Would you rather

Would you rather
>Splinter Cell series dies at Blacklist
>Ubisoft makes a new SC with an open-world, live-service features, and RPG-lite elements, but Michael Ironside returns

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Retcon everything after CT and give the series to competent devs aka not Ubishit.

dies at BL

fuck it, death is preferable to Ubishits continues corpse defiling

Uh new sneaky game please.

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Digging up Tom Clancy's bones and throwing them at a keyboard one by one would make a better Splinter Cell than Ubishit at this point.

Hot take but true:

Blacklist with better gadget tuning and more open levels would make it the best SC.

Blacklist plays smoothly and I love how there are ways to play totally non-lethally. The Combat stuff is fun too after you beat the game in a true Ghost playstyle or Panther.

The only thing wrong with Blacklist are the shitty characterizations of existing characters and the shitty made-for-TV plot. If the sequel is more grounded (lol like that'll happen) then I'll happily take more of the Blacklist formula.

I want Splinter Cell operator in Siege.

Splinter Cell dies after Chaos Theory.

>Splinter Cell dies after old-gen Double Agent


I can't get used to the controls after playing Conviction. I fuckin love conviction man.

>I fuckin love conviction man.

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How about people with talent create original IP that fulfils the splinter cell niche?

I want to give Ubisoft a chance with Splinter Cell. They've really not made a bad game in the series yet. Conviction wasn't really SC, true, but it's still a good game, and 7th gen DA is actually better than 6th gen DA and anyone who disagrees is actually retarded.

I just couldn't get into Conviction. Lack of non-lethal options is a total deal breaker.

I thought about that, but that means current-gen Double Agent would still be made. Maybe if I can get the old Double Agent on PC.

Why does this upset you? Deniable ops infiltration is pretty good. repetitive voice lines but still it's solid game

What the fuck, did ps1 have a splinter cell game?

Nothing wrong with game.
But his title is totally wrong.

>Ubisoft makes a new SC with an open-world, live-service features, and RPG-lite elements, but Michael Ironside returns
So the original Convictions? which was basically Assassins Creed but good and with smaller levels. Mite be cool.

Yeah get me that game.

im cool with these
chaos theory was fucking peak. god bless that soundtrack.

Dies at Blacklist since it's UNDERrated as fuck and Ubisoft is a joke now, all their games are soulless, whatever new game they're making, it's absolutely going to be worse than Blacklist

That sounds horrible but I guess people like you are the ones that give Ubishit money nowadays

Project Stealth tried that. Lack of interest lead to the project dying.

Everyone has fucking ADHD now. If a game isn't super fucking shiny and has a 'do everything' button (i.e. mark and execute) then nobody cares. Just look at the Hollywood fagshit Ghost Recon turned into.

I hear it runs pretty well on a PS2 emulator. Probably a pain in the ass to get the co-op working on it though.

>best version of DA is stuck on a DEAD as fuck shit console nobody even bothered making an emulator for

Breaks my heart.

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>Michael Ironside returns
Isn't that kind of a given? What with Sam's cameo in Ghost Recon

Just make mercs vs spies multi and let the single player die

Wow I did not know Sam appeared in Wildlands. I gave that game a hard pass.

I liked it too but it shouldn't be called splinter cell

Still give it a hard pass. Look up the cutscenes if you have to. I played Wildlands wishing I could stealth it but the A.I. is just archaic.

idk i never played anything past double agent

I'd like for it to return

Good. Don't.