Post times when a game indirectly supported your fetish.
>Playing Style Savvy >pantyhose is cheap and a basic item which means it be paired with any outfit >fill up my stores stock with hundreds of pairs of pantyhose >end of the game, whole town is full of girls wearing pantyhose
This thread has started with an image of pantyhose, which is dangerously close to thigh socks in terms of fetish mapping. I am monitoring this thread closely in case a certain demographic shows up here and needs to be reminded of something.
Brody Wood
Thomas Hill
>>playing Style Savvy fucking based
Landon Howard
>Not loving hosiery no matter the color or opaqueness
The real shit how soft it feels. Soft stockings make me cum furiously.
Just have her walk around in hosiery all day and the fabric will absorb all the sweat, resulting in soft, slight damp feet that are billowing in the scent of her natural pheromones when you take off her shoes and put her feet up to your face.
Kayden Wilson
Why cowboy boots?
user, I think you misunderstood...
Joshua Hall
Made from leather with no ventilation
John Morris
Yeah I misread. Do what that other user said.
Carter Evans
So leather is the key? Won't my feet just smell like leather?
Camden Hernandez
When the boots are new, yes. But once broken in, it will be pure foot funk.
Jace Bell
You’re missing the point. Get one of those big ass jugs of water and chug that sucker like youre being peer pressured at a party because your feet are going to fill those watertight little fag boots you’ll be wearing with smelly, sticky man sweat that your degenerate gf can get high off the fumes of while she mashes her fucking cooter like it owes her money.
You are lonely, not because you lack friends, but because you are unhappy with yourself. You are unhappy with yourself because you are useless and pathetic, and you haven't achieved any of your goals in life. Even if you had friends, you'd still be sad, because friends won't fix what's wrong with you. You try to escape into your imagination, but you imagine yourself as a weak anxious screwup. Even in your own fantasies, you're still a failure. You are going to kill yourself one day. The sooner you do it, the less of a burden you'll be on the people around you.
I have them backlogged. Someday I will have my fap.
Hudson Myers
See here:
You will never have a cute body. You will never have a cute voice. You will never have a cute personality. You will never have a cute life. Your death will probably be the cutest thing you ever do.
Because women who are hyper-promiscuous and try to fuck as many different people as possible get slutface and age like milk. They gain reputations as unreliable partners and end up wondering why they are unloved when they never actually learned what love is.
>make fuccboi looking warrior character so if I use the coffin, he'll turn into a pretty girl >go half way through the game and go back to the coffin when he can easily deal with the ogres >jump in coffin and then respec into a desert pyro slut for the rest of the game