Tetris 99

CPU mode and marathon mode added as $9.99 dlc

>here's your free game, bro


Attached: tetris 99.png (885x736, 863K)

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Good thing the first feature is worthless & the second feature can be done in any of the many free versions of Tetris
Who's gonna buy this shit?

>charging for shit that should already be in the game
there is no excuse for this

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Well you save $10 since you dont need online anymore

>we want to expand people buying our subscription service
>let's make premium content you have to pay for on top of the subscription service


Is this game better than normal Tetris on the Gameboy? Is it actually 99 times better or is that just the name?

It's DLC though isn't it? Does the game start without NSO activated accounts?

>Does the game start without NSO activated accounts?
yes, it's not like nes online

nice game switchlets

It has block holding and a technique call t-spin that let's you do crazy combos with your blocks instead of just getting combos off T, L and I blocks with just empty columns.

Also in this iteration you fight against 98 other players.

It's just Tetris but battle royale.

You compete against 98 other people to try to come out on top

Well all those players who scored in the tournaments or some shit essentially get this for free.

Would you say it's better though? I've been looking to upgrade my Tetris but I've had a hard time finding one that is actually good. I also don't really like the ones that add in a bunch of gimmicks and stuff. Do the combos and BR thing enhance the gameplay?

More like big black block update LOL

So you're able to but the offline mode if you don't give a damn about Switch Online or that's paywalled as well?

Look, all you really need to know is this game is made by Arika, the dudes behind the only other Tetris license worth a darn besides NES Tetris (it’s The Grand Master). It’s fun, and now that it’s a feature complete Tetris game, it’s a no-brainer for fans. I just wish it had better music but that problem is solved with muted volume and headphones connected to literally anything else

The game is a free download without NSO, but you pay for the DLC to have offline modes

The more people you KO the easier it is when it comes down to final 10 players but you also become targeted too if you have alot of Mark's. It's a pretty fun dynamic.


So you're basically just buying tetris?

>that'll be 20 burgercoupons + tax + tip + additional 10 burgerdollars + dlc + tax + tip, goy.

Yes, and bots for offline 99.


oh fuck

Pretty much

Learn to read. With this DLC you don't even need to pay the paywall if you only wanted to play tetris like god intented

Not interested until they introduce more modes, 10$ is too high for what they're putting out there currently

Attached: 1-11.jpg (1066x599, 58K)

>marathon mode
>it’s just normal, single player Tetris

No I'm fucking done with Nintendo. From now on I'll just pirate their fucking games.

>implying that's a bad thing

Don't bother explaining. He's probably one of those anons who thinks that you would need to buy each character individually AND the season pass for a fighter.

It’s not. But I like the idea of giving it a different name. I would’ve just called it “Classic” or something stupid


The additional Tetris modes were datamined months ago.

Bull. This new stuff was datamined when the game released.

Nobody saw the 10 dollar paywall coming though.

Well the good side is this:

Attached: ter.jpg (692x738, 174K)

we cant let the goyim know it's just a normal, single player mode for Tetris™
they'll buy the DLC if they believe we actually added modes worth paying for

For $10 that's pretty good for a new Tetris title.
I mean, what, Effect was 40 and it was just a little more colorful?

based and retropilled

But I already own the original Gameboy Tetris, albeit I have to play through my old GBA

I bought PuyoTetris on switch almost as soon as it came out so this doesnt effect me at all

The game is free to begin with though

>not releasing this on PC

Tetris effect is also VR, and while I heard it was pretty cool to look at I don’t think that sells me on a $40 Tetris.

Are you me?

>Subscribe to our shit online!
Nah, user.

That said, I'd pay $10 for offline Tetris on the Switch.

Why would Nintendo make a PC game? Has Sony ever published an Xbox game?

>Tetris effect is also VR
Which would justify 10. I mean it's not even multiplayer.

It's possible.

>Has Sony ever published an Xbox game?
No but they have for PC.

There's uncountable variations of Tetris already on PC

>hey guys here is a free game battle royale
>2 weeks later
>uhh okay but we can't work for free
>wow p2w shit!

>Ten dollars is too much for DLC for an already free game

Attached: 65jOmYu.png (257x306, 147K)

>Free for Online
>Pay for Offline

>not even multiplayer
You could get Puyo Puyo Tetris and on top of getting tetris with more game modes and a story you get Puyo on top of two combined modes and multiplayer for literally half the price.

How do you get event points?

>releases the same week as Puyo Champions and at the same price

Attached: IMG_20190506_051017.jpg (843x365, 160K)

By playing the game maybe?

In that case not even any free to play, no matter what the platform is, is free

Sounds like someone who hasn't played Tetris Effect


I wasn't sure if it was for wins, or just playing the game. I never participated in any of these events because I'm terrible at the game.

Why though? Who would buy this when the game itself is free and has its gimmick from the get-go?

But winning? I suck at this. I only get 8th-4th place.

Prove me wrong then.

I unsubscribed from nintendo online since smash bros ultimate was so fucking laggy, have they improved it at all

everyone complaining about this is retarded nintendo is just selling you standard tetris on the switch for $10 if you want and in addition an offline mode for the battle royale so you can test things out or play when the online dies.

no lol

Don't like it? Don't buy it.

Yes but only for countries with first world internet.

Not to mention that it was 5$ when it came out on Japan

Just buy PuyoTetris. 99 lacks the most important feature: varied music


i wanna get that game soo badly, but i cant justify buying any tetris game for 40 mahfuckas

It's really not worth it, It's just ordinary tetris with flashing lights.

>PPT is going to be dead
Fuck nintendo

Attached: 9b8c7ed8b8094275d5698ab813a2b97c930228ac.jpg (480x854, 435K)

I'll buy that.
Tired of firing up Puyo Puyo just to play some tetris.

The Blood's moreso on Sega and the Tetris Company's hands since both made alternatives for each side to jump ship to.

Oh boy I can't wait to buy a Switch so I can play Tetris in the year of our Lord two thousand and nine and ten.

thats what i figured
waiting for a deal

Oh boy I can't wait to buy a PSVR so I can play Tetris in the year of our Lord two thousand and nine and ten.

They're both equally ridiculous. What is your point?

One's also a quarter of the price.

I'm mad.
Now I need to buy 2 different games and can't play swap anymore.

God I hate megacorps

The worst offense is that they changed the ghost piece.

Um sweetie it's okay when Nintendo does it.

>Free to Play on PC
>Don't have to pay $20/60 a year to play
>Free to Play on Shitch and PooS4 and DeadBox One: $20/60 a year

kek. You're retarded.

F2P games on Switch and PS4 don't require a subscription

Is XLink Kai a good alternative to the regular paid online? Is the netcode better, worse, or about the same? Are there enough people connected to it that I would be able to play a game like Tetris 99 reliably?

i think Classic wouldve been fine too, but i think Classic stops at 200 lines, Marathon keeps going

I haven't heard that name in a long time. Doesn't that just trick the system to make it possible to use local multiplayer modes online? That won't work with Tetris 99