Why are Batman Arkham games almost universally hated on this board?

Why are Batman Arkham games almost universally hated on this board?

Hard mode: don't mention the combat system

Attached: Batman-Begins-Image-7.jpg (591x730, 33K)

the shitty combat system

>don't mention one of the main gameplay elements

Attached: 1497032737864.png (974x1318, 631K)

they suck

It's western and superhero themed.
I like them, and AC deserves it 96 metascore so Yea Forums can suck it.

>why are these games hated?
>don't mention the reason why these games are hated

Board didn't hate them until arkham knight pc port was a disaster plus the zoomer crowd took over. Arkham city was considered one of the best superhero games period for ages on here.

Its a DMCfag thing. You wouldn't understand.

I liked AA a lot
AK was decent, but I started to get burnt out.

Never played the other ones, but they looked like the same shit

I think Bamham combat works in Bamham. But I fucking hate all the hack developers that have copypasted it into their games.

All American capeshit is an affront to dignity, sanity and good taste.

They aren't hated. Arkham Asylum and City are top notch games. As the other guy said Knight had a terrible launch and on top of that everyone and their grandma figured out the twist months in advance and the ebst the studio had to say was: "No it's not going to be that" and then it turned out to be exactly that which made the game feel like a major letdown.

Only the ones written by shitty euros.

>don’t mention the gameplay, which is the cornerstone of any game
You’re killing me, op

>ask question
>doesn't have the answer along with the question

Arkham Asylum is a great game that Yea Forumsirgins always liked. Atleast until now i guess, idk why though, maybe the youngshitters has taken over and think they are edgy.

The ones written by Americans are even worse

>Joker is the main bad guy
>You thought it was Hugo Strange? Nope, Joker
>We pretended it was Black Mask but actually Joker
>Joker's dead but guess who's still an important part of the plot

Attached: muh joker.jpg (512x800, 87K)

City is the best, Origins is just a medioce City expansion pack.

Nah. If that were the case Euros wouldn't be flocking to American comic companies.

>Joker's dead but guess who's still an important part of the plot
Uhh... The rat catcher?

Wasn't he killed in City

>why are these games hated
>don't mention the most meme reason ever to hate a game
Makes sense to me.

>the whole series is about the relationship between Batman and Joker
>bitch about Joker being a big part of every game

hockey pants

Joke is one villain out of a whole gallery. Writers who have pushed Joker as THE Batman villain have ruined both characters.

I actually like the combat system from these games mostly. I just find the whole superhero thing played out, trite and dull.

Hey now, Sleeping Dog is great and even perfected the bamham combat formula

You're kidding, right? Sleeping Dogs is 80% pushing Counter to win. Every new enemy type just requires more Countering to win. The final boss is literally just Counter To Win. You learn new attacks but they're never actually needed. Picking up a weapon is either a huge damage boost to your regular attack or a one hit kill if you throw it.

At least in AA and AC when a new enemy shows up it requires a new ability to counter it instead of just mindlessly pushing the same button you've been using since the tutorial

I honestly don't really consider Batman (at least Arkham Batman) a "superhero", he's more like a rich detective who beats up people. And I think that's mostly how he's portrayed in the gameplay. The story sometimes becomes loftier but not often. You occasionally save regular people but not often, it's not like Spider-Man 2 where you're helping random citizens out constantly. What defines the Arkham games is Batman traversing a locale that has been mostly evacuated of civilians and taken over by criminals. His relationship with the greater society is only briefly touched on.

you cant fuck harley or ivy

>almost universally hated
they are not, vocal minorities are the only ones not giving it a rest, most people like them, even here.

> Knight had a terrible launch and on top of that everyone and their grandma figured out the twist
the real problem is that half the game is batmobile gameplay, which is terrible.

I like Arkham Knight but danm I hate AR challenges