Reddit meme or legit top 5 action game of all time?
Reddit meme or legit top 5 action game of all time?
Both desu
This is now a Dr Rabbit thread
um haha maybe you all didnt hear me
its definitely a meme, but that doesnt mean its bad
top 5 tho? more like top 15
neither. good game, but no where near the top 5 best action games.
This is what hack and slashes are meant to be
It's fun to play and has a great, non-pretentious and humorous story that masterfully handles its themes.
Both Devil May Cry 4 and Bayonetta had a better combat, but as a pack Metal Gear Rising was a much more enjoyable game.
Name between 9 and 14 action games that are better
Oh, hey. I JUST made a thread about this game saying its shit. Deffo plebbit meme.
>hack and slashes
Bayonetta 1
Devil May Cry 3
Devil May Cry 4
Devil May Cry 5
The Wonderful 101
Ninja Gaiden Black
Ninja Gaiden II
God Hand
Transformers: Devastation
Devil May Cry 1
Devil May Cry 3
Devil May Cry 4 (if counting just gameplay, 4's campaign sucks ass)
Devil May Cry 5
Bayonetta 1
Ninja Gaiden
Ninja Gaiden 2
Ninja Gaiden Sigma
Absolutely fucking based. Probably doesn't totally count, since it's mostly a shmup, but still based nonetheless.
Invalid lists. Franchises count as one game. Try again
>Franchises count as one game.
Probably the dumbest post I've ever read on Yea Forums.
It's probably my all around favourite game but its combat is really simplistic, you can beat the whole thing with light attacks, parries and a dodge every now and then.
I want a sequel so badly both for the memes and to improve upon the gameplay, now that raiden has Sam's sword they can port over the more complex Sam gameplay to Raiden and expand upon it.
It's sorta like the Ace Combat games. The bosses, dialogue and music really contribute alot to making it go far and beyond of being just based. All games devs should learn from these two.
>I want a sequel so badly
Reddit meme for sure.
Top 15, and a great game.
>light attacks, parries and a dodge every now and then
How does not having fun feel user? Heavy attacks are basically required and parries can only get you so far on Very Hard, which is the patrician difficulty.
Neither, but still pretty good and extremely quotable.
Probably best use of soundtrack ever.
idk what did projared have to say about this?
Why are there so many threads about this game today?
why do people suck this game's dick so hard?
It's been strangely similar with other games too, lately. Must one autist.
it is a reddit game and lands just outside top 5
great game
>parries can only get you so far on Very Hard
agreed, you'll need to break our the oversized scissors to carry you over those tough encounters
On a separate note, does anyone find it bullshit that gorillas' (and Armstrong's) grab's wind-up time is random? If you're close to them when they start winding up you're fucked because you have no way of knowing when to dodge because by the time they've started their charge they've already in range of their grab. I guess you could jump but it's still wonky.
i don't think it's random but it is really annoying. you just gotta practice it.
Because it's a masterpiece.
I don't know about best of all time, but it's damn fun overall. Definitely worth playing. Get it on PC for best framerate, graphics, and all the DLC included
I wonder what could have happened to cause so many MGR threads today
it's not a bad game, but it's not half as good as most people make it out to be.
It's better.
It's an 8/10 held up entirely by the music
the gameplay is the disappointing part though. not the areas. also the ost sucks.
What is the best combo in terms of damage, Yea Forums? I just do the spinny thing most of the time.
Tech demo/10