whose hyped?!
Whose hyped?!
>AAA Western multiplats that will play better on PC and sell better on the PS4
Why should I be excited by this again?
I'm just hoping for updates for Halo on PC, and maybe
I expect nothing
I am. Xbox going to leave Sony niggers and nincels SEETHING.
>relevant in 2019
they had one good console and another lucky one that was successful only because sony fucked up hard on ps3 release and nintendo got pants over the head retarded, now it's over
I'm ready!
>was harassing underage boys and girls as well as tranny teenagers
Holy fuck, what an absolute beast.
nigger they revealed tales of vesperia and dmc 5 last year
The beginning of 360 v PS3 were hilarious times in gaming.
Last year was 90% third party, I expect it to be the same since Sony is gone and they have a few new games to tease.
Its cool Microsoft can have a good conference, but its on the back of games I will play on PC or PS4 if no PC version exists.
>they revealed multiplats last year
PSA:Our fans cant read a calendar
Even if the PS3 was 400, it launched a full year later with even worse games than Xbox had at the time. 360 atleast had Kameo and by then Dead Rising 1
hilarious bad, for those 3~4 first years the best gaming setup to have was PC+PSP+NDS
There better be some videogames
can't you read? I said sony fucked up so hard that even the shitbox360 was a better option
>they revealed games that people will actually buy because they arent xbox exclusives
what are you talking about again?
It's the only console I bought this gen that I didn't regret buying.
>buying american consoles
even the ps5 will be better, and I'm expecting it to be the worst sony console of all time
Show me your game pass.
playable vergil reveal pls
I'm a bit. Last year's conference was actually good
>Show me your game pass.
what game pass you stupid fuck? I'm not a dudebro who gives money to fucking microsoft
>even the ps5 will be better
Nice Joke
i bet you think the ps4 is a japanese console
dumb retard
>all these snoyfags seething
stay mad xbox is back baby
I dont get it, why are people shitting on microsoft even tho they aren't acting greedy like sony refusing to let people play bloodborne (because thats the only worth exlusive) or nintendo that locks their games on outdated software
I gave them 1€ and I'm playing all these games for that amount I paid. For such a bad console uh, this was actually pretty fucking great.
Monster Hunter World for just 0,01 cents. Feels good bro.
Y'know, I forget. What do they potentially have to show off this year, anyways? Multiplats aside, I mean. Battletoads?
What's more hilarious is that they're celebrating the arrival of the EA access to the console. lmao
They'll have good announcements even if it's just multiplats so I'm excited
They scared Sony away from this E3 so they must have something good.
It was 600 dollars which was pretty jewey for ol snoy and was loud as fuck while not being able to play music in background from an app or even a flash drive for it's first year and even got rereleased without the backwards compatibility quickly
Sony trannies from neogaf and reddit are mad that Microsoft are getting their shit together.
Last year was basically nothing but video games
Pretty sure he ruined his own marriage user
No they didn't, Sony just literally have nothing to show
based xbro
No exclusives, so, I'm not.
i find it funny how when sony showed ff7 remake and shenmue 3 that one e3, everyone was screeching that sony had won.....even though both were multiplats. interesting how its okay when sony does it
and? They're still multiplats and played better on PC and sold better on ps4. Revealing means fucking nothing.
wonder what they'll call it. i think they should go with green color names
Xbox Clover (4th console / 4-leaves)
Xbox Shamrock
Xbox Jade
Xbox Emerald
Because ps4 still has exclusives on top of that shit.
It's like one guy had A and the other guy has A+B for the same price.
Whats the point of owning a Ps4 if you're not interested on weeb trash or hame movies? I can only think of bloodborne but aside from that
>David Cage movies
>Yakuza is coming to pc
>Yawns gone
>Dad of Dark Souls
>SpiderBatman New York Asylum
>Because ps4 still has exclusives on top of that shit.
yeah like uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
Same.My PS4 and Switch collect dust.
>If I don't like it then that must mean nobody likes it and the games don't count!
>I am very clever!
FF7 is timed exclusive, probably only like 2-3 months but its a selling point. Cyberpunk is day in day of on PS4, PC and Xbox so why bother
Shenmue was always destined to flop
Okay, but what about the exlusives?
Just started Wolfenstein 2 with my game pass, any other games worth looking for Xbros?
Thanks for agreeing and being xboxpilled
It was the cheapest and the one console that gives me more games. No brainer
People will say this is Tumblr tier.
But so far as I can tell it's a pretty good Fire Emblem clone.
They going to announce xbox two?
Dont forget when Sony fans and game "journalist" were screeching about Xbox Tomb Raider timed exclusivity. I remember them crying that what MS was doing is bad for the industry and cancerous.
crackdown's score actually decreased since this image was made.
I don't know why you kids even bother. Shit-posting on Yea Forums won't make Xbone sales improve, nor will Microsoft's brain dead attempts at injecting life into the brand.
>hay guys lets just keep releasing consoles and controller designs lmao
Good lord I've been waiting patiently to see them crash and burn since 2013. Oh, the glory. They had something with Xbox Live in the early days of 360, but they've literally just been "PS4: Us Too Edition" since then. Remember when consoles used to have unique identities beyond aesthetic? Xbox is just copying PlayStation's homework and rearranging some sentences. No wonder they're falling off the map.
Forza Horizon 4. I like playing it in short bursts with music playing in the background.
First post best post
E3 is gonna have a lot of new "reveals" that are literally on all 3 platforms and will sell better on PS4 because it's the more dominant console.
>Good lord I've been waiting patiently to see them crash and burn since 2013
seems like youre going to be waiting a little bit longer then.
>Buy a ps4 because Yea Forums told me to
>Only games i liked were bloodborne and persona 5
>Have to sell it
>Get back on my feet and decide to buy another console
>Xbone S is cheap and it comes with free gamepass
>Plug it
>Almost all my favorite games from the 360 are back compact and i dont need to rebuy them
>No regrets
Why are sonyfags so delusioned?
>snoyfags are this deluded they cant comprehend the very idea of someone playing something that isnt a ps4
>another round of painfully transparent Microsoft marketing
Nice fanfic, Xniggie.
Give me Killer Instinct 4 bros. I'm ready for the day 1 micwarriors again.
I don't have a PS4. I use Switch and PC; I can just see the writing on the wall, and I have a lot of friends with PS4's. I do have my issues with Sony, too, though. Keep trying, peckerwood.
nice same buzzword tranny faggot
stfu. i know a snoyfag when i see one
...Apparently not. I don't have a need for a PS4. My PC is sufficient, and Switch covers me because I travel a lot. Home consoles are too limiting and have the same stuff as PC in most cases... different platforms for different needs. For example... casual gamers who don't care about limiting controls and upgrading every few years, you have PS4. For people who like party games, Nintendo stuff and portability, you have Switch. And for the brain damaged/cuck/neanderthal American crowd, you have the Xbox line. Something for everyone, as it turns out.
seething snoyfag
>And for the brain damaged/cuck/neanderthal American crowd, you have the Xbox line. Something for everyone, as it turns out.
typical sony shitter talk
>Snoy bitch acting as if he has a powerful PC and a Switch
>Xgroids on meltdown mode
Why would you post three times in a row? S E E T H I N G Microsoft drone. I don't have a PS4. Your rando opinion about my honesty is irrelevant. Believe as you please.
No one
Is it time for the shitposting Eric?
>snoyfags screeching because they got exposed
Seethe more Sonyfags.
My favorite part is when you presented facts in the face of exposure that you have absolutely no autonomy and buy Microsoft's "Marketing 101" college student tactics to get you to buy their inert products.
The PS4 is declining on sales as well. To the fucking Switch nonetheless.
At least MS has money to keep up their game.
I'm enjoying all these games on game pass, you're not.
again I like how whenever Nintenbros and Yea Forums shit on something Playstation related (State of Play), Sonyfanboys will immediately start going on an anti Xbox brigade
The biggest anti Xbox brigade is Microsoft... I swear it's like they want to crash and burn lmao
Xbox never went anywhere people just legit too much care about gay ass Sony games, not 1 new Jack and Daxter game or SOCOM
Anyone who had both really would say it's up to controller preference and where your friends are.
>PS4 fail
So I take you're not enjoying your game pass?
>Being pray to the Xbox ecosystem
sheesh how embarrassing I mean ugh
It's strange, I wonder what they will do after Microsoft and Nintendo kill them at E3 this year.
Uh uh.
It's ok friend, I'm enjoying all these games for free. I can cope with it.
I don't even think about Game Pass. I already have the good 360 games and a good PC with whatever five Xbone games there are. Next..
By your own logic Consoles have been doing the "We are like a PC too" since the 360 why did the consoles copy the PC's homework and include things like Web Browsers and Netflix, they're supposed to be for gaming. Microsoft will be more successful because they are gonna be releasing the cheaper console (scarlett) and the more powerful (anaconda) have Gamepass and will have crossplay with PC and Nintendo, the bros and soccer moms who are proabaly 70 million of PS4 sales will go where the savings are they do not care about letting Billy play Sony movie games she cares about her money, if the kids bitches and moans for that playstation well he's already a corporate slave for lyfe. What did bloodborne sell like 10 million copies at most, pretty bad for a console with 100 million sales
5? There are over than 100 games there.
Intentional spelling mistakes and all lower case, to "seem more casual and relateable"
Topic is a recent or upcoming product.
And who the fuck uses "?!" on Yea Forums?
Nice marketing, shill.
Nice meme arrow Sony friend. I bet you paid 60 bucks for that zombie simulator.
I paid 0,01cents for Forza Horizon 4. oof
What makes the PS4 so much better than the Xbox One?
>inb4 muh exclusives
The argument that xbox has no purpose because they release on games on PC is dumb because what if you don't have a PC and want to play Forza? The PS4 has no legs to stand on compared to PC either, most people who own the PS4 are Bros and Kids they are not brand loyalists like Sonybros, they all had 360s before they went because it was cheaper at launch
I refuse to believe anyone is that delusional. I'd choose corporate console slavery over Xbox any day. They've disqualified themselves numerous times. Why does it have to be them? Let's give SEGA another shot. SOMEONE, just not Microshit. They've been given way too many chances to redeem themselves, and have blown it. Dreamcast was twice the console Xbone could ever dream of being for its time, and it didn't get a sliver of the chance Xbone did. Nuh-uh. Let it burn.
Red Dead Redemption?
I was mostly hoping to bait some typical damage control replies so I could practice my own script / flowchart in response.
I figure, if I can convince sissy ERPers to kill themselves, then maybe I can also convince disinformation teams and propaganda bots. They have a high enough employee turnover rate and are in a job that's low-paying enough that they might be stressed out enough to consider it.
If you were an actual PC gamer you'd tell your friends to sell their PS4s and not buy the PS5 and get PC so you could play with them, and save them money, tell them "you already beat bloodborne, the desert is now dry again"
which is even more hilarious because they managed to have a better e3 for sonybros than sony themselves managed to do
>P-pay attention to us!!!
>We'll have another Funko Pops game!!!!!
Larry "The Cuck" Herb is at it again.
Shit, I've tried convincing a couple of them to switch over. Have you tried? Not worth the effort. I grew up this way so I'm just used to "other kids" having consoles.
Monster Hunter, Prey and maybe Vampyr? Which I haven't played yet.
I'm not surprised the corporate slave would choose corporate slavery over the status quo. PS4 is a joke of a system it can't even run Anthem without it dying
PS3 is a joke it can't have more than one skyrim save otherwise it will corrupt the old save
PS2 is a joke everything on the Xbox looks better
PS1 is a joke it's only 32bit and has 2 minute long loading screens
No console is perfect go for the savings then you can buy more games
Its finally time bros
>PS2 is a joke everything on the Xbox looks better
Hahaha I bet Yea Forums is older than you. Yes because once graphics are photo-realistic every game ever will automatically be better than anything games before that point, right?
Yes all my friends have PCs now, I built them cheap ones off of CL for like 250$ and when they enjoyed it they bought 800$ PCs and for the ones who don't enjoy it a 250$ gaming desktop is still useful for other things or just cool indie games. Just tell them they can plug a controller in, then they'll proabably try it
Bitch I had a PS2 it was a fine machine, it's good job didn't influence me to buy a PS3 because "Sony hasn't failed me yet" because research takes about 15 minutes. It's not every game it's the same game that looks better and runs at a better framerate that's where the difference lies it's if I'm gonna buy Vice City I have no reason to not buy the best looking version unless I already had a PS2 then I would buy it there like I did.
>games looking photo realistic
>never on a playstation
Because whats good for xbox is generally good for PC at this point
I sometimes forget that Xbox is still a thing
I cant believe a plastic box with an X on it drives some people into an autistic frenzy
We'll remind you
Xbox is literally a Prebuilt with a console OS, I bet they make devs put in graphical settings since the Xbox One X is possibly being updated for the New Xbox OS meaning their will be in reality 3 Skews of Xbox to program for so fast>balanced>Pretty
Yes, like a fart in an elevator or an inoperable brain tumor, Xcucks never go away.
So we got Xbox on Monday, Nintendo on Tuesday as usual
I don't think "muh exclusive gayms" was his point, just that anything interesting at all could be revealed. Stop thinking about consolewar-faggotry for one second.
I loved how you let your "innocent first post itt I swear" mask fall so quick lmao
Just remember..for All the players
>Xcucks never go away.
mentally ill resetera sony dick riders dont go away either
I just care about their controllers, that's probably the best thing to come out of their game division in all of its history.
>Implying that was my post
Xbros never were too smart
Best mornings of the summer. Cant wait.
All playstation owners are just the kids who never learned to share and thus get unironically angry when things like nioh, crash bandicoot collection and Yakuza and begin back peddling even with "yeah well that game is mediocre anyways, you'll never get the GoW" even tho they held those games in high regard when it was only on their PS4. You'll never be able to explain to them that most do not care about then 5% of games you can only get there because we really care about the games that are 95% available everywhere, it's just something that grows in your brain when you play Japanese Consoles too hard.
Take your victim complex and fuck off back to your hole then, mongoloid. You'll be safe there.
please dilate
*stop being only on playstation and begin to backpedal
Stop projecting your fantasies. Make your dreams a reality.
Reset Era is a real website tho, and it's full of playstation fanboys
They got rid of that. Now you use Cortana or Alexa for voice control.
Microsoft's on Sunday.
It sucks tho cause the kinect 2.0 worked fine unless you were Mexican (dogs barking, siblings screaming, mom vacuuming, papi screaming at the kids and dogs and you barking orders at the kinect all in Spanish was too hard on the CPU's soul) but Cortana sucks ass since it's a blue circle on not the Halo 3 model (I'd use it everywhere if I got to looks at Halo 3 tits the whole time) Microsoft should of never included the kinect if they were just gonna abandon it by 2015
>Microsoft should of never included the kinect if they were just gonna abandon it by 2015
That's what happens when the people in charge dont care about gaming and only about selling a product.
Decesenders is pretty fun, black desert if you don't mind the shitty grind and Wargroove.
But. It was the coolest cable box I ever had until they decided to turn it into a games console
Who decides the dates of the xbox briefing at E3, it always seems to take place the same day as my uni finals
My Hope's and dreams
>killer instinct 2
>teaser of what the initiative are doing
>consoles to not have a retarded name this time
>ninja theory game
>gears 5 gameplay
>Halo infinite gameplay
>battletoads gameplay
>more gamepass games
>more studios bought.
>Remember when consoles used to have unique identities beyond aesthetic?
Yes, but then some faggot said: "hey! let's make videogame systems like if they were a PC!" and videogames went to shit.
>At least MS has money to keep up their game.
Pun intended?
>PS2 is a joke everything on the Xbox looks better
Everything on the GameCube looked better. Hell, some things on the fucking Dreamcast looked better.
I don't think there's any Dreamcast to PS2 port that is better.
>pun intended
I wish Sony intended Game Pass on the PS4 too. It would be one reason for me to own one.
It's an advance war clone and a pretty good one.
>Xbawks has no games xdd
Sadly, there would people who'd think this without being satiric about it.
Crazy taxi on the Xbox was the best version of the game besides maybe the arcade. Nothing looked better on the GC besides maybe stylized Nintendo shit, GC simply lacked the graphics horsepower since it was the cheapest console
I mean, Sony would probably find a way to fuck it up, I agree. They can't even get cloud storage right.
Videogames were their best in the span of 15 years and Consoles were already feature locked PCs buy then, if you get technical the Famciom was a computer too. Games went to shit because shovelware devs stopped stealing good ideas from good games (thus 2 games worth playing were created) and instead just started making mobile games that then the AAA devs stole ideas from
>1 exclusive with Forza Horizon 2
Who cares does it play the other 216 mulitpats better than the Playstation 4? Probably.
>cars, sports, halo, call of duty, some game for the kids, more shooty games
There. Every xbox event ever.
Imagine being this much of non-american
God I'm so fucking hyped for this. It's a great time to be a Metroidvainia fan.
>all the same games as xbox
>3rd person action adventure
>weeb fighting game also available on xbox
>Japanese game also on steam or switch
>inb4 persona 5
Okay 1 less musty as dating sim on steam and consoles hazah
>The playstation experience isn't very unique
Not counting the other 100 from the game pass
Im literally rotating games all day. Never had so many games on a console.
Don't forget smoke alarm periodically beeping
Fable or gtfo.
Unironically looking for it.
They may have jack shit in terms of exclusives, but if they can repeat last year and just show off mostly great games, then I'm in.
Looks and plays better on Xbox One X.
where else can you play Radiant Silvergun in HD?
I'm going to kill phil if he doesn't announce that reach will release during E3. Considering flights still don't exist I wouldn't be surprised if instead of the full game he'll just say the beta will release during E3, which would make want to kill him even more.
literally name one game you ever played your entire life
Xbox will most likely win this year's E3 again especially since they will show off the new Xbox's which will be stronger than the ps5 if the rumors are to be true
>A codename and half the specs again
>W-wait for next E3
Xbox Won bros!
You know it is true soi nigger