
Attached: red dead.jpg (1280x720, 161K)

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I don't understand the point of tgis thread but RDR2 is great.

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I just beat the epilogue yesterday. I beat the game in under six days.

And it's the best game ever made. Not MGS3 anymore. It's been dethroned.

dunno if I'd say that but it really is a great game. rarely do you see something this special come out of a AAA studio anymore, something that lived up to the hype.

ps3 looking game

it's probably the best-looking "realistic" styled game I have ever played.

We need to have some GODDAMN FAITH that Rockstar has a PLAN and will give us single player DLC.

Who am I kidding they only care about microtransactions now.

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There were so many memorable moments in it. I got chills at this part and during the other voiced music parts. It's my favorite game of all time now at least. This game is a total motherfucker


great game but they delayed the shit out of it

Give PC version already. I want to replay it. Fucking Take2 getting me with the double dip.

and the online was still not in the game at launch and when it actually launched it sucked.

One of the greatest entertainment experiences ever made, a truly special game that I think people will appreciate more as the years go by similar to the first one

Wasn't hyped at the thought of a new GTA until playing this but damn I can't even imagine, hope the leak was true that it's Vice City & Liberty City and launching on Next Gen, especially if it's the 70's/80's it's gonna be amazing

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>Give PC version already. I want to replay it. Fucking Take2 getting me with the double dip.
Same, I did the same with GTA too. Game should look amazing on PC.

MGS3 was never at the top


MGS3, Resident Evil 7 and Red Dead Redemption 2.

The three GOATs

One of the best pieces of music in the game, perfectly captures that Red Dead feeling and a great theme for the US Calvary


The load screen music is beautiful too the first one in particular


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play more games

Attached: Red Dead Redemption 2_20181028033843.png (1920x1080, 2.97M)

is that the standard xbox version? the worst one?

The game is gorgeous and the PC version is going to be the best looking game in history.

>Sadie almost nowhere to be seen
It's fucking kino, lads

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>tfw mainstream video games have quite clearly eclipsed mainstream cinema in terms of quality and artistic value

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