Now that the dust has settled can we agree that 2 > 1 > 3

now that the dust has settled can we agree that 2 > 1 > 3

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*hits pipe*

I cannot think or comprehend of anything more cucked than enjoying Dark Souls 2. Honestly, think about it rationally. You are statting, creating, grinding and gearing a character for at least 18 hours just so he can go and get swarmed by endless hordes of boring enemies. All the hard work you put into your autistic little undead - raising his ADP to actually get iframes, sculpting his stupid face in the anime character creator, making sure he has enough life gems, fighting the same boss in knight armor over and over again, seeking estus shards. All of it has one simple result: you wasting your NEET lifestyle on a strict downgrade of a game that came out in 2011.

Built the perfect hollow? Great. Who benefits? If you're lucky, some random faggots won't gank squad you in pvp. They'll get to fuck you in the darksign every night. They get the benefits of lagstabbing you off a cliff covered in an ugly green MS paint texture.

As a man who enjoys Dark Souls 2, you are LITERALLY dedicating at least 20 hours of your life to playing the worst From Software title since Evergrace. It is the ULTIMATE AND FINAL cuck. Think about it logically.

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1 > 3 > 2

No. The first post was a piece of shit.

Same shit bait thread everyday
Actual ranking BB>Ds1>Sek>>Ds3>DeS>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Ds2

1 > I don't give enough of a fuck about the other two to get some pissant mad at me for saying one waste of time was better than the other


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>sonyfag bait always listing BB as first
The second it stops being exclusive you fags will hate it.

Dark Souls 2 is fun
Its not too fun though


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Every game after Dark Souls is a strict downgrade.

1 is the worst game in the series

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3 > 1 > 2


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Looking Glass Knight was fucking qeeno.

Versionfags are mentally ill.

Well said Samwise. You are truly the wisest of Hobbits. You didn't even get tempted by the ring's power like that faggot Frodo.

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Nope. It does nothing better than 1 or Demon Souls.

I own everything and a nice PC. I think BB is the best, and I can't say buying a PS4 is a good idea though since the only 2 exclusives worth playing on it are BB and P5.
I would actually kill to have BB on PC so I could run it over 30fps.

can we ignore the bait for once?

Tell me your favorite challenge run in any souls game and why you like it so much.

1, 2, and 3 are all good games, they succeed in different areas and are overall positive experiences. Despite this I have fun with all of them, and can't honestly say that any one is objectively "better" than any other, and I certainly don't think anyone should feel bad for liking one more than the other. They're all well-made and enjoyable video games.


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You can play P5 in PS3 and on PC emulating the already said machine

Making a twink build in DS2 and getting both rings of illusion.

1 > 3 > 2 makes sense (2 has a lot of problems)
3 > 1 > 2 makes sense (same as above)
3 > 2 > 1 makes sense (second half of 1 is the worst thing in the series)
2 > 3 > 1 makes sense (same as above)

Ranking doesn't matter with soulsbourne as long as 2 is the lowest. It is objectively the worse game. Huge downgrade alone makes it a joke

1 > 3 > 2

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>second half of 1 is the worst thing in the series
only Izalith is bad, and even then it's just the lava area
I have no idea why this meme keeps being reposted

BB = DaS1 > DeS >>> DaS2 >>> DaS3

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will ds2 fags ever recover?

2 was cool setting-wise, but I recently went back and played it (SotFS) and I really didn't care for it. I recently played Sekiro too and didn't really care for it. I might just not enjoy this kind of game anymore.

I think that DS1 maps are too big and have near empty parts

Fpbp fuck ds2fags.

BB = DaS1 > DeS >>> DaS3 >>> DaS2

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I wish the levels got bigger as the series progressed
those rumors of DS3 originally going to have massive areas that could only be traveled via horse sounded wonderful, especially if it meant horseback combat

Whichever one you played first is best. There's no reason to play more than one souls game.

Even Idorts throw a bunch of extra brownie points to BB because it has a different setting even though DaS III doesn't deserve to be shat on for being a direct sequel to DaS.

>those rumors of DS3 originally going to have massive areas that could only be traveled via horse
That's absolute bullshit, nothing like that was ever planned.