Zelda BotW discussion

>”Although Ganon is gone for now, there is very much left that we must do.”

What did she mean by this?

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1. Do all the temples
2. Wait for the DLCs
3. Eat her ass every day and butt stuff only until marriage.

They still need to become a good game.

>1. Do all the temples
>2. Wait for the DLCs
done beat the dlcs

im ready for no. 3 zelda

They are

This is an actual quote? It’s been awhile, but I don’t remember her saying this.

They need to repopulate Hyrule.

Yeah, it's an actual quote.

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Is this the same in Japanese? I remember reading something about Zelda in the Japanese script saying that Ganon had given up reincarnation, right before the light arrows fight, so I took that to mean that Ganon was gone for good because of him attempting to come back right after being killed inside the castle.

It's time to breed.

How fucked am I if I do every Trial of the Sword at the minimum 13 hearts?

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It's a mistranslation.


Not much. ToS is only bad the first time since you don't know what's coming, once you know what you're doing you can do it without ever getting hit no problem.

Yeah it's the same in Japanese. Also, there was nothing about Ganon giving up on re-incarnation in Japanese, that was in the English version. In Japanese she said he refused to give up on revival. Really weird change, I played that part in Japanese two days ago and tried my best to imagine how I might misunderstand it if I were rushed or something, but I couldn't figure out how they could've messed that line up. Though regarding "Ganon is gone" line, she doesn't say "for now" in Japanese, just that he's gone. But there's nothing to suggest he's gone forever either, so I think the translation of that line is fine.

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Not that particular line, only the "He has given up on reincarnation and assumed his pure, enraged form." line is wrong.

Rebuild Hyrule Castle Town, obviously

hey, i know that author and have him on my facebook.

I expect they'll do a tour of Hyrule to drum up support and finances for rebuilding Castle Town and later Hyrule Castle

Thanks for this. It’s such a weird choice. It would have been interesting if Ganon was gone for good though. Then we’d finally get a new villain.

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>WW, SS ,and BoTW all end with Link and Zelda needing to restart the royal family
>Not a single one has a preggo Zelda epilogue

Why do games refuse to cater to my fetish

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The Shiekah merged the three dimensions in a bid to rescue to the failure timeline, accidentally creating a triply powerful Ganon.

His defeat ending his cycle of reincarnation, but not the spirit of Demise’s.

No other Zelda villain has been Demise's reincarnation

Yuga likely.

But Yuga summons Ganon

Yes, it means that they need to make up for 100 years of missed sex.

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Theyre mirrored figures obviously.

So Yuga is Lorule's equivalent of Demise, not Demise himself.

Yuga is Lorule’s version of Ganon.

Who reincarnated from Lorule's Demise.

I love Kass! He's the best character in the game! He is kind, he's respectful, he's considerate, he's handsome, he takes good care of himself, he's comfy to be around, his music is brings me peace and tranquility, I love him!

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Thanks for making me fap to it again

Lorule doesn't have an equivalent to Ganon/Demise, because Lorule is not locked in the cycle of destruction that Hyrule is cursed to, with the Spirit of the Hero and the "rage of the demon" bound to the "blood of the goddess" as they continuously reincarnate over the generations. Yuga is a parallel to Ganondorf, but not related to any ancient evil beyond that. The destruction of Lorule's Triforce is evident of this, it's not being used against evil, it was destroyed to stop the fighting, bringing destruction instead.

My point is that, aside from Ganon, we haven't had Demise reincarnate into a Zelda villain

Vaati was his own thing, Majora was its own thing, Bellum and Malladus were their own things

Repopulate Hyrule

Oh that's a good one.

IM PISSING and SHITTING ON ZELDA! all my piss and shit is getting all over zedlad! it smells so good, smells like last nights dinner and is making me hungry! my toxic fart gas and shit is coming out bu tit smells soooo good an dit sgetting all over azelda and get this shes loving every minute of it!

Malladus might be the actual reincarnation after Ganon, since there was no way to revive the King of Evil after he was double sealed. The others I agree are separate.

Malladus was alive long before Wind Waker

>got all the shrines in the WiiU version and immediately stopped playing
>got gifted the switch version the other day
>can't play it for 5 minutes without getting extremely bored
Shrines really were the meat of this game.

Can you imagine Link and Zelda's kids? A whole generation of Divinely blessed Chads and Staceys


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uhh no?

I've only ever seen art of Link and Tetra's kids

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the fatposting isn't until tonight, user

>equating disgusting obesity with beautiful fertility

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