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Why do demoturds insist on putting their grubby little hands on my video games?

b-but /vpol/ told me Trump and the GOP were gonna save video games!!!!!

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What do you think GOP means bro

>repubs ban mmos, games as a service, and lootboxes

wtf i'm a neocon boomer now???

Why don't they ban real life gambling also then? It’s as manipulative as it gets but it gets ignored

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>Offer virtual toys like happy meals without any pressure to do so (and being able to use ingame currency you earned)
>Needs to be illegal
>Women seducing men with sex, then claim they were raped, ruining hundreds of men’s lives
>Nothing to see here

>law to ban lootboxes


>banning mobile games practices
>bad for video games

Gambling is already heavily regulated bruh.
The law's purpose isn't to ban lootboxes outright, but to classify them as gambling and prohibit putting them in games that are sold to minors.

have sex

>hurr I am literally such an autistic and retarded American that I have to pass a law so da gubmint keeps me safe from scary microtransactions

>“These are quote-unquote video games, and they’re forced down our throats under the guise of protected speech,” says Bevin. “It’s garbage. It’s the same as pornography. They have desensitized people to the value of human life, to the dignity of women, to the dignity of human decency.” - Republican Conservative Governor Matt Bevin



Lootboxes will never go away without a law that kills them, retard. And we all want them to go away. Fuck off.

they should just make in app purchases for gacha 18+


Reminder that this the average election tourist

Because of lobbying
You're not touching casinos
The game industry needs to step it up

Sounds good to me.

>Offer virtual toys like happy meals without any pressure

When it effects gameplay specifically the skill gap then no, its not fair to the playerbase and its essentially say "buy me I'll make you better at the game".

You give the ESRB a wake up call and tell them to get their act together or the government gets involved like what happened with Mortal Kombat and Night Trap.

Adults shouldn't be able to buy them either. Why? Because they don't have the self-control to avoid them either.

Only solution is a total ban on them, followed by public execution of everyone owning shares of any company that has ever employed that business model.

>retards suddenly defend lootboxes because muh freedoms

#metoo hasn't come up with many false claims. For as long as it has been going on, it hasn't caused any sort of major upheaval, though people act like it has.

Banning loot boxes would help save video games


if you don't support the senator, you are the reason the industry is as fucked up as it is

Ah yes the video that prompted trump to say "leave it to the ESRB system", he truly destroyed destroyed video games with this quote.

As if they cares about this shit...

Why would they ban something you need to be 18 or older to do?

that's not what's being talked about.
they're talking about violence being the reason we're seeing school shootings

well Louis ck and Harvey Weinstein are two pretty big ones
also the dude from the today show with a button under his desk that locked the door, that was interesting to read

They will if they don't want the government involved.

Why are there people arguing over government intervention?

you know how many times the government has bailed us out of crisis and corporate oppression?

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Based. I hope he bans violent videogames and anime tiddies next

>the government has bailed us out of crisis and corporate oppression
Name one time

then you should also ban gambling

America, land of the free:
>Ban "manipulative" online game features to "Protect Children from Abusive Games"

also America, land of the free:
>violation of human rights and bodily integrity through the indefensible act of infant male genital mutilation is A-okay

get your shit straight America

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lmao at the indoctrinated sheep being against this
you forgot to scream communism, get it right, I thought you were all about the big red scare

It's always them brought up. It's been well over a year and we're still talking about them and they weren't false. Weinstein is your typical Hollywood scumbag exec we all knew existed until women started saying it and Louis really was asking people at work if they wanted to see him jack off. The two women he brought home and actually whipped it out with consent was just the icing on the "Louis CK is an unprofessional creep" cake. #metoo isn't a big deal.

Thank god the government is here to protect us from vidya

Gambling is different.



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it's just /pol/, ignore them

>you know how many times the government has bailed us out of crisis and corporate oppression?

nigger what the fuck

name literally one (1) time this has happened

That video didn't prompt him to say that, that was anti-video game propaganda put together to discuss if video games caused mass shootings. He backed off the issue after talking to people, but still gave credence to the censorship argument. It was ultimately a stunt of "oh boy I better try to do something about these shooting that doesn't involve gun control". And then he bans bumpstocks.

It's interesting how America will ban loot boxes to protect children but not automatic weapons.

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You got that vidya loicense?
Make sure to renew it every year

Trump banned bumpstocks and people aren't going all "operation jade helm" for some strange reason. Conservatives can shit on video games, free speech, and gun control and get away with it.

Literally what Belgium did

Never gonna happen redditor.

Blame gun associations for that who will scream and shout and throw tantrums over their second amendment rights.

And they're a literal non-country, what's your point?

Cry more.

>killing loot boxes and microtransactions
>killing mobile gaming
>not saving video games

Loot boxes aren't a right shlomo

guns are there to protect your freedom, video games aren't. Even worse, the practices that are getting banned here are nothing but scummy ways of exploiting people

Because where I live all the major casino's are owned by Native American tribes. They've already been robbed of everything else and have mostly been reduced to an extremely small minority of lazy husks that are somehow always drunk. Might as well let them have easy money from impulsive retards who enjoy pushing a button over and over to watch lights and symbols flash on a screen.

Already heavily regulated dipshit

>guns are there to protect your freedom
yeah look at all these people whose freedoms were protected by guns

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the freedom to exterminate bullies was protected

>somebody cracks down on the gigajews
>suddenly 50 threads about how its bad
really dillies your dallies

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Yea Forums is nothing if not contrarian. Remember when the net neutrality stuff was going on and most people here supported the repeal even though that was directly working against their own interests?

Mobile games, loot boxes, summoning heroes games are literally casinos disguised as video games. It is gambling for kids.
Government has to act.



>no one who gets shot deserves to get shot
we need more shootings, actually. not enough gangsters and druggies are standing

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Venezuela would disagree with your stance

Gotta dab on those liberals somehow

i was ready to argue but if you're saying that people murdered in mass shootings deserved it then you can fuck right off

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>Seen Vs Unseen
Classic low Iq thinking.

Go away statist faggot

typical leftoid

based conservachads dabbing on epic

Yeah! Fuck the Constitution! We don't need those rights, government should be able fuck us any way they want

Then why did all the socialist praise Venezuela?


innocent deaths are by far the minority. most "mass shootings" are gang related. i don't argue with retards

Automatic weapons ARE banned you ignorant euroshit.


It's already illegal for citizens to own automatic weapons eurotard.

It’s garbage. It’s the same as pornography. They have desensitized people to the value of human life, to the dignity of women, to the dignity of human decency.”

Why do tradcons sound exactly like feminists?

Mass shootings as typically gang shootings and regardless Shall Not Be Infringed

Why do Americans keep shooting eachother?

Oh yes. The not neutrality that you were sold as "net neutrality". Sounds nice right? Like the "affordable care act" sounds nice. You should be thankful the shit didn't get lumped in with landlines. God damn retard. Do tell me tho, hows your service broken down? You pay for the Yea Forums lane pass?

how come venezuela is the only one you guys bring up when nearly every south american country has had a socialist ruler at some point in the last two decades?

The majority of mass shootings are gang related, its literally in the FBI crime statistics. Mass shootings involving one perp against innocent people is in the 1% rate of occurrence, you're more likely to be killed by being struck by lightning

The same way capitalists praised the US backed Honduras coup which ended in neoliberalist goons ruining the country

And those all inevitably collapsed. Socialism is doomed to failure but we still have millions of retards who want to implement it. Literal definition of insanity

nah because my state said fuck the FCC and passed their own net neutrality laws

open a history book /pol/turds.

I'm just convinced that site is infested with shills. Everything is now.

I think you mean why do blacks keep shooting each other. Because remove blacks from shooting statistics and our gun violence is below European levels


What the fuck does /pol/ have to do with anything, retard?

gain height

History has shown me that an armed populace is a liberated populace

oof, guaranteed responses

Harry Potter is not a history book, kiddo.

>not letting black/spic gang members wipe each other out
shiggy diggy doo

If the citizens of that country truly wanted to be socialist then the coup would have failed

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Thoughts and prayers

>the only country that has been an uninterrupted republic for 200 years is the one who protects the right of the citizens to bear arms

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>And those all inevitably collapsed
No they didn't.

>Fuck over microtransactions/Gacha shit and lootboxes
>Not saving gaming.

The only companies that could possible suffer from this deserve to be out of business in the first place.

He's not wrong.

>Yea Forums hates looboxes hates EA, hates ubishit, hates games as a service, goes wild when ross's video goes up saying he will sue games as a service
>us congress will straight up ban lootboxes/games as a service models/micro transactions
>Yea Forums suddenly loves microtransactions and games as a service
hmmmmm this shilling is pretty obvious. i wonder how much you guys get paid honestly.

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>ESRB, a regulatory body created specifically to keep the government out of the industry, fails to regulate video games and allows horrendous practices to occur
>Government has to step in to do their job

>waifufags literally fucking seething
get FUCKED, keep this cancer out of video games

>The constitution allows me the right to shoot niggers and be a redneck shooting random animals or people because *shoots gun into the air* *yeehaws* that's MURR RIGHTS.
I don't think you've actually ever read the 2nd amendment, alt-right nigger.

Rich corporations run the country, your vote is meaningless, retard.

Wew lad, lefties are so fucking retarded that they can't even understand "SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED"

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it's a good idea but
>GOP proposing this
It's doomed to fail, why would the political party that's beholden to corporations and is power to destroy all consumer and human rights ever be interested in doing anything like this?

I'll wait for the democrats to unveil their plans, at least that way we know it's by the party with the most interest in helping the people.

His name is Josh Hawley, and he's a cool dude.

He takes on Google, Facebook and EA and gives no shits.




Vote with your wallet :^)