Great art
He's so buff but so fat. Explain
Bear mode.
Its one of Warios traits man he is super strong,and in real life the strongmans,powerlifter have a lot of muscle and fat
what are sumo wrestlers, rugby props and football linemen
This is the first one of his I actually like
Wario's limbs are so muscular that all of his body fat had to retreat to the stomach
Who is the closest live action actor that looks like this glorious fat bastard?
whats the point of the fat if it doesn't make you stronger
also they have super lower stamina and tire very quickly
That looks fucking awesome
unironically , de vito
>what if this cartoony character looked like they were real
why is this still a thing? i thought it died after 2010
shitposting aside this really does look pretty damn cool
It actually does,I am no gymbro so cant explain but getting fatter to a point does make you stronger for some reason
Sumo wrestling tactics
Not always the best traits, but it can work out sometimes
fat is weight my dude, it helps a ton haha
It provides cushioning for the muscle and bone allowing it to push harder without breaking.
Think of it like this, if you are punching a brick wall you'll reflexively use less force. But if you're wearing padding you don't have as much reservation about using force.
crop the twitter out you faggot
Wario live action movie when, Nintendo?
I already have a script, it writes itself
>shot of money lying around
>a gloved finger presses a button of a ghetto blaster
>In da Club by 50c starts playing
>other scene: the president and many other people sitting around and discussing why their money is gone
>protag walks into Warios trailer
>Wario: eh. WAAAAH?
>everyone screams
so far so good, pls donutsteel
What's wrong with crediting artists?
You can't lose fat without losing a good chunk of muscle with it. So at the end of the bulking period is when you're the strongest. Also, eating a fuckton makes you able to lift more. Cutting sucks because you'll walk in literally the next day and feel physically much weaker.
t. /fit/
this is completely wrong and everyone in the thread is retarded
its as simple as more mass on your body provides better leverage for lifts
thats it. its very simple
hes a powerlifter not a sissy bodybuilder
This shit is fucking wrong. There's a ton wrong with this but the top guy is still going to be really strong when he's bulking. Also, the thick waist is from the fat, your abdominal muscles can't grow to the point where your waist is 40" around. The shiny skin on bodybuilders is literally oil or bronzer put on before the show, it has nothing to do with dehydration.
People have a giant misconception of what lifting weights actually does
It doesnt give you muscles
It turns the fat you have into Muscles
You need to gain weight before gaining proper muscles
I'd say John Goodman.
>whats the point of the fat if it doesn't make you stronger
What's the point of being skinny if you also could've been eating a shitton of tasty food
Some people have self control user...
nah lies they just have less apetite desu desu
Also totally wrong. You need a caloric surplus to gain muscle mass as per basic physics but fatty tissue does not metamorphasize into muscle tissue.
>Nintendo hiring God of War art director
>tfw too anxious and poor to hit the gym
>tfw you will always be a shit tier pale skinny retard with bad fat genetics
>stopped working out for 3 weeks
>could swear my arms are getting smaller
only started like a year ago, could this be real or am I imagining it? if so, is it normal?
took me a long while to get decent mass and it's going away too fast
won't be able to pick my routine back until next week
fuck me
You just need a caloric surplus like
It's perfectly possible to do a lean bulk and have perfectly enough caloric surplus that it's all transformed into muscle. But it's far easier to just eat at a bigger surplus to get maximum gains and also some fat, and then cut the fat away later. Mostly because your training regime is different while cutting and bulking, generally you'll get way more energy from the caloric surplus and can do a far heavier training regime meaning more gains.
A fat body is not functional. Yeah he'd be stronger but that dude would be out of breath from climbing a flight of stairs. Build the muscle without drugs while staying lean, and you'll find yourself in a healthy, functional body.
Nice bait, here's your (you).
>It turns the fat you have into Muscles
reading this turned us all into retards
>whats the point of the fat if it doesn't make you stronger
it does
>going to the gym is going to change my genetics
Eating right does more than most people realize. Learn what a calorie is, then start counting yours.
Not lifting because you can't afford the gym is just resigning to a self perceived position of social failure.
You know how in Dragonball everyone wears weighted clothes and it makes them strong? That's basically how fat people work. They're carrying around and extra 100lbs all the time so they get really strong. STR vs DEX is a meme, the real god stat is and always has been CON.
You don't need a gym to work out. It certainly helps but there's always things you can do at home.
Your post reads like bait on /fit/. A lot of really good 24 hour gyms are like $30 a month. Also, fat genetics don't exist. You can be skinnier or fatter with the same caloric intake if you're really tall or really short but that's about it. Scout the gyms around you and stop making excuses.
If you lift properly, you can expect a gym to actually SAVE you money. Especially true if you're fat and you're going to be eating less food.
A lot of companies will pay for your gym membership because the cost of a gym membership is on average cheaper than the cost of the health insurance for insuring a fat fuck.
>Also, fat genetics don't exist
They do, but they're hidden as the 'such poor self control that you can't keep yourself from stuffing your face' genetics.
And you can actually work hard to suppress that
>Nintendo makes kiddy shit like splatoon,Kirby yarn,yoshi yarn,etc
>But not a new Wario Land
I just don't understand. His games actually have some semblance of complexity.
anonymous, it's a drawing reference. It's not about who's stronger when they're bulking.
Is Wario's nose always red because it's implied that he's a drunkard at some time? That is the common way to show alcohol usage, is it not?