I miss the old yogscast

I miss the old yogscast.

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I still enjoy them, but their early minecraft videos were top kino

For me, it's the Creatures. I do remember watching a lot of Israphel, too.

>modern yogscast is just ttt, gta races, and the occasional shill video
nothing beats the old days of SOI, Tekkit and adventure maps. Shit was my childhood. I still listen to the Triforce but it's nowhere near as kino as the Yogpod

>Yogscast stopped doin SoI because of some falling out with someone
>Sjin probably got sick of spending hours and hours building the extravagant sets they used in the series
>Jaffa Factory took 100 episodes but never really went anywhere, too much roleplay
>Moonquest was almost ruined by Duncan getting stoned and fucking off to do his own thing
>Moonquest went shit because they never really actually did anything on the moon and their moonbase was basically an empty room
>Their space station was the same, an empty donut
>They gradually quit doing videos
>They quit doing their podcast because "I thought we stopped doing this once we started making money"
>They just shit out endless TTT videos with literal whos and Hat Films now.
>Sips got sick of their shit year ago, made some kino Murder and Prophunt videos but now has become just another generic streamer
>Their new podcast doesnt have Simon in it and instead has Sips and that fuckin leech cunt P*rion Fl*x that no-one fucking likes
I was dubious about Duncan joining them at first but the real cancer was when they started adding literal whos and random guildies like Kim and InTheLittleWood to their team.
Fuck them.
They had something good with the first 30 something YogPods, their early Minecraft videos and Sips' Murder/Prophunt videos but they're youtube/twitch cancer now.

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it's because triforce is just Pflax talking non-stop while Sips just laughs/agrees occasionally and Lewis chimes in his own opinion.
Pflax fuckin ruins everything he's in. Dude is a fame leech who's only known because he hangs out with other famous youtubers (Yogs, TB, Arumba, Purge etc).

The podcast would be better with just Lewis and Sips playing games together. Their early Team DD videos where Lewis talked and sips played a game were basically what the early yogpod was

An hes not even that popular. Barely gets 500 viewers per stream despite being involved in DOTA tournaments and leeching off YOGS for years

>sips becomes a twitchfag
sips is legitimately the only good member of the yogscast left. Now he makes shitty streams instead of kino yt vids like Skyrim and Cities Skylines. I watch his streams from time to time but they're not the same
you're right on pflax being a leech. He mustled his way in TDD when it was just supposed to be Sips and Lewis fucking about

>basically what the early yogpod was
apparently Simon didn't know that the early yogpods were being recorded, Lewis just recorded their conversations when they were just fucking around in Stormwind or whatever. God tier bants from it