Magick Archer is best right?

magick Archer is best right?

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Reminder that warrior class long sword fags are brainlets and shegoat is the worst waifu

Attached: Griffith and the band of hawks laugh at you.jpg (693x535, 201K)

If you want the most boring playthrough, yes

Attached: file.png (225x350, 180K)

No, the best is the class that you have the most fun with. Everything is playable and fine.

>magick Archer is best right?

Yes. But Magic Knight is more fun

I personally found it incredibly boring
I enjoyed warrior and strider way more
absolutely abysmal taste

but magick archer is the best and the most fun

>implying there is an objective measure for universal "fun"
Never change Yea Forums, never change.

nah assassin is based

Aren't Magick Archer's offensive and stamina gains a little lackluster tho?

>get the she-goat to max affection, she’s glowing red and everything
>give her the ring
>hours later, facing the dragon
>who do I see?
>not the she-goat
>not the titty cow, who was also at max affection
>not even the village girl, also at max affection
>the useless fucking royal cum rag
>save her because what’s a hero to do
>she rapes me in camp
I feel so violated, bros

Quick guys! How do I know which items are masterworks? I'm afraid I might go wrong.

Yes, play some sorcerer and strider before. Why haven't people already realized that you are supposed to play multiple classes in one playthrough?

Sword and Bow Assassin is the best

Attached: aragorn-lotr.jpg (1920x800, 350K)

Weakest part of the levelling system imo, I like hopping vocations to gain different augments but I wish stats were a point buy system or something instead.

If only double jump and dodge roll weren't locked to daggers

Double Jump sure but we have Clairvoyance. Feels cooler than Dodge Roll.

What determines who gets kidnapped?

The character you got to max affection last.

>give selene the ring that gives max affinity before going to fight the dragon
>madeleine gets kidnapped
Who knows.

the dagger counter is hilariously superior to the sword counter though

I ended up with Reynard
Guess my Arisen is closet homo

last person with max affinity you talk to gets kidnapped, arisen's bond is not a guarantee
hence why so many people get stuck with duchess slutburger

Does that work on big monsters too?

But everyone knows dagger are for fags.

still mad about choosing poorly?

Does Arc ever get better damage than sorcerer or ranger?
Warrior is supposed to be the big dick damage class, but those two just make the game trivial.

How's the PS3 version?

Whatever you enjoy the most is the best. I like Assassin, Magick Archer and Mystic Knight the most.

magic archer gets crazy amounts of damage in BBI when you can get a billion hits out of the ricochet shot
also they have fantastic crowd control in the form of the vortex arrow + dagger holy skill

>Warrior is supposed to be the big dick damage class
He's not. That's a common misconception. The arc is still strong, you just need to hit the right timing and buff yourself with some items.

Except Mage.

unfortunately ranger is warrior but better in every way
great gamble is arc of deliverance if it were actually good, it can oneshot condemned gorecyclopses

>before going to fight the dragon
I thought it’s the last max affinity person you speak to before Denying Salvation, not The Final Battle?

>it can oneshot condemned gorecyclopses

if they're still chained up, first carefully shoot off their helmet, then great gamble them with max stamina (ranger has the best stamina growth so this should be easy)
oneshots them if you're above 100 and properly equipped for your level if you hit them in the eye (and if you can't hit them in the eye with a remote controlled arrow you deserve it)

As someone who played the original back in 2012 when it released and never tried BBI, am I missing out?

I bought it for PC but I haven't been able to get back into it.

>really want to play warrior
>it sucks fucking ass
>optimal playstyle is literally spamming jump and attacking

that's what you get for going to the blighted manse to save her. should have let the hussy die there

Here's a fun fact that I only learned recently.
In post game, after you fuck up the Duke the guard capitan has different dialogue depending on his affinity with you.
If he doesn't like you he says something like "I always knew you were a troublemaker" with high affinity he says that he doesn't want to go after you, but he has to follow orders.
If he's your beloved and moved into your house the camera just zoomes in on where he used to stand and no dialogue plays, but the guards swarm you anyway.

short answer: yes

This is what made me switch to daggers.
An user was posting a modded Warrior set that made it look really fast. Pretty sure he was using this:

How do I get my Pawn to be crazy aggressive? I wanted to run a Sorcerer Arisen and wanted a reliable meat shield distraction pawn

only yellow classes are actually any fun

>no dodge
Enjoy getting fucked.

It's great but the stat growth is shite.

you play meat shield fighter and show him what to do
pawn basically copies your movements.

Look up what each inclination does, I think Scather is the one you want
Avoid Guardian at all costs

Take your meatshield from a different arisen. If you play a sorcerer than you will have to play unlike a sorcerer in order to teach your fighter pawn how to actually fight like a meatshield.
The scather inclination can help, but if you really want your pawn to act in a certain way, then you need to do it first or hope that he picks it up from some other pawns and arisens.

Why people want their own pawn to be completely different from themselves when they could simply hire one from the rift is beyond me.

>pawn basically copies your movements.
I want this meme to die.

how you act changes their inclinations so its not wrong, your options are act in a way you want your pawn to act or constantly go back to the chair and buy potions to recorrect his behavior to what you want

Is there some autistic write-up of how pawns actually work?
I feel like it's been the same misinformation since the original DD released.

That’s Ser Maximilian. I’m trying to make him my lover, and I’m trying not to fuck it up because I completed Quina’s quest line. As long as I talk to him last before setting off on the Greatwall mission, he should get kidnapped, right?

All classes are good.
Fuck you.

Are you suggesting with that pic that Aragorn is an assassin? Instead of, you know, a ranger? He's literally what the class is based on.

>turned this game on for about 10 minutes 4 or 5 years ago
>got distracted
>never played it again

Should I just jump in since a none mmo sequel is cmoing in the next few years? I don't really like dragons desu

It's literally just the directional commands you give that change anything. If you spam "Come here", for instance, they'll gain Guardian.
Besides that, the only things they learn are specific monster weaknesses, which is the only example of actually having to show your pawns things (they also learn them on their own and from other pawns)

Aragorn primarily uses a sword, not a bow
in game terms he's more of an assassin than a ranger

Strider is pretty much EZ mode against everything except for Living Armor

That's how it's supposed to work yeah. Doing the wyrmhunt quests raises his affinity, but you should give him the arisen's bond just to be sure it's max.
After that don't talk to anyone else before going to the great Wall.

You are a dumb and you are trying to make pawns sound dumber than they are. They will learn specific combos, behaviors, ahow to use specific items. Sometimes on their own, but also from other pawns or arisens.

Do a certain combo over and over and your pawn will soon do the same. They will also themselves notice if something did a lot of damage, regardless if it's actually hardcoded as enemy weaknesses.

>constant quality DDDA threads on Yea Forums

It's a good time to be browsing

I gave him the Arisen’s Bond as soon as I got it, I fed Selene and Madeleine Liquid Effluvia, and gift Max new Quills whenever I can.

MA is fun but the lack of control over your aim makes things quite boring eventually. I played MA for a while but ended up preferring assassin plus being able to use blast arrows against tough enemies is a major bonus



New to this game, is there any helmets that cover the players face?


Yes, though they probably appear rather later in the game.
The armor progression in this game is pretty fun in my opinion. If you want to play a fully armored warrior then you will need to play for a while until you actually get something that resembles full-plate. At the very start however metal protection on your body will be rare. It feels more like you earn it by playing.

I picked Magick Archer, and I'm enjoying it more than when I was leveling up as Mage or Strider. The ricochet shot is really fun in caves, and parkouring around is great, too. But like 90% of my deaths have been falling to my death. I wish it was more clear what slopes are too slippery to land on.

Also, is there any augment or method that lets you see in the dark? The lantern is such a pain.

I think either the ranger or strider has a augment that increases the range of the lantern. Don't know how much it actually helps.

Ranger doesn't necessarily mean they're an archer. Ranger just applies to tracking, perception, and the like. Geralt is the perfect example of a ranger with a sword to give you an example.

Most fun for me, yeah. Plus one shotting death was cool.

Which vocation does the most damage in this game? Just coming from other games, it's usually a wizard or an assassin. Wondering if it's the same in this game?

I think the potentially most damaging skill is brain splitter under the right circumstances. There is also the rangers multiple shots with blast arrows.

I didn't mean damaging skill, I meant the most damage all together. Like fighting a boss or something.

Strider, assassin, ranger, magick archer in lategame, maybe sorcerer as well. Yellow vocations in general are the ones with the most consistent high damage.

As said, there are tons. The armor is pretty realistic looking too. Some closed helmets with visors such as great helms are flipped up when in safe areas.

Everyone except warrior and mage can do fuckhueg damage.
Fighter: dragon's maw
Ranger: great gamble or flurry with blast arrows
Strider: brainsplitter
Assassin: literally just press buttons they all do high damage
Sorcerer: high anything just pay attention to elemental weaknesses. also focused holy bolt.
Mystic Archer: immolate and hug the enemy. alternatively, richochet.
Magic Knight: stone forest. or disco ball. or demonsbite. or demonsbite WITH disco ball.

Abyssal Anguish on Mystic Knight does insane damage and increases your range massively. On a big character it's like you're 1 handing a warrior weapon.

I love fashion’s dogma

Mistic Knight looks fun, but don't you have to level another class to 200 first to make it good? Like since abyssal anguish mainly uses your magick stat, you'd want to go sorc to 200 then switch?

Leveling anything to 200 makes the game a complete joke. That's well past the point of "good".

This is a common meme that floats around the game. You do get different stats for leveling as different classes, but these stop mattering in endgame since equipment starts giving you a much larger boost. Only bother with shit like these unless you're really autistic and want the highest magic stat possible to the detriment of all of your other stats.