Why does Yea Forums hate this?

Why does Yea Forums hate this?

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just a *tad* too ridiculous

I just felt like it went WAY to hard in the cutscene department

Dunno but I recently played the first one and it was awesome. I gave up on shooters a long time ago so playing one that was actually about fun and health + body armor and fucking shit up instead of gray and brown and cover and multiplayer perks and pressing F to pay respects was wonderful.

I cringed so hard when they made BJ say this bros. 2 was such a step down.

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cause the gameplay is bad, turned to generic shooter unlike the previous installments

Can you elaborate?

shit story and shit level design

Post the webm

Elaborate on the level design complaint

This. I was really surprised at how much I liked the cover mechanic.

We are racist

>too many cutscenes
>tone even more inconsistent than TNO
>shit writing and characters other than based max
>it's no fun playing half the game with a 50 health cap
>weapons feel like shit

I love this game, wish it was a bit longer and didn't end so abruptly but it was pretty kino.

>Why does Yea Forums hate this?
First off, I played this on max difficulty like a fukken retard because I thought they tuned the difficulty for consoles. I was wrong.

Actual game play has two modes:
1) Full stealth until those general are dead (otherwise reinforcements quickly overwhelm you)
2) Running around like a retard spamming dual machineguns fuckaimingjesuscrist

The bulk of the body upgrades like the walker were mildly situational at best or worse than useless since they would just get you killed faster.

I won't even touch the cringe in the plot and writing with a ten foot pool.

The Old Blood was bretty fun tho.

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The cutscenes and the story fucking kill the games for me.
Who the fuck cares about story in a WOLFENSTEIN GAME? WHY DID YOU PUT SO MUCH EFFORT THERE?
The whole thing would have been far better if it was just BJ deadpan reacting to shit like in that Hitler cutscene, at least then it would have a consistent tone

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Shitter shooting and enemies than the first game and ridiculous story and characters that went full blown woke.

Given the player location based damage while making most enemies bullet sponges was just dumb.

Heavy guns that slow you down get you killed more often than help.

To be fair, he delivery was appropriately awkward given the blaxploitation extra he was handling.

they feel singled out by the heavier emphasis on nazi and racism hate.
to be fair some of this stuff does seem like liberal bias

felt really forced there

Is this even more disgusting than we realize? Is this a case of a developer playing both sides of the fence, has the muscle bound BJ as the hero, a perfect specimen, but then gives him lines like this to say, to pander to the vocal minority? If so, they should be ashamed of themselves. You can't have it both ways.

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It was way too short
Annoyingly YAAS Queen
EPIC moments designed for reddit
Took away weapons and gave us terrible maps.
Centered entirely in either abandoned places completely in the US

>Gunplay is even worse than the original and undoes a lot of the good changes that Old blood brought in.
>Shit level design.
>Almost no new enemies.
>Zero effort put into world building (e.g. black panther group acts and looks exactly like their real world inspiration, despite there not being a civil rights movement in that timeline and all culture and music being taken over by germans).
>Terrible new characters, zero of which are likable or interesting.
>Extremely heavy on story and cut-scenes, both of which are aggressively bad and boring.

Just a extremely low quality effort made even worse by some fag at the top who obviously wishes he was a Hollywood director instead of a game designer.

Anyone who bitches about that line has never actually heard him say it in-game because it's played for laughs. He's just saying it because he heard the black lady say it and he sounds like a retard when he does.

Why didn't they make it 100% serious? Wolfenstein was always serious, especially the part where the final boss in 3D was mecha-Hitler.