Dragon Quest XI is a nice fun game
That is all I have to say
Dragon Quest XI is a nice fun game
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Indeed it is. A toast to the DQfags.
I bought it on sale since I really liked DQV.
XI is the most boring game i've played in years. at some point, I just kept playing because of the sunk cost fallacy, praying it wraps up soon. I still dont know how it ends and have no intention in ever re-installing it.
God, I want to marry Serena
it's a pretty decent game. still have to wrap up like two post game bosses though
Buy my game!
>Dragon Quest
Leaked footage of Serena wedding definitive version
The end game stuff requires a hefty grind, I hop on every once in a while so I can fuck up that dancing city evil wizard.
then why did i suddenly stop to play and never played again ?
>is useless for the majority of the game
>has basically no presence in the game, everyone else outshines her in personality and design
>gets a haircut that makes her already plain looks much less attractive
>combines hers and Veronica's powers, becoming a true sage and yet somehow still sucks
>when Veronica gets her powers back she's far stronger than the complete Serena ever was
Did the writers just hate her or something?
What is this costume?
I hope that, in future editions, they add the option that outfits are something separate from armor.
>is useless
She was indispensable as the heal slave out of combat though.
That'd be nice, so it likely won't happen.
I'm playing DQVII remake right now, it's pretty good.
>large and highly detailed world
>everything else in the game is fucking horrible
what a waste
shut the fuck up smashfag
Same. Except I bought it day one. Fuck.
I hope you enjoy backtracking.
Can't for the the switch version. Hope they add more post game content
>that music
my save file exploded
I liked the first 2/3 of this game but the later half is absolutely garbage. Revisiting all those areas and getting weak ass story for each character the whole time made the ending of this game a chore.
>not installing the orchestra music mod
exploration is boring
pacing is terrible
battles are okay
design is cute
soundtrack is the worse
I don't care about story
Played the game for something like 15 hours and dropped.
I wanna marry Jade
The ost makes it unplayable on consoles... 1 two-minute loop of a terrible melody that plays endlessly and sounds like you're being chased by a dragom while you're just walking down a cave passage alone. NNK2 had the same problem. Absolutely unacceptable levels of fail by studios that have the budget/experience to know better.
>lawl you got filtered by music
Yeah I did, and that fact doesn't make the point you think it does.
Music would be fine if at least was done well. Even with the orchestral mod, the most brilliant tracks are from other DQ games, like the sailing theme, the whale and "My Road, My Journey".
Any lewd mods? I dropped it halfway through but I might go back in if thats the case.
There's a few where Selena shows her nipples, but that's it.
I really liked the Jade Goth tho, but there isn't much more than that.
I quite enjoyed it. Been wanting to replay it recently, so I'm looking forward to the Switch version.
The third act? At that point you just need to grind to level 70 (which can take a while), and then you can hit 99 30 minutes later.
Yeah I really didn't like losing all powerful Senya.
That looks really nice.
Aren't these just reskins of the ingame outfits tho?
This was annoying.
It was nice that she finally became a great party member when she combined both their powers then shes back to being meh when the post game happens and Veronica is still as good as she ever was
I still keep her in my party since shes by far the best healer but I struggle to find things for her to do when the parties undamaged.
Kaswoosh is just worthless as a attack and Thwack doesnt work on the majority of enemies
Sweaty mod
Formulaic af though. Midway through dark world I realized I could predict the rest of the the game exactly
>is useless for the majority of the game
She can provide defense buffs and and eventually AOE healing. Not close to useless
Yeah, it's a reskin of the Divine Bustier. Every mod is a kind of reskin, except for the auto hotkey for the casino.
Shame, could really do with a string bikini Jade. Would carry the game for me.
I want to ___________ Veronica
Fill the blank
find out why people are sexually attracted to
Pat her.
She's like a little living garden gnome.
give a burger to
>Yet somehow still sucks
As soon as she fuses with her sister she becomes top tier.
30% resistance AoE buff to any element plus dual casting AoE buffs is fucking insane. Your party becomes pretty much unkillable.
Do you really think they'll cuck PC users with the Switch version features?
Most likely.
I don't see them updating the pc or ps4 versions
can someone post the feet from this
really? Square have been pretty good with updating FFXV on the PC with tons of stuff.
Take a bath.
Why are you mentioning PC on a Dragon Quest thread? Get the fuck out secondary.
Why are you getting triggered, little snowflake? Resolution too high?
That's because the PC version is the latest version of FF XV. For DQ XI, they're going to want you to buy the game again, and you won't have the incentive to do that if you get the extre features in a patch or DLC that's less than 60 dollars.
Can you bone tall blond chick? If so I'll think about getting it
Only on the Switch version. The original release only lets you bone the awful childhood friend character that only appears at the beginning and end of the game.
ah yes the switch tax, can't fault companies for being able to abuse brand loyalty.
>and Thwack doesnt work on the majority of enemies
you must be lying!
It is also really boring, turn based combat is boring.
Well you just save me dosh
My and my bro took turns on your mom lmao
Just swap her out man. You can alter your party at any point in combat so unless you need the heals she should be on the backline.
You couldn't have done that since I don't have a mom, I have two dads, they adopted me so I guess you took turn on one of them.
PC DQXI is a top tier experience
>implying you didn't emulate the classic games on your PC
Don't be a consolewar autist.
I just wish they wouldn't have removed the Japanese text files from it, I was hoping it could have at least been modded in. But I guess it doesn't matter since the Switch version will end up the definitive version anyway.
Yo so dudes who have finished the game, what was the deal with the time travel? Did you create a new timeline that exists alongside the previous one, or does the new one overwrite the old one? When Serenica time travels at the end what does that imply? Wouldn’t that prevent the whole game from ever happening? Also Queen Marina best waifu
Can't remember, lol
I understood it as a new timeline which makes the scenes where the party is encouraging you to go all the more impactful, you're leaving them behind in a fucked world
Completely overwrites the old one.
>tfw best girl is bullied constantly for no reason
With the way everyone was acting, not being able to see the hero again, it's definitely a "new timeline is created, old one proceeds as in" thing, like how it's done in Dragon Ball. I remember seeing talk about different DQs happening in different timelines, but I'm not sure where people get that.
The fucking thing that sends you back even explains that everything will be overwritten.
I guess I'll have to look at it later, I haven't played it since 2017, and it was in Japanese, I have no idea how they translated that part, but I don't remember anything about anything being overwritten.
You're not creating a new timeline, you're altering the events of your current one. Character dialogue was just stupid goodbyes.
I’ve been playing Builders a lot recently and wanted to get into the franchise as a whole. What are the best mainline games to play and the best ways to play them? I’m assuming emulation but I don’t which system to emulate since I know a lot of the earlier games got ported and updated for newer systems. Also I know you can get it on mobile, but I would hate to play video games on my phone.
why don't gondolia's gondolias take you anywhere cool
11 switch/pc with orchestral mod, 5 ds, 8 ps2, 1-2-3 snes with fan patch for translation
I enjoyed it. Played with hard enemies. I suck though so I often got stuck on bosses and had to grind. For the absolute last boss I got everyone more or less lvl 99 and still lost. I won after figuring out how to effectively use Kerplunk to get several uses out of my parties, and with mana potions making game over almost impossible with proper management I still dont know how the last boss worked though to be honest. I made him drop the fireball over him a few times and eventually he just died when I went all out DPS in desperation as I was about to lose.
If you can, for 8 use the fan patch for the 3DS version
Yeah, just checked the cutscene. You're destroying the time sphere which contains time itself so it's just going back in time without any timeline shenanigans. They don't really explain how it is decided when you'll end up in the past but that can be chalked up to magic did it.
I had to turn it off and listen to podcasts instead. When I came to the first big city I knew something was really fucking wrong. Had to check if it was an anti pirating measure or something but seems like everyone had the problem.
What the fuck were they thinking? I sincerely hope no one played through the game with music on. Then I really feel for you and I hope therapy will work, and that the meds will abate your chronic migraines.
use sword of light on him and spam veronicas magic burst
There's literally another thread discussing the ultimate versions of each game. Check taht out.
This, the only real version is the Switch version.
You mean you didn't just trivialize every boss with a superbuffed Camus?
have sex, unironically
Marrying Serana in the main timeline is the most kino, fuck time travel.
I didnt really use buffs much to be honest, though I used the defense buffs sometimes. They were quite effective a few times but maybe they were better than I thought? I mostly used debuffs on enemies instead. Illusion is debuff kino and was pretty much essential for my survival on several bosses, but it had to stick of course and not miss...
Camus has an ability that gives himself multiple clones, so if you buff his offense up to max he does absolutely silly damage.
I used that with his always crit-ability a lot, but I didnt really buff offense a lot during my playthrough
1-3 are kinda a triology and probably the best starting point. They still play pretty well, even the old nes stuff, I think it holds up better then NES FF. Play the snes version if you want more quality of life features such as not having to open the menu to talk and open doors, as well as having party members switch targets if a enemy dies before their turn.
I am pretty sure that you left your friends behind in a new timeline since Serenica doing the same shit as you to go back and save erdwyn didn't erase the timeline you were currently in.
Did they announce it for the west?
grand master pang is a mermaid who went on land that's why she's still a milf a hundred years later
Yeah, its three separate timelines, the MC can never travel back so he is leaving them behind forever. I'm not heavily familiar with DQ lore, but I know I have seen people talk about how this explains some of the lore in how games seem to have different continuities.
Honestly I didnt love the whole traveling back in time thing. Didnt feel like my party really was the same people I got know so well during the end-times, but lesser versions and borderline strangers.
Maybe it is. But I won't know until the proper version with proper content comes to PC. I'll definitely buy it if all the S enhanced edition features come to PC. If they don't, fuck SE for releasing a gimped version. PC and PS4 ought to get patches or a DLC at worst to add that content in
Why wouldnt it come to the west kys
Yeah, was in the last Ninty direct
Autumn release
Where the FUCK is the Switch version? I'm holding out because it has so many extras but the wait is killing me
I'm not doing the grind twice tho, fuck that.
I felt the sameway.
Hendrik reallybfelt like an outsider while in the previous timeline he actually felt like my unswerving companion.
Yeah, I'm not seeing anything to support that, I even looked at the English version too. She just says that he *probably* won't ever come back to that world. The uncertainly is removed from the English localization in the pictured line, but it doesn't change much.
I love how she's such a minor character but she has a 10/10 doujin
>1-3 are kinda a triology and probably the best starting point. They still play pretty well
Ehh.... I played in release order because I'm the kind of nut that has to, but I wouldn't recommend starting from the first to anyone but other people like me. The first game is literally just grinding, there's very little else to it. The second game's better, but it still has growing pains. III would be a fine start though, but so would many other games like V, VIII, or XI.
I personally think that the first timeline became the zenithian trilogy.
The sword of light you forged and broke looks really similiar to the zenithian sword.
It even has the same jewel on the tip of the blade.
Yeah, normally I love time travel stuff, but I think they really dropped the ball on this one.
>done pretty much all the side content I could find, max characters levels, get them great gear
>finally beat the last boss with a lot of difficulty
>suddenly realise I forgot about completing the trial wheel thing in Not-Tibet
>cringe but decide not do bother
I think I'm cured of 100% completionist disease.
How old was she supposed to be? She was Rab’s teacher but then she’s still a fine looking milf all these years later
Just compare the two.
Also in the first timeline the majin buu people living in the sky got genocided, but the last surviving one said that his brothers/sisters will comeback so they might comeback as zenithians.
You mean the extra trial dungeon? Those take like, a dedicated day or less.
Yeah, if you’re to take it as: there is one timeline and that’s the sphere, you can break the sphere to start over at an earlier point - then Serenica going back at the end makes no sense. It would butterfly effect all the characters out of existence.
>keep yourself safe
Thanks user y-you too
Maxed out the trial dungeon. No I meant the challenge fights in Tibet where you have to pick specific party members for fights.
I think the localizers weren't sure themselves and that's why it's so unclear. They speak of destroying all time up to a certain point when the sphere is destroyed so that particular timeline is definitely not continuing but she also talks of returning to that fork in time which implies time splits into different timelines.
The trial wheel was pretty fun, you should go do it. Definitely avoid the fucking horse racing and target shooting unless you're a completionist autist though.
When is the switch port?
I actually somehow won the black horse race, but yeah I didnt bother with the target shooting at all. I completed one zone just to see what would happen but never again.
Probably get a concrete date at E3
It's a pretty common trope that martial arts masters can grow to a ridiculous age, doesn't slow down their aging like here, but there's a precedent for them being able to be hundreds of years old.
We'll probably find out at E3. For now we just know "Fall of 2019".
XI and VIII are great standalone titles and also feel more like a modern triple AAA rpg, because of the production values.
IV and V are a great start as well and are part of the zenithian trilogy which includes 6.
The best versions of each are.
IV on android and IOS(yes I am serious)
V on the DS
VIII on the 3ds with the uncensorship/orchestra mod
XI on the switch when it releases.
VIII and XI are fuck long.
XI in particular took like 100+ hours to get through.
V and IV are easy to.breeze through and only take 20 to 30 hours.
What's wrong with the horse racing? It was pretty easy. I fucked up and lost on the bronze and gold cups, but I did the other two in one go. In fact I kept doing the Black Cup over and over again for some materials and never had an issue.
>Tentacular with all draconian shit on
>even the cannon doesnt help
Looks like im grinding for a few days
The only game that I complete from start to finish 100% in recent years
I beat him by casting illusion on him so he misses. Its more or less luck if it takes effect though.
>newfags STILL dont know what secondary means
I've been here for 13 years and am still not entirely sure, I've never really bothered to check. I think it's just new fans or something, which is bad for some reason.
That shit was super confusing. When you first see her in the spirit realm I assumed you were seeing her in her prime as a spirit. Then when you meet her again in the real world she’s actually still a milf. Unless she was like a child paddling Rab.
Is there no DQ VII or VI?
Rab is actually just 35 years old.
Thats what I wish for as well, but at least the best armor for every character looks pretty good anyway
I'm ready
Why newfags always come up with the "ive been X years here kid/boy/newfag " pretending everyone will believe them?
Do we get to see you be cute and funny?
Because they think this is reddit and forget they dont have a profile and a name so no one cares about your reputation and experience since you dont have an identity and cant be called out in other threads.
I don't see a point pretending about things like that. I know there's always going to be someone on their high horse who doesn't believe me, but I don't particularly care if you don't. My comment's only for those that do.
I’m legit pissed about the Switch version. I enjoyed the game enough I’ll pirate it and play it but goddamn, being an early buyer of a franchise I want to support in the west got me burned.
>reddit spacing
Keep digging
No way, if that was the case the timeline the Hero and Friends stay behind in when Serenica goes back would cease to exist. Hero left behind all his friends in the fucked timeline.
It was pretty much impossible to do it properly, as it'd imply seeing very similar scenes you had already seen.
Like Erik giving you the full rundown on his sister again, instead of the whole thing getting done in a couple of minutes
That would explain his youthful vigor and predilection for porn mags
At least this meme was a tad amusing when used when people spaced things out.
You know, like this. At this point it's just like, why bother? Are you just trying to run the meme into the ground so people stop using it? That'd be okay, I guess. Not sure if that works though, I think /g/ still jacks off Gentoo.
Why not just let your companions memories transport as well? Would be better.
Been playing hard mode, now at the world tree/twin's hometown.
mix match of gear/ set-ups slow progression. first run.
Less time now so anything i could do to smooth the run out before resorting to lowering the difficulty?
I feel like a better way to do it would be to have the main character tell his friends that he’s travelled back for them. Then you get interesting new scenarios. But jrpg’s have to have mute protagonists. So instead of explaining anything and setting up interesting character interaction, they just stare vacantly at everyone.
tfw Hero knows the King's secret identity but doesn't do shit because lol mute. I almost ragequit the game at that point
Mute self-insert protagonists need to die. Oh, yes, I've always fantasized about being the hero of a story where I have zero input on things happening around me and whenever important people are talking I just stand there making stupid faces, that's totally my power fantasy.
It's weird, XI gets in a position like Groundhog Day or Homura, but he has no reason not to tell people, in fact it's the only possible answer to many questions raised by characters. It's less that he's mute and more that he never communicates at all.
At any rate, it was probably a budget question, as what they had for Act 3 clearly went into the scenes and Calasmos
It didn't make sense to me to have the main guy mute but have him talk when he's a kid
user, don’t bother. That’s schizo-user.
Yeah, I think it's kind of pointless. It made more sense in games from the 80s that didn't have much dialogue to begin with, but when games started having more developed stories and party members who were always talking, having actual conversations, the mute protagonist thing just stopped making sense.
Why can't we have them? If you hate it that much why don't you just play a different game
They did the same exact thing in DQ V as well. But yeah, I agree with you.
You can have them as much as you like. I'm just voicing my opinion, which your hero never will.
I figured that he just didn't remember, he only barely remembered to not get wrekt by Jasper because of a last minute flashback. Doesn't explain the levels gear and items carrying over but I chalk that up to videogames being videogames.
It's ridiculous that everyone is saved by Calasmos.Eleven just goes for a carefree nap in the villain's castle
Yeah exactly. It’s like, you’ve already established what the main character sounds like, why won’t he talk? How are you supposed to self-insert when he just autistically stares at people?
I swear to fuck if they don't let me marry Veronica....
Gear went into the time capsules, of which there were like 8, and they were big enough to fit a person... hmmmm.
Serena > Jade >>>>>>>>>>> Veronica
initially veronica > serena but the more i think about it, serena is a funny character to me
>that entire part at the start of arc 2 with Hendrik and Eleven's bromance
You like your girls useless and cute, that's fine. I'll stick with Veronica myself.
Serena's airheaded charm is too good. Her healing all the sailors in fisherman town is too cute.
good thing you can easily do that on pc
Queen Marina > Krystalinda > Jade > Serena >>>>> Mom
>new overworld theme
>finally I'm free of that garbage theme
>liberate the castle town
>goes back to original overworld theme
i was so sure king carnelian was going to betray everyone, there and in every cutscene he's in throughout the whole game
>heavenly flight coming on when you power up the whale
Got really nostalgic but mostly because that song was remixed for DQ8's final boss. Fucking love 8.
I love the game and 100% it but the music sucks both normally and the orchestral version. Same 3 songs the entire game. I know the modders are never going to release the music swap thing that they were working on, but I wanted to replace all of the music with dragon warrior monster songs and I know my dream will never come true.
I wish the weird belt buttcape thing could just be slid a bit downwards, it being strapped over the exposed skin drives me fucking bananas.
>he may have somehow shoved every single citizen of the town into a dungeon of questionable conditions regardless of how old or young they are
>and sure in a normal setting this would lead to suffering, sickness, and eventual death
>but you should really just forgive him and work with him from now on
Why did they make XI such a doormat anyway? It's not like the guy is stronger than XI, and Camus is much stronger than both of them.
There's a good game in there somewhere, shame they ruined it with the translation/music/voice acting
Shame that Special K only has a 40% of actually fucking loading up the texture when you start the game.
The loli should've stayed dead.
none of the mermaid shit landed for me at all, i can't believe how many times i've seen people say they cried or whatever
That was another thing, how the fuck did that work? Didn’t she die before the confrontation at Yggdrasil? How does she come back to life when you travel back?
Great game but the cast really bored the shit out of me
V > VIII > VI > XI > VII > III > IV > IX > I > II
Strange taste I know.
Though handled a bit differently,my he Mermaid thing was just reused from DQVI. DQXI might as well be reference the game as it reuses a ton a beats from other games, many from III. Which I guess makes sense given why it was released and the anniversary of DQ.
Has this been updated?
I'm guessing they wrote the quest without considering the player's choice too much.
veronica is sleeping
It was canceled because Squeenix realized localizing the series for the west was a mistake if people are just not gonna buy the game (there's a reason their last fiscal report didn't even mention how much the game sold here)
Jade is for Heny
It releases on Fall, its has the option to switch to retro graphics like the 3DS version.
Game was a success though.
As far Japan's concerned, yes. Here though...
Reminder that polls for the next playable characters were.
>Ice Witch
>The game sold two million copies on its first two days of sale in Japan; the Nintendo 3DS version sold 1.13 million, while the PlayStation 4 version sold 0.95 million.By November 2017, the game had sold over three million copies across the PlayStation 4 and 3DS.In North America, the game had the best launch month in series history, doubling the dollar sales of the previous best,Dragon Quest IX. By November 2018, it had shipped over four million copies worldwide.
Dance Yea Forums.
Remake 3 before I shit myself.
My gay clown husband >>>>>>>>>>>>>> rest
I usually call people idiots for using the reddit spacing meme but your response sounds like you were rightfully fingered
I remember reading somewhere that the director wants to do DQ12 before jumping to a DQ3 remake.
I wanna believe man, I really do, but I'm gonna have to nitpick the hell out of that statement:
>DQ 11 sold 3M in Japan (both the PS4/3DS versions)
Nothing wrong here
>The western launch made twice as much money as DQ9's worldwide sales
Which make sense when you remember that game was worth $30, meaning it barely sold over half of what 9 sold in it's lifetime here
>Last report of the game's sales mention it has sold around 4M worldwide
Which would normally be good news for the west if we didn't take into account that:
1. The game also released in Asia around that time
2. There's still no solid western sales numbers, and the fact it wasn't mentioned during in their fiscal report means it's likely it hasn't sold over 600-700K copies here (by comparison, Capcom had no shame mentioning Megaman 11 sold around 800K in their Q3 fiscal report)
Hopefully the Switch version will sell a ton due to the userbase having no good JRPGs, but so far evidence suggest the game has sold around 500-600K at best.
Thread spins up and down
Healie's come to town
From the board called Yea Forums lost in /vg/
Star of /dqg/
Everything is all (you)
Sure can't waste a day
Here in /vg/
Short haired post Veronica Serena > past Serena