Remember me Yea Forums?

Remember me Yea Forums?

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I'm glad /ctt/fags uploaded her art and porn in their booru.

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>posting the tumblr edit
sasuga Yea Forumseddit

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I remember...*sniff*...I remember.

Man.... fuck google.
They ruined our YouTube
They ruined our browsing
They’re ruining our video games

And they’ve utterly ruined our friendship more than ever before.

Because of shit like this.

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Posting the non cancerous correct version.

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You really are dedicated to this, aren't you

this is the real one

What's with Nintendo fans and not being able to take a joke. Goldman has always been Sony stop injecting your own insecurities into a repetuable company. You're worse than a pedoweeb being racist against furries

Yea Forums is a pedoweeb website

Hold up there. Goldman sounds like it could be a stereotypical jew name. I'm afraid that's not permissible under Sony rules, we'll have to confiscate your console.
We're taking your estrogen, too.

>t. Furshitter

expected flow chart posts.

Real version

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>reddit version

The stadia wojak is actually funny

wojaks are true 4chansoul
no effort and lazy and quick
effort and OC = caring about your meme = cringe = reddit

Oh boy

hey pal
You get here from the 2016 election

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Who cheated on his wife? What did I miss?

Projared. With Ross (from gamegrumps) wife.

Remove the retarded chink on the top right.

>PC gets to kiss her feet
wtf it's not fair bros

me on the right

What the fuck, he was actually the bull? Didn't expect that.

Man, I've always wanted a Google Glass

Does Stadia like her toes sucked?


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haven't been to Yea Forums in a while I wonder what they're up to
>google shills
>everything is a wojak edit

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The two “soulless” ones and ctt ones are the best on there

The 2 "soulless" ones seem to be the only ones that portray Sony negatively. Weird

Never understood why the Playstation wojak is yellow. Is it because Sony is Japanese? But so is Nintendo. Can anyone explain?

That isn't want Sony looks like you nintencuk. You edited a comic because you're that mad that the PS4 is better than the switch.

god it feels good to be a sonychad

Lurk moar

its quite amazing how the "soul" vanishes as you start injecting shit with wojaks

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I've tried my dude

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To be fair, its a very long chain of nested references.

Based and futasemenpilled

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back in 2013-2014 sonyfags spammed this reaction image on the site because they were convinced GTA V would never release on pc
it went like this:
>mfw pc fags will NEVER EVER play GTA V
this face died after the pc version got announced
but a wojak version got created when it became very clear that the wii u was a complete failure
eventually sony goldface got a full yellow body in the anal vore pic and that's where we are today

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Thanks, user

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Thanks for posting the correct one.

>that bottom soulish Sony

>worshiping sony, microsoft, nintendo, or any other console companies
lmao who cares what console it is, just get it if you like the games it's on


You take the hits too valveshitter.

ok tranny

>he doesn't base his identity around worshipping corporations and mindless consumerism
kill yourself fucking commie

>self reflect more


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>being a retarded nazi
>also assuming i'm a commie
yikes, get raped by a woman and lose your pride as a man and gain my forgiveness in front of all these anons, why don't you. that's why i play wolfenstein, you good for nothing chaotic nigger coon of a sub-human.