Now that the dust has settled, was he really a bad main character?

Now that the dust has settled, was he really a bad main character?

Attached: Niko_Bellic.jpg (258x387, 12K)

he was the best MC in the franchise

hes great, like Claude and Tommy and Cj

he was the worst MC in the franchise

Compared to the previous MCs, yes.
Compared to GTAV's MC's, no.
Also I'm still mad about the fingerless gloves.

Most believable protagonist unlike the degenerates of V

Hey Michael was a good protag.
trevor is shit and frank is a literal who but playing a retired family man was nice.

cj>nico>gtav protags

Can I get a tier list for al protags? Like ALL protags plz

GTA V would be so much better without the mediocre (at best) triple MC gimmick. Michael had potential.

He has legitimately interesting traits and side characters to highlight them, like Roman, Darko, and Bernie/Florian. The most interesting aspects about him don't get highlighted enough and are tossed aside for more generic mob shit, especially Pegorino.

Tommy > Trevor > Niko > Michael > Franklin.

The duality of man

I liked the game but got sick of his 'booo hooo I got no moneeee' when I had a shitload of it in inventory and his 'why must I be forced to keeeellll' shit too.

He’s the best GTA protag and has a supporting cast that compliments him really well.

I liked Franklin. He would have been better if him being the straight man didn't come off as whining all the time.

Trevor was fucking reddit cancer.

What was so bad about Trevor? I always saw him as an incarnation of the player's choices

Trevor was a great character because his personality strictly adheres to player choice.

Best protagonist in the series. His blunt personality makes a nice contrast to how legitimately insane most characters he interacts with are.

He was okay, they completely fucked up the serbian voice acting but that's ok because nobody really gives a fuck about that, but they also fucked up a few minor details about his background, overall you can see it wasn't really given much thought

There was absolutely nothing memorable about him.

I liked Trevor because he took minimal amounts of shit from annoying mission givers.

Playing 90% of the game as a bitch boy for the big bad is a GTA staple that should die already.

plz go

I sure wish I had the choice to not make him an edgy retard hipster all the time. The Saints Row protag did it better. At least in SR2.

He still ended up being the bitchboy though. The only thing he did that I remember liking was giving Franklin's aunt a few dollars.

>I said buy yourself something NICE, not something expensive

That was gr8.

>Trevor > Niko
Found the zoomer, guys