Unironic soul vs soulless

unironic soul vs soulless

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Right looks like a sissy cosplayer

they're going to make cloud into a crybaby emo bitch, aren't they?

well that's what he was in the original, so...

No he wasn't.

right looks asian

cloud in smash has made a zoomer like me wanna play ff7

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right looks like a babyfaced (Versus XIII) Prompto

left looks like Cloud

Damn, right actually managed to capture the soul of the left.
>the sword handle is different though

You're retarded and blind

Did you even play the original?

he looks like a j-idol now

no, he wasn't. emo Cloud is a post-AC / KH2 retcon

>faggot vs faggot

he really wasn't. he starts off as arrogant and only giving a fuck about getting paid, then into a heroic whiteknight that occasionally cracks a joke

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I dont know what are you talking about, both are ok to me, but I wouldn't play FF7 if it looks like left because that graphic belong in a nintendo game like Zelda and that is bad.

No he was not, that only started with Advent Children and forward.

fuck off dobson

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Emo cloud was one of the optional ways you could play him through your dialogue choices, and some of those choices impacted who wound up taking you on a date in the Golden Saucer.

I remember when I played the game, Cloud was a chucklefuck danger to himself and the people around him, and he wouldn't travel with the girls because they had cooties. When you later learned Tifa neglected him in their childhood, it clicked his behavior into place as a spiteful manchild who alienated everyone around him with his awful, passive-aggressive behavior.

But that was me, who likes to see what happens when the leader torments his own team for the whole journey. You may have picked the "..." options, which had Cloud brooding and whining the whole time.

>the "..." options, which had Cloud brooding and whining the whole time.

I think you misunderstood those choices.

See, this is how we know you never played FF7, because "..." isn't an option for dialogue choices in that game. You're thinking of that TellTale Games garbage you love.
Usually in FF7, you only got two choices, a serious answer or a comedic answer.
True gamers chose the comedic answer every time.

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I am pretty sure you had the option to choose the ellipses at least a few times. I know you could make him brood and cry, and there were definitely more than just two options.

After all, there had to be enough ways to respond to the party that you could date Yuffie or Barret.

>I know you could make him brood and cry

You couldn't.

Who would comment on a game they've clearly never played?
Only a sociopath.

fuck off Dobson

He looks like a faggot in both. Why do people like this fucking character? He looks like he sucks cock!



FF7 Is Cartoony. Stop pushing this realistic bullshit square!

Enjoy your gay Cloud, Snoy

Based baitposter