Who would expect back then that years later the game journalists...


Who would expect back then that years later the game journalists, video games companies and some gamers would end up like Jack Thompson. Even fucking Kotaku was mocking Jack Thompson, when Kotaku used to be cool and otaku-oriented (therefore the name Kotaku).

Attached: gamergate-81.png (1240x563, 89K)

Other urls found in this thread:


tribalism is a funny thing

Attached: 1528768147027.png (761x499, 517K)

Nobody on this board disagrees with you besides guys who are trolling to get a rise. What's the point of having this conversation for the 50 millionth time

if violent games make me a violent person, do games about taking care of lolis make me a better father?

Attached: 1739487.jpg (443x332, 36K)

Everyone on Yea Forums agrees that video games cause school shootings, but school shootings are a good thing. Chads and Staceys need to die.

It makes you a pedophile

of course not! I would wait until my daughter is 18 before having sex with her

Game journalist is one of the most irrelevant jobs ever. Nothing of value would be lost if all game journalists disappeared off the face of the earth tomorrow.

On Yea Forums this is considered a wholesome post.

And yet you use a site that defends pedos

Attached: 4chan_defending_pedos.png (807x166, 17K)

Nothing wrong with that.
Bible doesn't forbid child marriage, it only forbids faggotry, zoophilia and sex with unclean women.

>Yea Forums is one person
You're a pedophile

>unclean women
But i like a dirty girl user

That's a pinned message from Yea Forums's mods at Yea Forums, retard.

what is this about?

It's about ProJared (a famous gamer YouTuber that used to work with JonTron) being exposed for cheating his wife and being a pedo. And of course Yea Forums mods are not ok with threads about him since ProJared is an anti-GamerGate feminist.

The whole ProJared thing--I think part of it is that when he was sending dick-pics to his fans he had also sent them to underage fans

Wasn't there literally just one thread about ProJared, and it was on SA2, does that really need to be pinned?

E celebs are not vidya

>virtue signaling cunt is pedo
Surprise surprise
>also cheats in his wife

thanks, do not know who these people are but I bet I can get a good 10 minutes entertainment out of this

Are that many journalists claiming videogames cause school shootings though?

Yes, I think some outlets have leaned too far in a bleeding heart direction, but they aren't taking that exact position. The comic is missing the point just to stretch it to make some kind of "gotcha" contradiction.

Correct. Game journos are triggered by nudity and sex more than violence anyway.

a feminist e-celeb got exposed as a creep and cheating on his wife
now the mods are trying to protect him and his honor by trying to cover it up

No, mods are doing their fucking job for once by blocking discussion of something that isn't vidya-related.

Even thinking feminism is involved is reason enough for you to get your ass to /pol/ and never come back.

wtf I'm christian now

When it comes to articles on sites? You're pretty much correct, usually the sites themselves are geared more towards the "Sex and Nudity are Bad" narrative and very few actually have the "Violence and Gore are Bad" narrative.

However, journalists talking on twitter is a whole other story. On twitter, journalists talk about how both sex AND violence are bad with regards to video games and that the industry should "grow up" as it were, especially whenever a shooting occurs. During E3 it's like clockwork, where if a game or sets of games are announced and they involve guns in anyway, you can be sure that twitter will be chocked full of journalists saying how it's "in poor taste" and how games like that "contribute to the problem" even if said journalists would never actually write such stories on journo sites themselves.

Don’t respond to shitposters. They know that. They just want to pretend the fucking jannies are trying to defend this literal who by cracking down on the unfunny and obnoxious spam.


>threads about gaming youtubers
>not Yea Forums related
And yet it's ok when people make threads about random twitter whores shaming gamers

Everyone who supports GamerGate deserves to die.

Whatever, pedo

Attached: are_male_feminists_pedophiles.png (557x680, 337K)

>Girl tells you to think something.
>You immediately change your entire thought process to accommodate her demands.
Game journalism 101.

Attached: 1556669530933.jpg (750x736, 540K)

Media influences people. Do deny this is foolish and ignorant of reality.

Well, I mean, yeah? Like, gamers are icky-pooey, not like we mature and level-headed discorders/redditors. Those brave womyn are shining a light on gaming, to burn away sexism and toxicity

Besides, people like myself and are more than happy to see our heroines on 4channel! They deserve everyone's attention and money! Just don't spend more than me, if anyone's going to get a crack at the cra---I-I-I-I-I-I-M-M-MEAANNN....!!!!

>can’t draw well enough to draw a cartoon Jack Thompson
>just uses a picture of his head with LE FUNNEH FACE XD drawn on it

Every day I’m shocked to find Dobson more and more pathetic

it's just a coincidence that projared shows his cock to underage fans and suddenly the mods want to do their job to remove e-celeb threads.

>it's just a coincidence