ITT: Things that happened

ITT: Things that happened.

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don't remind me.

god what a fucking shitshow. i preordered this garbage

Was it any good tho?

same, my cousin talked me into it and I dropped it so fast.

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no, no

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Better than days gone

Rent free.

I genuinely enjoyed a lot about Brink, it needed some polish but had a lot going for it.

Heavy Medic with the Auto Shotgun FTW

>Alienware laptop
He deserved to be made fun of.

And that's WITH the Nintendo bonus

go away.

No, don't @ me

The ideas were there but poor execution.

go away

congrats on the trips

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No, don't @ me.

nice to see people still check. it's been awhile.

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yeah and the second one is coming out later this year being made by Arkane big woop

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Execution on weapon handling (massive fucking random spread with no way to mitigate it even while stationary, sighted and crouching, anything beyond five meters was a pure gamble with 90% of the guns), skill design, the dumb fucking limited class medals and progression, the slow ass supply regen rate, garbage maps all around.

Literally everything wrong with BRINK gameplay-wise could be fixed in an hour with some simple variable tweaks if it had mod tools. It would then need some time to add custom maps and it could have been a god damn gem.

I heard a lot of people harp on about stability issues as well although I never experienced this myself.

i dont think its a as terrible as people say, especially if you just wanna shoot niggas

Shut up, tranny

forget le pic

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Right, on launch, it was a complete shitshow. The servers basically didn't work at all, and everyone had a peculiar issue with environment Megatextures (BRINK was one of the first games using the idTech engine's Megatexture that wasn't made by id) that made everything in the game look like it was made of segmented cubes.
It took a while for them to unfuck that stuff, both a few patches on their side and the graphics card manufacturers to release a new driver update which universally fixed the "grid".

>be a mod team that makes mods
>dont release SDK
>last (((patch))) you give this abortion is nerfing carb9/sea eagle wombo combo 8 months after release

To think these assholes made W:ET and quake wars

Wtf I feel retarded now

>Have over a year of paid DLC planned in advance
>none of it being mod tools
>Game crashes and burns
>First DLC was given away as some half assed appeasement
>Second DLC comes out and nobody buys it