And just like that, Final Fantasy VII Remake was confirmed for trash

And just like that, Final Fantasy VII Remake was confirmed for trash

Attached: 1554826887751.webm (1280x720, 1.91M)

Other urls found in this thread:

look good

have sex

What the fuck, so we wont see Sephiroths sweet ass solar system destroying attack in HD?

looks fun

Why are video game characters always handsome ? does it make them more magical or something

>you can literally see the square button being mashed on the bottom left
What's the point of having a party if you can't control them directly? Why not just make it turn-based? If you're gonna try something new, at least make it decent like Xenoblade

Why the fuck is Nomura only capable of making kingdom hearts games? Everything he touches turns into the same slashy-floaty shit. What a goddamn hack

I'm more worried with how badly the story will be butchered than the gameplay (which btw looks fine you nostalgic faggot)

Turn based combat sucks.

Because nobody else at SE can make anything but turnbased shit.

so pick your poison

>square for combos
>triangle for finishers and limits
>command menu for magic, summons and items

what's the problem?

It will probably be a cutscene attack. You can see one of those in the trailer, with the rockets flying around.

Whys barret got shades? Nani?

looks like XV-tier garbage

Yeah cloud shouldn't slash enemies, he should kiss them

You can control them directly, there's a swap function.
Hopefully there's some decent AI customization.

I think the action menu suggested you can pick your playable character, but I could be wrong.

>What's the problem?
Fucking boring is what

Sephiroth showing up at the reactor is pretty dumb and will undercut the impact of President Shinra being stabbed + the flashback.

But why not just let me control the entire party at once, like an old Final Fantasy? Why do I have to play a half-baked action game

Interesting, hopefully it looks good.

If you don't like that, play current bioware games

nobody wants to sit around and scroll through menus you fucking nostalgiafags

Attached: boomer2.png (421x436, 51K)

because it's fiction not boring reality

That was already confirmed for me when I first saw that they changed the battle system.

>washed out muddy colors
>effects and numbers flying all over the place
>basically impossible to tell what's actually happening
Holy shit

They can't into turn-based anymore. It's like anathema to them.

>confirmed for trash
Not at all, that 10 seconds of gameplay looks more fun than boringly selecting attacks in a menu and watching your characters do shit

Attached: N Slash.png (1280x720, 1.75M)

die zoomer

There is more depth and control with a single character in real time than turn based.

In FF7 for example inputting Attack, all that happens is one attack happens after you choose the command, and the damage is dealt based on your weapons Attack stat, the characters attack and strength stat and the enemies defense stat.

In XV for example it's an Action RPG and so you attack in real time with timing and movement factoring in first by moving in real time towards the enemy, your attack is in a combo with hitstun properties and hitboxes to manage, with different abilities and with different range on over 15 weapon classes, swing speed, combo length etc, so not only do you factor in the stats and abilities of each different weapon into basic attack but you also factor in the timing of the combo with the swing speeds, the range of the weapons, the attack state of the weapon, the level of the weapon, the traits of the weapon and more, and that plays into how you set up your loadout for how you attack and defeat enemies, who by the way are always moving around so you factor in the enemies movement and speed too. There is objectively more depth in Attacking in XV than turn based FF has.

You also can't jump, run around, dodge roll, aerial attack or have control over indivial hits in turn based FFs, you just pick a word from a menu then watch that play out, there isn't 1:1 input, you don't have the same degree of control in odler FFs that you do in FF7R.

>there are people here who won't play it with its original Japanese dub

Attached: Nee, daijoubu.jpg (1600x900, 135K)

Attached: I Slash.png (1280x720, 1.51M)

zoomers were a mistake

How the fuck would half the materia work in a hack and slash anyway?

>Boomers can't play action games that require quick reactions

Attached: 1545352051457.png (256x192, 3K)

Huh? Ys games have been dabbing on turn based garbage since before FF even existed.

No it isn't, it looks kino af

I thought it was common kowledge they were turning the FF7 remake into a FF13 style corridor button masher.


your father jizzed in your mouth while you were asleep.

It's not that
It's that when you remake a game, you sorta expect it to at least be the same genre

They would have to do a lot of work to reinterpret everything while simultaneously keeping all the variety and interactions intact. I have a feeling they're gonna heavily streamline it.

It'll get dumbed down

people can't turn based rpg anymore. it's been like that for a while.

It's his disguise. Shinra can't find him if they're looking for a guy with sunglasses but he only wears them on missions.

>he actually wants characters to stand in a row and bob up and down at each other during "combat"

Attached: cloud wheelchair 2.jpg (381x301, 41K)

Just make it Aoe based and similar to KH and Crisis core

Someone give me a good argument for why it should be turn based and I'll concede, otherwise you are just nostalgia-tards

Attached: 1536912293361.jpg (736x897, 79K)

Yea Forums Told me id get to see HD tiddies


You CAN control them directly. It's like FFXII but with KH combat.

It's not a Remaster my dude

Because a remake should be at least similar to its original game

imagine thinking a 'decent' RPG example is fucking xenoblade

Attached: augmented.jpg (1024x768, 46K)

where the fuck is Tifa

thats what they get for remaking a game with that cloud faggot

>real time combat
holy hell
when will SE stop this fucking meme
just go back to ATB you fucking mongoloids

Please just add an option for classic turn based combat i fucking hate KH/FFXV combat

ive had friends tell me i look like squall leonhart

Because the original game was turn based?

Because as the pattern holds, it's just going to be like KH3 & FFXV garbage easy shit with no real sense of difficulty.

are you implying you actually enjoyed ff15?

The graphics and art design is fucking awful. I hate the way the characters look.

It's hilarious how Cloud looks great in Super Smash Bros, but ass in his own game. Square Enix are absolute fucking retards.

Attached: what a joker.jpg (506x285, 26K)

did they find a black person to voice barret?

Maybe not. Normally, I'd agree with you. You'd be totally right in saying this is gonna be dumb one button retardation like FFXV. But there's one key factor: Nomura is STILL assblasted about HIS FF game being taken away, that one being XV. So he's more than likely gonna try a bunch of shit on the battle system to make it, you know, something you have to think about and interact with for real.

Also keep in mind that he is so, so fucking butthurt, that he made some OC DONUT STEAL character mimicking the old Versus XIII game, and he made that character/world cannon in kingdom hearts. THAT'S how fucking mad he still is, so maybe the FF7 remake will have much more substance than we think. Of course, it could still be shitty, but Nomura seems hellbent on bringing his old Versus XIII/XV ideas to life in one way or another, even it means putting them in other games.

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She's at E3. The trailer is outright titled as a teaser and says to expect more next month, and SE are taking Sony's slot this year.

Kitase always wanted to make FF an action game, that's why he developed the ATB system as a compromise. Remake is capitalizing in the original vision.


>smooth buttery real time gameplay rather than phasing into a battle screen to play around in menus and boringly watch your characters attack only to two seconds later get caught up in another battle screen to again select options from a menu and boringly watch your characters attack

This is going to be better than the original, what the fuck are you talking about

>I thought everyone knew they were turning FF7 into FF13
Everyone knew it, but some poor fools wanted to believe they weren't.

>washed out muddy colors
It's a fifth-time-compressed video from a third party stream. I wouldn't take the video quality as being representative of the actual product.

>effects and numbers flying all over the place
Yes. It's a Final Fantasy game.

>basically impossible to tell what's actually happening
Have you never played an FF game before or are you just retarded? Anyone with a functioning brain who's played a FF game, or hell almost any JRPG before should have no problem understanding what's happening.

Fuck Nomura
Fuck Versus XIII

This is supposed to be Final Fantasy 7.

From someone who HATED FFXV, I think this looks a lot better. I can already tell they're trying to mix it up, and not make it 100% ARPG.

Attached: Hooker.png (1899x1439, 1.73M)

Only if there is more to do then corridors and it feels less flubber and actually tight.

Problem is the closest Square got is KH2 but everything recently doesn't give me faith

KH3 have immense difficulty, more thaan any FF, you just chose to play on easy mode. FFXV is not a Nomura game.


just like the original midgard, so what?

Attached: midgard.jpg (2131x1400, 582K)

Because "Hold O while the time bar fills up" was so much better.

FF7 was always trash.

Anyone who says otherwise is a hipster faggot.

As a previous user mentioned before, certain materia won't be able to function the same way if at all. There's also the moves too. In turn based you have a cutscene performing it. To implement the same moves without interrupting the real time combat would require changes or possibly be removed. I'm basically holding my breathe until I see what they will change and replace all this shit with before making my judgement.

everything you are seeing here is a mock up

Yes you faggot I've played FF games plenty. It looks like over directed visual garbage.

>What's the point of having a party if you can't control them directly? Why not just make it turn-based? If you're gonna try something new, at least make it decent like Xenoblade
In the acual video (not this .webm edit) you can literally see the option to switch between party members with L2 and R2 at around 0:21 of the video.

Why not make an original Final Fantasy, then?

do you just have a fucking bot that detects whenever XV is mentioned in a thread or something

Then why is KH3 still easy on proud? Never said anything about Nomura, it's still a S-E game and they have never made a good action RPG.

Next yourself off a cliff

according to the D&D players handbook, if you are a sorcerer yes

>hipster faggot
user, FF7 is as mainstream as it gets. And hating popular things doesn't make you an interesting person.

change that fucking filename right now

Attached: 927380_20190510004434_1.png (2560x1440, 2.98M)

>FFXII but with KH combat
more like FFXV

thinking out strategies in battle with three unique characters with different skillsets and trying to balance their contrasting abilities so they compliment and aid each other is more stimulating to the mind than mashing a button

It's like this is their first FF or something and keep forgetting that bullshot trailers is always made for FFs before development actually starts

>All the cool interesting stuff will be removed because of liberalism
>The voice actors have gotten shittier
>The combat system dumbed down for the drooling retards that infest this sad sick world we live in now
>World is now hallways
>Story is still stupid and will become a mess when they put in Crisis Core Advent Children and Drudge of Cerberus nods
>Personalities will be changed to how Square has portrayed them all in Kingdom Hearts or how they were in Advent Children

If you have any love for this game you will boycott the remake remember, original had racist stuff, sexit sstuff, homoaphoic stuff, tranny stuff and even religious stuff and that will all go away because how dare you

>people don’t want to scroll through menus in combat
>if master material exists there’ll be so many options they’ll have to scroll through menus
>if it doesn’t exist that means they’ve removed some nice content
Oh boy

for 35 year olds sure. millennials don't touch it

Reverse psychology, huh? I see what you're doing

Final Fantasy has been trash for more than a decade.

Attached: what.jpg (373x388, 28K)

so...why did they get rid of steve burton as cloud and george newbern as sephiroth? wtf? why did they even use steve's voice for the original FF7 remake trailer if they were just going to swap them out for fortnite-tier zoomers? hello? consider this shit dropped.

because they look cool

Attached: 1511852211064.png (207x334, 74K)

I'm not against it. Still planning to buy day 1. Stay mad, nostalgia niggers.

Are we pretending Final Fantasy was ever good now?

You get to control more than just Cloud

>at least make it decent like Xenoblade
>The game with all that dumb shit cluttering the screen
>The game where despite being a real time battle system has cool downs, you can't dodge attacks by simply stepping out of your opponent's range or even moving to the side

Oh fuck you,user Just fuck you, I hope you die

this but unironically
ff7 has got to be the most overrated game ever, holy shit

lol, core final fantasy was never cerebral in any way. the "strategy" didn't really extend beyond remembering to give someone cure materia, and putting the coolest looking characters in your party

Attached: tifa suspenders.jpg (500x714, 139K)

You mean "Targeted game footage." At least get the term right you idiot.

At least it doesn't seem floaty like KH or XV, so there's hope for it being a more "grounded" combat system and not trash.

But she is a hooker. Deal with it fagboy.


This looks like trash
Mindless Press Square and no fluid movement
Worst of both worlds

>"Wow, honey, you made a lot of money out on the street today. What were you up to?"
>"Selling flowers ... from the church ... you know."
>" . . . "

Only thing FFXV did well was monster design, and the enemy design in this trailer looked fucking great.

You can control your other guys in the remake too, both trailers showed Barrett control

>tfw I used to date a green eyed pale brunette and she dumped me before I could even kiss her

feels fucking terrible desu

Attached: cosmic tfw.jpg (800x600, 379K)

Fuck that I want to play my giga nigga

secret of mana ARPG KEKS OUT


Every FF can be beaten by just repeating Attack>Cure.

Attached: shit characters laughing.png (757x800, 659K)

>Press L2 to Tifa




Attached: 1447840520592.jpg (1280x720, 57K)

And just like that, FFVII RE confirmed to be a massive blockbuster that will sell millions and millions of copies and set review scores on fire.

Because Yea Forums hates everything and is always wrong.

How much of a smoothbrain does one have to be in order to suck shit at a FF game?

The game was announced in 2015, there's no way development didn't start ages ago, not even Square Enix is capable of shitting the bad that badly.

unless you purposely don't grind and have to rely on buffs in battle to make it

Aerith looks really good. Jessie too. I'm actually suprised

what do you mean? i beat ff9 comfortably, the only good FF game.

>source: my ass

Square Enix is waiting for the feedback on this trailer before showing her. They know full well if they fuck her up there will be riots in the streets.

If you think that looks like XV you clearly never played XV

If Aeris/Aerith has nice tits, Tifa is gonna be stacked.

Attached: 1557408017064.png (383x681, 486K)

Why would you be surprised?
Name one time SE has pushed out a main female character in an FF game that wasn't beautiful, sexy, cute, or some godly combination of the three?

Pretty sure having a real time combat system would ruin half the materia combinations. Especially the whole counter/mime combo, i still use 8 of those to get 16 omnislashes on ruby and emerald weapon. How would that even work in RTC?

if i want ugly looking characters, id look at you

7 was never good

people here don't play video games and think there's only one way to make an ARPG. i'm sure it's just bootyblasted boomers who think anything real time is FFXV

Tactics absolutely cannot be beaten that way.

>still insisting it's a PS4 title
So is part 1 coming out at the end of the year?

>KH3 was deprived of resources that could’ve made it a proper sequel to KH2FM by a remake literally no one asked for

Mitsunori Takahashi’s talent is being utterly wasted on a damage control cashgrab that shouldn’t even be an ARPG in the first place.

Attached: 8DB22F1F-5B3C-42C3-9DE0-BDCB8D08998E.jpg (340x374, 26K)

You clearly never did any sidequests and probably some autistic fag that spent 20 hours over-leveling early on so the game was a cakewalk.

>No Don Corneo trying to rape a fifteen year-old Asian girl
>No Tifa calling Barret a retard
>No casino owner wearing only a speedo
>No gay sex sauna
>No unbuttoned Yuffie short shorts
>No Bugenhagen being a weird old man whose bottom half is a hovering beachball
>No blood trails all over Shinra HQ
>No weird camera angles at specific times
>No Vincent turning into Frankenstein's Monster
>No "Let's mosey."
>No Cid verbally abusing Shera
>No CPR on the little girl
>No Red XIII dressed as a soldier
>No Barret dressed in a sailor outfit
>No Hojo trying to mate Red XIII with Aeris
>Increased focus on the Turks and Rufus
>Addition of Crisis Core people like Angeal and Genesis
>Aeris having her KH "pure and innocent" personality
>Wacky enemies reduced in frequency
>Jessie, Biggs, and Wedge added as temporary party members

Attached: 1517895861218.png (700x720, 505K)

Yuna is incredibly bland looking


Attached: FFIV_Big_Bang.PNG.png (640x480, 368K)

obviously they are not going to try to replicate exact builds from the original. why the fuck would they? its not the same game, they are going to have new mechanics

Attached: cloud blocking.jpg (455x739, 361K)

How much of a smoothbrain does one have to be in order to like a jrpg?

Why did they make it FF15? That combat system sucks dick

why do you faggots keep adding letters to shit?

tactics is a spinoff, nobody here is talking about those

I feel like this is a statement straight from that Sonic Cycle picture.

user, none of that trailer was real gameplay.

Yuna is pretty, shut up.

Don Corneo is also asian so why did you say "trying to rape a fifteen year-old Asian girl"

Let's be honest here she's gonna just have the same face as Aeris/Jessie

>that tiny waist
>those baggy pants that reveal her tight bottoms

Attached: ss2019-05-09-19h31m09s766.png (1920x1080, 1.05M)

But Aerith and Jessie clearly have very different faces.

turnbased/ATB babies hate Tactics. It's too hard for them

I mean... The entire place was on fire... It was clearly the Niblheim incident, you fucking mongoloid.


>All the cool interesting stuff will be removed
Cid & Shera, and their deep background which is emotional and thought-provoking to say the least -- that whole thing will be gutted. And in the process, destroy Cid's character since his bitterness and drive are both heavily rooted in the situation with Shera.

Because muh feelings and muh womynz rights. Completely ignoring about how it all fit together to form a respectable story. Just thinking about it pisses me off because YOU KNOW IT'S COMING.

Attached: 1556943408347.jpg (542x546, 49K)

U are dreaming if u believe this plays like kingdom hearts at all

Her death is going to hurt even more than it did the first time.

Which means Aerith's death is also probably going to hurt more to watch.

This looks great and I really, really hope this turns out to be a 90+ metascore game like with RE2. Squeenix desperately needs a redemption arc or they are going to fucking die. It's only funny to laugh at their failures for only so long, then it just becomes sad. But this, this looks promising.
KH3 had good core gameplay, right? It was just too easy I heard, but in a way that they could have just changed a few balance things and it would be fine

still gonna be the same dollface nomuraface

real people don't give a fuck about accurately reproducing an old video game's bastardization of an existing fictional place name

>in any battle other than the "optional bosses" unless you skipped literally everything and only went straight for the "main quest"
Don't make me laugh, user. If you actually needed "strategy and tactics" to get through FFVII, then that says more about either you or your age when you played it, rather than the complexity of the game's combat system.

What people actually liked about FFVII combat system was the materia system and the ability to customize all characters' skillset from the ground up aside from their Basic Attack-type, Stats and Limit Breaks. The remake seems to have that too. Actually, you can even see the green materia inside the Bustersword's materiaslots. And there is even a "commands menue". Note that it's not just an "item menue".

They're gonna have full blown zack death for all of the characters, and they're just gonna recycle the actual zack death from crisis core for the flashback, which will totally be fully playable.

So this confirms all the cool monsters are gone? All the enemies are Shinra mobs and Laser Scorpion

Where is her bra?

Attached: Prostitute.png (1916x2564, 1.03M)

Yeah whatever. What does Tifa look like?

KH3 was never too easy, that's a meme from babies who didn't play Lv1 Proud. Now that Crit is out it's even more difficult.

>why do i have to play
Fucking retard, you don't. If you don't want an action game go play the original you absolute dip

My dick can't wait for these models to be ripped.

They are LITERALLY ruining my childhood
Hang the producer

too poor to afford underwear

Of course they are. This game will be 100% no fun allowed pandering for KH fags who never played FF7.

Switch beggar BTFO

Yep, gameplay looks similar to the horrible, horrible combat system from 15... never thought i'd say this but... it's a pass from me.

Her body is perfect so she doesn't need support for the tits, they just naturally stay perky

or he's gonna phone everything in so he can get back to working on Verum Rex/whatever the next KH game will be

prostitutes don't need bras

They had an Aerith like scene in XV and it was pretty powerful, I can only imagine what they are going to do for her in 7R.

if I don't get to fight a giant robot house I will be very disappointed

enemy design was the highlight of ff7

Attached: hell house.jpg (1280x1024, 90K)

>>No "Let's mosey."

Im going to be so fucking mad if they remove it

Unless it comes to PC, it's gonna take a while, they can't even rip KH3 models due to the new firmware.


Attached: Untitled.png (1883x1435, 2.57M)

We see Don Corneo's sewer baby in the trailer man. The designs have also already been used recently in Mobius.

Attached: MFF_Ghirofelgo_FFVII.jpg (250x340, 32K)

>this 1 minute trailer that has about 10 seconds of gameplay proves it'll be button mashy garbage
literal brainlets, I can understand being skeptical about the game as a whole based on SE's track record, but dismissing an entire game based on a 1 minute trailer of early footage is a clear sign of a low iq individual.

They are already making new voice lines.
It's practically confirmed.
So just bosses

Because that's what literally everyone remembers it as being called? Mistake or not, Midgar is its name now and forever

>brainlet can't even figure out the combat system from a 1 minute trailer

Squenix hq should be nuked for the blasphemy

No, i didn't mean it like that. It's just that i never thought them to be pretty to begin with.

Outside of Limits no one even had unique skills in this game. And by the end the only limits that mattered were Cloud Barret and Cid

It'll have almost no character progression and almost no materia. Each episode will be self-contained (your stats don't carry on) and will only include the most important moment....

i am going back in time to assassinate the creator of secret of mana

>So just bosses

Attached: MFF_Devil_Ride.jpg (250x340, 29K)

I don't know, I don't like the weeb animations. I always placed 7 as more of a western style rpg but now it's just anime cosplayers.

I havent played a FF game since FF7 back in ~1998. Do the newer games have anywhere close to the amount of enemy variety as the older ones? Like in FF13 and FF15?

God, everything FF7 related that isn't FF7 itself is so terrible.

because it's fun to be able control multiple character and use the multitude of abilities you've been customizing them with

looks like utter shit. will purchase the full "trilogy" for like 5 bucks on pc 20 years from now and be like "meh"

can't believe i was excited for this trash once upon a time

>remake of 1997 game
>combat looks just like the old game except with modern AAA graphics
Shit, what do people even want of remakes anymore?

Attached: 1sduxre049fj5ryuaqyfskexi.384x313x1.jpg (384x313, 71K)

Then don't fucking play FF7 you stupid nigger

Attached: whatever.png (142x66, 14K)


Where are all the enemies from the Mako Reactor?

Are you actually retarded?

Attached: 1531816722245.jpg (1132x768, 80K)

Don't bother with anything past 10


Can't I just get another turn-based Final Fantasy game where I just relax and make decisions instead of button mashing?
There's enough action games out there already.

Hey Cloud *teehee* what if you crossdressed to get inside of Don Corneo's mansion?

"Not in a million years, we're attacking it straight on and same when we get to the Shinra building. Fuck trannies, fuck jannies, and FUCK STAIRS!"

Attached: Cloud.Strife.full.26154[1].jpg (2140x1246, 265K)

>combat looks just like the old game except with modern AAA graphics
Did we look at the same trailer?

they also gave her skirt pleats so you can't tell that there isn't a panty line. commando confirmed

Because KH is a mistake. The original is turn based. No one does turn based combar anymore. Because button mashing on a RPG really takes any strategy away (see FF XII and the quickenings). Materia and Summons won't work on real time unless being really dumbed down.

Its ok to have a Realtime Action RPG, but why not make a new game for that?

It looks like XV, which is garbage. Therefore, this will be garbage. Ya dig?

yo that actually looks fun as hell
id play it

Attached: 2018122817242300-0E7DF678130F4F0FA2C88AE72B47AFDF.jpg (1280x720, 74K)

thats why hooker.jpg is accurate. 1 gil for a flower but 10 for a blowjob

they showed most of them already

>But why not just let me control the entire party at once
You were never able to do this in final fantasy re re

I don't remember Sephiroth that early. Guess it's a hallucination scene they added.

>No gay sex sauna
why would you want that

this will be the only way i play it

waiting for the "windows" edition

i wonder if they originally were going to go for a turn based style but changed it after the success of RE2Make

why do people pretend like materia is some complex game mechanic? you set it up in a menu, and it determines what spells you can cast. it isn't a fucking minigame

Whores don't need underwear, user.

What voice actors? You mean from Advent Children or Crisis Core or one of those shits? Who cares, only OG FF7 counts and it was 100% text

Yeah just because it reuses animations from XV and has the exact same damage formula as the dev build of XV clearly means it's not just a reskinned XV.

Good god the Japanese sounds even worse than the English. Like literal nails on a chalkboard.

>tfw Cloud and Tifa won't kiss in the ending because japs suck dick at romance

Attached: wait a minute.png (512x512, 228K)

Really? I didn't see the Sweepers, 1st Ray, Mono Drive, Grunt etc

If you don't understand or make the most of it you get people that say certain parts are too hard.

If you use weapons to boost ap gain and use the right types of materia to stat boost then you should never have an issue with the game

Japanese is such a fucking ugly language. I don't know how anyone could stand to willingly listen to it.

if anything being realtime with combos and such will create more opportunities for materia to affect gameplay. KH2 has a huge variety of combat skills you could equip. imagine that with linked effects

>combat looks just like the old game
Are you blind or retarded?

You're retarded if you watched this trailer and are still excited for this remake. It's obviously going to be streamlined, plenty of things that won't work in a arpg over turned based, and all strategy and nauce is being removed. You are an underage child if you're pumped for this garbage

Can someone explain why I should think this is awful?

hisashiburi da na, KUROUDO

Attached: hisashiburi.jpg (720x480, 30K)


The very first time they showed gameplay it was this action bullshit

I'm just going to assume they are making a new story entirely. There's no way they could follow the original without enraging 3/4s of the Final Fantasy fanbase by sucking the tit of feminists and SJWs. They HAVE to rewrite the entire thing from the ground up in a full reboot. It's the only way.

The guy you're replying to hasn't played KH P. You can tell because the dumbass said summons don't work in real time.

and how does being realtime affect that in any way? it will still have a pause menu

It is similar, idiot.

>No one does turn based combar anymore.
sure, if you ignore pokemon, digimon, dragon quest, smt/persona, kiseki, etc. plus plenty of smaller titles like death end re;quest, destiny connect, and caligula overdose just from this year alone. even ff still does turn-based games like world of final fantasy and chocobo's dungeon everybuddy.
as far as ff7 is concerned, i'd complain about this new system, but it doesn't look too bad from what they've shown off. how materia and summons are going to work is definitely a valid concern though.

Is this supposed to be like KH? Where the fuck are the combos? Why does it look so slow?

Attached: Bandana Dee newspaper.png (1842x1519, 541K)

Don't you fucking dare attribute the greatest creation of Ito to "I wanted to make movies" Kitase.

but you can't do that in an ATB game either

not him, but visually and aesthetically it is quite reminiscent of the old battle system's graphics style and animation style. The enemy and character models are accurate to the old designs too

And if they don't?

Attached: gotta think about it.png (473x454, 7K)

Tell me I can switch to different party members on the fly, and NOT have to unlock it when I'm already in end-game.

Attached: 1539745541334.jpg (835x557, 58K)

>original game
>press button for cool attacks
>new game
>press button for cool attacks
Too bad for you.

what the fuck Raimi

It's still a JRPG.

Do you want something new typed out to explain to morons why real time is perfectly fine, and even arguably better than turn based boredom?

>Where the fuck are the combos?
Nigger, how about you play the fucking game first.

>Luna's death
oh im laffin

>If you have any love for this game you will boycott the remake

I like FFVII but it's a fucking video game. If you have love for it you need to jump off the nearest overpass during rush hour.

If only Luna was a character,than maybe that scene would've meant something other than just looking pretty.

>visually and aesthetically it is quite reminiscent of the old battle system
Did we watch the same trailer?

yea all those guys, they stuck through with the series throughout all the games, anime, and films
it wont feel the same without em
especially since sephiroths voice actor was actually really good

>and just like that, I made another thread to hate something popular to look cool for neckbears on Yea Forums

>Unless it comes to PC
>mainline FF remake
It's coming to PC, the only question is when.

except you could turn atb off

You're retarded if you thought Midgar was anything BUT linear. You're starting to lose memory there little boomer?

>they are literally taking the first 5% of the game and making a full game out of it
>with FF15 combat
I guess I'll watch the cutscenes on youtube

Fix your eyes, you can clearly see everything going on

Is it just me or does it look like they hired a team from china to speed up the development process?

Every single trailer they put out feels like its cheaper than the last.

>all these butthurt nostalgiafags

Based Nomura dabbing on retards. I can't wait for Remake kino.

Attached: Hold O to win.webm (640x360, 2.29M)

I still don't understand what the fuck this game is supposed to be, gameplay-wise.

Is it full on action like Kingdom Hearts? It looks too slow and I don't see any jumping or combos, but I also see a command menu. Is it another shitty halfway point game like FF13?

Attached: Bubble Bass1.jpg (640x486, 69K)

I'll be amazed if materia growth or materia paring or any of that is present in the remake at all.

Neckbeards are crying out of joy at seeing their waifu and nostalgia go overload. Zoomers on the other hand..

>still looks better than the remake
How did Nomura fuck up this much?

Nice to see a Custom Sweeper in the trailer. I hope they have different varieties (that is to say, one with gun arms like in the original)

Attached: latest[1].png (495x456, 139K)

and episode 2 will be another 5% and 3 another 5%. Then that'll be it.
Enjoy your remake!

looks like a whole lot of retarded & unnecessary screen shake to me

Well, I'm 40 and the "Aerith" thing alone is enough to turn me away. I got better shit to do. So I don't really care except to save the original some dignity.

to be fair, at least back then you needed an autofire controller

There's no beating the classic, obviously.

If they're flawless, go braless.
Besides, she's the White Mage of the group and her breasts are on the smaller side. She's not running around with watermelons in her shirt doing somersaults and quintuple backflips like Tifa, so it's not like she needs the support.

cope nigger!

>jawlets already complaining Aerith has a manjaw

Attached: 1537796050898.gif (195x229, 1.12M)

You can't infiltrate a high class brothel by being ugly.

Attached: c6b6c2b3f808ba888fc0ca7c8d241254.png (744x1150, 1.02M)

>original had racist stuff, sexit sstuff, homoaphoic stuff, tranny stuff and even religious stuff and that will all go away because how dare you

FFVII was no more homophobic than Mass Effect Andromeda was.

>KH3 have immense difficulty

Attached: 1550418823719.png (750x1000, 902K)

sweeper was totally there, toward the beginning of the trailer. grunts we saw in older ones

I just want my eye candy desu

Aeris looks so fucking beautiful it hurts man

Attached: maxresdefault.jpg (1280x720, 57K)

Obvious dmcniggers absolutely seething right now,

>Well, I'm 40

Attached: 1548733696804.jpg (912x598, 89K)


By surviving until the end of the game.

>ITT: 2000sbabs trying to fit in

someone post the censored one


Wrong sweeper, the Reactor sweeper had guns for hands, not chainsaws

>combat dumbed down
>you can win by just holding O in the original just like FF15
>dumbed down

Imagine being THIS sad of a creature. Halfway to death and obsessed with zoomer internet wars

>three unique characters
I don't think you played the game
>with different skillsets
Barely anything differed, I don't think you played the game
>trying to balance their contrasting abilities so they compliment and aid each other
I don't think you played the game
>is more stimulating to the mind than mashing a button
If you think selecting a menu option is stimulating to the mind you might be missing some brain cells that cause you to think of that as depth.

If you actually PLAYED the fucking game, you would know that you didn't just hold down 1 button for that battle. You had use potions, and you had to time them right so you wouldn't waste any. You alternated between attacking and using a potion soon as the next hit would kill you.

Or you could play like a retard and just use potions until you run out and die on the next fight. But whatever. Point remains. That was not a simple back-and-forth fight like the webm makes it out to be.

the only people who have strong opinions about FF7 are over 35

>movie game
>quick reactions

Attached: 1557263794129.jpg (1024x1024, 78K)

>being this insecure

Attached: 1553739683776.png (565x763, 593K)

>>The combat system dumbed down for the drooling retards that infest this sad sick world we live in now

How exactly do you dumb down a battle system that literally consist of "Hold the O buton to win"?


old = good
new = bad
even a 5 year old knows this today

I figured we'll probably see most of the mechanical enemies return. Seeing Don Corneo's pet make it through relatively unchanged from it's original design was nice though. Gives me hope for the weird shit like the demon bikes and kamikaze penguins.

>tifa in the party
>never actually on screen
Kill these devs

I'm 37 I liked the original and I'm already liking the Remake more.

Attached: ss2019-05-09-19h58m39s011.png (1920x1080, 1.02M)

>mash button
>no timing or skill required
>quick reactions

final fantasy should be turned based.

>downgraded already


Damn, those tits are small even with her bending forward.

>story is being re-written

We'll see about that.
All those jokes about resurrecting her have had their place in DLC

Attached: space boybow.png (1217x754, 1.61M)

the game will probably be centered around an attack until limit gauge is full -> use limit -> switch character -> repeat system

Pro-tip dad: You're not the target audience

Attached: 1554849797700.jpg (447x329, 16K)

cope! lul

It was worse because it made a joke of trannies and fags instead of just flat out insulting them. It literally made fun of them. When you make fun of something, you don't even acknowledge it's legitimacy. At least by attacking them, you're acknowledging them. Not that I care. Just saying how 'they' would interpret it.

Attached: ss2019-05-09-19h58m42s136.png (1920x1080, 1.05M)

REmake, Metroid Zero Mission, AM2R
there proved your wrong.

I dunno man just look at /ourgirl/ here

Attached: 1557449871929.jpg (1920x913, 357K)

>the redditard DMCuck is here

Called it. Keep coping with the state of your dogshit game.

FF7 remake is pure Nomura kino.

Attached: DMC5 'combat'.webm (900x506, 2.63M)

Attached: ss2019-05-09-19h58m45s397.png (1920x1080, 1.1M)

>All the cool interesting stuff will be removed because of liberalism
>The combat system dumbed down for the drooling retards that infest this sad sick world we live in now
>Story is still stupid and will become a mess when they put in Crisis Core Advent Children and Drudge of Cerberus nods
Personalities will be changed to how Square has portrayed them all in Kingdom Hearts or how they were in Advent Children
Cool, you must have played the demo to know all these things 100%. Tell us more.

>World is now hallways
FF VII is pre-rendered hallways. You nostalgia faggots seriously need to get a fucking clue

Attached: 1531837637119.jpg (600x400, 30K)

Zoomer, xenoblade is not a good example

>Well, I'm 40 and the "Aerith" thing alone is enough to turn me away. I got better shit to do
who do you think you're fooling, user?

I would be okay with this garbage button mashing combat if they kept the original materia system intact, but the truth is that they will simplify it to the point that you either pick cure or fire and that's it.

Stop it!!

Attached: 1557111820127.jpg (1214x1446, 284K)

You realize you sound like a bonafide ass goblin everytime you say that, right? Fag.

Because it makes fujos grind their gooey cunts against the couch, and that's nice.

>literally watch Barrett being controlled
>you can only control cloud!
Good god you guys are braindead

>no cum edits
Why even bother posting them?


cloud canonically has to be beautiful since he successfully joined a brothel and disguised himself as one of the- oh someone beat me to this I see

>implying I was defending DMC
How's that schezophrenia of yours doing tonight user?

We're pretending you're not a shitposting contrarian

second this

Thanks for the reaction. Keep bumping the thread! *thumbs up emoji*

user, this is gonna be a weird mashup of FF XV & KH3's mechanics. What makes you think we're getting 15 years old mechanics here?
>stopping combat in a supposedly real-time action to show a cinematic defeating the whole real-time action shit.

t.american who doesn't get the concept of appeal and what a fat ugly character to portrait himself

>Because as the pattern holds, it's just going to be like KH3 & FFXV garbage easy shit with no real sense of difficulty.

Didn't Tai Yasue say that he wants FF7 and all Square Enix games to be CASUAL FRIENDLY hence this kind of simplistic gameplay? It would explain everything. The thing SE ignores however is that most casuals simply plain old do NOT like JRPGs. They don't like Japanese RPGs of any kind to begin with. These kinds of games have no allure for them. So the only ones SE is pissing off is the main chunk of fans who don't want such changes made especially to a classic game.

>KH2 summons

Oh no, it's retarded.

Lightning fits none of those adjectives

>It was worse because it made a joke of trannies and fags instead of just flat out insulting them. It literally made fun of them.

That's just how you interpreted it because you don't understand the genre of humor. Trannies don't even exist in FFVII and there's not one point that fags get made fun of. It's the straight guy who's creeped out by them that's being made fun of.

Attached: ss2019-05-09-19h58m56s401.png (1920x1080, 1.19M)

>pretty powerful
Yeah let me mourn the death of this character that has a sum total of 5 minutes of screen time
People who defend XV are fucking brainless. Read a book, faggot.


I'm holding my criticism until I see Summon Materia, jesus fuck I want to see knights of the round table being all fabulous

Oh you meant controlling dumbo. Yeah sure that will totally work out the knights of the round table.

give her the shad treatment, meow

man, real fans don't even know nomura's name since they bought the game when it was brand spanking new, not because it was a RPG and not because it was final fantasy but because there were so few games for the playstation that were worth a damn at the time

people who play videogames now are nowhere near as genuine as we were back then, videogames were still seen as a weird waste of time and no one really care about them like they do now
so i really dont think anyone who wasn't around to play FF7 when it was new could ever hope to understand what a remake of the game means to true fans who dont jerk off because they know a director's name or some other really insanely trivial nonsense like that

basically, if you're in this thread you're not someone the remake was made for, with the exception of me obviously.

I'm actually fapping right now, this is nuts.

why wait for kotor when you know the first one they show will probably be shiva or ifrit. maybe ramuh

God damn I thought I heard Barret saying Jotaro

Notice how they didn't show what happens if you use the "Command menue" yet. For all we know it would pause (or at least slow down) the game and it'd be like ATB without the annoying "queue".

That would actually make the remake battle system better than the original. Square holding/mushing would just be like holding Circle in the original. and everything else would be mostly the same. This trailer already confirmed that you can switch which party member you control even in mid-battle. See at around 0:21 of the actual video (not this edited .webm)

I dunno, by not having a man chin?

I'm 34 and I like what I've seen of the Remake so far.

See, here's the difference

>The MC's mcguffin
>In the game for like, five minutes
>In the most needlessly drawn out death ever with a bunch of pointless talking.

>The first face we see in the game
>A constant companion throughout the entire first disc
>Had an actual character, a personality, had hopes and dreams and aspirations that would all go unfulfilled.
>Snuffed out in the blink of an eye
>Game immediately gives you a proper outlet to unleash your sadness upon, her theme playing throughout. The boss dies and you don't feel good about it. No victory pose. No fanfare.
>You made sure Barret and Tifa were in the party, right?
>Everything from the moment you kill Jenova Life to the end of her funeral is done completely without dialogue. Imagery and her iconic music are all you need.
>Her loss is felt throughout the entire rest of the game
>Her presence still lingers despite no longer being there.
>Her death actually motivates you to put on your big boy pants and destroy Sephiroth.
>You kept her guard staff in the first slot of your inventory, didn't you?

>man chin
You guys have a legitimate mental illness

she doesn't though wtf
do you just have a non-existent jaw

Attached: 1536639083616.jpg (640x638, 27K)

Im so ready for tifas hd thighs

THIS. Holy hell Advent Children Barret looked better than Remake Barret. Also what is up with Cloud and Aerith? They look like "cosplayers." Only Biggs, Wedge, and Jessie, sort of look alright and they're disposable characters who die quickly in the story.

Geez and Nomura said he told the older developer to delete the Cloud model because according to Nomura that did not look like Cloud. Well right now this "intended" Cloud looks like a cosplayer.

Seriously FF7 Remake should have used the anime cellshaded look like Dragon Ball Fighter Z or Persona but using Nomura's artistic talents and that way the game would look more timeless. All I see here so far is a bunch of uncanny valley cosplayers wearing anime wigs. It's not pretty.

I remember being weirded out when there was "Character Designer: Tetsuya Nomura" on the bottom of Dirge of Cerberus' main menu screen. I remember thinking "Ah, this is an egomaniac usurper, I shouldn't trust him."

you're a fucking idiot

Cry all you will but this game will make a lot of money and be praised for it's combat while you sit there in your parents home without having touched a pussy in your life.

Attached: 1533806848977.png (640x480, 218K)

Why can't you people accept that turn based is dead? Even if it wasn't it still wouldn't be accepted since the waifufags took the genre over with their cringe waifubait games.

>Why did a prerendered CGI film look better than a video game

Are you retarded?

Looks great and thank god, I can't stand turn-based combat

Attached: 1548264215432.gif (408x303, 708K)

That's your perspective. And everyone will have their own. The type of people who are always on the lookout for new ways to be offended (ie: fags and trannies) will vehemently disagree with you.

This remake will be bad. accept it, so it hurts less later on, nigger

The cross dressing part will be glorious them

Are you retarded?
"They look like cosplayers" my ass. They look fucking great. Eat a chode, you butt pirate.

>Why can't you people accept that turn based is dead?
the persona series still gives them hope, user.

They didn't die. What are you talking about?

>You have to guzzle the cum of every company and the shit they make, I'm a fucking retard

just because you're praising nomura doesn't mean we can't clearly see that you're using your same webms, barry.

Actually, considering the command menue, turn based, or at least something along the lines of ATB (FFVII never really was turn-based since even the "wait" option only worked if you entered a sub-menue) if this remake pauses/slows the game if you open the command menue.

That's the point you fucking imbeciles, it's a beautiful scene that was wasted on a character that had all her content cut from her game. The idea is to imagine how deeply they are going to hurt you with the Aeris scene seeing what they can do visually, but now with a character that matters and has substance.

Christ you people get dumber by the day.

>Well, I'm 40
Time to leave Yea Forums and actually get a life

>If you're gonna try something new, at least make it decent like Xenoblade
>at least make it decent like Xenoblade
>decent like Xenoblade

Attached: UB1eV.gif (320x180, 1.71M)

That, but I also finally relaxed my requirements and can now for example convince myself that Neptunia is "basically" turn based.

Holy fuck now that I realize it, we are going to see the scene when cloud lets aerith's body sink in that pond. I hope to god they do it fucking right

Made for black cock

>Advent Children Barret looked better than Remake Barret

>meanwhile Yea Forums slurps up every new thing nintendo shits out
hmmm wonder who's behind this post

Is Nomura dumb AND crazy? Why would he EVER want to make this Yozora/Verum Rex thing happen IN Kingdom Hearts? Nomura is angry at SE for robbing him of his chance to do FF13 Versus. Okay I get that. However remember the fucking rules of Kingdom Hearts:

"Any original content created for Kingdom Hearts belongs to Disney."

Eventually it's DISNEY who is going to rob and take away Yozora from Nomura. So he'll be back to square one. And it is too late for Yozora already exists. Whatever the concept for this is? It belongs to Disney the mouse company and Nomura has no say in this. Much less can he legally fight Disney and claim ownership.

Omg sometimes you have to use potions, and then go back to pressing one button, soooo intricate and deep. I'm so upset the remake isn't going to be boring-based

>yfw they fuck it up an only allow you to play as Cloud/Tifa/Cid

0:37 >Aerith wiffing an attack for no reason, even after Cloud pushed the enemy towards her

Yep, I'm thinking this AI will do the game justice.

Put more thought into your post you fucking retard. The scene's not "pretty powerful" when it involves a non-character. There was no message or story behind Luna dying, it was a hamfisted, desperate, shallow attempt to give the game an emotional edge and it failed miserably. I should hope they don't give Aerith that kind of "send-off" because it would be a fucking overblown disaster.

This is why I dread the FF7 remake. Aerith's death is going to be a fucking drawn-out 30-minute pre-rendered cutscene where all the characters bawl about her while Sephiroth/Jenova just watches from the background.

>mfw everyone who tried this against me died and quit playing

Attached: Carry_armor.png (484x590, 202K)

Attached: FINAL FANTASY VII REMAKE Aeris Slow.webm (750x420, 1.06M)

Did we forget this is being made in Japan? Very few SJW politics are going to make a case here beyond very limited if any changes.

This also isn't a Sony exclusive so Snoy has no say ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

>expecting FFVII Remake to be a turn-based RPG in 2019


Attached: 1542045249129.jpg (338x408, 32K)

Anyone know what the hydralisk looking fucker is supposed to be? Cloud is doing Cross Slash on it

Yep so that's why Pokemon grosses 2 Billion dollars every mainline game despite using The same Turn Based combat system for 20 years

Can Aerith really compete with THIS?

Attached: 2019-05-09_21-22-11.jpg (2560x1440, 322K)

She's already won.

dude pokemon is designed for little kids

>Trannies don't even exist in FFVII
How do you know, do you live there?

How does a girl as pretty as Aeris not get raped in the slums?

I know you dislike FFXV, we all do, but you can turn off your autism for just one minute to understand a very simple post with a very simple point. Calm down, it's not healthy to raise your blood pressure that high.

Visually the storytelling is going to go far beyond anything the original did, you're going to be there in the moment and not watching it from the ceiling. The Luna scene is a great example of how they're going to tear your heart out with Aeris. This user here gets it

lol why wouldnt you just go back and play the original

she has a bigger penis than the would be rapists

>raping a prostitute

>not pictured: the first half of the battle where you start out against two enemies casting barrier/mbarrier
Why post in an FF7 thread if you haven't played the game?

>most casuals simply plain old do NOT like JRPGs
>Dragon Quest to surpass 4 million copies sold worldwide
>Persona 5 to surpass 2.7 million copies sold worldwide

COPE more, even FF14 grossed 2 Billion dollars despite it's turn based combat

>both are turned into trannys

>getting all STDs possible from a literal whore

Because all the guys for for milkies at 7th Heaven instead

> Most casuals do not play JRPGs
Most of the highest rated games of the century are JRPGs or Nintendo shit, continue seething Barry

Attached: Top of the Century.jpg (3000x1921, 3.53M)

shit face

This really is Yea Forums's newest favorite buzzword to fling around at everything like an ape with its shit.

Attached: ff7r trailer enemies.png (1979x3265, 3.57M)

Sorry I have functioning eyes. She can still be your waifu

What is this enemy?

How is clouds pre-emptive materia gonna work if it's not a turn based game?

Teleports behind enemy and slashes them the instant they appear.

But it still exists. Maybe I don't know, stop pretending FF is the only RPG series?

>wahhhh leave my trannys alone!!

Haven't we had enough Kingdom Hearts games?

Why make FFVII into another one?

Attached: airplane girl.png (255x255, 80K)


Nah you're just a seething jawlet/chinlet.

Which of those games sells better than Pokemon?

>hmmm wonder who's behind this post
Someone who doesn't even own a Nintendo console. The same rule would apply to their games though, dummy.

We've had enough Souls games but you fuckers still want more.

Can you explain what's "tranny" about them? Because I'm not brain-damaged enough to see what you see.

>KH has the best combat system in all JRPGs
>technically only 3 real KH games with "real" ARPG combat
Nah we need more desu

Anyone have the compliation image of all the weird as fuck monsters from 7?

Why not?

I absolutely think they changed the part of Cloud cross-dressing. The whole part doesn't really fit and actually feels like a way to pad Midgar in the original game as you run around that small district talking to people to get items.

Both the monster and the guy in the sewer are in that section, so I wonder how it plays out now. I would a expect a full on assault, maybe even Tifa not going there alone first and just upfront combat to break into the mansion

>KH has the best combat system in all JRPGs

Attached: Ohwow.jpg (562x437, 38K)

because it's good
fuck off back to DQ for you outdated shit



Nomura flat out fucking stated that Cross dressing will be in the game you stupid piece of shit, literally one of the first things he even stated about the game was that it will be added

Are they changing certain stuff in the story? Looks like Aeris is with Cloud in a reactor and I don't remember her being with you in any place that looked like what was shown in the web,

Nomura already said he's leaving it in.

And do you honestly think Midgard won't be padded to hell and back? Expect at minimum 20 new sidequests in that city. They want to show the place off.

The important thing is that they don´t fuck up the story with extended universe shit like Genesis and whatnot (they are totally going to though) and to keep the materia system. Combat itself is probably going to be more like advent children/ dissidia/ KH.

Grandia shits all over DQ and FF. Why waste time on baby action for babies when you have Grandia system?

Name ONE (1) JRPG with a better combat system you ignorant cuck

Listen, I'm just saying that because of reasons and things and assumptions everyone's favorite part of the game isn't going to be in because California and SJWs.

>those mighty and chad like jaw and chin
>both chicks probably have a bigger dick than low test Cloud

Attached: 1449834377004.jpg (1920x1080, 129K)

Why try to fix what isn't broken?

Though personally I don't care what this game plays like because I've already played the original.

could her face look any more generic.

Dark souls

That has an ugly face


So this triangle action, is this a finisher or some sort of special ability?

FF is a near 30 Billion dollar franchise, they can literally tell Sony to fuck off & release it on the Switch, Xbox & PC instead of it being a timed exclusive. Sony is the ones pandering to Square Enix, not the other way around


cloud looks like a fag

What are the chances of them keeping Tifa's Skirt?

Attached: 2019-05-09_21-36-56.jpg (2560x1440, 376K)

The combat system isn't what makes the combat good in Dark Souls, it's the enemy design.


>those mighty and chad like jaw and chin

You're right, fuck

Attached: 1556834088919.jpg (413x479, 56K)

It will be padded, but there wasn't much in the original game besides the moment I mentioned.

Episode 1 is only Midgar, I think expecting even the snake and cave is too much. To make it worth 60 dollars, I do expect it to be longer before the second mission and maybe the whole setup on the next reactor is more indepth.

God damn I really want to replay grandia.

>Takahiro Sakurai
No thank you

>Robot has guns for hands
>Now they are saw blades
For what purpose?

Is Aeris a canon prostitute? I never played FF VII. Or is it a meme

Attached: 1535109759493.gif (500x281, 1.79M)

His eyes are too big for sure, they need to be down sized ASAP if you wanna try to figure out what the hydralisk is
I suspect it's just something new

because grandia doesn't get new games anymore and gungho is taking forever to release the hd remasters.

What does your penis tell you?

Attached: FINAL FANTASY VII REMAKE Aeris Lips Slow.webm (310x270, 228K)

She has a manchin. Cope.

felling trees, perhaps

fags will say otherwise, but he is right.
Snoy doesn't have a ghost of a chance of fucking up a remake of this scale.

>cloud looks like a fag
You forget he has to easily be able to pass as a girl.

Think of the kids.

Attached: 124325463453.jpg (1280x720, 76K)

You're the only one who thinks so, jawlet.

What's tifa going to look like

Will she still have huge tits?

Attached: 153a54574bd1b8ddfd0427dc2f9b04b5.jpg (1800x2913, 2.08M)

This game has a chance of never coming out so expect contracts to expire.

Attached: 1556806432142.jpg (544x544, 163K)

So is this still gonna be episodic bullshit?

It's a meme. People love the idea of Aerith needing to sell her body to be violently fucked in order to survive, the whole "tarnishing beauty" thing.

Star Ocean TTEOT

Yes... cope

Chad Aerith vs the virgin Tifa

Just waiting on the Turks. Elena & Reno are going to sell me on this game.

>You're the only one who thinks so
Someone hasn't been to many FF VII threads today
Go cry that I insulted your waifu nigger

I don't have to watch this video to know none of them have ever touched the game before.

Preordering ASAP

she is a loving wife!

I think I figured it out. This is a Midgar based enemy, Grashtrike. The colors are different but that might just be the CrossSlash lighting it up red. The design is different too, but similar

Attached: latest[1].png (411x484, 87K)

she had a hard life, user

Looks a lot like FF13 combat than anything else.
I might have hope if I hadn't played FFXV and KH3.

You suck massive dick

>Looks a lot like FF13 combat than anything else.
You've never played FFXIII.


On the other hand, Grashtrike is half the size of humans. Maybe it's just scaled up like everything else?

Yeah this looks like it.

She grows flowers in a church in the slums and sells them. Everything else is just from trash doujinshi.


Sadly I have.

My penis doesn't tell me anything about her.

It's a variant, CC especially had shittons of variants of the Sweepers

Looks better than the initial reveal

Kill yourself

And why do you think that's somehow doesn't fit in an action based game? Fucking hell, I'm done arguing with you turn based nostalgia boomertards.

just look at apex legends

>implying nu-Yea Forums would like the crossdressing part
I can already see people here crying about trannies and degeneracy.

I can't cope with that.

Attached: 1523470826280.jpg (509x625, 31K)

>liking Takahiro Hackurai

Ah yes. And waiting for a bar to fill so you can press x is very fun.

Because it's boring, among other things

Imagine the Star Wars sequels came out and had a character called Luthe Skywalker. Imagine Dragon Ball Super came out starring Gothu. And then you see people on the internet actually calling them those names like that's what they're called. That's what you people sound like.

>weeb animations
I noticed this too and hate that it's a thing. The mannerisms of Aerith are just fake feeling

Because it's gonna be vs
>press square 400 times
>oh no you died, want to spend 300 squeenix dollars to revive and get unlimited buffs?
>yay you won!

Depends: if it's rightfully played for laughs like the original, and trannies are made a mockery out of, then it's a blessing. If they play it as some delicate sensitive topic or worse, imply some non-canon bullshit that Cloud is pansexual to cater to trannies and avoid faggotry appropriation, that's where you cross the line.

It's been almost 20 years cope already

even pokemon had more strategy

it'll be fine, I think. Cheer up user

Attached: 1550539809967.gif (298x248, 179K)

Japanese acting is very theatrical and exaggerated, kind of like how American movies used to be.

We get it, they live rent free in your head and are the cause of all the evils in your life.

>even Furry Janken had more strategy
Sure pal.

Turn based > real time action bullshit
If you disagree you are an underage brainlet who can only mash one button rather than actually think and use any kind of strategy

welp RE2 showed a remake can deviate and still be somewhat faithful and the fans will still love it.

Tranny detected. Go back to twoxchromosomes.

Another boomer with no reflexes. Imagine being bad at video games

>my face when I don't mind the episodic part because Midgar is literally the best part and I probably won't get the other parts

Attached: potion seller.jpg (480x360, 10K)


so I've never played these action rpg type games
does it allow for the strategic combat of the older static menu games?

Given that Yea Forums already cries about traps I don't have much hope.

I found the one frame you can see its head. Definitely Grashtrike

Attached: grashtrike.jpg (1979x816, 922K)

What? Not really. It looks closest to XV, accept it

Only sane post in this thread

Is it safe to say this game will be moved to PS5 instead of PS4?

Attached: dealwithit.jpg (623x343, 157K)

>if you dare disagree with me YOU AR EMY ENEMY!
Go kill some younglings, Anakin.

>They didn't show Sephiroth's face

Attached: It always be like this.png (522x555, 321K)

I have no clue what kind of point you are trying to get across

Is it looking closer to XV a good or bad thing for you?

because he was handsome originally? Got a problem with a good looking dude?

you're right

>mash a button
Another moron who is a moron.

Given their pace, it's 100% guaranteed this game won't be fully out during the PS4 cycle, which is already at the tail end. Let's say there's 4 parts, at this rate it means 2025 for the whole package. PS5 will already be halfway done.

I mean i dont think turn based is dead at all, but if you want this game in particular to be turn based, just play thew original

Considering both XIII and XV are fucking terrible, it's a "pick your poison" situation.

>Episode 1 is only Midgar,

Clearly not, since we saw the end of Cloud's Midgard flashback.
Episode one will end at the most logical conclusion for it to end. Aerith's death, and not a moment before.

what is sex, precious?

They'll hide it until the flashbacks at Kalm. All of Cloud's hallucination shit before then will only show him from behind. And we'll still never get to see his tight ass because of that damned coat.

>inb4 someone in the remake calls it Midgard by mistake and all the boomers sperg out

It will just be the same fucking advent children face.

Cloud wasn't wearing a SOLDIER uniform at Nibelheim you stupid fuck

>Why are male video game characters always handsome ?


Attached: goblina.jpg (310x313, 60K)

its all they know at this point