Sooo this is Fallout 4 on the "ultra" preset with the best "AA" available (post-process TAA shit)

Sooo this is Fallout 4 on the "ultra" preset with the best "AA" available (post-process TAA shit)

IT LOOKS WORSE THAN FALLOUT NV, what is this shit Todd?

Attached: Desktop Screenshot 2019.05.09 - (1920x1080, 626K)

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I disagree, I think it looks better than FNV, although FNV is still eons better than the dumpster fire that is fallout 4. And I also agree that fallout 4 looks like shit for a current gen game

details wise perhaps, but even if it has blockier grahics, at least NV has proper AA and doesn't look like vaselline smeared over shit textures, fuck

I like the soft image of FO4 more, still NV has pretty detailed textures even for todays standards

yyyyooouuuuu beeeeteeerrrrrrr taaaalllllllk toooo mmmaaaaaaaaaammmaaaaa mmmmuuuuuurrrrrrrphyyyyyyy

Can you kill her without repercussions?

not really related to the grafix, but the HUD still irks me the wrong way. It sucks ass, the ammo counter is capped at 999 despite earlier games not doing so at all, and the only feature i like is the kinda animated reticle. also the puke green color they're infatuated with

If you give her enough drugs she eventually ODs

Lol, no it doesn't. But it could look a lot better.

i have the urge to install the game just to do this

I deleted the mod i translated that let me delete harvested plants from settlement storage though and i cant remember how to even go about reproducting it.

I dont like all the 'delete everything' stuff, i just want to be able to get rid of those fucking squash plants

The HUD is such an abortion. when they showed it the first time I was sure it's just placeholder and they would change it. how naive of me

Yes, F4 is a wasted potential. Its not just UI, the unnecessary animated perk tree/quest-status icons, lack of skills... Its everything. Even the much touted settlement construction sucks ass because you are so limited in what you can build. You need either mods or to buy mtx that allows you to do that. Story is trash, quests are trash, melee/unarmed are trash. Weapons are trash (except laser/plasma), even damage-wise, magic guns/gear...
Wasted potential that became an abomination.

Attached: Fo4_power_fist_concept_art.jpg (1536x2044, 725K)

Just look at this. Its horrible.

Attached: Fo4_assault_rifle_concept_art.png (1536x2044, 3.49M)

one of the first mods i installed was this beauty
but yeah idk if i'll keep playing, the graphics suck, the armor system sucks, the chars arent engaging, i dont know, I'll try, the dlcs look cool

Attached: 13283-0-1462855609.jpg (2560x1440, 385K)

Yeah, i also have chinese rifle mod installed. Its too good to pass out on. Service rifle ones are good too. Another mod is the one that adds R91 and you can upgrade it to PSG-1.
Fun fact, there is no assult rifle in the game, yet its featured in commando animation on perk tree and on commando pin in loading screens.

never have i seen a game so carried by mods

I can't stand game engines that have that fuzzy plastic look

Objectively wrong, why does Yea Forums get so delusional when it comes to New Vegas?
Just kidding, I know the answer. It's because bethesda didn't make it so we're all supposed to pretend its G*d's gift to gaming even though it kind of sucked.

Attached: plebs.png (767x627, 550K)

You have not seen Skyrim?

>it kind of sucked.
take that back

i enjoyed unmodded skyrim a lot more than unmodded fo4. ymmv

fallout 4 is the best fallout out game, NV is just a regular rpg with fallout textures



Attached: 1554986254824.jpg (720x1024, 121K)