ITT: Biggest downgrades in gaming history

ITT: Biggest downgrades in gaming history

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Name one game that hasn't been downgraded

yassss keep posting the great plateau!!!! thatll make this 3 year old game look bad!
FUCK YOU NINTENDO AHAHAHAHHHAHA *goes nostalgia critic crazy and shoots self*

It looked bad when it was released


Great Plateau is the best area in the game though, at least design-wise

A downgrade, but not as bad as your old bait makes it out to be.

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Just like almost any game revealed at E3?

How many youtube videos have you watched about botw's design you fucking loser

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cuck of the wild sucks ass bitch

>play on pc
>4k meme, 60 fps
>no fog
the game is looking like top most pic.

Absolutely based. Yea Forums will never let it go.

That's less than 30 seconds, holy shit

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none, the Plateau was just more enjoyable than the rest of the game

The game is 2 years old at this point. It's incredible how Yea Forums is still seething over it.

With a stunning amount of detail and a beautiful world, Breath of the Wild is the most realistic Zelda video game yet. With the exception of the very early, very rough textures and effects, the visual style of the game really does stand out.

When it comes to Breath of the Wild being beautiful, it is. Breath of the Wild is the best experience you will ever have in a Zelda title. There are some major differences, though, and these things aren't the sole downfall of the game.

Breath of the Wild has stunning 2D world design

The graphics themselves were the most impressive part of the AAA hit Zelda franchise. Not only can you truly imagine Zelda as it looked as a 16-bit masterpiece, there are some incredible detail that cannot only be seen in 3D games but also on the world itself, allowing visitors to see its grandeur.

Even Neural Networks agree

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It was upgraded instead

>BotW drones are literal bots