Akagi the PS2 mahjong game.
Akagi the PS2 mahjong game
Other urls found in this thread:
Should I watch this or Kaiji first?
did mods get pissy about majsou threads?
If you're specifically interested in Mahjong, Akagi. If you're looking for more of a general suspense/drama anime, Kaiji.
This is clearly the PS2 mahjong game Akagi, janny-san.
>Been avoiding deal-ins all game
>Can't catch a good hand though so I've just been bleeding out to tsumos
>Start with 2 green dragon in all last, green dragon is dora
>Draw the third dragon
>Look at all my other tiles
>I've got a fucking all triplets going
I prefer Mahjong Triple Wars but to each his own I guess.
Look what I got. If you play with 5 heart bond character, all your +60/+40 from games accumulate and eventually you get the exp as a blue gift item (1000 bond exp, 5 dust). I think it was faster that actual +40 out of 1000 but still kinda slow.
Tetsuya game is more fun and cuhrayzee
must watch
When will we get a Kaiji mahjong game?
Kaiji is a different beast. Akagi is strictly mahjong, Kaiji is Kaiji gambling in multiple different games. Season 2 for example has him sit in front of a pachinko machine for a while and he also plays cee-lo.
>Emoting before you call tsumo so that they all know they're fucked
Not a better feeling in the world, fellow mahjocks.
Made this for
if you're still here.
All the bond costumes.
Akagi played tehonbiki too
when we get season 3
>Emote before Ronnya
>Press skip by accident
I deserve it for being a nyagger
Everything is great besides Koromo lolishit
how do you get these?
Bottom third of this image.
>start playing silver room games
>always get 3rd or 4th
>lose motivation to play more and more
I'm not even playing bad everyone is getting tenpai before me.
I watched Akagi before I knew how Mahjohng worked, enjoyed it, after I learned how it worked, really enjoyed it.
I've tried to watch Kaiji after both attempts, gave up after a dozen episodes both times.
I don't think the orb drops are rare at all, I've literally gotten one every single box in silver
Pretty sure they're actaulyl guaranteed
Majsoul Friends Room 57271(4-Player East): mahjongsoul.game.yo-star.com
get in
>Huge improvement
-titty nee-san
man its two wind room but people are dying too fast lol
i like beer-san
one more nyagger spot
My bad then. All you ever see for Akagi is mahjong.
If they added male characters to Majsoul, but they were Akagi, Washizu and Ten/Kaiji
Would you roll for them?
is this game from OP?
Awakened Not-Luka is some laziest shit. You would think 1) an idol 2) with fancy clothes addiction - would look the best, but they just drew her shopping and call it a day. Classic case where the lore fucked up everything.
If any nig ever makes all simples or all terminals closed hand only. I swear to fucking god
how do you deal with being a lucklet? no matter what, if i discard something because it seems useless, i will draw something that would have made it useful like 1-2 turns later
this even happens in the efficiency trainer
I've seen 2 out of five boxes. It's usually a green gift plus a blue or another green gift.
anyone know what the gacha rate is like for characters?
Nope, it's a Yakuza game for the PSP. The second one specifically since that one lets you play mahjong in it.
nah, that's the yakuza game that came out for the PSP like a decade ago
>those bare legs
>mfw moralfags are in my presence
Learn tile efficiency.
this happens even when i get a 100% on the efficiency traIner
my discards look so sad every time
Read nigger.
5% and 6 possible. You CAN get dupes.
What's your "my hand sucks ass" catchphrase?
spend the rest of the your games going for nothing but pinfu and i guarantee that you will wind up in gold by the end of the week
time rules are fucking dumb
I was born a nyagger and I will die a nyagger
written 5% realistically 0%
I did 20 rolls and got 3 decorations
Hey, at least you cant get repeated cat and hag
>i will draw something that would have made it useful like 1-2 turns later
19/20 times when I get 1shanten from 7pairs this shit happens for a dozen draws in a row. You just need to play enough and eventually you'll lucksack the shit out of somebody and feel dirty.
>tfw can't read the pool
You're retarded, I got a character after 3 rolls but that doesn't mean it's 33%, it's just RNG.
>Rolling Washizu and draining the blood of the filthy Nyaggers who cross my path
10/10 idea.
That purple table is nice...
i want a character voiced by wakamoto
i would go into debt to get him
They will never add that, this game doesn't make enough money to buy famous chars. Or they wouldn't rip off Koromo.
No, you're retarded. You getting lucky doesn't mean that others will get a character as well. Stop recommending it.
>cat calls on first discard
>it's not even yakuhai
My sides, like fucking clockwork.
Look at the VAs are you kidding
call my name and save me from the dark
It's a casual game of people only from this thread so they'll play for the memes, it's not really surprising
What a poorly timed screenshot
>those tiles and that table
that's exactly his point. He says your experience of no draws in 3 pulls doesn't mean jackshit, faggot.
>math is too hard
That's why you're losing so much.
This is where most of their budget went. Look at how it's just 4 seiuus for 8 characters, too.
user, I have to think of the advertisers
>newest Kaiji arc is just about running away with the money because the Yakuza are mad pissed
>no one can do the math and visibly see that Kaiji saved Kazuya's life even after having every right to kill him
wat is even happening
what do orbs do?
>Lacking budget
someone just got 8 dora in a single kan
he had a shot a his seat wind as well, my guess is he was simply trying to score a cheap and quick win to rotate seats since he's 14k ahead.
damn mang i always screw the yunko
Yostar is just the publisher bro.
I'd never recommend anyone rolling for characters but nice strawman.
>written 5% realistically 0%
Written 5% and realistically 5%, I don't know why you expected to get a character after 20 rolls with a 5% chance, maybe take a statistics class or two?
I'll even help you out, look up Binominal Distribution, P=0.05, N=20,X=1
>read up on suji
>recognize discard patterns for shitter hands like tanyao and chanta
>don't drop a 5 after someone riichis unless they've either dropped it themselves or someone was dumb enough to test the waters for you
it's not that hard
why am I in south 1 during an east game?
I did this a while ago but I don't think anyone even noticed what the screenshot was supposed to be
If nobody's over 30k, you go into extra rounds.
I would love to have a character voiced by Akagi's VA. That alone would make me go in hard for him. It would even get me to spend money outside of the first time bonus packs
30k rule, read the room info
The time rules are a fucking abortion dude I just want to relax not have the fucking thing beep at me
Default rules are nobody wins until 1st is above 30k or after south4 in an east only game.
it might seem tough at first but you'll get used to the pace
Get you some friends and play irl then
You do have friends, right?
At least im getting to be consistent. Its hard to win a game when some asshole RIICHI IPPATSU 6DORA PINFU on draw three -every- fucking game and starts with 5k points or some shit.
It's not that it's just that I can't even glance at another tab without it giving me a call option and most of the buffer disappearing
I thought they were pretty okay. They remind me of Tenhou's time rules
>always go for big dick hands
Are you Pornhub-kun?
If you tab out unless you're in autopilot you have no right complaining.
>discard something
>get the same thing again
>discard it again
>get another one
fuck this shit ree
Who doesn't have multiple monitors?
At least you're not this guy.
The sands at the bottom of hell.
>almost 5am
>can't stop playing
If I knew mahjong would be so addicting I would never touch it. Now I can only go deeper. FUCK
Sorry, but we all have short attention spans here. You have to make your decision in 5 seconds or else you're too fucking slow to play.
Go to bed.
Well at least in this game you got to save your call option till your times run out. Tenhou fucking *cancels* the call automatically if you are absent on the tab. Including the situation where you didn't press "autoron", so you will miss the win and be welcomed on furiten wild ride.
And were you expecting Teiai to show compassion at this point of the manga? The escape arc is cool imo, at least Kaiji finally has people to call friends and doesn't spend the whole chapter making anguished faces at cards/tiles.
>RIICHI IPPATSU 6DORA PINFU on draw three -every- fucking game
This honestly isn't that big of an issue if you play South rooms. East rooms games are pretty much over the second someone gets a hand over 5k because everyone either folds afterwards or take turns getting slapped into 4th place for opening their hands and playing in.
It's too late for you now. The only option is to descend even further into the darkness.
I think I’m done with this game, bros.
You really really need to try sanma with this attitude. While it's not turned on on S*ul yet, get to it with Sega MJ.
why would you have to accept tenhou.... what situation would someone not want to win from it immediately
how does one do custom playing tables?
Where is that one guide they had on that mega thread last week. I wanna learn how to play
Well, I guess playing Mahjong only requires one hand anyways.
There are some rare situations. Like if it's the last hand and in order to get out of 4th you need to win on a specific tile, and someone discards a different one that you also have a wait on.
It's possible to make a champion-tier AI for riichi mahjong. Don't give up you meatbag.
I hope you're planning on whaling for autismo with a name like that.
Dude, how is that even possible?
If you mean the custom images you need to download the desktop client, which some guy made compatible with the english version. If you just mean different color tablecloths those are from the gacha but only you see it.
isnt tenhou a tsumo
i dont see how you can get a yakuman and still be in last place
Like if I'm playing in 7447 with Yea Forums, riichi'd and went to read some related shitposting and forgot to press "autoron".
Washizu mahjong in mahjong soul when
He was talking about the client tenhou, not the yakuman tenhou.
Anyone here gotten over 70k in ranked?
oh well i feel stupid now
>one of those TOKI WO TOMARE glitched pics.jpg
Never, it's a 2vs2 game and requires build-in tools for the teamplay.
We should slap anime titties on real world problems to make incels solve them and be an actual benefit to the world.
Okay, maybe it's time to go to sleep.
My first Chiitoitsu boys!!
Why wait until tomorrow if you can do it now?
Why does it give you the option to pon or ron when its a winning tile?
Because being tired doesn't help with getting good scores.
>7 pairs landing 2 uras
There's nothing in the rules stopping you from pon. You almost never want to do it, but the client tries to give you every legal option you have in a real game.
Because unless you riichi'd, you can change your hand?
does anyone have the drobox with all the stickers?
Wait you can get gifts...
God dammit.
and again!!
Convince me not to spend $15 to get a waifu.
I can't get good draws in game so I made you guys one instead
at least you can kind of do stuff with pon
as a nyagger I can't even bring myself to chii, it almost always makes your hand even shittier
How the fuck are you supposed to figure out your hand in 5 fucking seconds, AND watch what everyone else is playing at the same time???
It's impossible.
I just start dropping the winds and dragons at the start no matter what, and hope I have enough of them to last until I figure out what I can actually do with my hand. Even if I figure that out I don't have the slightest fucking chance to check what anyone else is doing. Jesus christ, I can barely handle playing against AIs, I'm never even going to be able to touch ranked.
damn thats good
You’ll need more than 15
You'll spend 200$
5 seconds doesn't sound like a lot when you type it, but it's really a lot of time if you count it out
Because your wife is already free nya~
you wish
$15 is enough to do the summon 10x thing and that says it guarantees you one character.
The list, post the list
>one 10 roll
You have a 40% chance of getting one. Good luck.
Damn son well done. You got a twitter?
>guarantees you one character.
Gifts are not characters, user.
No, 5% x 10 is 50%, and let's just say I'm a lucky man.
whats the 99~ chance
>5% x 10 is 50%
Is this game mobile only, or is there a PC version or something? I don't want to bother emulating a phone.
this. They could have had my money but thwy already gave me best girl
You can play it in browser
Sorry no, I just like to draw for anons
Go to college and take a stats class, brainlet.
90 rolls.
The 100% chance is 150 rolls since you can buy it with Faith(1 per roll and 150 for 1 character)
runs on browsers
Do you have a room temp IQ?
memorize some easier yaku before you jump in. When you get your tiles just think about what yaku is closest and go for it. if you can't do that just play with every hand closed and go for a basic riichi with 4 melds and a pair which is so simple a baby could figure it out.
The absolute state of tanyao nyaggers
Then thank you for enriching our culture with your oc user who shall remain nameless. It's really good.
wtf I am doing so wrong?
i had a triplet i draw a 3, had full sequence and pairs yet nothing happens.
I cant be that stupid.
South round
No red dora
No open tanyao
35k min to win
come play with me nyaa
no yaku
Look up what furiten means.
>No red dora
>No open tanyao
Don't open your hand before you make a yaku nyaa
>No red dora
>No open tanyao
Who hurt you
Don't make calls if you don't know what you're doing.
you were going for a shitty open tanyao but the 789 prevents you from claiming it, you'd need a 678 instead or something like that
nyagger filter
Just saying it only makes you look like a noob that can't even play around an open tanyao
and red doras add more depth to decision making so I don't know why you would disable those either
how the FUCK are you supposed to be able to achieve big four winds
Nice. Pretty sure those hair clips are on the wrong side though.
>open up mahjousoul.exe
>The match in this room has started
Always late
git luk
>No open tanyao
Get two of each wind in your opening hand, ez.
I know all the basic Yaku and shit, none of that is a problem, the problem is figuring it out in 5 seconds. There's so many different things that affect which tile to discard. you have to mentally separate everything into different potential melds, check if any of them share the same wait, how many pairs you have, the potential value considering doras and any of the possible yakus you could go for, and that's all before you even look at the table to compare how many tiles of each wait are even left.
I can do tile efficiency, but not in 5 fucking seconds. I don't know how anyone can.
I can just barely rush decisions every turn and move vaguely in the direction of completing a hand, but I'm sure half of those decisions are actually wrong, and I don't even get time to wonder before I'm throwing another tile away. I certainly don't have time to think about anyone else's hand and consider any kind of strategy or anything along those lines, either.
Is this bait?
Can't be late if you make your own room.
I was looking at her emotes for reference and I think she has them on both sides, but you might be right
Majsoul Friends Room 36283(4-Player South): mahjongsoul.game.yo-star.com
standard rules
if I'm going for an all simples hand and let's say I have 7 and 8 and I draw a 9 that puts me in tenpai but I discard it and wait for a 6 would that put me in furiten?
Hmm I am finding in gold the main reason I can't stay or take first is because I don't do enough points on hands to actually stay in a healthy 1st position. Feels really difficult to stay in first if you don't have an overwhelming lead, where it's pretty much clawing your way up. Not only that, but if you don't have a healthy lead on 3rd or 4th, they can easily overtake you in the last round. Feels a lot harder.
woah thks m8
Pretty fucking good.
The more you play the faster you'll get.
This game has so many tips that 5 secs is very doable, I rarely take the full 5 secs.
She looks more scared than mix of smug and sinister from original, probably because the brows are going downward in the middle of each other instead of sharply down near nose.
>English translated game
>everything is still japanese romanji
Ok, I always thought that you could only go into furiten if you discarded the exact tile you wanted to win, now it makes sense.
I guess it's kinda risky to have a 7-8 or 2-3 tiles if you want to go all simples.
Post the gif of the cat going Pon Chii Pon Chii - No Yaku - Furiten
>every single yaku in english
>directions literally turned into EWNS
clean your brain cells bro
i still wanna eat mahjong tiles
okay fatty
>Eat a big hand in round 1
>It was a 50% toss-up on the discard to get me into tenpai and I chose wrong
>Now in last
>Entire rest of the game the third place nyagger just gets open yakuhai and tanyao's so I can't get any of my points back
>Fucker isn't even trying to get out of third, is literally just slamming Ron on 1000 point hands
Yea Forums's Mahjong Expedition
>What the fuck is a "mah jong" and why are this anime tiddies so lit?
>What the fuck is a "yaku"? What is this furiten mean?
>I think I'm starting to understand this guys. I even managed to pull a Ron on someone!
>Holy shit, I understand what Akagi is doing now!
>What? You're in permanent furiten if you Riichi? THAT'S BULLSHIT!
>Open Tanyao isn't a hand, it's a way of life.
>Okay seriously these fucking chink Nyaggers need to stop with this open tannyao bullshit, I want to make bigger hands
>Holy shit, I stomped on some dumb cat with this bullshit baiman! This is the best game ever!
>Guys I woke up today and played Mahjong for 8 hours. You said this was clean easy fun, Yea Forums. YOU SAID THIS WAS CLEAN, EASY FUN.
DAY 10
>I actually don't understand what the fuck Akagi is doing anymore.
DAY 11
>Dora was a mistake.
DAY 12
>Mahjong is probably the greatest game that has ever been created. It is truly a deep and rewarding game fit only for the most intelligent of people who still wish to seek that element of risk and luck in their game. What an absolutely wonderful time had by all, and I love all of you.
DAY 12.5
DAY 13
>So I've been spending the last 6 hours looking up where to buy a real Mahjong set...
Press F to pay respects
you have to go back
>>It was a % toss-up on the discard to get me into tenpai and I chose wrong
>>Now in last
this is where you lost the game
nobody decent would let you climb back up after that point
improve yourself and get out of silver
>opening hand
>8,9 pin
>1,2 sou
>1,2 man
FUCK these fucking terminals and FUCK this game
>this is where you lost the game
Yeah no shit.
I could understand it if first or second going for these shitty speed hands, but it was the third place nyagger.
Go for chanta faggot
Don't hate him for pushing you down, old hag. You have a spot nobody wants
>not going for chanta
>not going for junchan
>not going for 13 orphans
Kind of accurate. Right now between 6 and 7 and watching Akagi/playing/practicing efficiency in my free time
mahjong makes no sense why is it so complicated
>tfw played 4 games against easy ai and cant win
>making a giant mess of your tiles just to look cool
You have to shuffle them anyway so yes, make a mess.
Why the fuck can I get Sanankou with an opened hand? What does the word "concealed" mean then in this context?
I only watched half of Kaiji first season and stopped after I spoiled myself seeing it ends in a bad end, is it worth watching second season?
It means the triplets themselves were concealed, so you have to have them already in your hand or finish one with a tsumo. The key difference here is closed vs concealed. You can call your fourth meld but still have three concealed triplets for the other three melds and you'll get the yaku for it.
I feel great
Just nyaa'd some fags with my back to back baiman and haneman while emoting the smug face
Seeing chinks use the crying cat emote gives me so much joy
Bronze room
I looked it up. If I'm understanding this correctly I can get this Yaku with an open hand as long as the 3 triplets themselves are concealed?
Sure, it's still fun to see how things unfold, how he gets challenged, how the various people manage to screw him over, etc.
Seconding this request. I picked up the chinese one on the first day, but now I'm seeing the English ones rolling around and I want.
Caught me right before bed
My friend, you are a hero. Thank you.
This is stupid, she is a shrine maiden, not my servant.
Concealed means the tiles you have in your hand that haven't been pon or chi. yet. As long as you have triplets of each suit, you can achieve it. It's not a hard Yaku to achieve.
She's about to deal into a baiman
>As long as you have triplets of each suit
suits don't matter for sanankou
The triplets are concealed. If you call a sequence, the triplets are still concealed.
However, if you Ron some nigga with only 2 full triplets in your hand and you finished the third triplet with the ron, it isnt concealed
This emote got me to pull my wallet out when i saw it. I was lucky and got her in 3 10 pulls.
Time for a lobby
How much should I be focusing on dora when making my hand?
Imagine eating chinese matchbox tiles.
they're japanese!!!!!!!
I'm still hunting for the english versions of this and Nadeshiko's "fascinating"
As always, it depends. if the hand has little value, you should focus on dora more. If it has higher value, you should value efficiency more.
>go for toitoi
>3 of the tiles im waiting for are in the kan wall
god fucking dammit
Yes. Also, a big asterisk to this, you can't have the triplets open for ANYTHING, even a Ron. So if you have 4 Concealed Triplets tenpai, and you're on a pair wait for the last tile, if you Ron, you'll only have 3 Concealed Triplets - All Triplets.
Can someone help a bro out?
Akagi- anime or manga?
Kaji- anime or manga?
Yeah yours are, but i m a g i n e
the anime for both are great
Both of them: Anime, and then when they stop, try to find the jumping off point and dive into the manga.
lmao I'm not saki I guess
Thank you user!
When adding red dora, do you replace one of each regular five with a red one or is there an extra? I ducked up and got a Chinese set instead of a Japanese one, still a great investment though.
Kaiji anime only covers first two parts, Akagi anime ends abruptly partway into the final arc.
Actually up to you. Japanese sets come with 4 red tiles. 2x Red 5pin. Normally, they only replace one tile, but some madmen actually replace the 2nd 5pin as well. Your choice.
the anime adaptations are very faithful to autistic fukumoto pacing and style plus they have great soundtrack and voice work. do like said.
But the tiles are still replaced, yeah? Not like you have four regular 5p then a red 5p? Because I could just mark one of each five with something easily removable so I don't have to get a second set?
Get in for FUN
Majsoul Friends Room 19728(4-Player South): mahjongsoul.game.yo-star.com
nyaggers unit
Replaced, yes. And if you're adding two red 5pin, you replace two regular 5pin.
I fully admit I came (heh) for the tits and stayed for the bullshit.
Yeah, it's always four of every tile. You just take out one of each 5 and replace it with a red one.
Some people paint the red fives onto chinese sets, but either way it's an optional rule so it's not like you're not playing the true game or anything.
Aka dora is fun though
I have been playing for a week and just today learned you could have Pinfu and Tanyo at the same time. I wish the game made that more apparent, would have played more conservatively had I known.
Akagi - anime, next flip through Akagi manga till the place anime ends for small character development differences, manga Akagi, next manga Ten Tenhou doori no kaidanji as the part of the same story. Next you could go Hiroyuki's from Ten spin off by assistant of FKMT because translators undropped it and it's nice, save for weak very beginning. This universe is separate from Kaiji. If by chance you happen to know Japanese there are also two complete mangas about younger sane Washizu.
Kaiji - watch all anime, next parts 3-6 manga, and read the manga first two animated parts years later for small to a bit bigger differences. Next you may watch Tonegawa just for shits and giggles and read it and Ootsuki's manga if you know nip.
Why would you not be able to?
ggs everyone it came down to me trying to pull some magic off the dead wall
any guides on how to improve your luck?
thanks bros, guess I'll have something to watch during my ban.
take off your underwear while playing
grow a longer nose
Yeah, I don't wanna paint over my set, because it's fucking beautiful (got it for a good price too), so I might just use a sticker or something for playing JP mahjong. Not like I'm interested in CH mahjong anyway.
I also put in like 4 richii sticks for you but yeah ggs all
>that kan into 5pin in the last game
Look it just never occurred to me to try to "stack" yaku like that. I thought it was like you can only aim for one and can get special ones like "under the river/sea/dora" on top of it as a bonus.
>No Yaku?
I'm fucking dead.
I guess that would be something people might not think of especially since stuff like poker just takes your one highest one.
But yeah, they almost all stack except for ones that are mutually exclusive by nature. That's a lot of the fun of building a hand.
How do you play for a week and not see at least one person stacking yaku into a decent hand
>Last hand
>Nyagger brainlet calls Ron on a Yakuhai and ends the game
Thanks for the points.
>red 5s
>some dumb dead wall bag
what a nyagger
cats > hags
>follow these threads and learn about dumb nyaggers calling everything for no reason
>know not to do that when i start
>start playing
>end up picking nyagger and doing the same thing
you're supposed to play with a bag because you could know what's on the dead wall if it was seeable
if you learn to always look out if people drop tiles out of their hand vs drop-what-they-draw, you will shit on the following dudes
>my tenpai is too expensive to riichi
>my wait is too shit to riichi
>gg let's fake one suit hand~
both your luck and skill would increase.
>my wait is too shit to riichi
is that a thing? if your wait is shit then no one will expect it
are there translations of whole Kaiji manga? I did try looking up for them but could only see halfway through the janken game
Completely completed and up to date with the ongoing, which part exactly you can't find, I'll steal it from madokami and add to mediafire
difference between a current round wind and seat's wind?
basically none
One is based on round and one is based on seat
I'm sorry Epoc, I truly wish I would've nailed a nyagger with that final stroke of luck.
A sanshoku with a hole 34567 tile wait which is almost dead. A wait specifically on dora early- to midgame. Dunno sometimes it happens.
Local hag found murdered by her cats, more at 11
A seat wind tile only has value to one player, a round wind tile has value to everyone
God I want a group of retarded cats to gangbang rape me so bad
just make a general and fuck off to /vg/
uradora was a mistake
congrats on winning the dora lottery
And this is why you don't call kan for no reason
>decide to play a short game before bed
>pick east-only
>a thousand hours later
>nobody can seem to breach that 30k
I'm just glad we didn't get into the west round...
someone repost that dora lottery manga page
>tfw bought a mahjong set and have all these 1k point sticks and just want to go around declaring riichi and throwing them at things+people
user are you ok
you right
Good job, saved.
I'm a mahjong fag and I agree. If we keep making the thread over and over daily, shouldn't it make sense to make this a general instead?
That's not how it works.
How old are you guys anyway if mere 24 is a hag to ya?
/vg/ is bad, so no
Jannies deleted my accurate post over this thread. Fags.
It's common knowledge if a thread goes to /vg/ it dies. I post in these threads regularly but if it went to /vg/ I wouldn't go.
>guys you are talking about video games too much
on /vg/ people will have to stop talking about the game in order to spam bumps and other pointless posts, just so the thread can stand a chance to live
>I can't explain why, but you're wrong my dude :^)
you can 'trip' the tiles from behind, it takes some practice and is easier to do with two hands to keep it stable
This is the thread for the PS2 game of Akagi, bro
/jp/ has an ongoing mahjong thread
If it goes to /vg/ it will become a waifu thread.
/jp/ is even worse than /vg/
Holy shit this is amazing!
What is this?
Fuck you Marisa for clearly targeting me
Oh yeah? Well, 3.14-2e4^16.
Hags should go die nya
The tiles target who they please
Let's not do this. Okay? I'm with you guys faggots. I just think if you're gonna make the same topic with no new discussion everytime you might as well make a general. That's all.
It wouldn't be as bad if people were actually talking about the akagi mahjong game but this is a stealth mahjong soul game.
>168 cm
could have sworn she'd be taller
She is lying. She looks like she is in her late 30s
She's wearing heels.
Nice meme.
>168 cm
>taller than me
Even better.
I keep forgetting women are womanlets
I want a titjob from her so bad bros
Someone hit me with the retards guide to mahjong
>Love Mahjong
>Love Akagi and Kaiji
>Wish I had more people to talk and play with over mahjong
>All these newfags are joining in and being obnoxious over not knowing what to do
>Waifufags are fucking just flooding the board with this gay anime shit.
What fucking monkey's paw did I wish on?
Dora shit is the dumbest fucken shit ever. Literally cucking you into making specific hands.
>taller than me
This just makes me harder.
have you tried talking about mahjong
>No! How dare people ask questions about how to play!
imagine of the game had fkmtverse characters instead of generic anime girls.
>Chiwa Saitou
Time to get rid of that stupid cat.
tfw your 7-tile wait loses to a 1-tile wait
No matter how much you want to be a chink. You can't ever be accepted by your yellow girlfriend's family white boy.
what difference does it make if the picture near your name is a girl or akagi
Btw how did you change mat/tile color in TenHou? I can't into moonrunes
OR here, you are my hero
now to convert it to 555 KB somehow, is there any user knowing about compression magicks?
Majsoul Friends Room 11364(4-Player South): mahjongsoul.game.yo-star.com
>implying I'm playing this game to be a weeb
I don't eat sushi to get closer to Japan, I eat it because it's fucking tasty
>food analogies
Definitely, even if you only watch the first story arc.
I'm kinda the same old fart but having a blast with these threads.
food analogy
Typical american. Bet you only like Asian girls because they're "better" than white girls, right?
I got dealt a pretty shitty hand and my replacements are pretty shit too. How do I fold?
Only the ones with big tits
Just how and when did Kaiji escape!?
Pirated client.
It's not just moonrunes but the kinda "V-Ъ% shit every word you get without nip Windows locale
I'm 6 years into it, and trust me, it's going to be way more warped, twisted and upbeat than that.
god damn i have a garbage hand
Overt nyanning may lead to stab wounds.
How do I stop being shit? I've been stuck at Novice 3 for like 30 games now
my hand is great
If you are still there drawfag user, and are up for another spin, could you recreate famous Ainsley pose with Nyagger holding a kan of winds or red dragons?
Sounds like you have a case of the slowbrains.
Do they allow NSFW fanart?
and dont gang up pls
i will nyan where and when i please
good job showing that hag her place catbros, GGs.
>tfw 90% of the rounds in silver and above consist of making one big dick hand and then folding for the rest of the game
Asian girls are ugly as fuck, dude. Anime girls on the other hand...
I just wish I'd screencapped the double ron in time.
I'll allow it just this once.
That is fine cat, it is only in your nature. I just felt obliged to warn you of the risks.
I'm talking about on the place that mahjongsoul takes in
>delay riichi one turn
>ippatsu tsumo
This shit just gets soul crushing at how unlucky you are or having everyone ron'ing off of you every round.
Is there a way to change the account's email address? I linked my account linked to a 10 minute email but since I'm having fun I wanna keep my progress.
I wish there was an Akagi movie
Be a change you want to see in the world user. If you won't help newfriends become better in mahjong, then there will be nobody to fill that spot. And besides, anime gatcha is as good entry point as anything else, as long as core game remains intact.
And if you want to play with veterans, then make or join blitz mahjong lobbies, everyone who participates has a really good skill level.
What's the general strategy here? See your hand and aim for a type that fits?
I wish. My last gold turkey hanchan ended with the first at 45k and me at 42k
So I finally understand how to work with my shitty luck.
>Grab 2 dragon tiles like i always will
>Wait for the third one
>Grab it
>Make unsalvageable hand at least non-losing
that fucking tsumo, I had triple east and tirpple white dragon in hand
you fucked up
>highest score is a mangan
what the fuck?
imo just play in bronze without aiming to win, just aim to never deal in, without regard for your own hand. Make the game about keeping a no-deal-in streak. Eventually you'll start picking up on things subconsciously, and it'll help you decide what to discard when forming hands, and when/when not to do stupid shit.
Or just play normally, or whatever.
Have a Reimu version for possible reference
And P3 one
>last round
>in 2nd place
>get a hand good enough to overtake first place
>in riichi
>last place nyagger steals it away with some 2000 point bs
what the fuck
Why is speed so low? I'm not taking that long on my turns.
Yeah, pretty much. Just slap together whatever hand you can and if someone looks like they're in tenpai or riichis, then you start discarding safe tiles so you don't get slapped.
Mahjong is one of those games where the more you try to go for a specific hand, the less likely you are to get it since there are 3 other niggers at the table who are probably going for the exact same thing.
That's the proper response to someone calling riichi.
I just noticed, the kan that makes a rinshan kaihou doesn't open a dora?
This may not be your problem, but as a defensive player there are often hints of what another player/anyone needs and if you know you aren't winning this one you can usually at least deny anyone else the pleasure and force an exhaustive draw.
Look out for:
>Anyone repeatedly discarding their picked up tile, they -are- tenpai
>A suspicious lack of any dragons or winds if there's been at least ten discards
>A suspicious lack of a suit
>A suspicious lack of a suit in one particular person's discard pile
>No terminals discarded in a person's hand = in low-skill games they absolutely have a fucking seat/prev wind or dragon combo, or need one.
Someone better than me could definitely offer better help, but honestly there have been games where I KNOW I'm holding the tile someone needs and it's been better to ruin my own chances because I know I'll get ron'd like a bitch otherwise.
hes still last place and the game ended
what was the point
It's based on how quickly you can get a hand together, not how quickly you discard tiles.
>First place but not by a large amount
>The current last place get double ron'd by the other 2 players and sent to the shadow realm
>End up in 3rd
There's one new dude with a tenhou here and another one with 9gates, there's generally a lot of whatthefucks around. Only need one more with a suukantsu.
Wait I'm retarded. It's because you're not discarding...
What do you mean by safe tiles.
here's your starting hand bro
To ruin your fun.
What's the point of playing mahjong if you can't cheat LMAO
discard the honors
Might prove useful as a template
Just bee yourself, my man
dude go for all green i believe in you
There are rulesets where the kandora is flipped before the discard. In some cases you flip it before the dead wall draw.
Eh, that's not bad at all. It's probably just gonna be a pinfu but a win's a win.
Not that guy but:
>Suit tiles that have 3 discards are -probably- safe
>Honour tiles that have 3 discards are -almost certainly- safe (especially at novice level)
>Look for tiles where their neighbours have already been discarded
>Look in other discard piles to see if there's a pattern of dumped tiles
>Worst case scenario: If you know you have the other tiles, dumping your own pon is an option if the alternative is getting ron'd.
go for a chanta or some shit
Whelp 'least I'd have a 1% chance for Tanyo.
As a simple example, if they riichi, then you can pretty much assume that all of their discarded tiles are safe to drop since they can't ron you. If you want to figure out more about how this works then I'd suggest reading up on suji since it can help you figure out what tiles are most likely safe if they haven't discarded them yet.
possible prevalent and two leading dragons, I'd probably dump the 2 number and see where it goes.
Get rid of the dragons or eastern wind first, then if there's no second dragon before you finish discarding them, finish that and see what your hand looks like after.
That's pretty bad shape for a chanta, and there's nothing you could quickly call to speed it up. There's a chance if you go for pinfu it might veer towards junchan, though unlikely.
Guess I should try that advice with another game if anyone wants to join.
Majsoul Friends Room 70488(4-Player South): mahjongsoul.game.yo-star.com
real nibbas make their chantas with draws
drop the honours and hope to god rng blesses you with a pinfu
This ended up better than I expected even though I just wanted a fast hand
closed junchan with sanshoku is one of the sexiest yaku
Real nibbas just go for closed tsuuiisou.
Learn tile efficiency
Learn proper defense theory
>o terminals discarded in a person's hand
What about high skill games?
I didnt expect mahjong to be such a brainlet game with next to no mindgames.
Its just a lot of memorization and then its painting by numbers.
Damn fucking right it is.
>Double Riichi!
In expert level Mahjong, you should generally expect that if you Riichi, no one around you will deal into your hand, so you should draw your tile yourself.
>with no mindgames
t. bronzeshitter
>this thread
>expert level Mahjong
o i am laffin
Wait why is Dark Schneider and Gara in a mahjong game?
Hold onto those dragons as if your life depended on them. After the first set shows up, go all in. It'll be scrappy, but you gotta do what you gotta do.
>last 8man in the game
>throw it away
why the FUCK
How the fuck does one dumb cat get so lucky?
I think I just peaked, boys. This felt so good.
new room Majsoul Friends Room 19538(4-Player South): mahjongsoul.game.yo-star.com
Nice reds.
also why the game was so long, I think I fucked up the settings.
2/4 now
How do I get this?
>Suit tiles that have 3 discards are -probably- safe
This does nothing to protect against ryanmen waits, the most common type in the game
>Look for tiles where their neighbours have already been discarded
Tiles next to the ones close to the point where the opponent called riichi are very dangerous
Say you have something like a 445, you discard the 4, and call riichi. 3 and 6 are the tile you're waiting on. With your advice, someone will deal the 3 and die immediately
>Worst case scenario: If you know you have the other tiles, dumping your own pon is an option if the alternative is getting ron'd.
This only kind of works in the scenario where every single tile you have is dangerous, so you might as well pick one that lets you live for 2 more turns if it passes
this hasn't been made? just use your period on a pillow and dont wash it
gys bros
(gys = good yakuhais)
Just buy a normal white body pillow and color the center like the upside-down japanese flag
Dumb cat, winning all the important games with tanyao and like 12 doras up the ass. Karma demands that you'll get hit by a car or some shit.
get in here, I need my revenge.
so what happens if you get to expert rank or above and run out of coppers? can you only play friendly matches?
Don't even expect to win. just glad I got here
Yes. The revival tokens becomes 9000
i only had tanyao like once cmon now, it wasn't even open
also yeah i lucked out on doras that game, that's fair
>Don't even expect to win
why riichi then
to show resolve
free sex
What's the best comprehensive rule booklet for Riichi? I want to print something out to teach people and half on hand for rule disputes and what not for live games. I know the rules, but I'm hoping someone typed out everything for me.
>All these newfags are joining in and being obnoxious over not knowing what to do
Then help them out!
I love teaching people stuff, especially when it comes to buying sets and irl equipment so I've been loving these threads
I've been in tenpai during 2 kans, give me my fucking rinshan kaiho*
is that fucking Leif?
>cat kans before the riichi stick is even on the table
There's a bootleg daki site in buyf/a/g guide which will print you whatever you give them.
discard the 6m
I think this is probably one of the more print-friendly yaku lists you're going to find. As for a rule booklet, I remember some user from /jp/ typing out a 20 page long guide that summarized the rules pretty succinctly. I'll see if I still have that saved somewhere.
>not discarding the 8p
I didn't see the 7p in the pond
fuck you
someone make a room i dont wanna play the chinks
Fuck me for trying to play while in fever with tablet and misclicking discard and playing in to some bullshit hamehamenahenangan
That wouldn't matter. You're breaking up a potential pair for a tile with nothing around it. If you draw a 3/6 man, you can riichi into the 3p for an open wait. If you draw a 2/5p, you can still have your own wait on the 3/6man. If you draw a 3p, you can discard the 4p for the man wait. If you draw a 4m or 5m, you can discard the 4p and have a Pure Double Sequence in the hand.
8p is just a bad p.
Alright, so it came out closer to around 26 pages, but you could probably trim it down a bit without excluding much.
pair on top of a sequence is bad karma
you just cant be doing that
Thanks. I'll take a look over it. I'm also looking over EMA and WRC rules to see if they're likable enough for me to present them.
>Talking about flow
>He doesn't even have an open hole in his home for the Earth spirit dragons to be able to wander through them back home
why can't this game give me dailies regularly like a normal gacha kusoge instead of giving me 2 every other day
>play only dailies pretty much
>999+ place on JP server
>348 place on NA server
It's a new client attracting new players, if you shelf it in /vg/ you lose that growth.
>still using the slutty cat
Why? You have a better girl available
gg Hrimfaxi. Crazy meeting you in an actual ranked lobby
yeah was pretty surprising, was going for a dora pon on that last hand but i just took the ron. GG.
Never mind, I am horrible and don't deserve to play this.
it's a hard game to actually get good at, don't worry too much about losing
gg boys going to sleep. intense game.
lol did that guy realize zeroing that one would lose him the game?
>when you luckshit a big hand early on and coast to second
Feels good nyaan.
>when 20 draws pass without a single pon kan or chii
>win big hand first round
>play lame as shit afterwards
>game ends with an exhaustive draw, no ten
>everybody panics in the last 5 turns and start calling only to get in tenpai
You absolutely should do this.
You should be doing this from the last 8 turns, mostly to avoid noten, but also because you might hit on Ryoutei
Why'd you turn down the potential 13 orphans...
cuckushi shitshow is a meme hand and you should never go for it unless you're sitting in dead last with 500pts and have literally nothing to lose
whats ryoutei
Under the River/Sea. When you win by the last tile in the live wall. It's a 1 han yaku.