I’m back in the hospital and about to play octopath. What are my bros up to?

I’m back in the hospital and about to play octopath. What are my bros up to?

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Why were you in the hospital?

Nothing much man. Just got off of work and am about to play some Final Fantasy XI. Hope your hospital stay goes well my friend.

get well Yea Forumsro i will be playing kirby 3d robobot later

I've always thought octopath looked lame and gay
Get well soon bro

“She” forgot to dilate

are you getting a vasectomy

It is lame and gay

Sup bro hope you get well soon. Hospital beds are bad for your back so stretch if you can.

Also who did you start the game as? Any regrets?

I hope you die.

AIDS treatment

Eh, kind of the wrong audience for that to be the cause.

*gets up to stretch*

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Foot infection.
How are you enjoying it? First time playing?
Good choice, and thanks.
It’s been enjoyable. Intro has a tough plateau to get through but it got fun a few levels in. I’m in a groove so I’ll ride it.
Thanks my dude. I get to move a bit so I take advantage. Started as the thief, being able to take items and weapons from the get go was always welcome. No regrets on that front.

Please crop photos to 1000x on the longest side.

>t. /p/

I dont understand what you're saying to me with 'no'
Try using full sentences, child. My two year old niece speaks better.

I love the game. Even though they have modernized it a bit, I still find it pretty challenging and immersive. I've played before for a bit with my friends back in 09 but this is the first time I have ever truly given it a chance.

I’m glad you’re enjoying it. Due to I go back and play some FF again. Got bored and bought VI on my phone and got pretty far on it but dropped it for some reason. Might redownload on a handheld and try again since i wasn’t a fan of the sprite work they did on iOS

Yeah the sprite work was really rough. I never tried Octopath but I loved the sprites in that game. MAybe I will pick it up sometime. Gotta hop off and cook some dinner but I really hope you get well soon user. Wishing you a quick recovery.

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Just got back from my nightly walk and I'm gonna play some Dragon Quest XI

Should i do everyones stories together or play through with the characters I like first and then go through and do everyone else?

>Foot infection.

Do you have diabetes user

>not using clover

What levels your party OP

Thank you and enjoy your meal.
I gotta pick that game up. Playing on steam?
The game basically railroads you to do everyone’s story due to level requirements
No, it was contracted through an accident.

>, it was contracted through an accident
You can't just say that and not tell us what kind.

Between 25-35

Hope you feel better. Is that an iPad Pro? Do you play any games on it?

Was at a job site, had boots tight and working in a hot area. Dropped Aruba switch on foot and had sweat, dirt, and stuff enter wound

Thanks. I have a few. Thinking of getting bastion

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I hope your foot infection gets cleared up.
I will finally start tales of vesperia when I get home from my work trip tomorrow.

Thanks, how are the Tales of games? Where you coming from?

>chrono trigger
You monster

I wouldn't know since it is my first tales game. Stuck in Riverside, CA

It's not that bad.

Not a fan of the iOS ports but they’re fun to jump into when I’m riding metro, Uber or taxi depending on the city I’m in.

I’ve always been interested to try them out. Did you get to see the super bloom?

waiting for the semester to end so I can catch up on my back log, Hotel dusk, xenoblade 1 3ds, silent hill 2 pc, DMC 3 and Castlevania Dawn of sorrow are top priority
might also replay one of the vanias on the Castlevania collection or play one of the ones that I haven't gotten yet, definitely going to be the next game I buy.

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Now you got me wanting to play hotel dusk. Is there a way to play dis games on a hacked n3ds? If not I’ll buy the game.

there is it's called TWilight menu ++
also glad I inspired someone to play this, its a great game love it but been busy so haven't had the time to finish it, very atmospheric

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I bought and played it on release but it’s due time I jump back on it. You also just reminded me on Contact.

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You look really comfy OP.

>all these hidden threads
I completely understand. Holy shit Yea Forums nowadays is aids

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Trying to make the best of it. What you playing tonight?
Just trying to find some good threads.

Did you forget to use prep?

Practicing my German by watching Anime I've already seen, but in Deutsch.

damn OP
you didnt have to kill the poor child

Dead by Daylight. Getting all my killers levelled up and all the perks/builds I want.

trying to apply to jobs but my anxiety is killing me lol

what game is this

>Foot infection.
Are you that user who posted his pic a few days ago? I think it was in battle station thread. TV in the background, some show is on, your Switch (with Octopath playing) is near your foot...?
Get well soon, user!

Was in the same boat as you a couple of months ago, I found a good job surprisingly fast, just keep pushing brother, you'll make it.



If you’re in the hospital, than how are you able to take that picture and uploaded it here?

Via his phone?

Hospitals in America have free wifi.

My roommate said that games great. Always wanted to check it out.
Best of luck user, hopefully you get quick responses.
Yeah, that’s me.
My phone

That shit sucks. Get well soon, faget

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I’ll try, broski.

MRSA? Diabetic foot ulcer? Are you a cop?

Some block Yea Forums.
What do you mean by foot infection? Diabetes? Either way hope you feel better

Flesh-eating disease
Also called: Necrotizing fasciitis

Hows your perineum holding up?

Wtf dude

Do u actually have nec fasc? Or do u have cellulitis or osteomyelitis

Cellulitis initially. Cultures found feb

so is there an exact date of when are you going to die bro??

I hope not

Man i've been trying to get Octopath for like 2 months but all sore near me ran out. Should I cave in and buy digital?

>because I'm too poor
Why would I be envious of someone who doesn't have to pay anything because they don't have anything?

Once again I'll ask because the mad trannie deleted my post: if you're a burger, how does it feel knowing that whatever the bill I know I'll never pay for hospital in Yurope?

PS: fuck you trannie-jannie, let's make the 40% a 100%.

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Because even some smelly moneyless/ homeless cunt will be awarded a free operation here. Meanwhile you have to sell your house in muttland if you have something as serious as a broken nose

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Nobody cares about EuroNiggers

I love Octopath. Also a shame that Alfyn can't treat you in real life.
But I wish you well.

When I played anything in hospital I was always asked if I played fortnite. It got pretty annoying


You replied, Pedro. Obviously, you care.

Had a shitton of gold coins on the eShop and impulse bought VA-11 HALL-A. what should I expect?

Feel better OP. Gotta get back to Octopath. Dropped it because it was kicking my ass once I got to the second chapters

>you have to sell your house.
But I dont though.
And I dont understand your point. You cant afford a house. You say so yourself. What's even your point?