Good game

Good game.
If you have played it, who's your favourite character to play?

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Sorceress because ___fun___

Dorf > Elf > Sorceress > Wizard > Amazon > Fighter

Elf, followed by dwarf, fighter and sorceress.

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Amazon because gotta go fast.

Also because of her giant ass.

The witch has the best moveset and the biggest tits in any mainstream vidyo game.
If you're a PC it runs really well on RPCS3 btw.

That's interesting.
For me it's Amazon > Dwarf > Fighter > Elf
Haven't played Sorceress and Wizard yet because I'm more of a melee person.

Amazon. I used her and no one else. Nothing feels better than activating your Zero-clone and just going to fucking town with damage while you drain your own health.

Amazon by a huge margin.

Bit disappointed though. basically 200+ on ultimate, Amazon becomes a corner slam and parry bot and there's honestly not a whole lot of ways to avoid this. her moveset is too risky to utilize.

Try wizard, he's ridiculous.

I found him the most boring class. He should try him.

Probably, but the late game gameplay i saw of Wizard against bosses consisted of basically spamming the same spell over and over again and then switching to a different one once it ran out of charges and repeating the process. Doesn't really sound appealing to me.

Still waiting for a sale because I'm not paying full price for cut content

For me it's the dorf

Is parry fundamental for Amazon?
Really haven't bothered to learn it, rather use incite rage and dodges

>cut content
if you're referring to beastmaster didn't they cut her like in the earliest stages of development because she was too niche and didn't really have anything going on besides riding

I mean the pen and paper game mode they cut from the non JP release because fuck gaijins

>Still waiting for a sale because I'm not paying full price for cut content
Why? It's totally worth 29.99$ I think.
I'm OP and over here the game is 49.99€ on PS Store for some dumb reason. But right now it's on sale for 24.99€ so that's why i bought it 2 days ago. But yea it's retarded that the table top mode or whatever it's called is not in the western release.

the what now

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Good luck getting it from Japanese version either, isn't it only for the limited edition

Elf by a huge margin. I have 400 hours, and elf probably has 370 of it.

>spamming spells

I started with fighter but got bored around level 25 even though he's cool.
Then i rolled Elf but i don't really like her. At the start she's very very hard to solo with, which obviously becomes easier later, but her kick combo is weak, Elemental Lore is kinda clunky and Dagger + Backstab is not as satisfying as just playing a melee character instead. Lobbing arrows also gets old quickly.
Tried Amazon but then i read stuff like where people say you can't really stay fully aggressive after a certain point and have to start abusing down slam with shockwave.
Tried out Dwarf and he's cool, but between throwing shit, smacking shit with a hammer and doing barefist brawling i don't know where to go with him. Throwing enemies into each other with the AoE skill is fun, but throwing boulders at bosses repeatedly isn't that fun.
Haven't tried Sorceress or Wizard.
Maybe Fighter was the right choice after all but i don't know. Good game but as usual my autism makes me unsure what to play.

Amazon, parrying for days. Wish I could play more aggressive but not usually an option.

Amazon and elf are super fun

What's even the difference between Sorceress and Wizard? They both seem to be built around the same basic concept.

Also, i find it really disappointing that all melee characters have the same O attack.

For me it's Elf, followed closely by Wizard. I'm 300 hours in and finally got sick of grinding ToM on legendary. Wizard is more fun but too squishy in late game. Elf is a boss/mob melting machine, but once you put together a good clone strike/gambler bag the game is too easy. I don't have the patience to grind up to floor 500+ for bosses to start vomiting spells, I wish I could just skip ahead. Self-healing bags mean I can go indefinitely, but it eventually starts to feel like a chore.
Still, great game, A+. Just started a new save file and am playing Fighter, who feels just OK. Any suggestions on how to make him fun? Is it viable to crank up reflex guard and focus on DPS, or should I learn to guard manually instead of dodge? I feel like early game trained me wrong since my guard broke so easily, now I don't know that I can ever trust it


I liked Dwarf despite him getting outclassed by pretty much every other melee character when it comes to DPS. Crowd control is fun.

Wizard since I'm a big fan of dragonlance and he's basically Raistlin

I'm not too sure about wiz, but I think Wiz handles way differently with levitation cancels instead of Sorc's quick drop cancels. Sorc also has ground tornado cancels. Spells, well you can see for yourself. Sorc has Blizzard, Protection while Wiz has Extinction, Meteor.
Melee O button is the oh-shit button since it gives you loads of iframes. But yeah, fighter and dorf kinda do end up just doing power smash wait for cooldown x n at higher floors.

If you just started a new save file then how can you already be at a point where warrior gets his guard broken?

Sorc is more support-oriented. Her special spells are protect/heal/status/control, and her aerial movement is an escape instead of a dodge.
Wizard can overcharge for extra damage, his special spells are high-damage/aoe, and his dodge lets you bounce around for continuous aerials. He's better in every way except aesthetically

Unironically, I think it's best played on the Vita since you can just put it on standby when you do a quick floor. Too bad the framerate on Vita dies when there's so much as 2 players doing advanced spamming.

Great, a Dragon's Crown thread. I play with my two flatmates: Fighter (me), Elf and Dwarf. They've been uninterested in playing lately so today I beat Infernal and got a few trophies. I always play with their characters so they get exp too; it's just really fucking hard. Labyrinth of Chaos is impossible without them. Fighter is a perfect play style for me, though; I guess I'm just boring.

I'm gunning for the Seal of the Conqueror; it's an actual item you put in your inventory, right? Do you have to get one for each bag or what? I'm confused because I'm at endgame but there's not much information on it anywhere.

Also, I dunno how the fuck I'm gonna get the endings for Wizard, Amazon and Sorceress. Maybe I'll leave those until I get others to play with.

Bosses have some strong attacks that I was trying to tank instead of dodging, since I'd been led to believe that was his main mechanic. Even after putting all the points I could into the shield+ skill an archdemon jump slam or a dragon claw would break me. I found dodging much more reliable, especially once we moved up to hard mode.

Yes, you need one for each bag. The buff is based on your character's progression though, you don't need to keep it equipped or level each one up or anything.

>Labyrinth of Chaos is impossible
>Fighter is a perfect play style

Uh so how do you get fucking 9? Every 9th level I guess?

As for the second part, well I mean I can solo entire levels on Infernal without dying but Labyrinth of Chaos seems to have fucked damage/stun output so I get ganked there even with my auto-shield kicking in. Also I'm probably just not very good. Pls no bully

Amazon is the most fun character because you can just fly around and pretty much do what you want
Elf is the least fun because of picking up arrows

Elf is fun and cute.

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You get one and an amnesia elixir every time you clear tower of mirages 9F. It's probably easier and advisable to do Mirage if you're sitting around Lab 20-30.


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Elf has skills that reduce arrow consumption, and if you alternate an upkick/downkick in between clone-strike up-charges you'll never run out.

That, or just keep playing the 9th floor over and over again. You'll be drowning in them eventually

Cool. Thanks guys.

It's still early days for me it seems but it looks like I'll be one of the only people to actually get Fighter to max level. Or try to.

Fighter is comfy.
Is he worse than the others?

Elf for flip aerial arrow rain

Are the barehanded skills for dwarf worth it or should i just carry around 4 weapons instead and power smash?
Also, do you recover weapons on screen transition if you didn't pick them up or are they lost?

in ultimate and above, yes. successful parry=instant berserk, and you're going to have a tough time grabbing berserk. Incite rage is too risky.

There's a few tower climbing fighter players in jp. You may want to watch them, they kinda make you feel they're playing a totally different game with how fast they're moving and doing stuff. The jp elf, sorc, and wiz in particular made my jaw drop when I first saw what they were doing.

I've beaten the game once (that bigass dragon) with each and every class but I don't think I actually got the hang of any of them.

Anyone have any tips on how to optimize each class? Only one I can kind of tell is the warrior who will just cycle his sword for massive DPS?

He's more "userfriendly" and not such a damage dealer than other classes. But there is nothing wrong with playing, even though some high level experts may sneer at your general direction.

Is it me or is Elf's damage really, really bad at the start of the game due to lack of skills?
With Amazon, Dwarf and Fighter i kind of breezed through normal solo, but without lots of volley shots, without clone-strike and with abyssmal square combo damage she's really difficult to kill bosses with at the start.

I don't understand how people melt bosses as Elf? Am I playing her wrong?

I like the elf, she's my favorite design of the bunch. Girlfriend went for warrior. I was super hyped for the game up until release, and was a little disappointed with the story and some of the UI stuff. Like count how many times they say "THE PRIME MINISTER" in all the dialogue and I assure you it'll be a ton.

As far as gameplay goes, it seemed more grindy than fully beat em up. There were certain moves that had more iframes or couldnt easily be countered, but most of the time you're getting tossed around. That goblin doorway thing with all the bombs was the absolute worst.

Oh, and if you're playing the wizard, my second favorite character, charging up his meteors is almost impossible, while the payoff is very minor. I wish they had worked a little harder to balance things. I've been hoping for a sequel but it hasn't happened yet, dragon marked for death is the closest thing.

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Never really felt that way, but you will use the aerial bow attacks more at the beginning for sure.

Yes. All you'll have are air power shots. If you can do the lore drop cancel, that's pretty decent too.

Keep dodging through the air and shoot or do the crouch shoot with multiple arrows while also using one of the special ammunitions. Especially with salamander oil and the maxed out crouch shot can it be easy to melt certain bosses.

Seemed fine to me.

Elf was the most fun, lots of constant action

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Wiz has cast time reduction wands in ultimate. He can cast instant meteors and render ultimate rabbit useless.

>lore drop cancel
I've heard you can cancel spam it but i don't think i understand how, unless it's just pressing the button again at the right time which causes her hands to not go down at the end of the elemental lore summon and instead go straight into the next.

Salamander oil + clone strikes

bls respond, dwarf bros

Simple one is to just assign an L1 shortcut and tap L1 while holding square.
The new one is convoluted. Basically you do lore cancel into dodge cancel into quick drop cancel into lore.

Wizard was fun even before buffs but after buffs he was even better. Sucks to solo with though.