Until you can explain why Redlettermedia and reviewers are allowed a thread on Yea Forums and game journalists are...

Until you can explain why Redlettermedia and reviewers are allowed a thread on Yea Forums and game journalists are allowed to post their every article on Yea Forums, but if someones platform is youtube then you decide suddenly different rules apply then you are and forever will be in the wrong.

This is not off topic and not complaining. It is discussion of what is and is not video game discussion. Just because you are wrong and you don't like it does not mean it breaks the rules

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keep cryin bitch nigga

Because people dont fucking want to see YouTube trash.
Fuck off

There's nothing wrong with e-celeb threads. The only reason why these ones are moderated is because they've been spammed nonstop for the past 12 hours and it has overtaken the catalog. That's it.

>watch movies and tv
>watch e-celebs about movies and tv
>play video games
>CAN'T play e-celebs about video games

The easiest thing would be to do what happens to other threads (that aren't Smash cancer) which is prune threads if one already exists. Thread doesn't exist? Allow it to be made and discussed.

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Why Yea Forums sucks e-celeb dick so hard?
Is the loneliness and lack of friends?

>e-celeb is hosting a twitch stream in which they are playing a multiplayer game that hypothetically anyone can get in on
What now, pedantic faggot?

So did you put your application in to be a Janny or what?

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The personal life of someone who isn't even part of the videogame industry isn't videogames

zoomers BTFO

If Yea Forums mods didnt suck, they'd follow protocol and pin a single thread and delete the others. That's how it works. Dont know how why it's so complicated for them.

Some can't form opinions on things themselves so they go to e-celebs to listen to what they have to say and parrot what they hear because they think they are right.

Yeah I don’t get it either. No other board has problems with these sorts of threads

E-celeb garbage is not video games, election tourist. Never has been.
Just because threads that break the rules don't immediately get deleted doesn't mean they aren't against the rules, mods are just lazy.

No, they shouldn't be allowed at all.
Fuck you

Too fucking true, if a bunch of people on Yea Forums suddenly are all spouting the same opinion you can guaran-fucking-tee they're parroting some e-celeb.


Redlettermedia is literally made by m00t lmao newfag git guud rekt#leetpwnd

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Because RLM and reviewer threads are about the individual(s) reviewing content pertaining to the board. A video game reviewer cheating on his wife does not pertain to video games. A video game reviewer reviewing a video game does.

That's your opinion. The fact is that single thread IS allowed. It's written down that such is the case.

And facts dont care about your opinions. :)

But the subject has already been discussed a billion times. There's nothing new to add. Wait a few weeks and then make a thread about it again. People probably won't care anymore at that point.

No, it isn't
Wuck my dick

It isn't. People just haven't reported it yet.

Here's the thing though, usually the thread's focus is on the e-celeb saying whatever on a game rather than the focus being on the game and the e-celeb being some secondary source of information.

These are very two different ways to start a thread, and yet the latter way of starting the thread does not get as much attention as some e-celeb's face plastered in the OP.

God what a total faggot you are

Fucking kill yourself incel holy shit

Mentally ill anons such as:

fuck off with your eceleb drama shit

That has nothing to do with the projared shit going on right now

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>Make a thread about game X cause I'm currently playing it and it isn't in the catalog
>"Uh, hey, fuck-face, we had this thread, like, three days ago? Sage"

And yet Ross Scott's game dungeons discussions were nuked.

Imagine being such a deranged zoomer. What the fuck is wrong with you people? Go make some real friends instead of obsessing about fucking youtube

because fuck off is why


Honestly, I would say that the obsessed people are the ones who take the time to make multiple transparent PNGs in gimp and then spam them instead of just reporting and hiding off-topic threads.