Filename thread
Filename thread
me on the right
If you're working a job where customers feel obliged to tip then you're not winning
please lurk more before posting
waughmp waughmp, I say, waughmp waughmp!
I've busted so many nuts to kari.
what game is this
but... why
it's not a game
kek no fucking way
haha I get it it's twitch tv double standards
fuck I wish all women were bare minimum triple Ds
*kissing sounds*
Worst part is this video made me realize how easy it is for women to fake their shit. I hate them
why don't the other marmots take him to the hospital
fucking chuds trying to normalize guns around small children. don't cry bitch tears if she picks up one and shoots you.
You've earned your rest, little man
fucking love that after they made that mold of her ass in a skintight suit they saw a huge ratings spike lol
holy fuck blacks are fucked
more guns are always the solution, didnt you know????
>Pressing Turbo
People who work for gratuity can make a fucking ridiculous amount of money.
Mainly bartenders, but servers as well if the restaurant is upper class enough.
They're like 4 feet off the ground calm down chico
Take your butthurt somewhere else please.
those two fags were attention seeking tools. he was pretty based if you ask me
w-what happened to him?
same two nigs in these videos, ergo they are fake.
He woke up from his nap refreshed and cheerful, went for a swim and ate some fish.
Based pingu
That thing looks absolutely miserable, who the fuck would put their dog in that?
spoonfeed me the source user
how did you post this with boxing gloves on?
Are these just Touhou hit markers or something?
>source CNN
>bernie sanders
I can kind of see this.
It's like
>See how unfair it is? Women with bigger breasts get more tips from sexist misogynist male customers. I stuffed my shirt and instantly made twice the tips!
So it's super unfair that women born to have large breasts (or I guess money to augment them) have this advantage... yet you achieved this exact same advantage simply by stuffing your shirt? What about all the manlets who never get management positions because they don't have an "authoritative presence"? How should they cope, wearing stilts?
This is just a Touhou Extra stage sans the little girls.
What's the point of the window
Lol cry more
You need sound with this shit, trust me
Penguins are people too.
I'm 25 and I've never tipped outside of haircuts. If I know I'm expected to tip in a food joint I just don't eat there unless it's on someone else' tab. Which is a shame cause there's a really good Chinese buffet that I haven't had since I moved out of my parents house.
so if she doesnt fart a certain cubic yard amount of air ever minute, he dies?
>If I know I'm expected to tip in a food joint I just don't eat there unless it's on someone else' tab.
you're either a jew or autistic
That hamster is broken
video games
>the way it methodically takes off both legs to keep it from struggling and pushing it off
thank god these things are nickle sized
>women are powerful and can do what men can
>wait they want this stuff to for a long time?
>wait gender isn’t personality and saying it is is sexist
what a fucking dickhead lol although thats probably staged
We are very lucky that some of the most vicious creatures around are that small. Insects are fucking ruthless.
>its not sped up
Too obvious, I know.
I'm just being economical, pal.
he was pretty based and safetypilled.
>It's 288, it's just 144!
>eating out
Sometimes they just choose to get creative.
My brother, at the age of 31, watched, as he sat and ate his snack during break working outside, a wasp chase and land on a dragonfly (one of the big ones), climb between its shoulders, cause it to freak out and hit the ground, then just sat there on its back and used its front arms to twist the dragonfly's head off before chowing down.
are you talking about the chinese?
>Suddenly lizard
what the fuck is this black magic
Farts only have about 1/5th the oxygen as regular air does
The Clint Eastwood one freaks me out the most. He just looks like a demonic ghoul and then you look at him and he still just looks like a demonic ghoul.
"randomize character" button
Valeur has a top tier sense of humor
she'll have to work fast
>teams have been auto balanced
Shit, they didn't just take his kidneys they took the whole body.
jesus shes hideous
And he dropped an elf girl for her
That's a woman?
You can't breathe farts, no matter how much she does it. Plus where would your exhaled carbon dioxide go?
I am not shocked but I do not understand
It's Felix the Cat. How old are you user? I'm not even old and I know that.
yeah and you know whats the crazy part?
these things only live for about a month.
literally born killers
wait what
all I see is 2 men
His wife is hotter for sure. But she have been playing him, giving him bare minimum, and finding change elsewhere.
Some of the best sex I've had is some decent looking slampig with pretty eyes gulping my cock to the root while I play with her big fuckin' titties before I cream down her throat.
>13%s effect on society
Plebs haven't seen her body yet
Good job on maving the shittiest filename thread ever everyone.
mods cleaning up e-celeb treads
Why do people litter? It hurts everyone. I don't care what statement you're trying to make, doing this makes you a gigantic asshole.
You couldn't paint a better metaphor if you tried.
I meant the amwebm itself
Always gets me
>he doesn't know
I'm retching with anticipation.
niggers being niggers
I can't tell if I love or hate this
Probably both
>or as i call it, "the white mans burden"
and yet they will still constantly complain and try to guilt trip you by saying they make less than minimum wage.
I deliver pizza and can vouch for this. Made 200 dollars just the other Saturday. Have been robbed by niggers once and they never EVER tip even when they order like 70 dollars worth of bullshit. Fuck every single one of them, I make sure Darius gets his order dead last if I'm taking more than one and I'll stop to get gas/cigs on the way.
I hope you're baiting because I was talking about
Delete this
im from cali. dont lump me in with those faggot pussies
>Yea Forums thinks $1,000 a week is "a fucking ridiculous amount of money"
Learn a trade
>filename thread
>wastes an image slot being a seething neet
Its a ridiculous amount of money for doing very little
I was shooting with a .22 when I was like 6. I remember my grandpa taking me out into the woods and shooting cans. I first went deer hunting when I was 10 with my dad and bagged my first deer with a .30-30. Growing up with firearms gives you a proper respect for them.
what the fuck
oh good, so you killed literally defenseless targets instead of manning up enough for actual combat in the armed forces. pussy.
>I say this knowing full well the business from my country have doomed the environment to extreme levels and we are all fucked for letting it happen
Yeah man....heh..
>don't have tip culture in country
>work in place full of foreigners
>get tips out the ass along with already generous salary
Have another pointless image, Anonymous
What point are you even trying to convey?
Bill Plympton is fucking insane
havent lold in a long time
Thank god for their own sake you mean
You can fucking bet if shit got EDF we'd be brewing vats of super mega fucking bug AIDS and balloon bombing their shit all day every day every year
bitch, you're old
H-he's fast!
he was saving them from a much worse fate
This just makes me angry
How did you get that from "I grew up around firearms and there's no reason you should be afraid of them."
Go tangle with a buck and say that again.
What's the song playing? It sounds like Hiroyuki Iwatsuki.
i dont remember this episode.
Go to a mirror in a dark room, open your mouth and eyes as har as you can and keep your face in a peripheral area of your eyes. See what happens
>>Yea Forums thinks $1,000 a week is "a fucking ridiculous amount of money"
Former Vegas fag here. Left because I am just not good looking enough and its just fucking hell out most days. I'm a pharmacist and bartenders have out earned me on tips alone. Tradesmen have nothing on even strippers there.
The chandelier bar is my go-to example for this. Sister's friend got married. All somewhat well off, upper-middle class women with their size 1 and below waists that are on snapchat all day. They had their wedding party there at the bar and paid 5,000usd to sit down at the table. That wasn't a reservation. That was, yes, you can be seated here for the time being. A guy came up two minutes later and paid 20,000 for the table. Said any girl not getting married could stay. Two guys came in after that and paid 100,000 for the table and told everybody to fuck off. The host gets 10% of the table costs.
Shout out to mods for banning the falseflagging retard
>what a fucking dickhead
Escalator railings aren't supposed to bear that kind of weight, and their bail-out wasn't certain.
Those guys are jackasses and that man is the hero we all need but don't deserve.
>animation is arguably the most impressive, interesting, and beautiful thing humans have created
My dumbass actually had this typed out until I saw the end. I don't know whether to eat my words or double-down on them
I'm so glad someone else saw this as a manga character spread.
Why is he even bothering when they keep throwing it back? I would have just said wtf you niggers and peaced
the first song?
there are song credits at the end of the vid
Honestly I'd double down.
Well if you're going to have your face attached to someones asshole then you might as well be able to see the ass right? If it was all black you couldn't see shit. Literally
Which touhou game is this?
This gives me anxiety.
What the fuck is the source of this?
>Composed by Hiroyuki Iwatsuki
Nailed it.
I keked because he squints so hard it looks like he genuinely has no eyes. Everyone else had these giant sugar glider eyeballs and then Clint pops up like -_-
Not the same user but seems like fun. Can I join?
w-what happens?
Looked literally like pic related. Scary.
Your brain can't get the ocular data it needs to form a face just from peripheral vision alone, especially in lowlight conditions. The more you look into one spot away from your face the more your face will warp.
Perception is fickle user. Appreciate your mind and your eyes while they are still healthy.
Face in the mirror starts to distort like crazy
I can't really tell the point of thi-
>mfw the last 3 seconds
ok what the fuck
How do you lash their backs with your penis in the way? I guess its for when they drop it.
>sells starting level items
why would I do that if I have a gun
That fucking big smile on his face makes me laugh so hard
Speaking of which, I also highly recommend that you LOOK INTO A MIRROR while you're dreaming.
Remember that. Look into the mirror in the dream. Look at your face.
Just gonna say it one more time so that it's easier for your subconscious self to remember, LOOK INTO THE MIRROR IN YOUR DREAM
That's how you maintain a tipping culture, dummy
Your vision doesn't work like a video camera. It's more like your eyes are a dude describing what they're seeing to your brain, which then draws what it thinks your eyes are talking about. If your eyes don't get a clear picture, or sees too much at once, then the description the brain gets is muddy and confusing, and the drawing is inaccurate. Plus, the brain is really good at drawing things like faces and wants you to know it, so it'll try to draw faces even if the eyes didn't mention anything about them. And it sucks at drawing anything in motion, so most of the time it doesn't bother, especially if the description from the eyes is lousy.
I'm scared of trying this.
This is some demon-summoning shit, isn't it?
It's okay, you'll be dreaming so you won't be thinking about it when you do it.
There are ways of telling if you're dreaming or not, though. Interestingly, looking into mirrors is one of them.
mirrors dont work in your dreams or some shit, user is just yankin ya chain
She's got a hot body topped with a 16 year old boys head
This thread just got really scary. C'mon, anons...s-stop
Post pics
Also post Jareds dick
Sure, they don't work anyway, so there's no harm in trying, right?
They do work. Just not 1-1 to reality. Hence why your face will be warped.
The first mirror one is just a creepy mind trick. I don't know what the dream one is about
you have no option, he repeated it enough times, you will look into a mirror in your dreams, no matter how hard you try not.
Nothing because the lights are off stupit
>You! You! Give us Smooth!.jpg
WTF i did it and it summoned nerve gas????
You're totally right. Hurts me internally that people don't consider that the innocent meek ones are who end up cleaning things up. The people you're pissed about are sitting in high rises living in neighbor hoods far outside of the reaches of the poor.
alright man
You know what is good to try in a dream too? look at your own hands.
Let me see if I can find the archive. Didn't save it. She's not nude in what I saw tho so I'll risk it.
Tried it and I regret doing it.It's pretty creepy
He was six nigga
me in the red
I've never seen anyone explain this webm. Seriously, WHY are they doing this?
>inb4 niggers gonna nig
No, really, WHY
This is fucking stupid nigger I have no control of my dreams.
>/trash/ plays pokemon
Literally minecraft dogs
Is he ok
>I hope you're all prepared for a bigly unforgettable luncheon.
The best method is holding your nose and then trying to breathe through it anyway. In a dream, you can still breathe even when holding it since your brain can't manipulate your breathing like that.
>He's a dreamlet
It's just a dog taking some fall damage
It's similar to the peripheral image of your face described a bit earlier, but your brain is convinced that you're looking directly at yourself in broad daylight, which makes the distorted image of yourself much more frightening.
People of course react differently to seeing this, oftentimes directly leading into nightmares with holes emerging in the image of your face in the mirror or your skin melting off.
PROTIP/human dream mechanic spoilers: If you find yourself in such a situation, I recommend trying to enter the mirror instead. It should take you to a different location entirely , so you can distract yourself from what could be a nightmare. You may end up in a place much worse than you started, though.
This is not a bad idea. You will likely have a different number of fingers on your hand, which is a decent way of determining whether or not you are dreaming for people practicing lucid dreaming.
Dream incubation/suggestion is a thing.
Stop memeing
Someone once told me you couldn't look into mirrors while you dream
I did it and nothing interesting happened
What the fuck are those things in plastic bowls?
I never thought of this. Near ingenious. I'm guessing you're on the journey of lucid dreaming?
Salads, probably?
The way this guy gets so salty about the winnie the pooh joke is quite something.
I did both of these things in a lucid dream once and it wasn't as freaky as people always say.
Hands looked entirely normal, with lines and all, my mirror image was just blurred as if I drank an entire bottle of vodka, no spooky warping. I also couldn't fly and shit.
I guess even in my dreams nothing interesting ever happens.
oh god oh fuck
wait what
fucking honest abe on the wall was thinking about which burger he gonna start first
That's pretty clever! When I was practicing lucid dreaming I didn't have enough techniques for confirming whether or not I was dreaming, so I ran into some bad situations where I couldn't tell whether or not I was dreaming (both IRL and asleep)
Now that can get scary.
>Dualshock 2
he didn't fly so good
user is right, those are usually salads container from fastfood chain
>Smash bros stage hazards
Not really on a journey. It happens very rarely to me and I heard of that method some time ago and tried it a few times. It works very well, but sadly I usually wake up shortly after realizing that I'm dreaming no matter what I do.
Yeah it's a really good technique because it provides 100% certainty pretty much. I also tried other things like looking at your hands or at clocks, but those never worked that well cause I could never be sure if my hands look weird or not, for example.
caught me off guard ngl
>tricking yourself into a waking up loop where you're still dreaming each time you think you woke up
Probably one of the worst things ever. I think that's what sleep paralysis does to me.
based lucid user. Anymore tips? I want to achieve this. My mind is typically blank while asleep.
Likely because of the weed I smoke daily
Past few days I've been out and my dreams came back wildly. They wake me up sometimes.
I'm gonna talk about my dreams now so tune out if you don't give a fuck:
I had a dream my father and I were back on our old street. Walking to my neighbors house, I looked up the sky and saw the clouds turn grey and form circles around one another. I witnessed a small tornado form within seconds right in front of my eyes, directly above our old house. We got caught in it, I remember dad got lifted off his feet, both of us screaming and latching out towards each other but it wasn't strong enough to carry us away. It's particularly important to me that this dream happened because I lost my little brother to a tornado years ago, and don't really think or dwell on it often. I kind of want to get the bottom of this bc my mind has been feeling a bit tormented as of late.
Much love, lucid user
Yeah, they called Andreotti far worse but even he had a sense of humor.
Hot damn. She looks like what?!
that episode was annoying because she very clearly got a boob job when the series took off, bitch you know why you did it
>western animation/Ghibli animation vs anime
You have to really remember to try not just when you see strange things happening around you, but in routine. In dreams strange things often don't register as strange to begin with.
When I was first trying, it took me about a week to start having lucid dreams, but I would wake up as soon as I realized I was dreaming. It took a couple more weeks, but as my mind got more used to it that became less and less of a problem.
I think keeping a dream diary really is the most important step to conditioning your mind to pay attention to the contents of your dreams, though.
How old was the artist in question for each of these?
This one could use a better name
No, it was after her pregnancy which made her tits huge.
I already saw the replies and even that didn't prepare me for how confused i am now
>player 3 has joined the game
That's a great one.
Try avoiding to sleep on your back.
>Building up speed for 12 hours
I can safely say I was not expecting the ending
>being a dreamlet
oh yeah, [Alt+0173] right?
man the bug world is some hardcore shit
What the hell is that?
I love Manlytears filenames
hatred trailer
every time
why do gulls think they can eat something that much bigger than them?
>Gmod collision detection
Mentally forever 10
It's probably autism where the brain structure is too rigid to expand, same for Chris-Chan
>so I ran into some bad situations where I couldn't tell whether or not I was dreaming (both IRL and asleep)
Sounds like you have some kind of mental illness or neurological problems. You should see the doctor.
Just regular brain mindfuckery user, there's nothing to fe
Who made this
Alright, but i better see a physical manifestation of either my subconscious or soul when I do or else it's a waste of my dreaming time
one of the reply mentioned a name here i didn't check to make sure but it seems right
Feeling jelly of Jared rn desu
That's unfortunate, I'm sorry to hear about it.
I think the main advice I have if you want to get into lucid dreaming really is to perform 'reality checks by routine, and to keep a dream diary. I think the most common and least harmless reality check is to count the number of fingers on your hand, which you should be able to do just about anywhere. And when you're keeping a dream diary, the steps are pretty simple:
1) Close your eyes and try to recall the dream as vividly as possible without moving from your bed. You have to keep the dream in RAM for as long as possible to help write it down.
2) Without turning on any lights or moving too much, write it down in a convenient way as possible. Don't take additional steps by saying unnecessary things like 'I don't know a Mary, but this person was named Mary'. Just call her Mary. Dream diaries are for you to understand, not anybody else.
It may sound unlikely, but reading back dream diaries can let you recall old forgotten dreams so vividly that it's almost unbelievable.
Thank you
I was expecting the whole thing to be a hallucination due to lack of oxygen. I was not expecting THAT.
I have a couple more
ah shit isnt manlytears that britbong fag
I think that fella got eaten alive by mites
These fuckers destroy entire beehives in weeks
That's sad.
>spend 5 hours browsing nexus
>spend 3 hours checking compatibility patches
>finally boot up game
>quit after 5 minutes
Holy shit I want this
No user, you were the dream
>kerbal space program
Checks out
i do not get it
I'm a dreamlet.
I'm sure the dog'll be fine in there while you do 15 minutes of shopping. safer than tieing him up outside and better than leaving him home. litterally no different than leaving him the car. ask any dog if they'd be willing to sit in a dog house for 15 minutes if it means they get to walk to the store and back with you and 10 out of 10 dogs will answer "woof"( yes)
As long as they are happy with what they do, all power to them honestly
The only dream "mechanic" to understand is expectation - expectation based on assumption/association.
What you're describing is a spooky/fearful expectation when looking into mirrors but theres no reason for that to happen all the time and the same to everyone, since what happens in dreams is varied and depends on expectation, and there is NO set rule or law that if you do X in your lucid dream then Y will happen - everytime for every different person. Dreams and brains do not work that way.
I hate you mirror fags on Yea Forums for spreading this kind of /x/ tier misinformation about lucid dreams since fucking 2011.
If you expect to see spooky shit because youre naive and read thats what happens then you will, if you expect to see your own reflection or a blurred image then you will. If you expect nothing and understand that there is no set outcome in lucid dreams then it will be likely random and different each time.
Stop misleading clueless people about how dreams work already, fuck.
I'm not afraid of bugs, but when I see shit like this, I feel afraid from the fact this conceptually exist in nature. It makes you realize that life is naturally cruel but somehow we've managed to find so security to the extent we have. Sure there's thousands of possible cataclysmic events looming around every corner, but it's still humbling that we are where we are.
Thank you user, this is the advice I've always heard but was too lazy to commit to. I guess I should start taking it
How do i sign up to this website?
Its from a movie called Mutant Aliens, Bill Plympton animated it.
He's the animator for Don't Download this Song by Weird Al as well.
leterally me, but with honey select.
When I'm around my old friends we always say "killing the dog" in lieu of taking a dump. Kung Pow was a powerful movie in our youth. We'd hang out and watch movies and nine times out of ten we'd always watch Kung Pow at the end of the marathon. We're all almost 30 now and we can still quote the movie front to back. One of those friends is also a fucking doctor, and I'm a teacher. The passage of time is fucking crazy, innit?
oh fuck I remember this shit
still wonder if it's real
that looks amazing.
what anime?
is it good?
Judging from the matching shirts and the crowd of people gathered around it's probably some kind of protest or activist thing at a college. The white kid is "counter-protesting" in the way that a passive little bitch would while the two girls keep toying with him. I obviously don't know exactly what's going on but there seems to be a lot of context behind this webm.
He's just taking a nap he'll be fine
I saw a girl
I actually did this in a dream once. Except I was looking dead on. I don't know why I did this. But there was an added scream before waking up.
A lot of people with extreme fetishes tend to downplay how weird they are so for that guy it might be in the same level as coming out as a homo to his family
>all enemies deal contact damage
Aww that's sweet.
>tfw not a lemur
Niggers ruining things in protest while the white man tries to fix it, yet the nigs keep on ruining it regardless.
It's a metaphor for real life
It's africa land and they think the shit is funny.
Making fun of Manlet will never not be funny.
I'd pack a gun if I had to deliver to nigs.
Fuck that
my life is cozy right now and who knows whats going on in the outside world
that was based, user
I did it and I had an amazing beard
Spent the rest of the dream grooming the beard and woke up a little disappointed
People who say looking into a mirror while dreaming have never lucid dreamed in their lives.
Guess people caught on to the old setup
Jesus christ
its ok user not everyone is perfect
fucking niggers I swear,
Did he make it?
>reverse search this thinking that this was gonna be from that documentary about people with weird fetishes
>it's actually about that one jap cannibal who killed and ate a gaijin woman and then became a celebrity
Blazing Saddles is good shit.
i don't like this
what the fuck was he actually talking about
Yea he got a good meal
Oh god what the fuck happened
i dont get it
Is that who projared was cheating on his wifecwith?
Isn't that Ross from game grumps ex-wife?
do these people not know how to fucking walk?
I don't even know what the first guy was even doing
Yes and yes
>Undertale laser puzzles.gif
Cross Ange (with a long subtitle) and yes. It's not deep or anything but it's an enjoyable mecha anime.
is it weird that i had the biggest boner for Reba McEntire in that movie?
I wonder how many brainlets watch this and think he left in anger because he lost
redheads man
nignogs doing what they do best.
I love this one but not vidya
holy fucking based
me when I stain my tux with wine
Looks like a noose close to Abe.
They're in a lego set, there are lego video games, QED.
This is clearly the Surprise mf! face lmao
But the filename is not vidya, that's the part that counts
...what do you think happened, user?
Yeah haha, how gross haha
>this world... is imperfect
Humans wouldnt even have made it that far if these things were dogs sized
Have you never had dreams?
>You are over-encumbered and cannot run
Dogs are people too.
Say it along to this
hey hey people
Goddamn, now we know the true question Abe was thinking in his mind
It lays flat so it doesn't catch on the roof of the car.
Oh bother Piglet, guess we have to censor the internet before i get rumbly in my tummy
Poor Ross. I bet that stings.
To this day I don't get how this unfunny hook nosed dweeb had an attractive wife. Let alone have tons of fans sending him nudes. OR the ability to slam Ross' ex with that 10/10 body. jfc
Sure fine way to spread ticks and fleas
You know the rules.
Just write properly you fucking faggot anime goon
Did the guy who took the video knew in advance he was going to do this?
you know what you should never, ever fucking do in a dream? look at your hands in a mirror
don't do it. I ain't even kidding
cute lmao
video games
>Univision paid $135M for Gawker
>sold for less than $50M less than 3 years later
That one Gawker dude who said 'we'd publish a six year old's sex tape' in court should go down in history as the man who caused the most financial losses with a single sentence
Even if it weren't censored, that's a shit tier body
he probably threw a treat or toy and told him to go get it
I would probably feel bad about this if it weren't for the fact that spiders are anti-human weapons spawned by Gaia to eradicate us all.
if i stop brapping, will you die?
God, I wish that were me...
Look, I'm not saying I'd cheat on my wife for her, but I'd get the fuck if was offered.
>the times when filename threads were mostly simpsons screenshots is long gone
>look into a mirror
>no face
>everything freezes
>even time
>get chills
>no one else has a face
>beings of pure light and darkness and all shades between fight like fuck as I wake up to electric waterfalls
its just when you pee and there are two streams.
the best part was the context of the whole thing.
under OFFICIAL deposition for the case he mentions that he would have his site post a six year old's sex tape if it meant more site views and more traffic. knowing full well that it could be used against them in court.
so inevitably it _was_ brought up. and he tried to lie about it and say that he never said it. when he was then reminded that it was under oath he tried to change his story to "it was a joke"
never fear. I have some of those too.
I miss when they were just verbose but incorrectly identified descriptions of the image and people would just chain reply to each other with the filename in greentext
Fighting for freedom everywhere
Actually he said a four year old's sex tape.
pull the cord on the chute pupper! pull the cord!
22. for all three drawings.
I mess the good ol' needsafilename,jpg
I have a feeling this is Czech
In case i don't see ya, Good afternoon good evening and goodnight!
They just single out the weakest of the chicks and peck it until they pierce the skin, shock and bleeding does the rest.
He made them fall like 4 feet instead of 10+ feet
nigga I just had the worse one of these and I have 20+ years of experience with sleep paralysis. this fucking dream tricked me so fucking good as it incorporated my sleep paralysis test into the fucking dream
>Bio CPU so weak mirriors don't work in dreams
At least you'll never see the hellish other side.
That's the guy who won dipshit
God I miss glover...i don't care if the game was shit, or if I'm shit. was a fun time. the cheats were great too. ah childhood. If only we could go back.
Jesus my dude, she's getting ooooold
yo if you put two of this nigga side by side and stair at the crosshair you see two Jackie Chans
The method I like to use is checking the time. Works best if it's digital, like your phone. The numbers get all messed up and keep warping.
because hes trying to prove a point brainlet
Goddamn they're literally fat fucking water dogs.
Lol right, apparently everyone on this fukin site knows how to lucid dream at will.
I will probably never be able to try this mirror shit because whenever I am even partially lucid the first thing I do is try to fuck and I end up blowing my load and waking up
no waww can kweep uses apart
I never realized that I want a GTA/Persona crossover until now.
>45th burgerking of the united states
shame because they're too big
Reminder: Lucid dreaming is a good way to cause yourself to get sleep paralysis
nobody said pay2win games were any good
Punished Penguin.
yes nigger we know. doesn't mean you'll get your dose of validation here.
he died for his pack
god bullethells are pure autism wtfh.
penguins are best people matter of factly
You need to play more games, friend.
Have you never actually seen football?
Some shit about South Africa going the way of Zimbabwe about white people in their country.
>t. a fucking kike
you need some gas in your life faggot.
welcome to Monglonoes Pizza
no it's not. Look at the source video
mother fucker where is the stream
No it isn't you numbnuts
That nine was the only card in the deck that would cause him to lose and he was all in
'extreme nothing' never gets old
>do this
>realization that I'm in a dream and in full control kicks in
>start imagining my hot cousin entering the area
>grab her and start molesting her
>minimal amount of resistance and silent groans/moans
>look around nervously for people that might see us forgetting its a dream for a second
>remember its a dream again, start stripping and fucking her
>wake up
i still don't get it
Don’t know who you’re responding to but I can tell you’re a tranny
Please buy both of them
The truth is his wife was guaranteed cheating on him for a long time, he just isn’t attractive and women won’t put up with that longer than a week. They’re much better at getting away with it though. I bet she fucks little boys
it was a joke. you can read the line of questioning and it's obvious
I never understood why Yea Forums hated gawker. they were a bunch miserable cunts slinging shit at celebrities. you know, like us
What's with his head shape