Why is it so underrated

>fighting game
>A-class character design
>made by Mario Kart developers, renown for good level design
>arguably unparalleled graphics
>lends itself well to VR

Why shouldn't it have sold at least 5M?

Attached: NintendoSwitch_ARMS_Presentation2017_scrn01.0.jpg (1200x800, 137K)

people dont like ugly character designs

>A-Class character design
Spring on a human body look dumb
Face of the game has Toothpaste hair & colors.

Camera style of the game is awful for feeling the UMPH of your attacks. Landing hits feels awkward as fuck.

It has potential but the content to price ratio isn't good.

The gameplay is too shallow to keep the player entertained past 6-8 hours of gameplay. Play through the tournament mode twice and then what? It gets boring. They added a small handful of characters and stages over time,but it was really too little, too late. The majority of players had already dropped it at that point.

>at least 5m
nigger, it sold well for a fighting game.

I bought it twice because I thought my 7 year old brother lost my copy. Did all I could. Wanted Spring Man as Smash DLC. Didn’t get that.

Asking for people to appreciate innovative gameplay and overall creativity is simply too much for BING BING WAHOO.

Attached: __min_min_arms_game_drawn_by_hitohito__6e363042f6664c2345fdc731f3031a81.jpg (450x450, 32K)

Your opinion is no longer valid. I would argue it never was.

You're talking about a company whose mascot is a plumber in blue overalls. Is this Spring Man toothpaste meme the new go-to standard nitpick now that some people have been pointing out the "lack of content" bemoaning is not actually true.

Fucking cringe that you listed a company as a positive/negative

It's a fun game that I'm very glad I got on the cheap because yeah, unless you're into collecting badges and unlockable art (I was) it doesn't last too long. Loved the cast, but the game only gives you the bare minimum of story on them. Game would have benefitted immensely from more of a proper story and interactions; the drawings you can unlock are such a tease with this.
Also I love Lola Pop the best, but everyone is charming in their own ways.

I loved the vibe and the character design but honestly I found the gameplay borderline unplayable, especially the motion controls

I felt like the game has enough story to lead into another thing but not so much that it makes the game feel like it overstays in the lore department for the first installation.

It sold 2M. For a fighting game, a dying genre, that is pretty solid amount of sales.

Are you seriously fucking suggesting that Super Mario is equally as attractive as the character designs in Arms? Really?

It sold perfectly well and in spite of a lot of "bluh its stupid and shallow and dumb and nintendo waggle" bullshit, it has nothing to prove. It's a good game. Just enjoy it. That's all you have to do.

Isnt ARMS one of the best selling fighters in recent years? Considering its also a new IP it did pretty good.

>no story mode
>no individual character ending
>no variety online modes
You compare it to splatoon (which has my first and 3rd complaint) its an over priced bare bones tech demo.

>no story

I think he's saying Splatoon does have a story and various modes

>>fighting game

Give us ARMS 2 with more gameplay options/gamemodes/characters/stages/story.

You're not doing waterpolo in this game ya know.

this or make a spin-off

Yeah. I was saying splatoon had a story and different gameplay modes which were two of my complaints against arms.