Yea Forumsidya Draw Thread

Previous thread >Post character name/franchises and references and keep them in a single post
>Keep it vidya
>The character(s) must be of vidya origin
>Post an art sample with your "taking requests" requests
>No bumping your requests
>If a post breaks the rules, DO report and hide it. DON'T respond to it.
>No OC requests. You can, however, request the creation of vidya characters.
>Everyone posting "LOOMIS" without explanations and proper criticism is just spam, which should be ignored and reported.
>Please bump if the thread reaches page 10
>Have fun

Post your art to the booru for anons to find later in case they miss a delivery or if it is NSFW: (current) (backup)
Also, to those uploading, if you know who the subjects of the picture are, please tag them!

NSFW Deliveries (excluding loli/furry content) should also be posted in
For NSFW Deliveries that go against the rules like loli/furry try these sites: or

Want to learn how to draw or improve your drawing skills? Visit the /ic/ sticky
Drawing Books and drawing programs:!vp5hQCbQ!oCNGOUgaVeK1pHs3qasJDQ

Attached: 1557426042905.png (1520x984, 328K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Attached: 905f24cb7151d3c8d65cb908d603576e1400af53.png (336x600, 216K)

Kindly requesting A Chozo, Revali, and Falco all at a ramen bar...while its raining.

Attached: 1.jpg (600x600, 53K)

Requesting Esna crying like Aqua

Attached: reference.jpg (1620x1200, 452K)

Requesting Cloud doing the DIO walk meme

Attached: diowalk meme template.png (812x1126, 1.32M)

/r/ any Popuri! Thanks in advance!

Attached: Popuri.png (1616x1608, 2.47M)

I wanted to request shulk looking like an engineer/researcher doing engineer/researcher things

Attached: Shulk.png (374x600, 251K)

>being a furfag

Negev yandere trance or doing something like the "how cute" predatory look, more yandere and more of a smile of possible

Attached: NEGEV REQUEST.png (972x1668, 1.16M)

Requesting Mark from the Inazuma Eleven original trilogy dressed as Mega Man Volnutt

Attached: markrmega.jpg (1920x1503, 256K)

Anyone got any good sources for nude poses?

Also I'll take some suggestions for girls doing them if you don't expect much out of it.

Requesting Dark Meta Knight robbing a bank

Attached: Dark Meta Knight 1.jpg (1920x1080, 257K)

Not videogames

>Being a nigger

Don't have a pose but would like Lucia doing one

Attached: Lucia_Artwork_(FE10).png (1059x1771, 1.32M)

Requesting the Egg Dragoon as a Gundam

Attached: Egg-dragoon-sonic-generations.jpg (2500x1402, 471K)

This is Yea Forums, everybody! Behold

Requesting Katerina from Croixleur Sigma.
I need reaction images to reply with, please. You know, funny stuff or images for cool or cute or lewd deliveries and the like.
Some reaction images I want with her:
Also requesting her in sexy cosplays or like this

Attached: best genki collage.jpg (3953x3128, 1.61M)

Requesting fusion of Fran and Dahlia

Attached: But George, what about the rabbits.jpg (1654x1220, 345K)

Requesting Mia wearing a Tapu Fini themed Kamui.

Attached: Mia Finiketsu.jpg (1282x1686, 361K)

Requesting Damon Gant, half of his body resembling Helel, and the other half of his body resembling Lucifer as he stands in front of a pool filling with blood coming from crying and prostrating statues going "Care for a Swim?" with a smile

Attached: DemonGant.png (3026x1300, 3.52M)

Playing path of radiance for the first time give non lewd requests

Requesting a deep, passionate kiss between Alicia and Rudy. Both characters are from the game Brave Soul.

Attached: alicia and rudy.jpg (850x1008, 143K)

Requesting Mii Brawler wearing only a tank top and boxer briefs. What he's doing is up to you, as long as it's cute and slightly lewd.
If you need ideas, maybe something involving him trying to deal with the summer heat?

Attached: brawler ref.png (1750x1450, 1.76M)

This is a weird crush user

Requesting a sad BelleStarmon with this caption around her:

"My Tamer and I used to be best friends, but then I digivolved and now he won't stop showing me his dick."

Attached: D5jM-DiWsAQa8bj.jpg (1280x1802, 292K)

You fag already got this

Lifting up her robes. She has a vibrator egg or two in her, and is looking off to the side in embarrassment?

Attached: FFTWhiteMageFemale.png (758x1290, 799K)

Real new thread here

I know.


Attached: MiaRef.jpg (1369x1200, 176K)

Nephenee cooking stew with her helmet

Attached: Nephenee.jpg (900x1024, 308K)

requesting lucien lachance polishing his spear

Attached: 145552269687.jpg (605x1000, 295K)

Requesting my oc from Mabinogi having intercourse with a negro

Attached: aJyyOyT_d.jpg (640x467, 43K)


Attached: 20190508_135526.jpg (3264x1836, 1.19M)

The games were older (and better) than the anime.

Attached: 1.jpg (256x230, 48K)

Requesting hexafusion

Attached: Untitled3.png (1575x806, 268K)

Requesting a parody of the "Weekend at Bernie's" poster with X and Zero carrying a broken-down Sigma. Have the title read "Weekend at Siggy's".

Attached: Weekend at Siggy's Request.jpg (2251x2595, 1001K)

Requesting Shinon in a fancy suit standing triumphantly on top of the dead bodies of Lethe, Devdan, and Anna while screaming "Fuck subhumans!"

Can also be portrayed as him having smug delusions

Attached: Sicker than your average subhuman slayer, skin's white as snow and I dress like a player.jpg (2720x800, 236K)

Where those NuAeris/Aerith request?

Fuck that
Request things with Cloud in a dress

I do not know all characters, please give reference of all characters for other draw-friends.

unless you're willing to draw aeris gazing up at the viewer with his cock all the way down her throat ive got nothing for you

Requesting Young Link flirting with Breath of the Wild Zelda in a dominant manner. Essentially like him boldly groping at her chest or ass, while she looks flustered and not really knowing what to do, but still letting it happen.

Attached: Zelink.jpg (2700x1800, 957K)

Is there pics of this from the remake?

Does she just suck or do I need to live her up more?

Requesting her with a bob cut

Requesting a Bianca version of the magic pic.

Attached: magic buns.png (1448x766, 1.07M)

requesting akuma hugging ryu

Requesting two anons saying how cute Aeris is, before one mentions how it's a shame she'll die before the other user says 'Not anymore' and holds up the Infinity Gauntlet

How about Ken Marinaris posed like Sammy Braddy here

Attached: image104.jpg (1200x1729, 347K)

You mean Aerith right?

Requesting Light Cruiser Oni with the lower body of a combat cyborg mermaid. It would be cool if she has a badgirl grin on her face similar to her expression in some of the pics in the reference but it's up to the artist if he wants her to look cute or cool.

Attached: light cruiser oni.png (2280x1492, 3.85M)

Requesting Shygal and a Shyguy cosplaying as Hornet and Knight respectively

Attached: All references for them are horrible.png (1072x752, 124K)

Does it matter? I'm gonna change her name anyways when I boot up the game.

Attached: 1557455027584.jpg (566x646, 142K)

That will the OTHER change the Infinity Gauntlet makes.

shes noodle arm

draw her ass

If you mean the remake there will be voice acting so you can't.

If you mean the original naw, I was confused about some names when I got older because I changed them all as a kid.

so pathetic

BOTW zelda fucking sucks

No, early threads are fine because "People" want to hold off on post just to delay threads for no reason.

>flaseflagging this hard to justify his early thread with a forced delivery

requesting Michael as Shota and Lovrina as lulucoa in the picture on the right of the reference picture
or as in the picture below

Attached: low quaility reference.png (1280x1768, 2.1M)

Requesting Tails being fucking dead.

Attached: BD2D4B2E-CB55-421A-B33C-DE179FA59C10.gif (299x299, 2.59M)
From left to right

>wow what I did was really gay and bombed hard, better pretend it was just the other thread falseflagging

Better than justifying forcing threads to grind to a complete stop to spite US posters so threads can (and have on multiple occasions actually) die

Requesting Lara Croft and Ivy Valentine having a very British tea party

Attached: Brits.jpg (1507x2381, 865K)

Requesting Ichiko Ohya teasing the viewer by pulling down her shirt to show one of her fat tits

Attached: Cells interlinked.jpg (1024x789, 123K)

Requesting Marie from Skullgirls with enormous breasts, same size as the image of the pokemon girl, facing the viewer and holding them up while looking smug

Optional text if you want to add it: "You seriously jerk it to oppai skeletons? Know your place, faggot!"

Attached: Reference.png (1536x1393, 1.58M)

Blanc holding/hugging the Switch dog

Attached: Blanc.jpg (980x1888, 427K)

Requesting Tifa Lockhart sitting outside Square Enix's office, nervous if they decided to take her huge tits away for the Final Fantasy 7 remake.

Attached: 1557440664416.jpg (700x989, 471K)

>wow I made both threads so that I can falseflag and laugh hard at the bogeyman while forcing my early thread

Flamenco dancer Aradia please

Attached: 1539989243603.jpg (1201x717, 166K)

long time without drawing, any comfy request?

Mephistopheles doing cocaine or meth and either shouting from a hard but good hit or seriously tweeking out, think of

Attached: Mephistopheles .png (605x749, 554K)

Kasumi transforming into a Pretty Cure

Attached: KasumiCure.jpg (2234x2100, 835K)

Wtf is a forced delivery

Post art

Pic related eating tacos in a mexican looking chair.

Attached: D5V2XWAXoAARHlR.jpg (1079x1080, 217K)

Re-requesting a busty Xion in her ending outfit

Attached: 1549258484140.jpg (511x821, 29K)

Early new threads are sanctioned in the case where there's an imminent threat of someone pushing their shit waifu porn in OP.
Requesting pov of Goth Aradia being fucked on her back and having one of her breasts grabbed, top lifted so just that one tit is out
Normal Aradia works as well if you prefer

Someone using Kirby as a pillow, but he doesn't mind.

cos nintendo aint pushing right?

Attached: 1557282671774.jpg (1024x1024, 182K)

Amelia without her armor with some muscle tone, like she's exercising?
Or her using the SSG from Doom and slaughtering enemies or gone full-Berserker and using an axe to rip and tear

Attached: Amelia.png (720x1280, 351K)

>"E-e-early threads are bad! Except when *I* do it!"

If its not degenerate porn, its fair. I'd despise Palutena/FE slut/Rosalina lewd OP just as much as an Aradia and Aigis OP

None of those are worth their listed prices

It wasn't me but I would have done it since we knew what was imminent, yes.

Probably meant to tag

You forgot to put your trip on, mariel

Requesting Tae Takemi asleep at her desk using her lab coat as a pillow

Attached: P5Tae.png (712x806, 523K)

didnt know that clothed females count as degenerate porn.

Banjo striking the same pose as Lucina with Kazooie as his sword.

Attached: 20190509_232821.jpg (2896x2896, 439K)

hot, I wanna comm this guy. link?

Someone draw Shadaloo Doll Athena Asamiya being cute.

Attached: 5 sin título-1.png (280x240, 53K)

I'm just saiyan that degenerate OPs with meme girls/Nintendo sluts are tired. I'm not against lewds; just when they are obviously gonna be forced by some meme nutter everyone sane hates.

Its a shitty lewd OP with a meme girl, namely the latter.

To be fair the art in the Aradia post is a lot worse than the OP for this thread too.

Sooner or later someone will find his art platform and there will be a hilarious shitstorm

Requesting Rozalin showing off this swimsuit to Adell with like half of her face switched over to her Zenon side with a Yandere smile.

Attached: x69mik.png (928x1723, 727K)

>I would have
Except you did.

Requesting Vivian from Paladins tied up like in the reference.

Attached: 155747645745745.jpg (1718x646, 225K)

Drawfag coms when

Requesting Nora from My Time At Portia giving a paizuri.

Attached: image.jpg (382x816, 53K)

Seconding this


Requesting Airy version/replacement of Lee the World Chalice Fairy (card on the right)

Attached: Find the World Legacies.png (1310x694, 1.03M)

>This dude unironically replies to himself every thread

That's my lesbian wife. Nun Nora is top tho

Attached: 485F877E-659E-4E8F-95A9-258E24C98CDC.jpg (1668x2224, 223K)

>0 patrons
Oh thank god, I was about to lose my faith in humanity.

>he has more followers than me

You know how it goes select any of the thread

Is he a mudslime? Muzzies seem to always have a bad sense of art.

OR is probably long gone, but I wanted to finish this. Someone requested R63 Franziska von Karma a few months ago and I finally remembered I had a WIP laying around.

Good taste.

Attached: vonkarma.png (1284x1508, 449K)

Probably black, they can't do anything in fact most shit skins cant. You think it's a coincidence all the best drawfags are white?

What a handsome lad!

I mostly use this.

Best drawfags are SEA though

I honestly never know what a drawfag looks like unless it's also an attention seeking thot who's also an artist

>Someone requested R63 Franziska von Karma a few months ago and I finally remembered I had a WIP laying around.
Don't worry user, it happens to lots of people around here. You did a pretty good job, not OR.

Requesting sleep

Attached: 1445741452258.png (574x516, 484K)

Nice joke singapore

Requesting a drawing of either shrine maiden or MILF-mode wearing casual clothes and/or an apron.

Attached: Mataharinew3.png (512x724, 314K)

That is actually Maldraw though. Either that or the Malaysian obsessed about him.


Requesting Aigis getting a pedicure from a korean lady with an angle grinder

Attached: aigisreq.png (1900x1238, 3.5M)

Could be neither.

Requesting Slugcat (rainworld) curled up in a one-legged Clementine's lap while she chills out.
Bonus points if she's doing something like writing or just relaxing with the wholesome slugcat

Attached: slugcat sit.jpg (1920x1080, 885K)

Thank you!

Thanks! And I'm not surprised. It can be easy to forget when you haven't promised anyone anything and something gets in the way of drawing. I wouldn't doubt that I have more request WIPs laying around.

t. Maldraw

You suck at detecting these people man

>currently working on a request that's several threads old and feeling guilty about it
How do I escape this feel?

Finish it and do whatever you feel with it. Post it here, post in in your blog, keep it, just finish it so you feel accomplished. Or don't.

Requesting a nurse or modern day doctor Sophie
Nurse can also be modern day or more of a fantasy-look

Attached: 1554835211082.jpg (913x1200, 144K)

Attached: the cacos.png (1232x957, 750K)

If the person cares they don't mind it's old. If they don't care or don't see it they didn't deserve it anyways.

If you didn't specifically tell someone that you're doing their request, then they'll never know. If you do end up finishing it, it's a nice surprise for them, but if you don't finish whatever you did end up doing was still time you spent practicing drawing. Just have fun and don't worry about it.

Welch Bunnygirl, the top being a tight fit for her chest
Video reference with 3d model at the timestamp until 0:36
And wedding dress Welch.

Attached: WelchVineyard03.png (1024x1024, 320K)

Cloud finally showing some happiness now that another trailer dropped and they're saying a load of more details are coming up in June.

Attached: Great, it's nothing.png (1410x861, 470K)

>still deflecting this hard


Requesting Cyrus being friendzoned by any girl

Attached: maxresdefault (13).jpg (1280x720, 30K)

Requesting some coloring.

Character reference:

Please and thanks!

Deflecting what? This guy must be living in your head rent free.

You don't want me to finish it?

Requesting thick femboy Cloud dressed as Aerith or Tifa

haha what if Ridley swallowed them



Requesting The Vessel playing with a infant Tallon Metroid while Samus observes from hiding and Monomon the Teacher studies it out in the open

Attached: infant metroid vessel reference image.png (644x527, 75K)

Requesting a two panel comic with Sina asking Dexio what does he think of her swimsuit and the next shot shows Dexio looking nervous while he gets an erection.

Sina: Hey Dexio, what do you think of my new swimsuit?
Dexio: (having a nervous expression on his face)

Attached: D51C3922-C5F0-4DF3-94C5-1ED2C729273A.png (1280x1268, 283K)

Requesting the BLACKED grab meme with Theo and Hypna (Theo being the white girl)

Attached: Theo and a brown Vanessa lookalike.jpg (1090x480, 153K)

I'd like to request either this (SFW)
or this (NSFW)
with Eldridge and South Dakota

Attached: vanillachocolate.png (948x2576, 2.27M)

hol up, i recongnize that trip...aren't you the guy from mexico who puts ketchup on steak?

Mexico yes, ketchup no, i hate ketchup with a passion.

he is to both

that would be me

Attached: IMG_201.jpg (1279x1706, 442K)

no, it's a bot and don't reply to it


Attached: 1557457836706.png (700x901, 574K)

Please fuck off to /d/ xice

This but with Aradia

I can't.

What you call this?

pants-on-head retarded


Attached: 9653172.jpg (900x900, 68K)

lmaoo with Light Cruiser Demon, kind of like she's on a date
I'm adding in an idea like this is too

I'm up for anything else of her like giving a thumbs up or dressed up in a bunny-girl outfit

Attached: Light_Cruiser_Demon_Full.png (636x924, 681K)

>ketchup on bananas
>with milk

Requesting JRPG characters who have a hood as part of their design but never wear it, wearing their hood up.
Examples: Tidus from FFX, Kairi from KH3, Shulk from Xenoblade, Black Rock Shooter (if you count the PSP game), Sarah from Mobius FF, Gran from Granblue Fantasy

It's a delicacy

Goodnight drawthread!

Remember, SFW vidya goes here, im sure theres a board for everything else.

Attached: Louis laugh.gif (170x200, 176K)

Pathetic samefag please kill yourself

And everywhere I go there is always something to remind me.

Except it's not samefag you fucking retarded newfag.

It is you fucking circlejerking faggot.

Requesting Vanessa and Izuna outfit swap

Attached: DS game girls from defunct companies.jpg (1597x900, 170K)

It literally isn't you dumb shitlord.

Hifumi cosplaying Jack Frost, like a gijinka
And Hifumi wearing a full chuuni outfit

Attached: hifumi.jpg (800x1750, 84K)

cowgirl Hornet and/or riding a rodeo machine

Attached: Hornet.png (984x1022, 960K)

It is you literally cluckold


Remember! SFV Vidya lewd goes here! This is the perfect thread for SFW Vidya Lewds!

Attached: lewd requesting is best.png (1200x1200, 377K)

You don't know what fucking samefag is, retard. Stay wrong. Enjoy being wrong. You're fucking wrong.

Atalanta with big fat cat tats

Attached: AtalantaArcadeStage01.png (900x1074, 622K)

Macula Marius blowjob, leaving blue smears, rings, and kiss marks behind

Attached: macula.jpg (550x519, 73K)

You're either pretending to be retarded or underage. Got it.

Only one being underage is you, newfag. Stay wrong and fuck off.

>he's still going

Oh boy

Attached: Untitled (4).png (552x439, 102K)

Attached: (You).png (519x522, 350K)

The bottom image but Glowworm from azur lane and a torpedo instead of a ball

Attached: glowdoom.jpg (968x1776, 306K)

Riki using a rifle, or playing with the Monado
Inspired by his in-game lines of being good with rifles and wanting to play with the Monado

Attached: Riki_2.png (325x279, 130K)

Requesting grea studying at a desk

Attached: BZbYTp7.jpg (1024x512, 94K)

Requesting short haired Sharena.

Attached: Sharena.png (3150x3550, 3.99M)

Too big but maybe

Do it, it'll make skits really pissed off.

Why do you care

But i like skits

requesting n'wah

Attached: 1530134282369.jpg (600x554, 88K)

I hate'em.

Requesting a version of this IASIP scene done with the Protags of Persona 3 and 4 in their Dancing game attire. P3 Protag is Dennis, and P4 Protag is Charlie.

Attached: Draw.png (800x900, 298K)


She's cute and ain't afraid of black people

Requesting Shiki from TWEWY tied up with a large gag and 'Noise Erased!' as a caption

Attached: 1557418492573[1].jpg (500x1100, 93K)

Most aren’t though

Aw damn, guess I should stop drawing then, huh? NGMI.

Guess my ethnicity

Attached: D3P7ALLWAAImK21.jpg (1362x2048, 165K)

you're not a drawfag

Which one

I got you, senpai. Not the best, but take it or leave it.

Attached: Banjo&Kazoo.jpg (3264x2448, 2.36M)


Apparently not allowed to say F A M.

kek, nice one

Obviously she.

Most aren't what?

Why do newfags come straight to the drawthreads

They’re not even real

I'm just a what, bitch?

I thought all the good drawfags were white.

A fucking Reddit newfag you wanna be bitch
Don’t try to hide it
Bend over and accept it

An esl

Only like 3

Nope, I'm pretty bad. So can confirm.

No... Now suffer.

Which one

I'm trying to find a piece of art that was made here years ago, it was Link walking out of a dark forest while holding a candle, I distinctly remember the artist gave Link very thick legs. I can't find it in the booru or archives, anyone know the image I'm talking about?

Do you have a time frame of when it was made? Do you have any idea how the request was worded? Any reference image you used? Details like this can help a bit.

Got mixed up. I'm white and I'm bad so there.

But then again I don't speak for all white artist around here, so who knows really.

He actually hates blacks. Jk just bdf.

Dude don’t summon him
He’ll fuck your waifu


Attached: 1553397392909.png (1041x535, 26K)

Requesting Sylph plopping on top of someone's head and falling asleep.

Attached: image.jpg (800x640, 112K)

Man I really hate looking through my old shit.

requesting Shao Kahn from mortal kombat scolding Mileena because of how she is dressed.
but not because she is scantly dressed, but because her recent getup isn't revealing enough like her old ones

>"No daughter of the great Shao Kahn is going out NOT dressed like a harlot!"

Attached: Mileena MKX.jpg (960x540, 30K)

Requesting Ibuki Mioda from Danganronpa dressed as a ballerina, either in a tutu or a leotard.

Attached: Ibuki.png (684x632, 629K)

Requesting Sayori from Doki Doki Literature Club (left) dressed as Caboose from Red vs. Blue (right), but without the helmet, preferably holding a golf club.

Also, naturally I don't want to rush it or anything, but did the Majima as Dhurke finished sketch/drawing get posted and I missed it, or is it just not done yet? If it's not done, it's not done, but I want to make sure I didn't miss it somehow.

Attached: Sayori and Caboose.jpg (816x1052, 182K)

Looks great, thank you


Requesting Goddess Ilias from Monster Girl Quest flashing her breasts.

Attached: 1557442265147.png (640x480, 308K)

Attached: 1552376258151.gif (155x201, 499K)

She deserved better

Attached: Green Lucina makes lice stew.png (895x1057, 317K)

Thanks for drawing her!

Do you have like a blog or something dude?


Requesting Lu Bu from Dynasty Warriors throwing away his halberd aside, pulling out dual pistols, and pulling off a larger body count in his new Musou mode, which is like Reaper's Death Blossom.

Idea based off Reaper's Lu Bu skin.

Attached: lu bu goes john woo.png (2062x1200, 2.74M)



How about “dispenser going up” engineering things?

Euro times.

Attached: 1557161748066.gif (540x304, 2.79M)

Why can't europoors keep a thread alive
all they ever do is obsess over America

Only if his partner in crime is Coldsteel the Hedgeheg

Sorry dude I'm too busy playing video games, fuck drawing

>playing video games
>while on Yea Forums

Requesting an Eternal Sonata edit of this image with the characters in the signed positions:
A) Waltz (
B) Fugue (
C )Rondo (
D) Legato (
E) Tuba (

To give an idea, similar edits:

Attached: iasip.jpg (550x823, 85K)

Indeed. One more edit since since I was trying to figure out some color things and I just used the Medusa picture

The only issue with that is that she has a little pp. Futas have big pp's, traps have little pp's

Requesting Kanna and her big fat melon tats

Attached: 1556662167566m.jpg (699x1024, 136K)

give me poses and girls dammit

Requesting Big Smoke beating up characters in the last fighting game you played with a baseball bat.

Attached: you-picked-the-wrong-house-fool.jpg (1280x720, 196K)

Thick Haruka doing pulling one of her potion viles out from her cleavage?

Attached: 1551268567921.jpg (727x1000, 413K)

We did for 3 threads and you haven't drawn anything

Anna like this:

Attached: Anna_FE13_Artwork.png (2769x3211, 3.07M)

i only posted last thread and all i got was loli porn and astolfo

The tutorial knight from Dead Cells relaxing with her armor off. Something in the same vein as these poses:

Attached: Tutorial knight.png (288x396, 94K)

Request Camilla naked as one of these monster girls that she hasn't (AFAIK) been drawn as yet.

Attached: Warriors_Camilla_OA.png (1204x2028, 580K)

Requesting shadaloo doll Lilina

Attached: IMG_20190507_200211.jpg (728x874, 211K)

Highness Bump!

Requesting a redrawing of this pic on the left but replace Chris Thorndyke the boy in this pic with Finn from Adventure Time.

Also make Finn not wearing his hat and just show his long or short beautiful hair.

Attached: Finn the human kiss Rouge the bat.jpg (1277x807, 200K)

Attached: 1410387739710.gif (200x150, 2.75M)

Attached: NewCanvas1dc.png (2000x2000, 728K)

Attached: 1536629391967.gif (263x368, 1.2M)

Kek, pretty nice especially after seeing the reference. Not OR but good shit.

Attached: Kek.png (340x340, 186K)

Replace the Yea Forums shit with Battlecats

Attached: 6.2_new_Cat_the_center.jpg (185x185, 14K)


God bless you!

Welp today I turn 24, so I doodled a little Peppillon head after watching too many oversimplified in one sitting.

Attached: pep birthday.png (500x514, 69K)

Based user, good job my nigga!


Requesting this but vidya-related

Attached: この刀で私は私遺産を軽視す人を殺します.gif (360x276, 2.42M)

Requesting Jeff needing a partner to do a science project with, and he picks Tony. Tony is surprised and touched

Attached: EarthBound-Mother-Jeff-Tony.jpg (600x430, 85K)



Attached: 7af3165c1c72ebd98f885c4673d418fcc0e54bce.png (1125x1000, 346K)

Reminder to report Mariel for impersonating a mod and using signatures

No draw big tiddy abyssals

Draw both


Attached: Busuzima.jpg (1600x1600, 852K)

I tried
I just ain’t good enough

Do it anyway

Requesting implied_fellatio with Mercy.

Attached: healer.png (1792x1932, 3.14M)

Quacho Queen cheerleader or happily cradling an egg hers and Lann's egg

Attached: 1556357006703.gif (311x392, 1.65M)

Requesting Olivia wearing a tutu

Attached: Olivia_ref.png (1200x1024, 717K)

Requesting a human-version of Mahira, please
No more potato Mahira

Attached: mahira.jpg (848x1228, 410K)

I try
and I try
I can’t get no


If you want to try drawing a very busty Frimelda with the idea of squished or grabbed tits, could even have Adelle from FFTA2 groping her from envy or admiration.

Attached: Frimelda Lotice.jpg (600x930, 94K)

Do it for me bby

Attached: Adelle.jpg (870x1516, 589K)

Requesting Anastasia as a stalker in The Zone please

Attached: 1401642009706.jpg (640x800, 102K)

Gib pose

If you aren't going to give up on your shit request at least have the decency to contain it in one image instead of wasting precious image space that could be used for another Aradia request.

Requesting a cute drawing of my FF character, please.

Attached: Lala 6.jpg (640x873, 51K)

This is legit worse than rice with ketchup

taking /vr/ requests

Attached: rider.png (407x555, 103K)

Link's Uncle as a brave adventurer

Requesting Buck Bumble blasting a Cyber Demon from Doom

Attached: Buck.png (500x500, 547K)

This clown from Space Station 13 slipping someone with a banana peel and having them go flying out an open airlock.

Attached: 1534266890584.jpg (225x225, 13K)

Ketchup on Rice is good though.

Requesting Bomberman and Bomb Man from Mega Man 1 fusion.

Attached: MM-BombMan.jpg (1634x901, 756K)

Hello! Inkguy here, it's been a while (busy with rl and so on). I'd love to take one or two requests.
No lewds as usual, sorry!
Have a Futaba I recently gave up on as a sample.

Attached: Futaba.png (913x1652, 1.36M)

Attached: IMG_20190331_122155.jpg (1365x2048, 151K)

Anything tomato doesn't belong near rice.
I respect you and your wrong opinion, though.


Requesting Verbena the Bride and Zabel/Lord Raptor rocking out together

Attached: 359-2.png (457x392, 273K)

This if its alright. She's about fairy sized.

Cute meatballs.

SMTIV Dullahan attempting to pop her head back onto her neck

Attached: Dullahan_SMTIV.jpg (772x1280, 144K)

>Anything tomato doesn't belong near rice.
I disagree.
Ketchup shouldn't (for fucking obvious reasons) but something like a stew containing tomatos (and peppers and onions with stock) works fine with rice.

Not that I didn't appreciate the other guy's hyper realistic altered beast version but wanna try buffdude Whitemage/Pugilist? Body like a JoJo with his hooded White Mage cloak only going stomachish high like a poncho?

Jago trying to eat ramen nut his mask gets in the way

Attached: jago-png.png (202x252, 50K)

Cacodemon x Mother Brain art please. Bonus points for lewd.

>Ramen nut
Why is Jago trying to blow Naruto?

I meant to say (but) and accidentally typed nut so hopefully this doesn't turn into a comedic blowjob

Attached: overlord-post.jpg (960x540, 259K)


Attached: rider.png (513x553, 97K)


Requesting a scary drawing of zombie Sophie from The House of the Dead.

Attached: HOTD Sophie.png (2148x1120, 1.56M)

Man retirement was not kind to him

Just started on it, will hopefully be finished within the next few hours.

I've gotta think about which of the other ones I'll take, but definitely at least one more, and probably something a bit spooky.


Attached: 1454114475428.png (555x555, 256K)

Attached: rider.png (554x420, 93K)

This but Shazam is Janemba and Captain Marvel is Kefla

Attached: shazam dab.gif (947x647, 608K)


Requesting fusion

Attached: 2D88036B-363D-4DC1-B7A5-ED5DBA42D1C8.jpg (915x602, 223K)

based rider

Attached: 1552861243834.gif (359x202, 849K)


Attached: rider.png (394x581, 62K)

Fucking dope, thanks a lot, Rider.

Attached: 1501915475127.png (281x301, 119K)

>300+ posts
>2 deliveries
This is it
This is how it ends

Attached: 1555731277860.png (485x485, 170K)

The anchor doesn't represent the actual amount of deliveries/new art in the thread. So far there's been 9 pieces of new things posted here and 6 of those are deliveries. It is definitely on the lesser side though.

there’s been 6

Oh ok we're just lazy

Attached: 1555988053505.jpg (206x256, 58K)

Well the requests here suck.
Also Rider just did 3 nice deliveries right now you stupid idiot.


What's your idea of a good request

Mileena from Mortal Kombat as an eldritch monster

Requesting more Olivia porn

Attached: Olivia from GOD HAND.jpg (2380x1868, 697K)

Requesting birds making pasta

Attached: 20090414-potd.jpg (500x375, 35K)

Only if you pay me those youtube bucks!

Anything that isn't a waifufag request duh

You're on the wrong site then lmao

Attached: rider.png (353x297, 54K)

A cool Aya Shameimaru from 2hu


I'll take this one even though it's late in comparison, since it sounds like the most fun out of all of them.
might also do some of the others but no promises there, sorry

A goblin mechanic except hes a boy genius

Rough lines so far. Might color, not sure, will definitely put some shadows and shading on this though.

Attached: sleepinglines.png (857x788, 159K)

Fuck you, you aren't Alexander

Do this one

How should I know who the spammers are if I'm here maybe once a month?

OR here. That's a nice style. She looks pretty cute sleeping on his head. Thank you very much Inkguy!


Easy a request with a reference with a pose, and a character that hasn't been requested a million times already and is a character people know. I don't understand your guys' fascination with all these obscure as fuck girls most of the time.

You don't. He doesn't like it when a character or franchise gets too many deliveries and brings out the Xfag accusations

By lurking

>a character that hasn't been requested a million times already and is a character people know
>I don't understand your guys' fascination with all these obscure as fuck girls most of the time.
What are you trying to say user

>Character that hasn't been requested a million times
>Character that people knows
There's clearly some conflict between these two points and you know it

damn you’re retarded

Sure user

By this point it doesn't have to exactly be the size of the girl in the image just any large size. As long as it's noticeable

Why am I not on there?

Attached: 6b69d26dcf1d985b46a250bf644b5378b961c2ef.png (1000x788, 296K)

requesting aeris instant loss with her asking the viewer if they want her flower and then getting deep dicked

Attached: open for business.jpg (1668x2214, 919K)

Cute drawing

he has 0 patrons and has likely never been commissioned

Hoppou deserves more bullying

>has likely never been commissioned
You underestimate humans

No problem! It's just a WIP so far though!
And thanks for the compliment

Looks pretty good for a wip so far. How do you go about doing that sorta style exactly? Can never seem to get a semi-realism down even with references.

draw medjeds

Attached: 64640283_p0_master1200.png (305x600, 122K)

Figure drawing classes, drawing from life and a ton of old school instruction books. I've got loomis on my shelf even though I know the pdfs are free. A lot of anatomy practice. I'm still far from great though, so I just draw draw draw to get more experience.

Not sure if I'll continue on this, gotta leave for today, will return tomorrow with at least one delivery

Attached: sleepingshadingbw.png (857x788, 601K)

Doodling while listening to

Attached: lady hunk.png (3000x3000, 2.89M)

Requesting Red from Pokemon Red struggling to understand Yugioh

kick ass

Alright cool. Thanks again for the delivery and the tips!

Requesting female Ganon

Attached: Ganondorf_Brawl.png (405x450, 173K)

The heck is that thing?

but that's the pinky, not the cyberdemon?

Here’s a little doodle

Attached: 998F3ACB-F049-46CF-9425-A490CF7FFC74.png (1613x1409, 474K)

With thunderous applause.

Attached: rider.png (662x542, 73K)

He stares into my soul, he can see all my thoughts! He tells me to hurt myself! MAKE HIM STOP!!!

Requesting Festival Smogmella from Yo-kai watch world inviting the viewer to look in to her cleavage by tugging her robes

Attached: Festival_enraenra_reference.png (1552x941, 1.77M)

Requesting police Jill pinup lewds

Attached: Police.png (2464x1856, 2.72M)

Might as well ask here

Does Steam got an option or something to automatically change my status when I start playing a game? I’m sick of the random messages and notifications when playing ROR2

Requesting Axem Pink X lewds.

Attached: df13091f6GA4l.jpg (1312x446, 169K)

>might as well ask this completely off topic question
The fuck?

Aureolas are sfw right?

Attached: rq.png (1300x1204, 315K)

Based. Thanks

Draw your favorite champion from Paladins
or draw Street Style Maeve

Attached: Street Style Maeve.png (1024x1024, 956K)

Anyone here willing to do or knows anyone who'd be willing to take some No More Heroes commissions?

Attached: Travis-Image-MustUse_FRONTBACK.png (1600x2320, 265K)

Oppailoli requests?


big tit blizzaria bragging to her other variants.

Attached: 13651669_649197841912505_1218455186_n.jpg (480x283, 46K)

>beautiful short-haired faux-French tigress
>ruin her with twin tails

What an awful hairstyle.


Attached: rider.png (566x828, 176K)

Attached: 1555184797480.png (900x800, 317K)

Was expecting that one guy's commission sheet again desu.

Honestly I was tempted

Probably going to get banned for this, but ...

Requesting Persona 5's Phantom Thieves of Hearts stealing ProJared's treasure (the golden YouTube button). Probably should have him taunting the party before battle.

Attached: steel_projareds_heart.png (1461x595, 1.08M)

Lillie struggling to get a her bra to fit

Attached: __lillie_anc36ffc4ce1fb3002c4a786ff9.jpg (470x470, 42K)

Don't have any since I don't draw. I just want to see more oppai loli requests

>Oppai loli

Attached: BB755751-E940-4445-9DDF-143CCBFB6DD2.gif (720x480, 162K)

You're doing your daily studies, aren't you user?

Attached: 1551591169742.jpg (1000x680, 181K)

>draw without reference
>mediocre drawing
time to kiss myself


Post it

Finally got around to coloring this so hope you like this OR.

Attached: knoblauchalarm girl.png (2000x2000, 902K)

Fuck right off

Not videogames KYS


Attached: ACD5A7EA-4717-4C90-BF3B-44CAD5519496.jpg (536x481, 76K)

Fuck off avatarfag

Requesting gay benis

Why not just oppai

Based, you fucking tell her like the attention whore she is.

I loved that game

Attached: agmaseabegp game.jpg (700x500, 125K)


Top notch

>new tablet today
>cant wait to start learning digital
>cut up my hand at work and cant

Attached: 1536843667721.gif (500x282, 1.77M)

Ded ted fred.



You don't like the girl or the pose?

That's pretty cool.

i’m too sexy for this thread

Attached: 387DA2D2-3353-400F-BE0F-C15163882980.png (512x384, 69K)

Wtf, that’s Santa Claus?

Requesting fat Mei only wearing high heels.

Attached: 1556466280666.jpg (526x1000, 108K)

Ok You cant rerequest

great job delivering to yourself with greater than commission tier quality

Felt like posting this.

Attached: Soala swimsuit drawing.png (604x566, 25K)

I said only wearing high heels you illiterates.

Not OR but super cute nurse Sophie, well done!

Based would fug

Attached: Amelia Hyde.jpg (864x1152, 145K)

lmao, what is this?

todd howard

your delivery

Attached: Screenshot_2019-05-10-08-03-51.png (1280x720, 711K)

It's based on this image of well known school shooter, Samuel Al-Hyadi. I tried to get the SSG right, at least.
(I am not a good artist, nor am I OP, just trying to improve lol)

Attached: Cnb-p5mVYAA4lRX.jpg_large.jpg (233x267, 16K)

Seconding this but with Raiden

God I’m gonna fucking cum dude. Fffffuckk,

katakana man here
give me a cute

Attached: shitpost.png (383x532, 140K)

Only 30 more posts

requesting Kai in a ballpit having too much fun or making a cake

Attached: Divine_Kai.png (280x280, 147K)

Ryo bound and losing himself to this video.

Attached: RyoAkizukiSR1.jpg (640x800, 106K)

Attached: 1477462275890.jpg (1920x1080, 154K)

Attached: amica.png (1916x778, 1.81M)

Fujisaki Chihiro

Bunny girl Doremy Sweet

This with my waifu.

Attached: 27737F57-6BA4-47F3-946D-FB49E07BEA1B.jpg (1024x576, 71K)

Yeah can I get a incubus lucina

Attached: 8411b0f781f3a3bea62b3f7efe0af780.jpg (855x1200, 124K)

Cute bunny pie

go to bed

Attached: 1549519740115.jpg (480x480, 29K)

incredibly silly

I refuse.

New bread soon, fellow drawfags!

Draw the mouse

Attached: 1550890782247.gif (384x384, 8K)

When will he die? Maybe I should just filter so I don’t even have to see it post every time and deal with its faggotry.

Geez, Pie. Your art isn’t looking so good.
Can I get a Ladie from Riviera in a white swimsuit?

Why don't you by now?

If you're talking about the spic I filtered him a long time ago. Increases the thread quality by a solid 200%.

No idea but thank you based user!


Requesting video game characters as maids.

Name some.

Big yikes

Supreme Kai of Time

Attached: Chronoa.png (620x1392, 1.62M)

QP delivering pudding as a maid poorly.

Attached: qp.png (2192x778, 1.12M)


New thread

>making a new thread before I could force my aradia delivery from last thread
Fucking nintendo spammer falseflagger

While you pick good OP images you're as much as an asshole as that other guy who forces threads early.


too soon

in all honesty keep doing what you’re doing
none of this shit matters



Charlie from Don't Starve. Any of them are fine.

Attached: 1528915507105.png (1040x710, 294K)

Loli Aya Shameimaru

