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>best girl will die 5 minutes into the game

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Wtf is wrong with that armor


somehow I always immagined her a bit different

They didn't bother to make it look practical when adapting the original design

she looks basically how I imagined her

well, except the boob armor.

>voiced by Futaba

and just like that I am diamonds
granted she was confirmed to voice her since the original reveal of the game iirc, but clearly other voice actors have changed since then

Sticking close to the original design, damn nice. I'm hopeful for Tifa then

>Can you bear to see the planet suffer, Cloud?

What the fuck even? Sephiroth doesn't even know Cloud's name. To him, Cloud's just a shitty mook without a face. There isn't a single time in 7 where Sephiroth calls him by name, Sephiroth's only connection to him is through the Jenova Reunion.


Kate Winslet?

SE is appealing to compliationfags, enjoy

Maybe it's the voice inside his head rather than Sephiroth

Its very clearly an illusion

That breastplate is so stupid

>There isn't a single time in 7 where Sephiroth calls him by name
Actually there is, but it's way later in the game, like half through. I agree that it's retarded that he calls him by name so early.

yeah let's tale it off haha

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He doesnt call him Cloud in the Japanese version of the trailer

>an Illusion game with Final Fantasy characters
Now we're talking.

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Fucking retarded, I thought video games were past stupid shit like this.

>tfw always had a crush on Jessie

so did the sector 7 plated

No it's an epic rivalry now, Cloud is Sephiroth's sworn nemesis, like in Advent Children, the most epicest movie ever.

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have sex

I need you resetera faggots to go neck yourselves.

>August Ames died so she could be reborn as best FF7 girl

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See Sony? Listen to your fans! You can't have objectifying designs like these in your games, hopefully they'll fix it and Tifa too.

>Yes listen to
>tip tap tap
>Your loyal fans
>tap tack tap
>That have been there since day one

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>being such a sperg when it was a legit question because it seemed so different (but turned out better) from the original

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Looks better than Aeris

Remember unlike Tifa that took until fucking disc 4 Jessie would've boned you right there on the train.


Biggs and Wedge too

Looking pretty different from before or am I crazy.

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Imagine that she removes her breastplate and her shirt has underboob sweat stains haha

>mfw sweaty Jessie

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I remember a specific part in the Boss fight with the scorpion robo that he hallucinates when activating the bomb on the reactor, could be that part and they just adapted it? I also don't remember his name being mentioned.

it sucks that she had to have that realization right before she died

but also why did she have that realization right before she died? She comes off looking like an idiot. Jessie you manufacture bombs for a terrorist organization, how did you not expect innocents to die

Are you deaf? he does.

jessie is gonna live!

played it 20 years ago, who the fuck is that girl? i dont remember her.

Terrorists are always self-righteous and sheit

What part in the game is that part of the Trailer even supposed to be?
Also what the fuck is wrong with Sephiroth calling him Cloud. The whole point of the game is that Cloud is a fucked up retard who doesn't remember who he is. Of course he's imagine Sephiroth calling him by his name, he thinks they used to be buddies.

agreed should have just made it a kevlar vest

well yeah but I doubt Osama bin Laden was all "maybe I deserve to die, I killed a bunch of innocent people" right before he died

Why do all the characters look so fucking weird? Nomura you nigger, get your shit together

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>thinks osama killed anybody
oh my sweet summer child

That fov makes her ugly

Yeah, that scene really crushed me :^)

She actually has half of that realization in the Sector Seven hideout, when she hears the death toll on the news, you just have to talk to her immediately when you enter, because her lines will change after Barret automatically initiates conversation when you walk to the left.

Jessie says she had thought she followed the bomb creation instructions correctly on the web, but the explosion was way more huge than she intended.

That's why she can't talk about the money and just violently shakes her head after Barret.

This is of course all under pretty badly translated lines.

If there is any consideration to the area that was shown, it looks like it happens after they blow up the reactor on the streets?
I wont make a pic to show it due to laziness, but there is that part in OG FFVII that once they get out of the blown reactor, it's all in flames and even Wedge gets flames up his ass.

Going to be a shame to watch her die again, hoping they do more with that trio. Barrett was really busted up about his comrades dying, but the game doesn't really give much time for the plenty to empathize because they barely have personalities.

Pretty interesting, never noticed that detail. Hopefully Jesse, Biggs, and Wedge are fleshed out a bit more.

I wonder if there's any other hidden secrets like that due to bad translation? I remember playing these days and seeing a specific scene in Nibelheim about how Hojo was handling Zack and Cloud before they escaped to Midgar. It was a very specific scene that only happened once in my playthroughs.

Yeah that cutscene happens after Cloud and Tifa finish up in the Lifestream. Just head back to the Nibelheim mansion right after Cloud finds himself and the cutscene shows up.

I'm not only glad they kept her cleavage, she actually seems to have more than before. Based Nomura

This is going to be the case, Nomura really didn't understand FF7's story

aww yiss

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That really grind my gears. What the fuck were they thinking?

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>more than before
>she is actually fucking flat
what did he mean by this

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Tonally I'm a bit disappointed she's dressed less conservatively. There was a very real point to the dichotomy between the players first impression of Aerith appearing very virginal and pure, yet having a headstrong, slightly aggressive personality. They even did it with Tifa as well, she's dressed suggestively, works at a bar in the slums, and fights as a brawler, yet she's the girl next door and is focused on protecting Cloud. The sprawling cleavage for Aerith just undercuts that a little.

you probably have spent more time thinking about this than any developer for the actual game

I understand you're point, but it's not like one tiddy is just flopping about outside of her blouse.

Talking about cleavage, not breast size. And no, tits don't have to be big to be able to show cleavage.

She was cuter before.

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>English VA is pic related/Cassie Cage
hot damn

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I thought she sounded familiar.

Agreed, it seems like people forget what made the FF7 characters special, all you said and their arcs made them stand out at the time and it kind of feels like Nomura takes all that for granted now.

Why plate and chain though?

It doesn't seem like that wild of an interpretation. I remember the first time I played VII as a kid I was all in on Aerith and not really interested in Tifa at first because my initial impression of the latter was she would end up being some tomboy archetype. Then Aerith gets bodied and you realize Tifa is actually even sweeter and stays by your side day and night as you go full retard in a wheelchair.

She had cleavage in the original. It's one of the subtle counter-hints that she's actually a firecracker, while most of her design depicts her as pure.

Didn't know Jesse was a chick lmao

It's the part where Cloud has a hallucination before planting the bomb, they decided to go with something a bit more concrete than the screen turning red, a loud buzzing noise and a text box telling you this isn't just a Mako reactor.

did you think she was just some weird homo, considering she spends half her time hitting on Cloud

Which is probably a good move, my smooth brain didn't know what the hell was going on when I saw that first. I'm still not entirely sure who is warning him, or if it's just his own mind or what.

I thought he was just a friendly guy

Yeah well bad things happen to people who blow up innocent civilians.

To be fair, there are quite a few gays that hit on Cloud during Wall Market, so it wouldn't be unusual.

Tell that to Rufus or the Turks, those assholes mostly got off scot-free.

I can't imagine there is still going to be a minigame to compete in squats with Big Bro. Seems like it would seriously clash with the tone of the game they're creating. But if Sony decides the crossdressing and Don Coreo being rape-y is taboo, then I guess they'll just take out that whole quest line.

I'm still not entirely ready for this remake to come out, as lame as it is, this game was the formative vidya of my childhood. I'd never really experienced a story where I character I really liked was killed off before my eyes. Sure there was the Transformers movie, but I didn't want to fuck Optimus.

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It's more like 2 hours in

>Advent Children, the most epicest movie ever.
It genuinely was before someone subbed it and all I heard was words I couldn't understand

>Cloud is Sephiroth's sworn nemesis
Its funny. Going into the game this was all I heard, until I beat the game and found out that Cloud is pretty much who tier to Sephiroth. He's just some asshole ruining his plans.

And it's way better with that approach too, I don't understand these Japs making it some fated rivalry. Cloud started off as a wimp and a coward, basically just a Shinra soldier NPC, and ends up defeating one of the greatest threats to humanity that wasn't even aware of his existence because he finds someone he wants to protect. Chosen one bullshit is not FFVII, and they need to stop trying to make it that.