Sly Cooper

>new game never

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4 wasn't even that bad. Besides the story..and the qte final boss.


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That's a shame because I really liked everything about 4 save the qte boss.

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4 was beyond mediocre. It wouldn't be so bad if that was the only issue, but they fucked the story six ways from Sunday in ways that the series can never recover from.

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Was this canceled?

I can't believe people actually gave a fuck about Penelope, she was a non entity anyway, and regardless what you think of 4 it was way better than 3, there was pretty much nothing redeemable about that.

And throw away everything from the first three games, starting from scratch? Nah. The only thing that can fix things is if they call the next game Sly 4, and make a press release stating that Sly 4 is not canon.

I miss the "blocky" art styles.

I've never met anyone who holds the story of any Sly game in any regard.

As someone who really didn't care about Penelope all that much in 3, her reveal in 4 was so pants oh head retarded that it shattered what little enjoyment I was getting out of the game, and I never recovered.

3 had better level designs, better story, smoother gameplay, and surprisingly, less dumb bullshit superfluous mini games/playable characters. You can not convince me that 4 was a better game than 3.

it's not sly 4. it's Sly Cooper Thieves in Time.

Just quickly leaking that Sly 5: Proud Thieves will be announced at today's State of Play. Sanzaru Games and a part of Sucker Punch are working on it.

The reveal will begin with a Sucker Punch logo and rainy dark environment which makes everyone assume that it's Ghost of Tsushima. Then Sanzaru Games logo pops up and you'll see Sly.

Don't tell anyone.

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Yeah, that's what I meant. Make a Sly 4 game and disregard Thieves in Time.

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3 definitely does not have better level design or story, they're both unmemorable, even the locations aren't anything noteworthy like the other 3 games. I think you placing so much onto Penelope is pretty ridiculous too especially if you didn't care about her in the last game, it wasn't a big deal and she was a pointless addition to the cast in 3, like all the new characters who were basically just gimmicks who slowed the game down and added nothing of value. The story itself was pretty forgettable too since the main villain was just clockwerk lite but without the type of ham that made clockwerk enjoyable.

>As someone who really didn't care about Penelope all that much in 3, her reveal in 4 was so pants oh head retarded that it shattered what little enjoyment I was getting out of the game, and I never recovered.
Pretty sure you're a closeted furry

Fun Fact: similliar to Crash Bandicoot, Sly was going to get a different design in Japan to appeal to the Japanese audience

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>3 definitely does not have better level design
i'll fight you. the two asian levels are great.

In terms of level design, I still remember every single level's lay out and how to get around. I've played TiT a few times now and I still can't grasp the level layouts. They're samey and confusing. I'm not saying that 3 has the great level design of 2, but it's at least better than TiT's. Same thing with the story. TiTs was just too out there and retarded for me to enjoy. At least Sly 3 had some funny moments. And Dr. M was at least a better and more memorable villain than whoever the fuck was the villain in TiT.

Man, who the fuck would wanna bang a mouse? I'd rather fuck Carmelita. Or even Neyla.

Since they went out of their way to show she escaped at the ends and keeps stalking Bentley, they probably planned on redeeming her eventually. Though after some more selfish/evil shit of course.

the problem was Sony, at the time. Sly 2 turned out to be a success that sold over a million copies so they ordered another game ASAP. SP had to cut corners (Venice is Paris during daytime, for example) , and come up with gameplay that's not a carbon copy of Sly 2.

As a trilogy, with wrapped up story, it's fine.

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At this point I only care about the cartoon for muh Carmelita pr0n. I don't mind the series is dead though, I like Infamous better.

They'll make her uglier, sadly.

It's not like porn artists go on model.

This, Reignited butchering Elora's model didn't stop the thousands of fanart she got.

How much Sly porn exists?
It's probably the one PlayStation series with the most porn.

More than Jak and Ratchet.

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There's even some booru that has almost 30 pages of it.

they didnt fix her??

missed opportunity