Why do Europeans do this?
Why do Europeans do this?
Do what? Stock games like every other country that sells video games.
Different cultures
Why do Americans do this?
first of all, it's just us krauts, also they're relaxing as shit. The market got flooded with shit-tier simulators, but if you know what you want it's quite fun.
Remember when you wanted to be a firefighter as a child? Can do that.
Put a million warning & rating stickers on the games. Looks like shot.
Know what else looks like shot in the US?
Teenagers in high schools.
do what? sell physical dlcs?
But it's just such an odd genre to be into. Is it a result of Germany's problems with violence in video games?
you guys dream of growing up to drive a forklift and direct airplane traffic?
Is a result of different views of the world
So they are a consequence of the same thing that banned violent Vidya in Germany
What is the "Germans digging holes on the beach" of video games?
Are these games popular with adolescents?
As opposed to hundreds of JRPG waifu garbage clones?
Europoors like to pass of autistic tendencies as being "superior"
Dutch people especially are the worst. Scum of the earth, they make niggers seem decent.
>ProTrain Perfect 2
>games for PC only
>at least 3 different covers
>soothing and relaxing
fuck no
It has shitty sticky sand, salty water and is hot as shit most of the time
the only good thing about them are long walks on rainy, windy days
It's something you could actually do. Which is more compelling to a lot of people than playing unrealistic games. I'm not one of them, but I completely understand where they're coming from.
Fucking hell, man.
>too young to recognize expansion packs, aka proto-DLC
Welp now I feel old.
based and englandpilled
isnt that pic in germany?
also dont most euros obsess over FIFA or is that only bongland
I can be a farmer or a truck driver in real life if I wanted to. I can't live in a fantasy world, or get shot and come back to life.
If the Germans loves the job sims, good for them, but I can't help but be intrigued as to why they find games where you move heavy machinery, or drive a bus so appealing.
Those are expansions? Shiiiiet, how old is that pic, then?
>relaxing as shit
ah yes nothing more relaxing than "playing" a work simulator after a long day's work
It's on the plastic cover though so the sticker isn't on the case itself.
Those are dad games that you pull out for an hour every week or so. Not something you grind for days.
As a Kraut, I never understood the appeal of them myself but it's a dumbed down version of farming (+ no physical labor) so you can just sit back in your chair and tend to your farms. Why play shooters when I can enlist in the army and become a cripple for the rest of my life?
i've never seen it like that.
Now im a changed user.
but you will struggle to:
>be a forklift driver
>be a firefighter
>be a farmer
>be a conductor (Germanys obsession with trains is a whole different thing)
>be a football manager
in one life. Simulator games are for people, who want to experience a different, but realistic everyday life. Also noone takes them serious enough to not fuck around.
Would you say the picture OP posted would be an accurate representation of something you might see at places that sell games in Germany?
What is with the hole digging?
you don't?
unironical question,
I understand that, I've seen footage of these games, I just don't understand why there seem to be so many.
Simulator games you fucking retard
now with the VR invasion its going to be only worst.
Depends, stores usually categorize games so if you were to go to the "Simulation" area, you could probably snap a pick like OP.
The shelves that get most exposure usually have FIFA and the currently popular console exclusives with the rest of the shelf space going to games that don't sell too well like Senran Kagura for PS4, put a grin on my face to see it there though.
>devs realize there's a niche with not many games and quite a big fanbase
>every german indie dev shits out a terrible simulator game
>market is now over-fed
that's what happened around 2010
They play mature games for mature gamers such as themselves.
I thought the kraut the govt subsidized that shit, so those studios shit out a million low effort jobs sims and live off their government checks
Arbeit macht frei.
I only see one and it's on the plastic on the outside.
Are they popular amongst all ages, or is more a "Dad game" that they're perceived as in rest of the West?
>New York Taxi Die Simulation
Where can I buy this?
only kiddies fantasize about working
dayum watchu playin that shit fo fool?
just shoot some nigga already!
Why do Americans do this?
Because they're a bunch of faggots
Germans get up before everyone else to steal sun loungers by putting their towels on them, then buggering off
I think these games are mostly catering to people who already have some sort of interest in the games' setting.
There are the normal hobbyist interests, like train or truck enthusiasts will cream their pants over a simulator where they can try all the vehicles they want.
But then there are the autistic hobbyists that enjoy stuff like memorizing every tram stop in NRW and get wet when they see a train attendant punch holes in peoples' tickets. And THEY are the ones who buy all the other simulators because for some reason, these people start revering an ordinary job. They know every uniform the German Bahn has had since 1874 and they know the name of that one piece of equipment firefighters use.
Anno series.
I think they are popular for all ages (since parents can buy it for their children without having to think too much about it), but especially 25+ range, I know several people who told me about how soothing of an experience it is to come back from work, turning your mind off and playing Farming Simulator for an hour or two.
I remember in high school how a friend invited me and someone else home to play some video games because lessons were cancelled and he started his PC and tried showing off Farming Simulator. It was really boring to watch but they put a lot of effort (and money for licensing) into vehicles and tools of existing brands, too bad everything else is complete shit (like walking over water or only one person per vehicle).
What fucks me up is that people paid for and went to Gamescom for fucking Farming Simulator, but Germany has shit taste in general so I guess it shouldn't be too surprising.
>lose TWO world wars
>still one of the most prosperous countries in europe
how did they do it
I'm pretty sure Russians, Brits and Dutch have just as much part in covering a pool area in towels.
Thanks for answering my questions. I still find the whole genre perplexing, but at least I know more that I did before.
German engineering is some heavy shit.
other countries calling off their debt instead of ravaging their country
>USSR, Poland and France didn't ravage Germany
They literally annexed half of it and looted everything that could be moved.
Scam scheme. Government subsidies are higher than production costs.
Those pseudo-educational games have it incredibly easy to get state funding. Simulators are the video game equivalent of Uwe Boll movies.
What? Was I supposed to look at the stickers? There was no indication otherwise
Tensions between the west and east forced the victors to invest into their half of germany instead of ravaging the land and going home.
simulators are the most dangerous genre of video games. they seem silly and retarded but you try one for giggles and next thing you know 45 hours go by.
I don't know about it just being a meme from simulator games, people in my family love to dig at the beach I don't know why, we just must dig.
>Germans playing train simulators
Next stop, Auschwitz!
Landschaftssimulator 2013, Airport Simulator 2013, Agrar Simulator 2013.
Idk take a guess
I never wanted to be anything because I knew I'm bad in everything.
Wait until you grow older and start to like more and more simulation games.
i'm kysing myself before i turn 30
You have a very distorted view on Germans and their "engineering".
My friend was working at shipyard over there and some pipe broke and leaked heavily. Hans came over and didn't know how to fix it so he called another one. Fritz didn't know either so they called Gunter. Then they proceeded to look at the pipe, discussing the leakage while some pole came over and fixed it.
Most of the shit in germany is done by eastern europeans, given they are not drunk at the moment.
Shitskins on the other hand only create hazards on building sites and they do not assimilate. Germans had to conduct a potty training for them because they kept shitting while standing on the toilets, airborne style.
fixing a broken pipe is not considered engineering in the first world, it's slave work
>no gamestores around anymore where you can browse for a couple of minutes being bored to see if you find a nice used video game that's cheap to play for the weekend
I miss used games and gamestores bros. I don't like this new reality.
>got AW: Dark Conflict and Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of Sky for really cheap as a teenager
And then it fucking broke again, five minutes later, because if yiu don't have a first world foreman whipping the shit out out of slavs, they'll produce absolitely horrible shit.
I fucking hate retard managers that hire eastern european workers to cut corners so god damn much. At times, those fucks are too fucking stupid to follow simple instructions.