My legs are OK

You gain Brouzouf

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When does this game get fun?

It takes a few hours, admittedly. Once you can jump around like Super Man though...

it doesn't. it's just for memes

When you develop taste, filthy Jian.

How are you not having fun?

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Escape the cycles of guilt

somebody post the bigass guide, i want to give this another try
is the dragon psi any good or should i just dump all my brouzoufs into stats? building agi/hacking btw

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Depends on when you invest in cyberlegs and/or get shit like the Bearkiller

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Great image

Once your character advances beyond being shit

Just grab the minigun and heavy armor and have a terminator experience. No idea why the other weapons besides bear killer fucking exist.

Bullshit Critical!

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Revolver is end game though

Deprezador is good before enemies start wearing armor.

This is the best version of that exploitable ever made.

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I don't understand the stuff involving Dutch. He can die in the facility mission but the very next mission whether he lives or not, he's back and acts like it never happened. Then a few minutes into that mission he dies no matter what.

Time is such a nebulous thing.

What is there to not understand?


Imagine thinking this.


E.Y.E. is like a Lynch film if it were written in French and then put through Google Translate.

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somebody PLEASE give me the bigass guide

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I've never heard of such a thing, but if it exists I would like it as well.

Is it an image guide or something? A link to a site?

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the shooting is actually pretty good desu

Source engine game... though other games fuck that up somehow.

I started having fun once I unlocked invisibility and super speed.

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found it by digging through the archives
its big

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Two different versions of the same guide what

The game arguably starts slow, specially with heavier weapons and armor.
Go as light as you can with the 30 shell shotgun and a few clips.
Upgrade legs.
When you get FAST then the game is amazing.

I got mine like three years ago

You are in a weird mental time loop.
Assuming the mars battle even happened in real like and it isnt just twisted memories, butch did canonically live to fight and die on mars.

is there a way to turn off the shitty distortion when youre sprinting?

options > video > advanced > use sprint blur effect

Turn off "sprint blur effect"

motra + bosco + light armor + cloak + converter implant = you're set for life
for missions full of aliens, shotgun or minigun + aiming implant
you really don't need much else

>Bringing anything other than light armor, Bear killer, medkit, and every single free inventory worth of ammo.

My legs are OK.

>no BK 13+Katana and Jian Medium
moron faces

are any of these good or should i just buy legs

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The gates you get end game are ridiculously more poweful anyway. Get leg

Dragon is literally the ability to telefrag from anywhere on the map. It really tells you what the game is like as a whole