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Other urls found in this thread:


Please be Ape Escape

This would be fucking great

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Fuck Sony for making people wait three days just for 10 minutes of updates.

please be sly 5

We are getting some kemono announcements, I can feel it bros

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We are getting a PS4 Super Slim and Demon’s Souls remake.


or just a fucking port of the sly trilogy remaster

Get hype for Gex HD

What is there it expect, last time I saw one or these dumb things it was bullshit VR "games"

I hope the MediEvil remake is looking really great by now.
It looked really mediocre in the reveal trailer.

Is another one these happening today?

It's completely laid out on their blog:

>Hi all! Excited to share that State of Play will return for a new episode next Thursday, May 9 at 3:00pm Pacific Time. It’ll be a quick show (around 10 minutes), but we’ve got some PS4 updates we couldn’t wait to share with you.

>PlayStation Worldwide Studios will be showing off an extended look at MediEvil, as well as a first look at a new title. And we’ll have other updates and announcements from upcoming PS4 games.

>One note: Don’t expect any updates relating to our next-generation plans this time. Sorry!

It's going to be 10 minutes long. Who gives a fuck.

Why? For 9 minutes of VRshit and 1 minute of already revealed multiplat coverage?


Life of Black Tiger 2

It'll be over in 10 minutes and you're all going to be disappointed.

The reveal will probably be another Ratchet & Clank.

>the absolute state of play(station)

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> MW4 Teaser

op, if you wanted to watch something disappointing, you should've just looked in a mirror

Yeah I'm thinking we're back

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Skyrim Extra Special Edition

10 minutes is perfect. Can't be disappointed like those hour Inside Xbox presentations that are entirely fluff.

Game of Thrones console skin.

How many chances are you guys going to give Sony with this format? What if this is also a shit show like last time? Will you then turn around and be hype for the next one? I am predicting a SSS class shit show.

>have to have a fucking sticky telling underaged faggots to stop posting eceleb shit instead of a sony direct one
Only hoping that iceborne is good

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Sony's State of Play today will reveal the following games:

The new Ghostbusters game, which hits PlayStation 4 this summer.

Gorillas Vs Aliens: The Bureau of Land Management.

Gremlins 2

Madden 25 Ultimate Team.

Battlecraft 2

The Elder Scrolls Online

The Sims 3

Assassin's Creed Syndicate

Madden NFL 15

The Sims 4

WWE 2K15

The Walking Dead Homecoming

Mods are fucking pathetic

Would only get a sticky if it were Nintendo because mods are faggots

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Why the fuck would the mods sticky State of Play after how embarrassingly bad the last one was


Last State of Play had a sticky iirc.

>pandering to weebs and pedos

> posts a nintendo character to hide how much he’s SEETHING

I need a Tomba 3 miracle

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I keep seeing this same post in every Sony thread. Weird.

More like it would only get a sticky if it were Nintendo because unlike the absolute State of PlayStation, Nintendo Directs ACTUALLY generate hype and discussions and warrant centralizing live discussions to a sticky to prevent the board getting flooded with Nintendo Direct threads.

who's ready for APE ESCAPE VR????

Maybe because it's true.

What does this post even fucking mean. Are you okay

This late another ps4? Also demon soups makes sense.

Thank you in advanced Nintrannies for bumping this thread


why are people speculating ff7r being present in this

The fakers
Are all sick at heart
Their faces hiding their fear
They look down on
All the rest of us
Like they're some special breed

not gonna happen

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Maybe because someone is obsessed

At some point it was mentioned that we'd see a known third party title which hasn't been seen a while. I immediately assumed this would be Shenmue 3 but it will more likely be something everyone forgot about for good reason.

The last State of Tranny got a sticky, calm down and go dilate

>Twinsanity Remake
It won't happen, but a man can dream

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Jak 4

is there a link to where it will be showing?

closer to the time it'll be on playstation's youtube, just wait

>new ape escape
>it's a reboot in the style of GoW

New Prince of Persia game that will be in style of Sands of Time

no, it's VR


Sony doesn't fuck with anything unless it's realistic and movie-like

>absolutely no hype
it's already dead

New Death Stranding trailer
its going to confirm the ruse
Kojima was teasing it about a week ago
Screencap this post.

Nintendo ones get a sticky because tendies post 4 million threads about any announcement due to being overexcitable children
Meanwhile Sony ones don't because they don't show anything at all

Another one? Didn't we just have one and it showed absolutely fuck all worthy of interest?


No one fucking cares anymore about your shit movie, Kojima.
Fuck off.
Konami Cannes you for good reason, fucking hack.

No but this one's different user. Bloodborne 2 and Ape Escape AND Tomba 3???

That and some Square guy tweeted about the stream. Still unlikely but who knows.

>Back during the year of the money Sony and Japan Studio teased a new Ape Escape game
>Nothing came from it
They owe us something

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SIX (6)

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Ape Escape VR in 1 hour


Why the fuck would there ever be a new Armored Core? All the relevant AC devs left From and are now working on Daemon X Machina, and From is basically exclusively a Soulsbornekiro dev now.

Yup and this will probably be the same if anything they'll save any big announcements for around E3

The level of delusion in this thread is astounding.

>the absolute STATE of play


But if they're going to copy nintendo they have to do it the same.

My cat did something like this once, not as far though. I thought she was am become demon

It's Sony, so there will definitely be some apes.

this thread is what schizophrenia looks like

>First series to use DS Analog controller and was once a main PlayStation series
>Japan Studio's first game ever
>Yoshida was on some E3 interview where he mentioned people begging for Ape Escape
>Crash, Spyro, Parappa, Medievil etc returning
>Soon to be 20 years old series this year
>Some PSN avatars were shown
>AE2 and 3 were announced for PSN but 3 didn't get in
>AE1 showed up in some Red Bull gaming event
>A shirt from Hot Topic being a new piece of merchandise
>That one 2016 tweet with the pipo monkey suit, about the year of the monkey
>Some fans using an hashtag for attention
>Pipo monkey in Super Bomberman R
>In December 1st, Japan Studio held a fan event in which they revealed unseen AE concept art and put a lot of AE fanart on a fanart wall
>Yoshida even said AE1 was his favorite game to work on
>Official website was finally updated after 7 years

I just wanna see more Medievil. The 1st one was one of the comfiest games I ever played and along with RE2 is a game I replay to this day

>CGI trailer for the FF7 remake and Cawadooty
please just show an actual good capcom fighter

I hope you're excited for PS Move Ape Escape 2

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>hyping up a 10 minute long annoucement where the most anticipated reveal is a remake of a 20 year old game
the absolute state of videogames in 2k19

How much fucking longer jesus christ

1 hour and 3 minutes

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where's the sticky?

>Demon’s Souls remake


Yeah, playstation fans are a little cuckoo in the head.

>mfw i care more about MediEvil since FF7Re will probably end up being a PS5 title
Just give me my Dan the man.

have sex

1 Fucking hour bros

Might as well give you guys 1 more bit of info.

Erdrick is in, the title, soon.

Hope it's ten minutes of Ellie and Dina fucking to trigger the christ/pedo fags

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Why are you so mad?

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Have sex.

When is this shit on?



Imagine being so retarded that you can't even manage to go on youtube and type in "state of play" and click on the first livestream.

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26 more minutes until disappointment.

>Japanese version is longer
Sony hates Japan so much, they give them more minutes of pain

24 minutes until mass nintendie suicide

>tfw you know its never going to happen

hold me bro...

sure thing trannie

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19 more minutes until more cinematic zombie games.

17 minutes until a multiplayer only fantasy game that has no fantasy elements whatsoever.

Is MediEvil considered a zombie game?