broccoli. He's on a 1800 calorie cut for the summer bod.

He also has 8 years of savings.

Someone buy him the game already so he can fuck off out of these threads.

n-no my I MEAN HIS girlfriend runs a busines andmakes loads of money

>He also has 8 years of savings.
>Someone buy him the game already so he can fuck off out of these threads.

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Savings of gout. I'm not saying it'd be easy but I'd rather kill myself than "live" like that.

Yeah, two.

Make sure you never run out of vanish powders in the middle of a raid so you always have a way to reset your aggro.

Yeah can you put your trips back on? It's really fucking obvious it's you.

>Why yes, I play a gnome frost mage. How could you tell?

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He became too alpha and decided to stop shoplifters, and anyone who isn't a brainlet knows that's an auto-fire.

What is this, primary school?

Damn, Gnomes look like THAT?

Wow it's fascinating how you know all these personal details about him you fucking nigger. KILL. YOUR. SELF.

yeah kys

With savory deviate delights, anything is possible.

All stuff he said on stream. I'm not him, but he is on Steam if you want to get rid of all the talk about him.

What a silly list, especially the warlock ones. You generally have two specs that revolve around ruin and shadow mastery, or ruin and demon sacrifice. In SM Ruin you are more invested in affliction than you are in destruction, and in the latter one you have around the same points in both destro and demonology.

Just gotta let people know what a cuck you are.

>begging on Reddit for someone to buy you a video game
Lol @ your autistic naivete

If it works its genius.

>that I can rate from -10 to 0
made me chuckle

Classic WoW is the first MMO that is actually beatable

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Just buy it for yourself already, and pretend someone gifted it retard, isn't it so obvious? If I was your life coach I'd get you to end it by now.

and i'm ok with that

Any aussies excited to see what vanilla was like under 300ms?

>implying you have a viewer

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I guess after his two days off he'll be back shitposting per the usual then since everyone's too poorfag to buy him off of here.

I'm hoping no one buys him the game cause I love his based and redpilled posts / videos.

Good lord you're a fucktard, benji

fuck off, blackrock is full. bro.

I think that's based that he'd stop a shoplifter. Better than you skinnycucks getting manhandled by alcoholic skinheads. He's a beast of a man, swole af, and intimidates the criminals.

>implying australia isn't auto IP banned

guys i cant wait to go home going to be so comfy xd
>level 34
>location: stranglethorn vale
>last online: 2 months

Benji i will legitimately buy you mordhau if you get into a call with me, record yourself calling you a faggot and then fuck off forever

I'm not going back to that shithole fuck you

Yeah so beast he still has a fucking chip on his shoulder about getting fired by some loser ass manager years ago to this day

>Blasting some healslut to death with cone of cold while also critting his buttbuddy for 1k shatter proc
Name a more satisfying vanilla spell

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considering assassination daggers is the best rogue spec in deep end game who the fuck even cares

That's TBC you stupid zoomer fuck

conflag crits, hands down. sorry dude

Cheap shot

benji you will never make it big as a streamer. please give up and look for an actual job

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>Implying the Emperor of Mankind has no soul

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Kill yourself wowfags

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It's late and his gf is asleep so I don't think he'd do that.

He was the manager, and he said some HR cuck from another state had to fly down, suspend him, then he got a letter saying he was fired.

He said it happened in December so like 4 months ago.

His stream grows every day. I personally like his content way more than the fake youtubers like Tips Out, who's content is regurgitated trash.

>and anyone who isn't a brainlet knows that's an auto-fire

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why are you talking in third person

The fact that he upheld justice over his job is admirable. Fuck shoplifters.

I'm not him, just a fan. He's on Steam if you wanna talk to him.

Wow so 4 months and still assblasted about it

>when a zoomer understands the importance of branding but has no actual talent to make anything worth watching

I know it is you handicapped nigger. It's just a humorous wow related picture. Neck yourself.

>just a fan.
so why are you talking in third person benji?

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I'm not him I said.

you don't have fans benji

mods pls deliver our souls from the samefag

I know an autist who keeps saying he wants to stream X Y and Z even though he's a talentless hack, and it would drain any enjoyment he has for it. So far I've kept him sober about it, but autists are all about obsessions, and can't control them well.

tipsout would crush benji, he produces informative content and provides the latest breaking recaps of critical classic warcraft news, so don't forget to subscribe and click the bell to receive notifications as we get ready for a classic summer, and as always, staysafe. tipsout and god bless. allahu ackbar

I'm a fan of his. He gets people chatting some nights. They aren't sugar coated leftist beta chats either, they get pretty deep / intense man. I've never seen another streamer anywhere with that mind set.

you could turn on sound in background and use the mace bonks like a metronome in one of those jackoff games

Just report.

just stop benji

Have you watched his shit? Fake retail smile, fake content "Worlds best rogue" giving false rogue advice, LUL.

Benji would crush him in actual content, but he's just going to make rogue stuff where as Tips Out is just hiring Ruskies to pretend to know what they're talking about.

>Farming 600g an hour as soon as you ding 60
Lol fake content is fake.

dude what the fuck are you talking about tipsout is a global resource for good. his content is constantly fresh and informative, and he provides the latest breaking recaps of critical classic warcraft news, so don't forget to subscribe and click the bell to receive notifications as we get ready for a classic summer, and as always, staysafe. tipsout and god bless.

The possibilities I never thought of.

How much money are you making?

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Agreed. Tips Out is just jewtubing. No soul, no content, just fake copypasta'd stuff from other people, a lot like Kargoz.

the only advice worth taking is from pserver euroneets playing female gnomes/orcs
i am deathly serious

>Tips out would crush benji
It's like saying at least you're getting the guillotine instead of having your throat slit.

Yeah he was way off on a lot of his videos, but normies will eat it up like it's the "Best info" out there and be slowed down by it.

He isn't making any off that. He said he just does it to make friends.

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dude what the fuck kargoz serves everyday to defend america from foreign combatants. if he's not busy snapping a terrorists neck, he's producing detailed analytical in-depth thorough deep dives to deliver you from the clutches of al-qaeda and ensure that you're prepared to get that bis baby. kargoz out.

>home thread devolves into this

I miss the days when I just filtered the tripfag..

He's a "national guard" cuck, the weakest possible "military" in the US. They do like a weekend and only actually serve to help against natural disasters. He's a beer chugging betacuck. If you get married, you're a betacuck. If you drink alcohol, do drugs, or smoke, you're a betacuck.

if you aren't going to play WARRIOR BVLLS why the fuck are you even interested in Classic?

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the eu neets wake up in like 12 hours and we're back to feral trannies

femorcs are always asshole minmaxers (and not actually girls in RL)

you might not like it, but thats what peak preformance looks like

what we need is for a certain pitiful streamer to 40% himself like the eu tranny druid shitposting squad

Horus take you, heretic

>learning mage on a vanilla duel server
>duel a female gnome rogue
>absolutely shits on me
>spends 2 hours or so dueling with me and walking me through what to do
>shit on most rogues with ease now
Based fem gnome sage

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>Why yes, I play a male orc warrior. How could you tell?

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>*kites you*

I keep refreshing Benji's game list and laugh when Mordehau still isn't on it.

>*personal healslut dispells your shit*

Pray to the East, and play like a beast.

then stop editing your movies so damn heavily, I didn't think the name perplexity was referring to the viewer

>Rocket helms your healslut into a mind control
nothing personnel kid

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Fem nelf warrior is both lore friendly and underrated choice. Don't fall for the h*man weaponskill meme that is only op in private servers.

>*one shots you with Ashcandy Mortal Strike*
nice try... kid

Don't forget the secret gear slut racial where players put you on a pedestal because tits and ass.

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you will never be a woman

I can't wait to watch when retail comes out, Swole ganking all the normie girl gamer streamers and recording their reactions.

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Desolace is the most undderated zone.

gender is a construct. feral tanks rise up

>Implying you even get into melee range
>Implying I'm not a mage
You are already dead, warrgin. My Druchad friend has already taken care of your little healslut.

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>playing literally anything else than a male human or dworf

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female orcs have one of if not the best animation sets in the game

I'm playing a male gnome, doesn't mean fem nelfs and humans don't have a secret gear slut racial.

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i unironically want to be a femnelf dagger rogue, change my mind

based FF, I miss him

>dagger rogue

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dagger rogue is fine but its boring as shit until you can go seal fate

go for it, pvp daggers is actually fun and challenging

>fem troll 2h fury warrior
>orc niggers all use axes so I can get those ebin 2h swords
rate my plan

I'm undecided on Warrior race.

Human, Dwarf, Night Elf, Tauren, Orc or Undead. What do you guys think?

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>forget my boggles on raid night

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you're fucked m8. there's not enough time

>user why didn't you bring boggles when every other melee did
>loot council is not going to like this
>guess the Acuria goes to some other guy this week

beta is literally next month, screencap this

Horde vs Alliance is a much bigger decision. Figure that out first.

giving accuria to dps

>giving accuria to a hunter
I have literally seen this

I like both honest. I prefer individual horde races, but prefer Alliance as a whole.

Yeah, it belongs to me. I'll be taking that Onslaught Girdle, and that Bonereaver too for my PvP set.

You're also taking my bonereaver.

Will i be expected to take something like enchanting as a mage or warlock?

you will be expected to take tailoring for bloodvine

Man, just one more day for Swole to resume streams. I'm so excited. Where will he quest at 36?

the only thing more boring about leveling in classic wow is watching someone else do it

in the deepest pits of virginity

>80% of the population will be rogues

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Dude is the most redpilled person to grace Yea Forums since Zyzz he ain't a virgin fuckboi.

Is it really that mandatory? There arent other equally viable pieces of gear? Kinda wanted to run engineering or something instead

Add some BASED Asmonprimes and you'll see above 22% warriors on average across all realms.

nah 90% of the population will be mages, rogues and warriors

You are unreal levels of retarded

roguecraft meme does not hold up in 1.12, it will be WARRIORS who are 50%+ of the population this time. and somehow tanks will still be super rare

Perfect, you have both the things you need that way. No point in gathering professions on a Mage, gather Bijus off ZG trash, and greys off Lasher runs.

alright so which streamer are you going to orbit? I still can't decide, it sucks that asmon is going to a pve server but I also want to follow soda around, he's gonna be a based druid hopefully. Would be fun to slaughter those faggots tipsout and esfand, meme posers

>roguecraft meme
Most people want to be more like Grim

Keep in mind i have never played vanilla, would running both tailoring and engi be fine?



literally who

What exactly is the weakness of ele shaman in PvP? As a mage, I feel like one mistake = death against anyone of them who's halfway competent.

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What are bijus and what would random greys do for either of those profs. Vanilla virgin btw

Do you lads think I can get away with backporting the wrath version of gearscore?
dont really want to have to manually set values using prebis lists if the community is retarded enough to use an ilvl version

>all the retards rolling meme specs

use your fucking silence

They're one pump chumps. They blow all their mana in one fight, then spend 30 seconds drinking.

That was my first 60. They look great.

>tank shaman
match my meme spec

Tauren is the most udderrated race by far, war stomp is insane and who doesn't like more health.

It's actually happening, Tips basically confirmed it.
GoT finale is the 19th btw

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they're only good if they're left to free cast.
which does not happen

do people unironically watch this clueless retard?

Throw a fucking grenade you idiot.

Is the beta going to be the first full phase of progression?
If so rip veterans who expected an advantage

How hard is priest healing in vanilla, i want to roll one to do shadow pvp.

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Nobody cares who watches whom.
Tips has insider knowledge from blizz.
This info is huge.

easy. so is leveling

"Bijou"s are BoE rep items dropped from ZG that both give some rep when consumed, and give a BoP honor token that can also be consumed for more rep, or used as currency at vendors. Needless to say people pay money to buy rep and tokens off the AH. Mages can kill all the crocs by kiting. See
Dire Maul Lasher runs are a very efficient RAW gold farming run, the enemies just so happen to give around the best gold per hour on just vendoring in the game, and Mages are the best at any AoE farming. See

They don't 'benefit' any profession, they're just profession agnostic. Instead of running around looking for gathering nodes you can just reset instance and do another run. Or AoE farm anything else.

tips is an obnoxious nonwhite mongoloid who does nothing but parrot shit (and straigh up lies) without being able to check them for validity, so why should I take anything he says seriously

Another reason to watch SwoleBenji instead.

So i should just level as holy

piss off

stop it, he has a family to support

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you level wandspec until 40s, then go shadow

don't level as holy, priest is the best healing class when leveling on any spec

Oh huh, that's sick as fuck, i appreciate the explanation

>That hairline


Thats good to know.

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>autists spending hours grinding gold at 40g/h
>I lead a bwl gbid raid
>dft, neltharion's tear going for massive bids
>leave the raid 10k richer for a few hours of effort

i'll take things that never happened for $3

>not posting THE video
get out nostbab


Yah no, to do nefarian you had to spend days or even weeks getting everyone in the raid that damn cloak so they didn’t get one shot. You weren’t selling shit

You stand behind the throne to avoid shadow flame

Reminder that XIV fags shit on your game while praising a Devteam for only modeling a 1/3rd of headgear for their two new races.

>mfw tips won't be invited to the beta
>mfw tips won't be invited to any more events
>mfw tips will still think WotF breaks poly

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based and gbidpilled
personally i dont have the patience to herd retards through bwl, ill have to stick with making 5k a week off of MC and maybe some midweek ZG/AQ20


>Keep bouncing between wanting to play NE Druid, Orc Warrior, or Orc Survival Hunter

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DON'T roll a druid for classic, you think it's going to be ebin shapeshifting but it's actually going to be spamming downranked healing touch and acting as a mana battery for real healers

Unfortunately the raid can see you don't have Trueshot and laugh about how they almost gave the first Tranq Shot book to the wrong guy.

uhhhhhhh guys



>want to play WoW classic
>try to play retail to pass the time

I cant fucking do it, bros. Its so fucking trash. What the fuck am I supposed to do for 3 fucking months?

i cant look

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Are there any more angry Retail fags who DDoS random servers because their mount won't drop or some other insane shit? I want the Warcraft Influencer beta server to go down from some salty BFAfag.

What patch addons will work on it?

survival can be viable once you reach high enough agility to scale with the talent

I assume some generic things from current patch will work, but things that call items, enemies, and spells will likely be fucked requiring a rewrite.

I have a plan that involves making a lvl 1 of every class and parking it in orgrimmar for rested xp until I can feel out what I want to main. This will work, right?

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>new product
>WoW Vendor 2 CDNs (wowv2)

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it's not an expensive cloak, everybody has it by the time bwl is out

yeah, they'll be rested until level 3

>seething shamanlet
Enjoy the casino class while getting dabbed on by mages

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explain what this means like im a brainlet

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wow you'll get to lvl 3 in 4 kills instead of 8, sure is worth wasting 10 minutes to run them all the way to org and back

>and back

nah hearthstone. but still its a waste i agree

why are you running to org exactly?

who else wants to cuck over method? here's the plan. we rush to the absolute first people to get a guild charter going and take their name.

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Blizzard added a new product to their CDN(?) called "WoW Vendor 2 CDNs (wowv2)"
For reference, retail is called "WoW Vendor Versions (wowv)"

because he's retarded like the whole rested xp for lvl 1 idea should have told you

oh shit actual news

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another updated client drop to blizz public fileservers, we are getting closer

If Classic is supposed to be vanilla, does that mean shaman and paladin are faction locked and that enhancement shamans can use two-handers?

In case you missed it, tipsout, a retarded classic streamer, also probably broke an NDA alluding to classic beta coming out on the same day as the last GoT episode, which is what, 24th?

They just added a brand new "Product" to their list of "Vendors" which are a list of Content Download Networks (dl servers). There has been WoW Vendor, and WoW PTR, and now there is WoW Vender 2 with it's own path and no version data yet.
Almost certainly for beta

To add to this, Gelkis gives a stack of 9.5dps ammo which can be traded and is sought after by twinks, which can be worth a decent sum later on


why would he know?

Of course

Probably has insider friends?

blizzard have a group of content creators/shills that they throw bones to.

word also fuck alliance

thanks for the free kill

sheeet that's way sooner than I thought. I figured the beta would be end of June

Blizzard apparently hosted some 'secret' event for classic content creators on the 7th in Irvine, where they seem to have gotten some insider info.

xcuse me?

Enjoy being literally the only Druid on Horde side



>oh dude I'm just playing comfy wow vanilla haha this is a good timooohhhnoooooooooo





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I'd play Classic if it had a RP server. RP was the only thing that kept me playing retail for couple of years before I quit.

It will have RP server though.

But it will have an RP server

>RP server without futagoats
man can dream...

love this vid, autistic swede dabbing on keyboard turning worker ant chinese horde

Meme all you want about druids being unable to tank but they are objectively annoying cunts in pvp.

What are some quest only items I NEED to get?

Havent heard of that before, source?

The one that turns in you into furbolg.

based and CHAOS pilled.

feels good getting all the useless leather gear

Carrot on a stick

im gonna poopsock and become R1. mark my words. ill stream it also and shit on all these streamers who think they are good. Quitting my job once the honor system is in and I will become the best. Mark my words.

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depends on the class really, some like hunter and warlock rape druids effortlessly


>he thinks he'll be able to dab on streamers behind their wall of 20+ zoomer followers body blocking them
Ain't going to work.

all healing leather goes to shamans and all dps leather goes to warriors/rogues, only thing you'll get is shitty tier sets so you can healslut even more

>There are people who will roll on the PvE server

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they can't have a legion of people following them always. stream followers usually only hop in for the first few levels, this is a different kind of beast. they would need to gear a crazy amount and actually be good.

there's going to be so many clips of groups of mouthbreathers huddled around a streamer getting sappered and aoe'd down

>until level 3
that’s all? god dammit

all it takes is few raid geared BVLLS and streamer and his cuck orbiters will be crying to blizzard about harasshment in no time

Is there a clip of him saying that or any proof? That's actually pretty accurate if we're still going off of the whole summer release thing

There is absolutely no good reason to play on a PvE realm and miss out on the fun. Unless you're a filthy carebear

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yep, me for example
fell for the "DUDE START ON A PVP SERVER! ITS SO MUCH FUN!" meme twice already


I'm gonna go gnome mage, lads. Can't see myself taking part in the raiding scene because frankly, it's garbage, but I think I will run some endgame dungeons.

>PvP servers
Not comfy. No thanks.

carrot on a stick
skull of empending doom
nifty stopwatch
lvl 50 class quest trinkets (some classes)

If you vendor by mistake any of these items you might as well delete and remake

- If you can try to get them into a sheep destroy his totems
- Burst and be ready for his grounding totem, when he drops it destroy it and try to get a counterspell spellschool lockdown on him. He cant do anything but grenade/tidal then to stop you from bursting him down. 10seconds should be plenty of time for you to nuke him to hell if you cant do that get more gear nigger

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shit you know what i meant. 14 is the goal my friend.

You won't make it to level 30.

>Can't see myself taking part in the raiding scene because frankly, it's garbage
Like the rest of vanilla WoW ahah

Warlocks don't rape druids for one good reason. Travel form.

Oh yeah and forgot never to use icebarrier against a shaman passively only use it to tank his spellcasts he will purge spam you anyway so no reason to keep it prebuffed unless you know youre going to have the CD up when you need it

>My intended main (destro) in Great
>My intended alt (prot [warrior]) in Excellent

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Does anyone remember the name of the level 49 twink warlock pvp video with 4k soulfires?

if druid is smart enough to run and never stop they'll probably get away yes but if they are stupid enough to fight back even a little bit they are pretty much doomed

reminder that destro puts more points to affli or demo than to actual destro tree

Going paladin heal slut the round. What is the consumable cost like for raiding?

>prot warrior

It doesn't work that way. As a MT or OT in a guild you have so much responsibility on you that your only class will be a Prot Warrior. All the time you have will be dedicated into making it the best and getting all possible consumables. People really understimate what is needed from a MT.

sadly a lot of this isnt possible in classic. He's intentionally bugging out how noggen elixir works to increase his melee range and damage as well as to hide what actual form he is in currently.

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any tank worth their salt will get guild to buy all their consumes for them

>imagine being a class whose BiS weapon is not a level 29 (!) drop from Gnomeregan

any tank worth his salt wont need to

remember 15 years ago when that word didn’t mean what it does now.

It really depends on what faction you are on. With horde windfury alone was like 25% of my dps. When I got procs I was always in the top 5 sometimes number 1. You just use your normal fury rotation of BT and WW then if you have multiple mobs use cleave or fish for windfury with hamstring.

Well, it's a rumor, but from what I gather, a bunch of classic streamers coincidentally all took a day off from their daily streaming on the 7th. The next day they've apparently been really secretive about it on stream.
Here's another content creator (that apparently wasn't invited) tweeting about it:
Some people talk about it in that thread. I'm sure there's more, but I don't use twitter or discord so I don't know.

you'd have to be retarded cuck to farm your own consumes as the guilds MT

>anime mafia

>get too many WF hits in row
>get aggro
>world buffes gone
just horde things...

>not seeing the obvious irony
it was a /vg/ guild

You'd have to be a retarded cuck to pay your MT

yeah, the one with a tranny gm that imploded after two weeks

What if i told you you could get a guaranteed extra attack every couple seconds instead of spamming hamstring like a full retard.

>>/vg/ guild
>the one with a tranny gm
that's all of them

nah, nothing beats Feral as far as itemization goes. You have to farm gnomergan for hours every time you feel like doing a raid

not untrue

no the rest have orbiter gms

it was fun before the implosion.
we raided towns and stole devilsaur

Is there anything more cucked than being feral """dps"""?
Seriously all your game time goes into farming some mid level mace and the powershifting requires retarded APM just to do the dps mediocre rogue would do.

>Is there anything more cucked than being feral """dps"""?
being the gm that doesn't gkick a feral dps on sight

>Undead is the only race that can run 40man raids with only their own race
Damn, we da best

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>hi I'm the guild leaders girlfriend (probably male) and I'll be playing feral/ret/balance/some other retarded meme :)
when this happen start looking for a new guild

>get to 20 on both horde and alliance
>still not sure what I will roll on release

curse my indecisive ways

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>no hunter to tranq shot

Best reason to roll alliance imo

if you're gonna play a warrior, roll orc, you won't regret it

for whatever its worth, im neither that other guy nor benji himself, and i think hes kinda based. hope everything works out for him

Well yea of course. It's what is in the pic. I have a human warrior on the Alliance side which I also like. It's tough

Why do you care, if someone wants to play an inferior dps spec and puts effort into it and enjoys it then good on them. Half the hunters will will be alt tabbed with autoshot on on most pulls while three of the mages who can’t be arsed to download a threat meter just spam rank 3 frostbolt for the entire fight to avoid having to care about it. I know I’ll be doing quite a bit of overhealing with r5-6 FoL on most trashpulls because I don’t care for optimizing on everything.

Which class?

won't happen in any half way competent guild, loot council really filters out worst slackers

im saying on release
stun resist and windfury and zeppelins > anything alliance offers

>Can't see myself taking part in the raiding scene because frankly, it's garbage
MC is the only bad raid and it won't get old for me thanks to nostalgia

I'll be playing feral DPS. I understand I defiantly won't raid or do little or next to no dungeons but it's my fav class and spec.

female undead priest vs female troll priest, which one do you choose

Exactly why im rolling rogue on one

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Female undead are pretty based 2bh

I always played Alliance and SM was very popular. Never had any trouble to find a group, everyone loves it.

Arms can be put in PvP tier and BM in chinese gold farming tier.

fem troll with the only cute face

what cringey pic "look at how coool we are guys! we are the best pvpers!!!"

>survival hunter
... why...? it's the worst at leveling, pvp, and pve

Youre not doing shit alone user thats not how the system works. Youre going to have to carry people or be carried for months, 3 weeks alone for 13-14

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